Secure freelancing deal. How much does a freelancer lose when using secure transaction services? Safe transactions and protected transactions from the company SafeCrow Fl safe transaction

What is a secure transaction?

Service "Safe transaction" allows you to make the process of buying and selling goods convenient and safe. The buyer pays for the goods by bank card, money is reserved in Yula’s account until the actual transfer of the goods, after which they are transferred to the seller’s card.

For successfully completing a secure transaction with seller written off commission before 10% of the cost of the goods.

A secure transaction is available for goods worth from 100 to 200,000 rubles in the categories “Things, electronics and other”, “Animals” and “Spare parts and auto products”. The ability to sell goods under a secure transaction can be enabled by default for all goods that meet the conditions above.

How to sell goods in a safe transaction?

1. Check that your items have Secure Transaction enabled. You can activate the service yourself in your profile settings (in mobile application Yula), indicating the details of the bank card to which money will be received for the goods sold.

2. When listing new or existing products, a secure transaction appears for some categories. additional opportunity connect delivery. Shipping costs are paid by the buyer.

Last name, first name and patronymic in the delivery details must correspond to the passport data. This data is used in the electronic invoice for sending the goods.

The product dimensions must be no more than 80cm*80cm*120cm, maximum weight - 15 kg.

The seller is responsible for the accuracy of the entered data and, in case of an error, pays the difference in the delivery cost at the department when sending the goods. In case of loss or damage to the goods by the delivery service, the amount of compensation is equal to the cost of the goods, but not more than 200,000 rubles.

3. When the cost of the goods (and delivery, if applicable) is paid by the buyer, the seller receives an SMS notification with information about the transaction. Order details are located in the “My Orders” - “Sales” section. Until the actual transfer of the goods, the buyer’s money is kept in Yula’s account.

4. The buyer chooses the delivery method: pickup from a Boxberry branch, courier delivery or personal meeting with the seller.

If the buyer has chosen delivery, it is necessary to take the goods to one of the Boxberry branches.

4. Pay for the goods and (and delivery, if applicable) by credit card. After payment, funds are reserved in Yula’s account until the actual receipt of the goods.

5. Receive the product and check it carefully.

If you have ordered delivery, please sign for the item after inspection. If you receive a product that does not correspond to the description, refuse it and we will refund the money (refunds are processed within 1-3 business days depending on the speed of payment processing by the buyer's bank).

If you picked up the goods from the seller yourself and are satisfied with them, confirm receipt in the Yula app. If not, open a dispute.

What are the advantages of a secure transaction?

Convenient payment. The ability to pay for goods with a bank card (including a credit card), without the risk of transferring funds to a stranger.

Guaranteed safety of funds. Buyers do not need to transfer an advance payment to a stranger on a card, fearing that he will never receive the goods, and sellers do not need to worry that the buyer’s intentions are not serious and he will not pick up the goods. The buyer, by paying for the goods on Yula, shows that he is ready to purchase it, and the seller only needs to transfer the goods. During the transaction, funds are stored in Yula’s account and only after the goods are transferred to the buyer, they are transferred to the seller’s card.

In order to prevent an “evil” customer from ruining the life of a designer he doesn’t like, there is practically no data on the performers; by transferring significant amounts, you know about the freelancer, at best, his name, and most often only his nickname.

In the meantime, I want to talk about the sore point, about the sad story of the customer, about the loss of 7,000 rubles and time to compile a media kit. I would like to note right away that I do not want to make claims to the freelancer site; I am concerned about the complete insecurity of the customer.

Due to the heavy workload of all designers in the team, it was decided to involve an outside professional in the work. Where does the customer go in this case? Of course on

After looking through hundreds of responses to a project to design a 12-page media kit, I liked the page of a St. Petersburg girl with an excellent portfolio. Works - top class: magnificent color solutions, harmonious combination, clear style. It’s decided, we have to take it!

I choose a girl as a performer and immediately encounter the first inconveniences. It is more convenient for a designer to conduct a discussion on technical specifications via a Skype call.

This is not particularly convenient for me, but that’s okay, I’ll make a concession.

Working on a “safe deal” is also not pleasant for the designer due to the commissions from the site. When making a payment with the comment “for media kit design,” the payment is returned with a request to change the comment to “private payment.”

And a day later I finally get the first one and latest version concepts from Ekaterina. Dads!

What we see: inconsistent graphic elements, strange color schemes that do not fit into the corporate style, disgusting text layout, the background is made in different projections. That is, a draft!

