Briefly, hare's feet. Are the works in demand by modern readers? The writer's literary heritage

Hare's feet

Vanya Malyavin came to the veterinarian in our village from Lake Urzhenskoe and brought a small warm hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket. The hare was crying and blinking his eyes red from tears often...

Are you crazy? - the veterinarian shouted. “Soon you’ll be bringing mice to me, you fool!”

“Don’t bark, this is a special hare,” Vanya said in a hoarse whisper. - His grandfather sent him and ordered him to be treated.

It is said that the best visual clue to detect tularemia in a hare carcass is the presence of foamy blood in the nose. When we were children, we learned many things about life through fables. But these short stories with animals or things as main characters also give lessons to adults, especially entrepreneurs. Here we share those of five famous fables.

The lion was sleeping when the mouse began to whisper over his body. About being eaten, the mouse asked him to forgive him, promising to pay him in the future. A few days later, some hunters captured the king of the jungle and tied him up with rope. When the lion heard the lion crying, he ran to the spot and chewed the rope, leaving it loose. A few days ago,” he said, “you made fun of me, thinking that nothing would come of gratitude to you.” Now it's good that you know that the little mice are grateful and fulfilled.

What to treat for?

His paws are burned.

The veterinarian turned Vanya to face the door, pushed him in the back and shouted after him:

Go ahead, go ahead! I don't know how to treat them. Fry it with onions and grandpa will have a snack.

Vanya didn’t answer. He went out into the hallway, blinked his eyes, sniffed and buried himself in the log wall. Tears flowed down the wall. The hare quietly trembled under his greasy jacket.

Lesson: Never neglect your size or the size of others. It's likely that as an entrepreneur you feel that you are small compared to large companies and that you may not be doing anything to compete with them or offer them value. The key is to meet market needs and seize opportunities to incrementally increase traction. Find out and discover what you can do for others.

Also, never disparage someone based on their size, position, or condition. In your company, consider the opinions of your employees regardless of their field or position, because you never know where your next big idea might come from; Don't judge anyone by their fortune or name, the person you least expect could be your next great client or partner. And finally, he always keeps your word.

What are you doing, little one? - the compassionate grandmother Anisya asked Vanya; she brought her only goat to the veterinarian. “Why are you two shedding tears, dear ones?” Oh what happened?

“He’s burned, grandfather’s hare,” Vanya said quietly. - He burned his paws in a forest fire, he can’t run. Just about to die, look.

“Don’t die, little one,” Anisya muttered. - Tell your grandfather, if he really wants the hare to go out, let him take him to the city to Karl Petrovich.

The fox, who was very hungry, when he saw the delicious grapes hanging from the vine, he wanted to catch them with his mouth. Lesson: Don't blame others for what you can't achieve. This is a very common evil in managers and ineffective: blame your team for lack of results to avoid damage. The truth is that your employees' results are a result of your management skills; so accept your responsibility and turn those grapes into your next goal.

In addition, this fable can extend to entrepreneurs looking for “excuses” and reasons for their failures. If your business can't take off and fail, never say you don't care, or the market wasn't prepared, or that investors didn't comply. If you achieve delicious grapes, it will be because you tried hard to do so by investing time and money into your strategies; in the end, everything will depend on you.

Vanya wiped away his tears and walked home through the forests to Lake Urzhenskoe. He did not walk, but ran barefoot along the hot sandy road. A recent forest fire burned north near the lake. It smelled of burning and dry cloves. It grew in large islands in the clearings.

The hare moaned.

Vanya found fluffy leaves covered with soft silver hair along the way, tore them out, put them under a pine tree and turned the hare around. The hare looked at the leaves, buried his head in them and fell silent.

