What to do with the error DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. Fixing the error DISC BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER What to do if it says disk boot failure

Have you decided to work with your computer, turned it on, made yourself comfortable, but instead of a greeting you saw “DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK” on the screen? This message means that the PC cannot load data from the system disk. If this error is not related to a broken hard drive, it can be fixed. But sometimes it occurs due to a hardware fault. In this case, it is better to entrust computer repair to professionals.

“DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK” translates as “There is no boot disk, insert the system disk.” That is, the PC does not recognize the drive on which the OS is located. First you need to understand why this error occurred. And then figure out what to do with it. The problem may appear if:

  • The loading order is broken. The PC is trying to “find” the operating system where it is not there.
  • BIOS does not recognize the hard drive.
  • Damaged boot partition OS.
  • The hard drive is not connected correctly.
  • The hard drive is faulty.
  • The motherboard is faulty.

How to fix?

Before you do anything, remove all disks, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, flash drives and external HDDs. Leave only the drive on which the OS is installed. And try restarting your computer. If that doesn't work, unplug your CD and floppy drives. To do this, carefully disconnect their cables from the motherboard. And try starting your PC again. If after this the “DISK BOOT FAILURE” error disappears, it means that the BIOS settings are incorrect. The computer “looks” for OS files in the wrong places.

BIOS setup

BIOS or " Basic system I/O" is activated when the PC is turned on. It controls the loading process. It indicates from which media the OS will be launched. And if you select a drive that does not have system files, an error will appear. Here's what you need to do to configure the BIOS:

  1. Immediately after turning on the computer, press Delete, F1, F2, F11 or Esc. The key depends on the motherboard model. When you start the PC, a message will appear at the bottom of the display indicating which button is needed. The message will look something like this: “Press [key] to enter setup.”
  2. Displayed BIOS menu. You can “navigate” through it using the arrows on the keyboard, open sections with the Enter button, and return to the previous menu with the Esc button. The bottom of the monitor should indicate the keys needed to interact with the GUI in the menu.
  3. Go to the "Boot" tab and enter " Boot Device Priority". This is "boot priority".
  4. The hard drive should come first. It is usually designated as HDD, SDD or Hard Drive. If the operating system is on another medium, make that one first.
  5. Return to the main menu, go to "Exit" and select "Exit Saving Changes". Or press F10.
  6. Try restarting your computer.

If you made any changes to the system or overclocked your PC, this could affect the BIOS. To return the settings to their defaults, in the Exit section, select Load Setup Defaults. The settings will be reset.

Hardware setup

If the BIOS does not detect the hard drive and even after setting it gives the “DISK BOOT FAILURE” error, what should you do in this case? Most likely, the problem is with the hard drive itself or with its connection. Or the motherboard has failed. The power supply may also be faulty.

In this situation, you will have to remove the cover from the system unit and fix the problem yourself. If you don't understand internal structure computer and don’t know where to connect this or that device, it’s better to contact service center. Although on motherboard all slots different sizes. It is impossible to attach an unsuitable part to them.

Before you do anything, turn off your PC. Don't just finish the job, but remove the plug from the socket.

It makes sense to find out what condition the hard drive is in. Connect it to another computer (if possible), check whether the BIOS “sees” it and whether the OS boots from it. If it works, then the drive is working. Save your personal information just in case.

To resolve the "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK" error, try the following:

  • Disconnect the loop hard drive from the motherboard and connect it again.
  • Connect it to another SATA connector.
  • Pull out the CMOS memory power supply (looks like a coin cell battery), wait about 30 minutes and put it back in place.
  • Move the Clear_CMOS jumper (located on the motherboard, may have another name - CLRTC, Clear_RTC, CCMOS) from pins 1–2 to pins 2–3. Wait 20 seconds and return everything as it was.

After each step, check whether the hard drive is visible in the BIOS. To do this, the computer must be turned on. But for any manipulations inside the system unit, the PC must be de-energized.