However, the contractor is confident that he completed the work 100% and considers our comments offensive. So the question is, what can we do to return at least part of the funds?

And here I would like to be indignant on behalf of all the customers deprived and offended by designers!

The first and strongest desire: to write detailed review on the website about the work. But, since the transaction was not carried out through the site, we cannot do this until the designer completes the project. And believe me, he will not complete it!

Of course, in such a situation you can blame yourself and only yourself! You can also make a useful lesson and write recommendations for the future generation on working safely with freelancers.

To prevent you from having the same problems:

  1. Work with trusted specialists.
  2. If you are planning to interact with a designer for the first time, then it is better to spend money on a “safe deal”
  3. Conclude an agreement, protect your interests to the last
  4. If you can only pay with webmoney, then carry out the transaction with a protection code
  5. Record correspondence by e-mail. if the performer wants to communicate only by phone or Skype call, then send him the protocol of agreements by email and demand that he agree with it.

If none of what is proposed suits the other party, then be prepared to hope for chance and the possibility of not receiving either the finished work or the money.

Almost anyone can find freelancing work now. The main thing is to be able to do something well on a computer: programming, laying out pages, making beautiful designs, etc. Since all this work is carried out via the Internet, and the customer and the contractor are separated from each other by a significant distance, this gives rise to a number of dangers associated with financial aspects.

Firstly, this is the performer’s dishonesty. For example: the contractor takes an advance payment for the order and disappears without a trace. Since all communication took place via the Internet, it will be very difficult for the customer to find this person who, in fact, is engaged in fraud. There may also be problems with the timing of the order and its quality.

Secondly, customers who refuse to pay. A typical case that occurs quite often: the work is done, improvements are made, the customer is satisfied with everything and suddenly he disappears.

Why do you need the secure transaction service?

The Safe Transaction service was developed in order to protect both parties when working. The service is based on an intermediate link – a company that provides security. By default, it is assumed that both the customer and the contractor trust it. The customer transfers the amount for the freelancer’s work to the company, and the latter, in turn, upon completion of the work, transfers it to the freelancer. It would seem that everything is simple, but this is far from the case.

What costs does the employer bear?

At the beginning of the transaction, the employer makes a contribution to the company organizing the secure transaction in the amount of about 10-15% of the order amount. Those. for example, with an order amount of 10 tr. this commission can reach 1.5 thousand rubles. and the amount of work for the customer will not be 10 thousand rubles, but 11.5 thousand rubles. Quite a significant increase in budget costs.

What costs does a freelancer bear?

When a freelancer completes his work and receives a payment, it is also quite often cut. The wording usually looks like a 13% income tax. Thus, with the order amount the same 10 tr. the freelancer will receive 8.7 thousand rubles. The difference is 11.5-8.7 = 2.8 tr. stayed with the accompanying company. And this is more than 20% of the order!

At the same time, a safe transaction remains not so safe. The main problems faced by both freelancers and employers are that:
1. the contractor can claim payment for poorly performed work;
2. The customer can demand endless improvements from the contractor within the initial budget.
Disputes are resolved through arbitration. At the same time, when making a unilateral decision, arbitration is always interested in whether the other party agrees with this, and if not, then most often there will be a division of the budget and in this case either the customer or the contractor will suffer.

As an alternative, you can use a method of mutual settlements such as stage-by-stage payment for work. In this case, a large project is divided into several stages (usually 4-5). After each stage of the completed work, the employer makes a payment to the freelancer. Here we can proceed from the following analysis: if the employer finds a bad performer, he will not spend a penny. If necessary, the performer can always be changed. And if the customer does not want to pay, the freelancer can simply stop working. Also, for freelance programmers and other creative professions, it is possible to show work to the customer in reduced quality or without source codes. And give the originals only after payment for the stage of work. That's what I discussed in a separate article.

So let's summarize: for safe work When freelancing, you don't have to use a safe deal. Cooperation through it entails costs of 20% of the order budget. Considering these risks of non-fulfillment of orders, you can work in another way, for example, using staged payment.

What is a secure transaction?

Secure transaction is a simple and convenient service for customers and performers, which guarantees payment of funds to one of the project participants. The customer receives a money back guarantee if the contractor does not complete the project according to the agreed task. The contractor receives a guarantee of payment of the reserved funds if he has fully completed the project agreed with the customer. Reserved funds are under the control of the portal and are paid in accordance with whether the order is completed or not. This service reduces the risks of both the customer and the contractor in losing money to 0.