One day, the hare made fun of the short legs and slowness of the tortoise. The Hare, surprised, accepted the challenge, and the day of the race arrived, and while the Tortoise continued to walk, the Hare ran quickly and, seeing that his triumph was certain, decided to take a nap. Soon after, the hare woke up and saw the tortoise reach his goal and win. Lesson: An entrepreneurial career is a marathon, not a speed test. There are no shortcuts or magic formulas to achieving your goals; Only a persistent and hardworking person is the one who succeeds in the business world.

Don't try to skip steps or achieve easy success; the only recipe is hard work. And also: never sleep on your laurels. You don't know when a competitor, no matter how small, may beat you and beat consumers. Summer came and the anthill was hunting for grain to store and feed during the winter. The cicada, who was spending the day singing, was surprised to see the ants working so hard while the animals were indulging in fun. When winter came, the cicada became hungry and went to ask the ant for some grains.

What are you doing, gray? - Vanya asked quietly. - You should eat.

The hare was silent.

The hare led torn ear and closed his eyes.

Vanya took him in his arms and ran straight through the forest - he had to quickly let the hare drink from the lake.

There was unheard-of heat over the forests that summer. In the morning, strings of white clouds floated in. At noon, the clouds quickly rushed upward, towards the zenith, and before our eyes they were carried away and disappeared somewhere beyond the boundaries of the sky. The hot hurricane had been blowing for two weeks without a break. The resin flowing down the pine trunks turned into amber stone.

The ant told him: If you worked at the right time, today you would not lack food. Lesson: Plan, start and organize. Never let leisure enter your life and leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Learn to be an effective entrepreneur who anticipates how the “free” months will be and how they will be “busy.” Distribute your daily workload so you don't waste time today only to regret it tomorrow. Only self-discipline will allow you to create positive habits that will make you a productive and high-performing person.

The next morning the grandfather put on clean onuchi (1) and new bast shoes, took a staff and a piece of bread and wandered into the city. Vanya carried the hare from behind. The hare became completely silent, only occasionally shuddering with his whole body and sighing convulsively.

The dry wind blew up a cloud of dust over the city, soft as flour. Chicken fluff, dry leaves and straw were flying in it. From a distance it seemed as if a quiet fire was smoking over the city.

Additionally, this way you can reduce stress and improve the balance of your personal and professional life. The milkmaid was carrying a bucket of freshly ground milk on her head and dreamily woke up. The milkmaid started shaking her head to say no, and then the bucket of milk fell to the floor, and the milkmaid was left with nothing. Lesson: Don't wait to act. Don't allow yourself to fall into these illusions and wait until you have what you dreamed of.

Description of the Arctic hare

The Arctic or polar hare is one of the largest hares in the world and is fully adapted to the intense polar cold. It belongs to the lagomorphic order and the Leporidae family. The arctic hare's skin is very thick and covered with soft white fur that provides warmth to withstand cold temperatures and camouflage to hide from its predators. In the southern hare population, the hare changes its coat after spring and acquires brown or grayish hair, shorter than white hair.

The market square was very empty and hot; the carriage horses were dozing near the water-shed, and they had straw hats on their heads. Grandfather crossed himself.

Either a horse or a bride - the jester will sort them out! - he said and spat.

They asked passersby for a long time about Karl Petrovich, but no one really answered anything. We went to the pharmacy. Thick an old man wearing pince-nez and a short white robe, he shrugged his shoulders angrily and said:

It has strong incisor teeth and short, soft legs that prevent the hare from plunging into the snowy landscape. The hind claws are strong and larger than any other species of hare. The ears are short, as well as the legs, and that these limbs have these characteristics are subject to the reason of preserving heat.

Distribution and habitats of the Arctic hare

The tail is from 5 to 10 centimeters long. It is very fast and can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. The Arctic hare lives in the tundra, rocky plateaus and treeless shores of the northern regions of the American continent, in the northern regions of Greenland, the Arctic and the Canadian islands. It is found primarily on Ellesmere Island, Newfoundland, Manitoba, Nunavut and Labrador.

I like it! Quite a strange question! Karl Petrovich Korsh, a specialist in childhood diseases, has stopped accepting patients for three years. Why do you need it?

