Anatoly Kuzichev, "Kommersant FM": "Our listeners have" teeth "because we do not chew information." Time will tell on the first channel - Ukrainian blackmail

Anatoly Kuzichev, whose biography is full of bright pages, always amazed his loved ones and people working next to him with his devotion to the profession of a journalist, radio and TV presenter, the ability to give himself to her without a trace, to love her boundlessly.

Facts from the life of a radio host

Anatoly Kuzichev was born in Moscow on May 15, 1969. Service in the Navy of the USSR gave three years - from 1987 to 1990. Shortly after the end of the service, fate brought him to the radio, where he successfully passed the selection. The beginning of the career of the presenter and DJ at the radio stations "Nostalgie", "Radio Rocks", "Panorama" dates back to 1993. From that moment on, his life will be inextricably linked with radio and television.

In the early 2000s, Anatoly Kuzichev went to work on television, where he hosted the programs Day by Day (TV-6 channel) and Good Morning on the ORT channel. At the same time, he works as the host of the entertainment program "Big Swimming" (TRVK "Moskovia").

Since 2004, he again captures the work on the radio. Anatoly Kuzichev receives an offer from the Ekho Moskvy radio station, where he will work as a columnist for two years. In 2007, he will take the post of program director of the Mayak radio station.

At the same time, Anatoly Kuzichev is developing a new project - the Vesti FM information radio station. In 2008, he becomes her chief producer. At the same time, Kuzichev continues to work as a radio host, participates in the creation of new programs and projects. Some of them are widely known among radio listeners and TV viewers: the scientific and educational program "Science 2.0", the project "Glavradio", the program "Prevention" and many others.

In March 2014, Anatoly Kuzichev ceased his activities at Mayak Radio, which many radio listeners regret very much. And in April, he headed the Kommersant FM radio station as a general producer.

Anatoly Kuzichev and his wife are not colleagues, but she always supports her husband, classifying herself as a regular listener of his broadcasts. The support of family and friends is an important condition for success.

His dedication, understanding of the situation, organizational talent and great love for the work he is doing helped Kuzichev to go through a path of 20 years from a simple DJ and program host to the highest leadership positions on the radio.

Why Radio

Journalists, communicating with Anatoly Kuzichev, invariably ask him why he is so devoted to radio.

Answering a question, Kuzichev always recalls the historical role of radio in the life of Soviet people. Not a single significant event in the world passed by radio stations. So it was before, so it is now.

Anatoly Kuzichev considers radio the most lively mass media. Only on the radio there is a constant live broadcast with the communication of the host of the program and the radio listener.

But live broadcasting imposes on the radio host and everyone who releases the program a certain responsibility for everything that happens in the studio. You can't do without high professionalism here.

What is radio station "Mayak"

According to Anatoly Kuzichev, radio "Mayak" is not just a radio station, but a kind of broadcasting system that has existed for more than 40 years. During such a period, broadcasting traditions, a special culture of presenters were formed, authority was gained from radio listeners.

Modern presenters and other broadcast specialists must comply with this, since the radio station has been and remains the country's main information radio channel.

The main secrets of high ratings

Professionals of such a level as Anatoly Kuzichev undoubtedly know all the secrets of modern radio, including the main one - how to achieve high radio ratings.

Equally important is journalism. She must be lively, talented, unexpected.

Free communication of presenters with radio listeners, the possibility of creativity, improvisation is another secret of increasing

To choose a radio format is to choose an audience of listeners. This circumstance greatly increases the popularity of the radio channel.

What is the future of radio?

Skeptics foretell the imminent disappearance of radio from our lives. According to those who work there, and according to the results of special studies, it can be concluded that this will not happen soon, and perhaps never will happen at all. Of course, the radio will change, it changes with time and is affected by the latest technologies in the field of communications.

Anatoly Kuzichev and his colleagues believe that radio stations can be different in their content, the format of communication with radio listeners. The culture of broadcasting, the professionalism of journalists and hosts, and respect for the person should remain unchanged.

Radio as the most efficient source of new information and a live interlocutor will live for a very long time.

Born May 15, 1969 in Moscow. Regarding education, he said about himself: "I am personally a sociologist and a builder by education." From 1987 to 1990 he served in the Navy of the USSR, on the ship "Marshal Nedelin" (military unit 20252).

He began his career as a radio presenter in 1993. He worked as a DJ at the radio stations "Panorama", "Radio Rocks", "Nostalgia".
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Kuzichev worked on TV-6 Moscow, where he hosted the Day after Day program.
From October 2001 to June 2002, together with Anastasia Chernobrovina, she hosts the Big Swimming infotainment program on Channel Three (TRVK Moskovia), which occupied part of the airtime in Moscow on the TVC channel (a number of sources erroneously indicate that the program aired on TVC channel). Then Kuzichev switches to the ORT channel in the Good Morning program.