Why do you need to work through a secure transaction?

1. Service guarantees the safety of your funds until you have confirmed the completion of the project. The customer is not afraid that he will be deceived, and the contractor does not worry about payment for his work.

2. The customer will be sure that a contractor who understands the essence of the project is working on his project.

3. The performer receives additional 50 rating points for a successfully completed secure transaction.

4. In case of any difficult situations with the project, participants can turn to arbitration of our service and receive competent and unbiased help.

How does the service work?

1. The customer publishes the project and selects the "Safe transaction" option.

2. The customer receives applications from contractors, in which the customer selects the most suitable contractor in terms of timing, price, work experience and presence on the portal. The customer must definitely choose a contractor for the project if he wants to continue working through a secure transaction.

3. The customer and the contractor discuss the final deadlines for the project, price and technical specifications.

4. After all the procedures for agreeing on the terms of the project, the customer reserves the amount agreed with the contractor.

5. The contractor receives a notification that the funds have been reserved and begins work. Until the funds are reserved, the contractor may not fulfill the order.

6. The customer receives the completed work from the contractor (making sure that it was done correctly in accordance with the technical specifications) and completes the project.

7. The contractor and the customer exchange feedback.

8. The contractor requests a withdrawal of funds (minimum withdrawal amount 30 UAH). Withdrawals are made within 2 working days from the moment of filing an application for withdrawal.

(Withdrawal only to cards of Ukraine and CIS countries (for CIS countries the minimum amount for withdrawal is $10 + commission $2))

"Safe Deal" Arbitration

Arbitration resolves controversial situations in the “Safe Deal”, when the customer is not satisfied with the work of the contractor, or the contractor, having completed the project, does not receive approval from the customer.

You cannot cancel a Safe Deal without arbitration if the funds have already been reserved.

If the contractor has completed the project and the customer does not respond for more than 7 days, then through arbitration the funds will be transferred to the contractor and the project is closed.

Is the secure transaction service free?

For the "Safe Transaction" service you will need to pay a small commission. This commission is your insurance against scammers and poor quality work of the performer.

The service commission for a successful transaction is:

15 UAH - project with a budget from 1 to 200 UAH.

30 UAH - a project with a budget from 201 to 300 UAH.

9% - project with a budget from 300 to 3000 UAH.

8% - project with a budget from 3,001 to 100,000 UAH.

Pays commission customer. Commission for withdrawing funds to the contractor is 0%.

In case of return of funds to the customer, the withdrawal fee is 3% .

Refunds are only possible during the safe transaction stage; after completion of the secure transaction, funds are not returned!

SafeCrow offers secure transactions for the purchase and sale of goods and services to active Internet users. Comfort and safety with a low commission for our work.

The best service for conducting secure transactions when buying or selling online

Company SafeCrow is a service for protecting online purchase and sale transactions for individuals and legal entities with an excellent reputation. We guarantee transaction security between the buyer and seller of goods, as well as between the supplier and consumer of services.

Secured transaction through guarantor service

Services from the young and dynamic company SafeCrow represent an up-to-date financial and technological service for doing business. Each safe transaction in the Internet available to active residents throughout Russian Federation, buying goods or services virtually. Comfort and safety online trading are provided through:

  • Well-functioning system safe transactions and the presence of high expertise in various areas of online business.
  • Modern technologies and constant communication with the client at every stage;
  • Opportunities to receive timely advice in the field transaction protection;

Secure online transaction

If you have not previously sought help from companies protecting transactions, we advise you to carefully study the information on the SafeCrow website. After reading reviews from our clients, you will quickly see that working with us is simple, profitable and safe.

Low commission for the protection provided and the ability to control on your part how it is carried out protected transaction, will allow you to experience all the benefits of cooperation.

The intermediary in the transaction will protect the work from risks

Our service employees guarantee the client the provision of a convenient and reliable service that will ensure the protection of every trade transaction on the Internet. We will ensure that you fulfill the obligations of the buyer or seller in full. This will protect your business from fraudsters and the risk of forgery.

Contact SafeCrow for help and receive a full range of services to ensure security each deals in the Internet. We have done transaction protection with their work and managed to achieve a leading position in the market of services provided. Cooperate with SafeCrow and enjoy the comfort and safety of all transactions carried out via the Internet.