The grandfather, stuttering from respect for the pharmacist and from timidity, told about the hare.

I like it! - said the pharmacist. - There are some interesting patients in our city. I like this great!

Arctic hare behavior

The temperature of its habitat is approximately -9 degrees Celsius and the average snowfall is 5 centimeters. It is a terrestrial animal that moves by jumping and usually digs under the snow to look for food. If it feels threatened, it stands on its hind legs and holds its forelimb tucked close to its body. He can jump in this position, so he leaves footprints in the snow that seem to belong to an animal with three legs.

It interacts with other members of its species and can form large groups of 100 or more individuals, however outside of mating the season is solitary. During the months from spring to autumn it is nocturnal, but when winter arrives it hibernates most often during the day.

He nervously took off his pince-nez, wiped it, put it back on his nose and stared at his grandfather. Grandfather was silent and stood still. The pharmacist was also silent. The silence became painful.

Poshtovaya street, three! - the pharmacist suddenly shouted in anger and slammed some disheveled thick book. - Three!

Grandfather and Vanya reached Pochtovaya Street just in time - a high thunderstorm was setting in from behind the Oka River. Lazy thunder stretched across the horizon, like a sleepy strongman straightening his shoulders and reluctantly shaking the ground. Gray ripples went down the river. Silent lightning surreptitiously, but swiftly and strongly struck the meadows; Far beyond the Glades, a haystack that they had lit was already burning. Large drops of rain fell on the dusty road, and soon it became like the surface of the moon: each drop left a small crater in the dust.

Arctic hare feeding

If temperatures drop below -30 degrees Celsius, the Arctic hare will be in danger of freezing, so its fur will trap air and protect it from sharp winds. The hare's omnivorous diet consists primarily of woody plants such as dwarf eggs, as well as mosses, lichens, berries, flowers, leaves, branches and roots, and the meat of fish or other small prey. Often gets water from snow.

Breeding polar hares

His sense of smell is very keen, and this allows him to detect food that is under the snow, which he digs through. The Arctic hare has a polygynous mating system. It reaches sexual maturity in about 315 days, and the breeding season begins in April or May.

Karl Petrovich was playing something sad and melodic on the piano when his grandfather’s disheveled beard appeared in the window.

A minute later Karl Petrovich was already angry.

“I’m not a veterinarian,” he said and slammed the lid of the piano. Immediately thunder roared in the meadows. - All my life I have been treating children, not hares.

“A child, a hare, it’s all the same,” the grandfather muttered stubbornly. - It’s all the same! Heal, show mercy! Our veterinarian has no jurisdiction over such matters. He horse-rided for us. This hare, one might say, is my savior: I owe him my life, I must show gratitude, but you say - quit!

During courtship, the male lures the female by licking, scratching or biting and follows her before copulation occurs, which can be a bit aggressive. The gestation period lasts about 50 days, and the offspring are usually born in May or June. Litters have 2 to 8 offspring called lebratos, weighing about 105 grams at birth and are kept close to the mother until weaning, 8 or 9 weeks after birth.

This hare has several predators, including the Arctic fox, red fox, common wolf, stoat, Canada lynx and snowy owl. Man also hunts the Arctic hare for its meat and skin. Despite these threats, there is no significant threat to the species, with the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List classifying it as "Little Concern".

A minute later, Karl Petrovich, an old man with gray ruffled eyebrows, worriedly listened to his grandfather’s stumbling story.

Karl Petrovich eventually agreed to treat the hare. The next morning, the grandfather went to the lake, and left Vanya with Karl Petrovich to go after the hare.

A day later, the entire Pochtovaya Street, overgrown with goose grass, already knew that Karl Petrovich was treating a hare that had been burned in a terrible forest fire and had saved some old man. Two days later everyone already knew about it Small town, and on the third day a tall young man in a felt hat came to Karl Petrovich, introduced himself as an employee of a Moscow newspaper and asked for a conversation about the hare.