If the malfunction occurs due to the power supply, it must be replaced. When it discharges, it negatively affects the operation of the computer - other errors may occur.

System Restore

Another cause of the problem is damage boot sector hard drive. This means that the part of the hard drive on which information important for the OS is located is inaccessible. In such a case, you need to restore system data. They will be written to good sectors.

You need an installation CD or other drive with the OS (an example with Windows will be considered). If you don't have it, you won't be able to reinstall the files. Since there will be nowhere to take them from.

  1. In the BIOS, set the priority so that the system starts from the boot disk.
  2. Insert the OS drive into the desired drive.
  3. Once enabled, you can select the “System Restore” option.
  4. Click "Startup Repair" and confirm the action. The OS itself will find problems and automatically solve them.
  5. If it doesn't help, run it again boot disk. Just now select “Command Prompt”.
  6. A window will open with a black background and white text. Type “Bootrec.exe /FixMbr” without quotes and press Enter. The customizer reanimates the master boot records.
  7. You can also enter the command “Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd”. All hard drives will be scanned for the presence of the OS.

If none of the above methods helped, it means that the hard drive is broken, or the motherboard or power supply has become unusable. The problem may also be a poor-quality cable or connection slot. It is quite difficult to repair them on your own. This requires professional knowledge and skills. It is better to entrust the repair to specialists. Or buy new parts.

This problem often appears if the boot order is changed or the BIOS is not configured correctly. In this case, you can fix the problem yourself. If the problem arose due to a hardware problem, it will not be so easy to solve.

Tell us if you encountered this error and if one of the methods listed helped you.

This message, which appears when you turn on the computer, can be considered quite common. It says that the boot disk has failed. Next they suggest inserting the boot disk and pressing enter.

If such a message appears on your computer, this does not mean that it is necessarily out of order. HDD, although this cannot be ruled out.

Possible reasons for the message:

  • IN USB connectors are flash drives or external hard drives;
  • The computer has a disk drive with a floppy disk inserted into it;
  • The wire has come loose from the hard drive;
  • The boot priority in the BIOS settings is lost;
  • Damaged file system on the hard drive;
  • One of the boot files Windows in the boot area of ​​the hard drive;
  • The hard drive has failed.

What should I do to resolve the “Disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter” error?

This message is synonymous with the message “Reboot and select proper boot device and press a key”, which has already been discussed. In order not to repeat ourselves, we advise you to familiarize yourself with it.

Possible solution is to move the hard drive cables

It describes in detail what wires need to be checked, how to check the boot menu, and also make sure that the hard drive is detected and displayed in the BIOS.

You can add that first of all, check the availability in USB ports flash drives and external hard drives, as well as the presence of floppy disks in the drives. If any of the above is present on the computer, then you need to remove it and try to turn it on again.

We will also once again describe the process of checking the order of boot devices using the example of another BIOS.

BIOS menu item Advanced BIOS Features

Here we make sure that opposite the inscription “First Boot Device” there is “Hard Disk”. The image above says "Removable". It is not right!

Next, check the “Hard Disk Boot Priority” menu item. There, the boot hard drive should come first. If you have several hard drives in the system, just try to swap them in this menu item using the “+” and “-“ keys. Don’t forget to save the settings using the “F10” key.

BIOS menu item - Hard Disk Boot Priority

If everything written above did not help, then you can try removing the hard drive and try checking it for errors on another computer, or try restoring Windows boot via a boot disk or flash drive.

Or if you have the opportunity to rearrange windows, then do this by first checking the hard drive for bad sectors and watching his S.M.A.R.T.

If nothing helps you, then write down your situation in the comments or via .

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In general, if translated literally, the error “DISK BOOT FAILURE,INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER” means that the boot disk is damaged, and you need to insert another system disk and press the Enter button.

This error does not always mean that the hard drive has become unusable (although, sometimes, it also signals this). In any case, first we will try to fix it on our own, because in most cases everything is solved quite quickly and simply.

