Barcode decoding. Country barcodes


Look at hatch- code . According to the European standard, it must contain 13 digits. The first two indicate the country, the next five - code enterprises, then consumer properties are encrypted in five numbers (product name, consumer characteristics, weight, composition, color).

Calculate the last digit hatch- code a - control, which is intended to determine the authenticity code A. To do this, you need to add up the numbers that are in even places. Multiply this amount by three. Then add up the numbers that are located in odd places, with the exception of the last one. Add the two results. Subtract the first digit from the amount. Subtract the last result from ten. The result should be a number that will be equal to the last, control one. Therefore, this is an original product. If this does not happen, then most likely the product is counterfeit. For example, take hatch- code "4823061430014":1. Addition of numbers located in even places: 8+3+6+4+0+1=22;
2. Multiplying the result by 3: 22x3=66;
3. Addition of numbers located in odd places, except for the last one: 4+2+0+1+3+0=10;
4. Addition of sums of numbers: 66+10=76;
5. Remove the first digit: 76-70=6;
6. Subtract the resulting number from 10: 10-6 = 4. The checksum is 4, which corresponds to the last digit hatch- code A.

A bar code is applied to product packaging to provide information about the products being sold. Various data are encrypted with a specific set of numbers. Knowing how to read a barcode correctly, you can get a lot useful information about the product.


Look at the first two or three digits of the barcode on the product packaging. They report the country of origin. Each country has a specific set of numbers. For example, for Russia it is: 460, and for Ukraine – 482. You can find detailed tables of country codes on one of the sites dedicated to this issue.

Pay attention to the next four or five digits in the barcode, they inform you about the manufacturer. Databases with this information are inaccessible to ordinary buyers, so this information is often used by wholesalers.

Take a look at the next five digits of the barcode. This is encrypted information about the product itself. The first number out of five indicates the name of the product, the second – consumer properties, the third – dimensions, the fourth – weight, the fifth – color. But it is unlikely that an ordinary buyer will be able to use this data, because... They are intended primarily for large purchasing companies.

Look at the last digit of the barcode - this is the control digit of the product. Using it you can determine the authenticity of the product. To do this you need to do the following:

Calculate the sum of the numbers in the even positions in the barcode;
multiply the amount received in the first step by 3;
add up all the numbers that are in odd places, without taking into account the check digit;
find the sum of the numbers obtained in steps 2 and 3;
discard the number of tens in the resulting sum;
subtract the number from 10 that you got in step 5;
compare the resulting number in step 6 with the control number in the barcode. If they do not match, you have a fake product.

A bar code is a graphic representation of numbers in the form of bars and spaces, intended to be read automatic devices information contained in them. Man in symbolism barcode perceives only numbers that are understandable to him, placed under graphic image. Using a bar code, information about some of the most significant parameters of the product is encoded. The most common is American Universal product code UPC and European EAN coding system
According to one system or another, each type of product is assigned its own number, most often consisting of 13 digits (EAN-13).

How to decipher a barcode?

The control figure is intended to determine the legality of the production of a particular product.

How to calculate the check digit:
1. Add the numbers in even places SC 6+0+7+2+1+0=16
2. Multiply the resulting amount by three 16*3=48
3. Add the numbers in odd places (except for the check digit itself) 4+0+3+6+1+2=16
4. Add the numbers obtained in steps 2 and 3 48+16=64
5. Discard tens 64-60=4
6. From the number 10, subtract the result obtained in step 5 10-4=6

If the number obtained after calculation does not match the control number in the barcode, this means that the product was produced illegally.

It is also possible that three characters are allocated for the manufacturer country code, and four characters for the enterprise code. Products that are large in size may have a short code consisting of eight digits - EAN-8.

Typically, the country code is assigned by the International Association EAN. We draw the attention of consumers to the fact that the strange code never consists of one digit.

It is also possible that three characters are allocated for the manufacturer country code, and four characters for the enterprise code.

Please note:
Often you can see an inscription on a product, for example, “Made in Holland,” but the code on the label does not correspond to this country. There may be several reasons for this.
First: the company was registered and received a code not in its own country, but in the one where the main export of its products is directed.
Second: the product was manufactured at a subsidiary.
Third: perhaps the product was manufactured in one country, but under a license from a company from another country.
Fourth: the founders of the enterprise are several companies from different countries.

Barcodes of some countries:
00-09 USA Canada; 73 - Sweden;
20-29 Reserve numbers (EAN);
740-745 - Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama;
30-37 France;
750 – Mexico
380 Bulgaria;
759 - Venezuela;
383 Slovenia;
76 - Switzerland
385 Croatia;
770 - Colombia;
400-440 Germany;
773 - Uruguay;
460-469 - Russia and b. USSR;
775 - Peru;
4605 - Latvia;
779 - Argentina;
471 - Taiwan;
786 - Ecuador
489 - Hong Kong;
789 - Brazil
45, 49 - Japan;
80-83 - Italy
50 - Great Britain;
84 - Spain;
520 - Greece;
850 - Cuba;
529 - Cyprus;
859 – Czech Republic and Slovakia
535 - Malta;
860 - Yugoslavia
539 - Ireland;
869 - Türkiye;
54 - Belgium and Luxembourg;
87 - Netherlands;
560 - Portugal;
880 - South Korea;
569 - Iceland;
885 - Thailand;
57 - Denmark;
888- Singapore;
590 - Poland;
90-91 - New Zealand;
599 - Hungary;
955 - Malaysia;
600-601 - South Africa;
619 - Tunisia;
64 - Finland;
690 - China;
70 - Norway;
729 - Israel.