Our " guaranteed guarantee minimum price" is your confidence that whenever you buy any product in our stores, you will receive best deals. Have you seen a cheaper product in another online store and want to get the same price when buying from us?

Sellers on auction sites cannot guarantee the authenticity of an item. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service using our customer service form. Its long and strong hind legs allow it to zigzag whenever it is necessary to confuse its pursuer. These animals are solitary and have nocturnal habits. During the day, they sleep on the grassy lawn, waking up only at dusk, and explore their environment before leaving their shelter.

The hare was cured. Vanya wrapped him in cotton rags and took him home. Soon the story about the hare was forgotten, and only some Moscow professor spent a long time trying to get his grandfather to sell him the hare. He even sent letters with stamps in response. But the grandfather did not give up. Under his dictation, Vanya wrote a letter to the professor:

The hare is not corrupt, he is a living soul, let him live in freedom. At the same time, I remain Larion Malyavin.

Only after making sure that there is no danger do you go in search of food. A hare's gestation lasts about 40 days. The female gives birth to one to five pups, in a quiet and protected environment. Maternal care is limited to breastfeeding, which usually occurs at night; The puppies are left alone during the day. The latter, unlike rabbits, are born with their eyes closed and naked, and are born covered with hair and eyes wide open; soon after birth they can walk alone. At the age of 15 months they are adults.

Some of the most known species. It is present throughout Europe, with the exception of the Scandinavian Peninsula, parts of the Iberian Peninsula and some islands of the Mediterranean Sea. It is also found in North Africa and Western Asia. . Mammals are highly diverse and occupy all terrestrial environments. Tiger, dolphin and koala are examples of mammals.

This fall I spent the night with Grandfather Larion on Lake Urzhenskoe. Constellations, cold as grains of ice, floated in the water. The dry reeds rustled. The ducks shivered in the thickets and quacked pitifully all night.

Grandfather couldn't sleep. He sat by the stove and mended a torn fishing net. Then he put on the samovar - it immediately fogged up the windows in the hut and the stars turned from fiery points into cloudy balls. Murzik was barking in the yard. He jumped into the darkness, flashed his teeth and jumped back - he fought with the impenetrable October night. The hare slept in the hallway and occasionally, in his sleep, loudly tapped his hind paw on the rotten floorboard.

We drank tea at night, waiting for the distant and hesitant dawn, and over tea my grandfather finally told me the story about the hare.

In August, my grandfather went hunting on the northern shore of the lake. The forests were as dry as gunpowder. Grandfather came across a little hare with a torn left ear. The grandfather shot at him with an old gun tied with wire, but missed. The hare ran away.

The grandfather realized that a forest fire had started and the fire was coming straight towards him. The wind turned into a hurricane. The fire raced across the ground at an unheard of speed. According to the grandfather, even a train could not escape such a fire. Grandfather was right: during the hurricane, the fire moved at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour.

Grandfather ran over the bumps, stumbled, fell, the smoke ate his eyes, and behind him a wide roar and crackle of flames could already be heard.

Death overtook the grandfather, grabbed him by the shoulders, and at that time a hare jumped out from under the grandfather’s feet. He ran slowly and dragged his hind legs. Then only the grandfather noticed that the hare’s hair was burnt.

The grandfather was delighted with the hare, as if it were his own. As an old forest dweller, my grandfather knew that animals sense where the fire is coming from much better than humans and always escape. They die only in those rare cases when fire surrounds them.

Grandfather ran after the hare. He ran, cried with fear and shouted: “Wait, honey, don’t run so fast!”

The hare brought the grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and grandfather both fell from fatigue. Grandfather picked up the hare and took it home. The hare's hind legs and stomach were singed. Then his grandfather cured him and kept him with him.

Yes,” said the grandfather, looking at the samovar so angrily, as if the samovar was to blame for everything, “yes, but before that hare, it turns out that I was very guilty, dear man.”