Error. This is roughly what you will see on the screen...

1. Check to see if there is a floppy disk in the drive. If there is one, remove it and try to reboot. In most cases, the computer, not finding a boot record on the floppy disk, refuses to boot further, requiring another floppy disk. Although modern PCs no longer have disk drives, many still have old machines that still serve faithfully. You can try to disconnect the drive altogether by opening the cover of the system unit and removing all the cables from it.

2. The same applies to USB devices. Sometimes Bios, not finding boot records on a flash drive/external hard drive, can produce such pirouettes. Especially if you went into Bios and changed settings there.

3. When you turn on the PC (or directly in the bios itself), look to see if the hard drive is detected. If this does not happen, this is a reason to think about it. Try opening the cover of the system unit, vacuuming everything inside so that there is no dust and fixing the cable going to the hard drive (the contacts may have just come loose). After that, turn on the computer and look at the result.

If the hard drive is not detected, it may have become unusable. It would be a good idea to check it on another computer.

The screenshot shows that the PC has detected the hard drive model.

4. Sometimes it happens that in the boot priority in Bios, the computer’s hard drive disappears, or ends up in the very last place... This also happens. To do this, go to Bios (Del or F2 button during boot) and change the boot settings. An example in the screenshots below.

Go to download settings.

Swap Floppy and HDD. You may not have such a picture, just prioritize booting from the HDD.

Put Y and press Enter.

5. It happens that the DISK BOOT FAILURE error occurs due to broken settings in Bios. Often inexperienced users change and then forget... To make sure, try to knock down Bios settings and bring it to the factory configuration. To do this, find a small round battery on the motherboard. Then take it out and wait a couple of minutes. Reinsert it and try to boot. Some users are able to resolve this error this way.

6. If your hard drive is detected, you have removed everything from the USB and floppy drive, checked the Bios settings and reset them 100 times, and the error occurs again and again, your system disk with the OS may have been damaged. Worth a try or.

If all of the above did not help you, I’m afraid you won’t be able to fix this error on your own. Good advice - call a specialist...

Greetings, friends! Sometimes, when you start your computer, you can see the message DISC BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER on the monitor screen. If we translate this error literally, it will be: “it is impossible to boot from the disk, insert the system disk and press enter.” There is only one logical conclusion when such an error occurs - a problem with the boot device (hard drive, drive or inserted flash drive). Today we will look at the reasons for this error and how to eliminate it.

Before we begin, I will tell you a case with one computer. They brought me one system unit for repairs. The owner of this machine said that the computer does not start and displays the error “ DISC BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER».

The first step is to clarify what recent actions were carried out on the PC, what its behavior was in Lately, which is what I did. All this is necessary for any computer breakdown (and not only) in order to find out as much as possible where to dig and what part to blame. The owner of this PC said that everything happened spontaneously, and there were no mechanical impacts, but recently rattling sounds have been heard. The first thought is that there is a problem with the HDD, because this happens when the hard drive “crumbles”. This speculation became a fact when I noticed that when I turned on the computer, when testing the equipment, the hard drive did not appear.

It turns out that the hard drive was really not detected by the system, although at that moment it was connected to SATA connector. I went into the computer's BIOS - the HDD is not displayed. Then I connected this disk to my PC and, strangely enough, it was not recognized. There is only one conclusion - problems with the hard drive. By the way, I recently wrote instructions about how, if you wish, you can read it so that in the future you will know what to do in a similar situation.

After the hard drive was replaced, the system saw the new hardware and recognized it. After installation operating system and installations of all necessary programs The computer was returned to its satisfied owner in working order. Here is a short story from life, where I first encountered the BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER error. If you see something like this on your screen, do not panic, because this does not mean that your HDD has also failed, there are other reasons. Let's take a look at them.