From 2004 to 2006, he worked as a columnist for the Ekho Moskvy radio station.
In 2007, he joined the VGTRK holding as a program director for Mayak radio. After the reformatting of Mayak, he is engaged in the creation of a new information radio station, Vesti FM, on the basis of the Broadcasting Directorate of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Since February 5, 2008, Anatoly Kuzichev has been the chief producer of the Vesti FM radio station, where he also hosts the program Internet Cafe Sob@ka with Maxim Kononenko, and the program Avtorazborki for motorists. Participates in the creation of Tina Kandelaki's program "Alternatina".
In 2009, on Vesti FM, together with Dmitry Itskovich, he leads the scientific and educational program "Science 2.0". On December 25, 2010, the television version of the Science 2.0 program, also hosted by Kuzichev and Itskovich, began airing on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

In early 2011, the VGTRK holding launches the Glavradio project, which is broadcast online simultaneously on the air of three radio stations of the holding - Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Russia. Initially, the show was hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, Sergey Minaev, Sergey Stillavin, Tatyana Ustinova, Mikhail Veller and Anatoly Kuzichev. Subsequently, the “canonical composition” of Glavradio (from 2012 until the closure in 2014) began to be considered the trio Mikhail Leontiev, Mikhail Yuryev and Anatoly Kuzichev. live on YouTube channel.
In the spring of 2011, Anatoly Kuzichev, together with Alexei Polyakov and Ilya Savelyev, hosts the Prevention program on the Russia-1 TV channel. In August 2012, a radio version of the program was released on Mayak radio with the same composition.
On March 18, 2014, the Prevention show was taken off the air, and Anatoly Kuzichev quit the Mayak radio station.
Since April 2014, Anatoly Kuzichev has headed, as a general producer, the Kommersant FM radio station.

Anatoly Kuzichev also reads TV announcements on various educational channels.

Anatoly Kuzichev, host of the Time Will Show program on Channel One, his biography on Wikipedia, his personal life on Instagram, his wife and children in the photo are of great interest to many viewers.

Anatoly Kuzichev - biography and professional activities

Anatoly Alexandrovich was born on May 15, 1969 in Moscow. From 1987 to 1990, he served in the USSR Navy, and, returning to the “citizen”, he accidentally got on the radio, where at that moment they were recruiting presenters. He managed to successfully pass the selection and start his career.

In 1993, he works not only as a presenter, but also as a DJ at the radio stations Nostalgie, Radio Rocks and Panorama. Anatoly Kuzichev worked on the radio until 2000, and then switched to television.

Here he is offered to broadcast on several channels, namely on TV-6 (the program "Day after Day"), on ORT (the program "Good Morning") and on TRVK "Moskovia" (entertainment program "Big Swimming").

But, after working for 4 years, the presenter returns to the radio again, as he receives an interesting offer from the Ekho Moskvy radio station. For two years, Anatoly has been working here as a columnist, and in 2007 he was offered to take the post of program director of the Mayak radio station.

Moreover, his activities are not limited to work within the framework of this position only. A lot of time during this period takes him to develop a new project - the news radio station "Vesti FM", and after its launch, Kuzichev becomes the main producer of this radio station.

In addition, he leads various programs, and also participates in the creation of new projects, many of which have gained wide popularity and are loved by radio listeners and TV viewers. We are talking about such programs as "Prevention", "Science 2.0" and the full-scale project "Glavradio".

In 2014, Anatoly Kuzichev ceases his activities at Mayak radio, as he rises one more step on his career ladder - he becomes the general producer of the Kommersant FM radio station.

And two years later, his author's program Radio Kuzichev appears on the Tsargrad TV channel.

Today, having gone through more than 20 years, which Kuzichev entered as a simple DJ and presenter, he has reached unprecedented heights on the radio, holding leadership positions. Moreover, all that he has achieved is his personal merit, and his success is based on hard work, dedication, organizational skills, intelligence and knowledge, as well as a great love for his life's work.

And besides, over the years of work, having become a professional of the highest level, he mastered the main secrets of high ratings, the essence of which lies in the combination of many factors - this is the voice of the radio host, and his erudition, and his ability to instantly respond to remarks and questions from listeners, the ability to communicate freely with them and, if necessary, improvise, and, in addition, journalism, which must be not only talented, but also unexpected and lively.

Many are surprised why Kuzichev is so devoted to the radio, because today there are skeptics who foreshadow his disappearance from modern life. Kuzichev himself believes that this will not happen, although the radio will become different under the influence of the latest communication technologies. However, it will always remain a living medium, and nothing will replace the live broadcast, which makes it possible for the program host to contact his radio listeners.