What have you done wrong?

And you go out, look at the hare, at my savior, then you will know. Take a flashlight!

I took the lantern from the table and went out into the hallway. The hare was sleeping. I bent over him with a flashlight and noticed that the hare’s left ear was torn. Then I understood everything.

Onuchi - foot wraps for boots or bast shoes, foot wraps

Vanya Malyavin came to the veterinarian in our village from Lake Urzhenskoe and brought a small warm hare wrapped in a torn cotton jacket. The hare cried and often blinked his eyes, red from tears...

Are you crazy? - the veterinarian shouted. “Soon you’ll be bringing mice to me, you fool!”

“Don’t bark, this is a special hare,” Vanya said in a hoarse whisper. - His grandfather sent him and ordered him to be treated.

What to treat for?

His paws are burned.

The veterinarian turned Vanya to face the door, pushed him in the back and shouted after him:

Go ahead, go ahead! I don't know how to treat them. Fry it with onions and grandpa will have a snack.

Vanya didn’t answer. He went out into the hallway, blinked his eyes, sniffed and buried himself in the log wall. Tears flowed down the wall. The hare quietly trembled under his greasy jacket.

Lesson: Never neglect your size or the size of others. It's likely that as an entrepreneur you feel that you are small compared to large companies and that you may not be doing anything to compete with them or offer them value. The key is to meet market needs and seize opportunities to incrementally increase traction. Find out and discover what you can do for others.

Also, never disparage someone based on their size, position, or condition. In your company, consider the opinions of your employees regardless of their field or position, because you never know where your next big idea might come from; Don't judge anyone by their fortune or name, the person you least expect could be your next great client or partner. And finally, he always keeps your word.

What are you doing, little one? - the compassionate grandmother Anisya asked Vanya; she brought her only goat to the veterinarian. “Why are you two shedding tears, dear ones?” Oh what happened?

“He’s burned, grandfather’s hare,” Vanya said quietly. - He burned his paws in a forest fire, he can’t run. Just about to die, look.

“Don’t die, little one,” Anisya muttered. - Tell your grandfather, if he really wants the hare to go out, let him take him to the city to Karl Petrovich.

The fox, who was very hungry, when he saw the delicious grapes hanging from the vine, he wanted to catch them with his mouth. Lesson: Don't blame others for what you can't achieve. This is a very common evil in managers and ineffective: blame your team for lack of results to avoid damage. The truth is that your employees' results are a result of your management skills; so accept your responsibility and turn those grapes into your next goal.

In addition, this fable can extend to entrepreneurs looking for “excuses” and reasons for their failures. If your business can't take off and fail, never say you don't care, or the market wasn't prepared, or that investors didn't comply. If you achieve delicious grapes, it will be because you tried hard to do so by investing time and money into your strategies; in the end, everything will depend on you.

Vanya wiped away his tears and walked home through the forests to Lake Urzhenskoe. He did not walk, but ran barefoot along the hot sandy road. A recent forest fire burned north near the lake. It smelled of burning and dry cloves. It grew in large islands in the clearings.

The hare moaned.

Vanya found fluffy leaves covered with soft silver hair along the way, tore them out, put them under a pine tree and turned the hare around. The hare looked at the leaves, buried his head in them and fell silent.

One day, the hare made fun of the short legs and slowness of the tortoise. The Hare, surprised, accepted the challenge, and the day of the race arrived, and while the Tortoise continued to walk, the Hare ran quickly and, seeing that his triumph was certain, decided to take a nap. Soon after, the hare woke up and saw the tortoise reach his goal and win. Lesson: An entrepreneurial career is a marathon, not a speed test. There are no shortcuts or magic formulas to achieving your goals; Only a persistent and hardworking person is the one who succeeds in the business world.