Reasons for the DISC BOOT FAILURE error

Step one. If you have a Floppy drive on your computer, I advise you to disable it both physically and in the BIOS settings. If you don’t have it, then move on.

Step two. Check carefully all cables, cables connecting devices to motherboard. Sometimes with poor contact you can see various errors, including the one described in this article.

Step three. The boot order of devices may be disrupted due to a dead three-volt battery, since it keeps the CMOS memory in working order. A situation like this can easily cause a BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER error. Therefore, in this case, I recommend buying a new battery and replacing it.

Step four. Make sure that your drive is empty, that is, without a CD, and check whether flash drives are currently connected. The thing is that sometimes in the BIOS settings the CD/DVD drive or flash drive is set as the priority boot device. If in this case a non-bootable disk is inserted into the drive or a flash drive into the USB socket, then it is likely that the error described above or a similar one will appear. Therefore, I recommend removing the disk and all flash drives from the computer.

Step five
. Make sure that the computer actually sees the hard drive in the BIOS, and also look at the device boot priority - the HDD should be installed in first place so that the system boots directly from it.

Step six. There are cases when a hard drive is connected in parallel with a CD/DVD drive via an IDE cable. In such a situation, I advise you to disconnect the IDE cable and power supply from the drive. If this helps and the computer starts up again as before, then I recommend experimentally switching the jumpers located near the cable socket to MASTER and SLAVE modes.

Friends, I will be very glad to see your comments - did they help you? this instruction Or maybe you solved a similar problem in some other way. That's all! Thank you for your attention!

Hello everyone In this short note I will tell you what this Boot folder is on system disk and is it possible to remove it? I hasten to tell you right away that you cannot delete it. Don't even think about deleting it

Let me start with the fact that I have Windows 7 and there is a folder, but in Windows 10 I no longer see such a folder, probably it shouldn’t be there.

It often happens that the user says that the computer has stopped starting. But he didn’t do anything. In general, you should look at the C:\ drive, but there is no Boot folder there, but the user says that he did not delete or touch anything. Well, maybe it’s really not him, but some kind of virus... although I have not come across such viruses, whose task was simply to kill Windows.

The C:\Boot folder stores data for Windows boot, so if you delete it, then Windows will simply crash and you will not boot it again. I'll have to reinstall it, or restore it somehow, I don't even know how.

In short:

  • Under no circumstances should you delete the Boot folder; it wasn’t just made hidden;
  • this folder is directly involved in the Windows boot process, which requires information about where the system is located, on what partition and other service information;
  • In addition to booting, the Boot folder also contains a component for checking memory;
  • the Boot folder can be on the C:\ drive, or on another, it depends on which drive is assigned the bootloader status;

To be honest, I haven’t seen it before, and that’s because I’m a decent user and I don’t just turn on the option to show hidden files

But when I turned it on, I saw several folders, including Boot.

This is the folder:

The folder weighs a little:

And here's what's inside:

You see, there are many folders there, each folder contains the language for the recovery process interface, well, something like this

Then there are also a couple of BCD files, BOOTSTAT.DAT and executable file memtest.exe is not just a file, but a very important utility - you can’t just run it, since it doesn’t work in normal mode. This is for emergency use only. This utility tests RAM for the presence of broken cells, although, to be honest, I have not yet encountered a non-working RAM. No, I know that it can be like this, but in my experience not a single bar has broken yet.

If you have suspicions that there are viruses in the system (for example, if the Boot folder weighs a lot), then I would recommend that you check your computer for viruses. Here are the utilities I recommend for this:

  • good tool for removing ad viruses, works clearly and quickly, checks all system areas and even services;
  • — also an advanced utility for finding advertising viruses, can analyze the contents of browser folders, checks extensions in browsers;
  • - a well-known scanner that finds ordinary, but more dangerous viruses, Trojans, worms, rootkits and other dangerous nonsense;

In general, I hope that I explained to you properly what this Boot folder is on the system disk and that under no circumstances should you delete it