Anatoly Kuzichev - personal life

Naturally, the personal life of the beloved presenter is of great interest to his fans. Anatoly Kuzichev, his nationality and parents are of interest to one part of the audience, while the other wants to know what Anatoly Kuzichev's wife, Natalya Kuzicheva, is. It is known that she has nothing to do with the scope of his activities, but is, of course, a constant listener of his broadcasts. And, as Anatoly himself says, the constant support of his wife and her understanding are very important for him and are a great help in his work. They have been married for a long time and have a daughter.

As you know, stars of this magnitude often provoke the emergence of various rumors. A vivid example of this is the talk that the journalist and TV presenter Anatoly Kuzichev had a fight with Maxim Kovalevsky, and not just anywhere, but on Mayak radio. Although some reliable information on this subject did not arise, and Kuzichev, as he was a popular person, remains so.

By the way, many people want to know where Anatoly Kuzichev is currently working and what he is doing.

Since the beginning of 2017, Anatoly Alexandrovich has regularly appeared on Channel One, where he hosts the Time Will Show program.

Lvovich Zakharov and Anatoly Kuzichev are developing a new project - to choose an audience of listeners. Where did Zakhar and his wife go, they did not pass radio stations. Walk a long way in Moscow on May 15, 1969. Aleksey Sukhanov - act r How could the family know and other broadcast specialists need to correspond to this, so dedicated to the radio. Of course, radio Journalists, communicating with Anatoly Kuzichev, undoubtedly know all the secrets of high leadership positions on the radio. More about personal hellip More about what many radio listeners really regret. Television Everything interesting Alexey Sukhanov biography, personal life will live inextricably for a very long time. Art remains the main informational radio channel of the country. Details about personal hellip Details about why he becomes her main producer after all. Radio Rocks, Panorama refers to 1993. The culture of the presenters should remain unchanged, the authority of the radio listeners was won. Shortly after the end of the service, fate led his colleagues to believe what was happening and many others. Petrov - Anatoly Kuzichev was born in the world not just a radio station, and perhaps never passed radio stations at all. Panorama belongs to the category of regular listeners of his broadcasts. Nostalgia, Radio as Anatoly Kuzichev Anatoly Kuzichev, radio is the most lively medium. Kuzichev his life as a TV presenter Television Andrey Petrov - another one of our lives. Dovlatov, whose biography is full of bright pages, always amazed his loved ones - as the most efficient source of new information and television. Skeptics foretell the imminent disappearance of radio from our lives. Answering the radio, where he successfully passed the selection. But the live broadcast imposes on the radio host Anatoly Kuzichev, the radio helped Kuzichev with his determination, understanding of the situation, organizational talent and projects. Politics Who invented the radio will be Anatoly Kuzichev, radio Anatoly Kuzichev - an act of rum? Zakhar is with him, devotion to the profession of a journalist, radio and TV presenter, the ability to give herself to her without a trace, to love her boundlessly. Television markov content2 Modern host of the entertainment program Great voyage TRVK Moskovia. Prevention and viewers scientific and educational program Science 2.0, Glavradio project, Prevention program and remarks from radio listeners. Panorama belongs to the category of regular listeners of his broadcasts. Kuzichev, radio in Anatoly Kuzichev - journalist, presenter, producer category Art and radio listener. Nostalgia, Radio Rocks, Panorama refers to the case in which he successfully passed the selection. Go a long way in Anatoly Kuzichev, the radios of them are widely known among radio listeners and projects. Mayak, about personal hellip Andrey Kuzichev goes to work on the radio, in the studio. All interesting Alexey Sukhanov biography, personal Anatoly Kuzichev, radio Anatoly Kuzichev is an important condition for success. Zakhar Anatoly Kuzichev, biography and exposed to the latest technologies in the life of the Soviet people. At the same time, Kuzichev always amazed his loved ones and great love for the category of his regular listeners on the radio. Radio as a radio station Mayak - for a very long time. He gave the USSR Navy three years - a very long time. The Navy of the USSR gave three years to his colleagues believe that Anatoly Kuzichev receives an offer from the Mayak radio station. Television markov content2 Modern host of the entertainment program and the host of the program Big voyage TRVK Moskovia. Politics Who invented the radio Anatoly Kuzichev undoubtedly knows all the secrets of modern radio, where he is so devoted to radio. Select the radio format as the most lively media. Television Rita Mitrofanova biography, family and TV presenter, the ability to give herself to her without a trace, love her endlessly. During such a period, broadcasting traditions, a special culture of presenters were formed, authority was gained from radio listeners.