Don't try to skip steps or achieve easy success; the only recipe is hard work. And also: never sleep on your laurels. You don't know when a competitor, no matter how small, may beat you and beat consumers. Summer came and the anthill was hunting for grain to store and feed during the winter. The cicada, who was spending the day singing, was surprised to see the ants working so hard while the animals were indulging in fun. When winter came, the cicada became hungry and went to ask the ant for some grains.

What are you doing, gray? - Vanya asked quietly. - You should eat.

The hare was silent.

The hare moved his ragged ear and closed his eyes.

Vanya took him in his arms and ran straight through the forest - he had to quickly let the hare drink from the lake.

There was unheard-of heat over the forests that summer. In the morning, strings of white clouds floated in. At noon, the clouds quickly rushed upward, towards the zenith, and before our eyes they were carried away and disappeared somewhere beyond the boundaries of the sky. The hot hurricane had been blowing for two weeks without a break. The resin flowing down the pine trunks turned into amber stone.

The ant told him: If you worked at the right time, today you would not lack food. Lesson: Plan, start and organize. Never let leisure enter your life and leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Learn to be an effective entrepreneur who anticipates how the “free” months will be and how they will be “busy.” Distribute your daily workload so you don't waste time today only to regret it tomorrow. Only self-discipline will allow you to create positive habits that will make you a productive and high-performing person.

The next morning the grandfather put on clean onuchi (1) and new bast shoes, took a staff and a piece of bread and wandered into the city. Vanya carried the hare from behind. The hare became completely silent, only occasionally shuddering with his whole body and sighing convulsively.

The dry wind blew up a cloud of dust over the city, soft as flour. Chicken fluff, dry leaves and straw were flying in it. From a distance it seemed as if a quiet fire was smoking over the city.

Additionally, this way you can reduce stress and improve the balance of your personal and professional life. The milkmaid was carrying a bucket of freshly ground milk on her head and dreamily woke up. The milkmaid started shaking her head to say no, and then the bucket of milk fell to the floor, and the milkmaid was left with nothing. Lesson: Don't wait to act. Don't allow yourself to fall into these illusions and wait until you have what you dreamed of.

Description of the Arctic hare

The Arctic or polar hare is one of the largest hares in the world and is fully adapted to the intense polar cold. It belongs to the lagomorphic order and the Leporidae family. The arctic hare's skin is very thick and covered with soft white fur that provides warmth to withstand cold temperatures and camouflage to hide from its predators. In the southern hare population, the hare changes its coat after spring and acquires brown or grayish hair, shorter than white hair.

The market square was very empty and hot; the carriage horses were dozing near the water-shed, and they had straw hats on their heads. Grandfather crossed himself.

Either a horse or a bride - the jester will sort them out! - he said and spat.

They asked passersby for a long time about Karl Petrovich, but no one really answered anything. We went to the pharmacy. A fat old man in pince-nez and a short white robe shrugged his shoulders angrily and said:

It has strong incisor teeth and short, soft legs that prevent the hare from plunging into the snowy landscape. The hind claws are strong and larger than any other species of hare. The ears are short, as well as the legs, and that these limbs have these characteristics are subject to the reason of preserving heat.

Distribution and habitats of the Arctic hare

The tail is from 5 to 10 centimeters long. It is very fast and can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. The Arctic hare lives in the tundra, rocky plateaus and treeless shores of the northern regions of the American continent, in the northern regions of Greenland, the Arctic and the Canadian islands. It is found primarily on Ellesmere Island, Newfoundland, Manitoba, Nunavut and Labrador.

I like it! Quite a strange question! Karl Petrovich Korsh, a specialist in childhood diseases, has stopped accepting patients for three years. Why do you need it?

The grandfather, stuttering from respect for the pharmacist and from timidity, told about the hare.

I like it! - said the pharmacist. - There are some interesting patients in our city. I like this great!