The stripes are the barcode, and the device emitting the beams is the scanner. It reads the information from the barcode and transmits it to the cash register screen. The fact is that in large stores and supermarkets a list of goods with information about each of them is stored in the memory of a special computer. Cash registers, which are also specialized computers, are connected to this computer.

Each product is assigned a unique number encrypted in a barcode. The scanner reads this number from the barcode and transmits it to the main computer, which retrieves it from memory and transmits it cash register product name and price. Main computer also keeps records of sold and remaining goods. Therefore, we always find a barcode on the packaging of each product purchased in a store (on a bag, bottle, can, etc.).

This is a kind of trademark intended for automatic reading. Each barcode is unique on a global scale and contains basic information about the product. The barcode forms a major part of automated identification technology.

Identification (from the Latin word identifico - to identify) is the identification of an unknown object by the coincidence of characteristics with a known object; This is the process of comparing an object with some standard. The word “code” itself suggests that the barcode encrypts information about an object (product, document, etc.). In Russia, mainly 2 types of barcodes are used: 13-bit codes of the European EAN system, introduced in 1986, and encoding systems for settlement and payment documents compatible with EAN.

The barcode consists of a number of strokes-lines of varying thickness and spaces between them, and under this picture the numbers encrypted in the barcode in Arabic numerals are indicated. The EAN system encrypts 13 digits. The first 2 digits are the country code, the next 5 digits are the manufacturer or seller code, then 5 digits are the product code, and the last digit is a digit to verify the correctness of scanning.

Bar coding was developed back in 1932, and patented in America in 1949 by D. Woodman and B. Silver. Of all the methods of automatic identification, barcoding has gained the greatest popularity due to its simplicity and low cost. consumables— printed materials, stickers and labels.

A barcode is applied to transport and consumer packaging of domestic or imported mass-produced goods using a printing method or using adhesive (sewn on) labels, tags, etc. In most cases, the presence of a barcode on the packaging of a product is a prerequisite for its import and export, and the absence of a barcode can affect the competitiveness of products, their price, and makes it difficult or impossible to sell.

Many trade organizations They refuse to accept goods without a barcode. The reason for the refusal is that the system of encoding and processing information about a product using a barcode is economically justified only if it covers at least 85% of goods or products.

The use of a barcode, in addition to transmitting information and identifying an object, performs several more additional functions :

— automatic identification using machine counting devices (mainly computers);

— automation of control and inventory accounting; operational management of the movement of goods - shipment, transportation, warehousing (labor productivity increases by 30% or more);

— acceleration and improvement of customer service culture;

— improving marketing research (i.e. market research).

The possibility of mass use of barcodes especially increased when the rapid development of computerization and related information technology, widespread introduction of computers in manufacturing, transportation and trade.

Regarding barcodes, there are several misconceptions. The most common opinion is that the country of origin of the product can be determined by the first two or three digits of the barcode. In fact, these figures only indicate the national organization with which the manufacturer was registered. For example, a Russian enterprise supplying goods to Norway can legally register there and use the number of this country in the barcode. And you can register in several countries on the same basis.

According to the second misconception, only the manufacturer of the product can apply a barcode. In fact, the priority right belongs to the owner of the trademark (brand), then to the manufacturer, then to the supplier, if for some reason the previous persons or organizations did not want to be marked with a barcode. For example, bottles of Coca-Cola produced in the Moscow region and sold in Moscow have a Belgian barcode belonging to the owner of the recipe.

The third misconception is that using a barcode you can find out about the consumer properties of a product - style, color, size, expiration date, etc. There is nothing like that. All such information is stored in the manufacturer’s electronic catalog, to which buyers do not have access.

It is believed that a barcode protects goods from fakes. Using the numbers printed on the barcode, you can verify its authenticity using simple arithmetic operations. However, such actions are not described here, since this can prove the authenticity of the packaging or sticker (label), but not the product itself. We all know very well how counterfeit goods are placed in genuine packaging, having purchased the latter from the relevant fraudulent organizations.

Thus, for us, consumers, barcodes have little or no benefit, but they are of great benefit to manufacturers, carriers and sellers of various goods. Therefore, just as we did not pay attention to barcodes, we will not pay attention to them in the future. Useful - and ok!

And we will continue to determine the quality of the goods “by eye”, from our own experience. In general, there is no point in blaming the barcode if... you don’t understand it yourself.