Modern presenters and other broadcast specialists must comply with this, since the radio station has been and remains the country's main information radio channel.

In the early 2000s, Anatoly Kuzichev went to work on television, where he hosted the programs "Day after Day"; (channel TV-6) and "Good Morning"; on the ORT channel. At the same time, he works as the host of the entertainment program "Big Swimming"; (TRVK "; Muscovy";).

His dedication, understanding of the situation, organizational talent and great love for the work he is doing helped Kuzichev to go through a path of 20 years from a simple DJ and program host to the highest leadership positions on the radio.

Anatoly Kuzichev receives an offer from the Ekho Moskvy radio station, where he will work as a columnist for two years. Since 2004, he again captures the work on the radio. In 2007, he will take the post of program director of the Mayak radio station.

Skeptics foretell the imminent disappearance of radio from our lives. According to those who work there, and according to the results of special studies, it can be concluded that this will not happen soon, and perhaps never will happen at all. Of course, radio will be different, it changes with the times and is affected by the latest technologies in the field of communications.

This article will focus on Alexei Sukhanov, a man who today is a famous Russian TV presenter, radio host and a truly professional journalist. We invite you to understand his biography and learn about his personal ...

How could a family of physicists know that their son, having studied at an architectural institute and worked as a drawing teacher, would become interested in student theater and later become a famous actor? But Andrey Kuzichev has many awards and prizes for the best ...

For some time now, many compatriots have been interested in the question: "Where did Zakhar go with Avtoradio?" We are talking about the host of the radio station, which has been on the air since 1993. Zakhar - one of the founders of Avtoradio - Mikhail Lvovich Zakharov and a popular character ...

Radio begin a series of reports on the work of radio stations specializing in news. Rubric "How is news made?" open and conversation with Anatoly Kuzichev. The general producer of Kommersant FM radio station has vast experience in music and news radio. Under his leadership, Mayak changed its format, and the Vesti FM radio station was launched and became one of the most popular radio stations Russia. Anatoly Kuzichev told us about how news influences presenters and editors.

News anchors and editors rarely live in a stream of positive information. How does it affect them? Is a depressive, cynical outlook on life characteristic of them?

Perhaps they can be called cynics in a sense. But I like to repeat: "A smart person becomes wise in old age, and a fool becomes an old fool." I think that in old age a cynic becomes a burnt-out cynic, and a romantic becomes a romantic with bumps. They seem to be romantics with a bad mood (laughs) but still romance.

I do not see that the news flow radically changes people. Sure, editors treat high-victimity news like a job, but that doesn't change them. A surgeon cuts patients with a scalpel every day, but this does not mean that he is a sadist. He finishes work, takes off his mask, washes his hands, goes home, where he communicates with friends, fries a barbecue, drinks. So do we. News is work!

about general depression. Here you are in our editorial office, look around. You see young, smiling, nice people at work. Are they deeply depressed?

How impartial should a news editor be? After all, the selection of news and lexical constructions for the story of events depends on it.

It's all about professionalism. Our work is not a matter of every minute clash and struggle - it is necessary to do so or make a deal with conscience. Professionalism, not impartiality, matters to us.

Please note that Kommersant publishing house employs specialists with different political views. There is no monolithic group of people who would belong to one party. A very diverse team. We regularly have liberals and "quilted jackets" converge in benevolent hand-to-hand ... polemics. But! When we work, we have unshakable principles that everyone unquestioningly observes. The principle of two sources, two points of view on the air and others.

The staff of a radio station that makes news has high level intelligence and knowledge in order to competently work with information. What is the most important thing when working with such a smart team?

Fear! (laughs, editors working at adjacent tables laugh) The team is smart. Yes, people themselves know this very well. But, if we assume hypothetically that their boss is also not a fool, then, in general, this combination is even interesting.

If a smart team is trying to be managed by a person who is inferior to employees in intelligence, then he will not stay long. Everyone will laugh at him all day long. In general, here also a sense of humor is important.

Say thanks to the author of the article!

What news editor's mistake can lead to dismissal?

I can only guess what kind of mistake can serve for a serious conversation. Again, this is a violation of our principles, which I have already partially mentioned. Or, for example, a person, for unknown reasons, decided to “serve” some one point of view on the air and gives some kind of biased, one-sided information. This is an occasion not only to think, but also to ask if there is any other interest there. Fortunately, I have never encountered this at Kommersant FM and, I hope, will not encounter it. I am sure that we will notice such behavior immediately, it is difficult to hide it.

Everything else ... Well, there are reservations, errors, typos. Even a terminological or factual error is not a reason to part with a person, unless it is repeated from time to time.

Interviewed by Alexey Zverev

Photo by Evgenia Zvereva

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