Arctic hare behavior

The temperature of its habitat is approximately -9 degrees Celsius and the average snowfall is 5 centimeters. It is a terrestrial animal that moves by jumping and usually digs under the snow to look for food. If it feels threatened, it stands on its hind legs and holds its forelimb tucked close to its body. He can jump in this position, so he leaves footprints in the snow that seem to belong to an animal with three legs.

It interacts with other members of its species and can form large groups of 100 or more individuals, however outside of mating the season is solitary. During the months from spring to autumn it is nocturnal, but when winter arrives it hibernates most often during the day.

He nervously took off his pince-nez, wiped it, put it back on his nose and stared at his grandfather. Grandfather was silent and stood still. The pharmacist was also silent. The silence became painful.

Poshtovaya street, three! - the pharmacist suddenly shouted in anger and slammed some disheveled thick book. - Three!

Grandfather and Vanya reached Pochtovaya Street just in time - a high thunderstorm was setting in from behind the Oka River. Lazy thunder stretched across the horizon, like a sleepy strongman straightening his shoulders and reluctantly shaking the ground. Gray ripples went down the river. Silent lightning surreptitiously, but swiftly and strongly struck the meadows; Far beyond the Glades, a haystack that they had lit was already burning. Large drops of rain fell on the dusty road, and soon it became like the surface of the moon: each drop left a small crater in the dust.

Arctic hare feeding

If temperatures drop below -30 degrees Celsius, the Arctic hare will be in danger of freezing, so its fur will trap air and protect it from sharp winds. The hare's omnivorous diet consists primarily of woody plants such as dwarf eggs, as well as mosses, lichens, berries, flowers, leaves, branches and roots, and the meat of fish or other small prey. Often gets water from snow.

Breeding polar hares

His sense of smell is very keen, and this allows him to detect food that is under the snow, which he digs through. The Arctic hare has a polygynous mating system. It reaches sexual maturity in about 315 days, and the breeding season begins in April or May.

Karl Petrovich was playing something sad and melodic on the piano when his grandfather’s disheveled beard appeared in the window.

A minute later Karl Petrovich was already angry.

“I’m not a veterinarian,” he said and slammed the lid of the piano. Immediately thunder roared in the meadows. - All my life I have been treating children, not hares.

“A child, a hare, it’s all the same,” the grandfather muttered stubbornly. - It’s all the same! Heal, show mercy! Our veterinarian has no jurisdiction over such matters. He horse-rided for us. This hare, one might say, is my savior: I owe him my life, I must show gratitude, but you say - quit!

During courtship, the male lures the female by licking, scratching or biting and follows her before copulation occurs, which can be a bit aggressive. The gestation period lasts about 50 days, and the offspring are usually born in May or June. Litters have 2 to 8 offspring called lebratos, weighing about 105 grams at birth and are kept close to the mother until weaning, 8 or 9 weeks after birth.

This hare has several predators, including the Arctic fox, red fox, common wolf, stoat, Canada lynx and snowy owl. Man also hunts the Arctic hare for its meat and skin. Despite these threats, there is no significant threat to the species, with the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List classifying it as "Little Concern".

A minute later, Karl Petrovich, an old man with gray ruffled eyebrows, worriedly listened to his grandfather’s stumbling story.

Karl Petrovich eventually agreed to treat the hare. The next morning, the grandfather went to the lake, and left Vanya with Karl Petrovich to go after the hare.

A day later, the entire Pochtovaya Street, overgrown with goose grass, already knew that Karl Petrovich was treating a hare that had been burned in a terrible forest fire and had saved some old man. Two days later the whole small town already knew about this, and on the third day a long young man in a felt hat came to Karl Petrovich, introduced himself as an employee of a Moscow newspaper and asked for a conversation about the hare.

Our "Lowest Price Guarantee" is your peace of mind that whenever you buy any product from our stores, you are getting the best deals. Have you seen a cheaper product in another online store and want to get the same price when buying from us?

Sellers on auction sites cannot guarantee the authenticity of an item. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service using our customer service form. Its long and strong hind legs allow it to zigzag whenever it is necessary to confuse its pursuer. These animals are solitary and have nocturnal habits. During the day, they sleep on the grassy lawn, waking up only at dusk, and explore their environment before leaving their shelter.

The hare was cured. Vanya wrapped him in cotton rags and took him home. Soon the story about the hare was forgotten, and only some Moscow professor spent a long time trying to get his grandfather to sell him the hare. He even sent letters with stamps in response. But the grandfather did not give up. Under his dictation, Vanya wrote a letter to the professor:

The hare is not corrupt, he is a living soul, let him live in freedom. At the same time, I remain Larion Malyavin.

Only after making sure that there is no danger do you go in search of food. A hare's gestation lasts about 40 days. The female gives birth to one to five pups, in a quiet and protected environment. Maternal care is limited to breastfeeding, which usually occurs at night; The puppies are left alone during the day. The latter, unlike rabbits, are born with their eyes closed and naked, and are born covered with hair and eyes wide open; soon after birth they can walk alone. At the age of 15 months they are adults.

Some of the most famous species. It is present throughout Europe, with the exception of the Scandinavian Peninsula, parts of the Iberian Peninsula and some islands of the Mediterranean Sea. It is also found in North Africa and Western Asia. . Mammals are highly diverse and occupy all terrestrial environments. Tiger, dolphin and koala are examples of mammals.

...This fall I spent the night with Grandfather Larion on Lake Urzhenskoye. Constellations, cold as grains of ice, floated in the water. The dry reeds rustled. The ducks shivered in the thickets and quacked pitifully all night.

Grandfather couldn't sleep. He sat by the stove and mended a torn fishing net. Then he put on the samovar - it immediately fogged up the windows in the hut and the stars turned from fiery points into cloudy balls. Murzik was barking in the yard. He jumped into the darkness, flashed his teeth and jumped back - he fought with the impenetrable October night. The hare slept in the hallway and occasionally, in his sleep, loudly tapped his hind paw on the rotten floorboard.

We drank tea at night, waiting for the distant and hesitant dawn, and over tea my grandfather finally told me the story about the hare.

In August, my grandfather went hunting on the northern shore of the lake. The forests were as dry as gunpowder. Grandfather came across a little hare with a torn left ear. The grandfather shot at him with an old gun tied with wire, but missed. The hare ran away.

The grandfather realized that a forest fire had started and the fire was coming straight towards him. The wind turned into a hurricane. The fire raced across the ground at an unheard of speed. According to the grandfather, even a train could not escape such a fire. Grandfather was right: during the hurricane, the fire moved at a speed of thirty kilometers per hour.

Grandfather ran over the bumps, stumbled, fell, the smoke ate his eyes, and behind him a wide roar and crackle of flames could already be heard.

Death overtook the grandfather, grabbed him by the shoulders, and at that time a hare jumped out from under the grandfather’s feet. He ran slowly and dragged his hind legs. Then only the grandfather noticed that the hare’s hair was burnt.

The grandfather was delighted with the hare, as if it were his own. As an old forest dweller, my grandfather knew that animals sense where the fire is coming from much better than humans and always escape. They die only in those rare cases when fire surrounds them.

Grandfather ran after the hare. He ran, cried with fear and shouted: “Wait, honey, don’t run so fast!”

The hare brought the grandfather out of the fire. When they ran out of the forest to the lake, the hare and grandfather both fell from fatigue. Grandfather picked up the hare and took it home. The hare's hind legs and stomach were singed. Then his grandfather cured him and kept him with him.

Yes,” said the grandfather, looking at the samovar so angrily, as if the samovar was to blame for everything, “yes, but before that hare, it turns out that I was very guilty, dear man.”

What have you done wrong?

And you go out, look at the hare, at my savior, then you will know. Take a flashlight!

I took the lantern from the table and went out into the hallway. The hare was sleeping. I bent over him with a flashlight and noticed that the hare’s left ear was torn. Then I understood everything.

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