What is a user code in 1s 8.3

When purchasing an enterprise accounting program, especially such a popular one as 1C:Enterprise, can you count on receiving 1C updates for free? Oddly enough, such an opportunity exists, although it does not resemble the methods of doing business in Russia. Let’s make a reservation right away that we will only talk about legal methods of obtaining updates for 1C, so that such important services as, for example, 1C-Reporting will be available to you. For simplicity, we will consider only one configuration, but the most common at the moment is 1C: Accounting.

First, we need to decide on the version of the program. In version 8, two product lines are available: basic and PROF.

Receiving free updates for 1C: Basic Accounting

To receive free updates for 1C basic versions, it is carried out via the Internet in automatic or manual mode. You can download updates directly from the 1C:Enterprise 8 user support site or through the program shell. For both options for receiving free updates for "1C: Accounting basic version" you need a single login and password. You can obtain these credentials within 1 minute if you have the license data sheet contained in the product distribution box. Of the variety of information presented in the document, to gain access to free 1C updates, we only need a Registration number and PIN code.

Having received this data, we need to register on the 1C company website. The registration procedure is a little tedious, but after completing all these manipulations you will have access to free 1C updates forever.

So we enter:

  • It is best to use the Product Registration Number as a login so as not to forget it in the future (this code is on the box, documentation, distribution, etc.);
  • you can generate a password if you can’t come up with your own;
  • You should choose an email address that you will always have access to, since access to free 1C updates will be linked to it;
  • You can fill out the remaining fields immediately or after gaining access to the site.

It remains to confirm that you are not a robot, so fill out the captcha in the “Enter characters” field.

We press the “Register” button and we get to the long-awaited resource, but do not rush to enter the received login and password into the 1C program to receive free updates for 1C. All we have to do is register our software product; to do this, click on “Personal Account” and select “Register Software Product”.

We get to the final registration page, where we enter the Registration number and PIN code, which we found on the registration sheet at the beginning. If you have done everything correctly, a form will appear for you to fill out the details of the organization. By filling it out, we confirm your registration. Having completed this stage, you will have access to the Information Technology Support Portal and access to free 1C updates.

What is needed to update 1C PRO versions?

To update 1C PROF versions, updates to the program and reporting forms are provided to developers exclusively on a paid basis. However, when purchasing products, PROF company 1C provides a so-called grace period of support, during which 1C updates are provided absolutely free. Currently this period is 3 months. In this case, the services are provided by the official franchisee. During this period, you can enjoy all the benefits of ITS, such as access to the ITS Portal or receive free 1C updates from the program shell.

To activate the grace period, you can contact any official 1C:Franchisee by providing a Coupon for preferential Information and technological support "1C:Enterprise". The 1C service specialist will take care of all the rest.

Online user support is the ability to receive updates to the 1C:Enterprise platform and configurations via the Internet. At the same time, it is possible to download updates manually and automatically update the program via the Internet.

To support purchased software products, a user’s personal account is required on the 1C:ITS portal https://portal.1c.ru/. To create a personal account, you need to follow the link https://portal.1c.ru/, select “Personal Account” in the main menu, and on the authorization page – the “Registration” link. This can be done before purchasing 1C:Enterprise products.

Then, to receive updates, you should register the program in your personal account on the 1C:ITS portal https://portal.1c.ru/ with the help of a partner of the 1C company (for a list of partners in your city, see the page https://its.1c. ru/db/aboutits#content:23:hdoc) or independently using the pin code included in the delivery.

Updates to the technology platform and configurations for registered users are available in the "1C: Software Update" service of the 1C:ITS portal, see https://portal.1c.ru/applications/4#description.

In the service you can get information about 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations, the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform, problem situations and errors, and 1C:Enterprise 8 administration.

The configuration web pages provide information about the configuration release numbers, their release dates, and where the configuration update to this release was published. For each release the following information is provided:

  • new in release;
  • full list of changes;
  • list of main changes;
  • update order;
  • update distribution;
  • platform version number required to use the configuration release.

The web pages of the technology platform provide information about the platform release numbers, their release dates, and where the platform update to this release is published. For each release the following information is provided:

  • differences between this release and previous ones and features of the transition;
  • bugs fixed in this release;
  • update distribution;
  • ReadMe.txt file.

The web pages dedicated to problematic situations and errors provide information about problematic situations and errors in current releases of the 1C:Enterprise 8 technology platform and configurations.

The web pages dedicated to administration provide information for specialists performing 1C:Enterprise 8 administration.

For more information about the conditions for receiving updates and official support in general, see http://1c.ru/rus/support/support.htm.

To access updates, you may need a valid 1C:ITS contract. The procedure for concluding a 1C:ITS contract and the cost of service can be found on the page

Restoring access to the 1C portal. These instructions are for those who have already been registered on the 1C portal portal.1c.ru, but have forgotten their login or password.

Users come up with their own login and password for their personal account on the 1C website (it is also used for 1C updates and to access 1C Internet support services). Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover this data by contacting your service organization. However, if the password for the site with 1C updates is lost, you can recover it on the 1C portal.1c.ru website yourself.

Two situations are possible:

  • 1. you remember which e-mail you used when registering on the 1C website and have access to it,
  • 2. you do not remember which e-mail you used during registration or you do not have access to this e-mail address.

The sequence of actions in these situations is different, but you can solve the problem with access to the 1C website in both cases.


You remember which e-mail you used when registering on the 1C website and have access to it.

Go to the 1C portal website portal.1c.ru and click the “Login” link in the upper right corner of the site.

On the login form to the 1C portal that opens, there is a corresponding “forgot your password” link. You can use it if you still have access to the e-mail you used during registration.

Enter the e-mail that you specified during registration.

An email will be sent to the address you provided with instructions on how to reset your password.

If you need to seek technical support for this 1C resource, you can write a letter to: [email protected].


You do not remember which e-mail you used when registering or you do not have access to this e-mail address.

If you no longer have access to the e-mail address you previously used when registering on the 1C website, then you just need to register on the 1C website again and add your existing 1C programs to your new personal account.

Crack password to file database 1C 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 It’s not at all difficult; you will need access to the database files and some kind of HEX editor.

As a HEX editor you can use, for example:

  • WinHex (the free version does not allow you to save files larger than 200 Kb);
  • Free Hex Editor (shareware);
  • any other HEX editor with a search function.

Step 1. Make a backup copy of the database (manipulating the database in a hexadecimal editor does not always go without consequences).

Step 2. In a HEX editor you need to open the database file with the name 1Cv8.1CD.

Step 3. Open the search window (usually the Ctrl+F key combination is responsible for this), select the Unicode string type (this field is available in all serious HEX editors) and find the string "users.usr". If you don’t find anything, try searching case-insensitively (the “Match case” item in WinHex, the “Case-insensitive” item in Free Hex Editor).

Step 4. In the found string you need to find the value "09"(column “1” in the figure) and to the left of it correct "00" on "01"(column “0” in the figure), and then save the changes.

Editing “users.usr”

For hacking 1C 8.1 databases This is enough - you can go to the configurator - you won’t be asked for a password.

But for hacking 1C 8.2 and 8.2 databases additional steps need to be taken.

Step 5. Use the search again and look for the string "v8users".

Step 6. Change the letter in the found string "V" on "H" so that it works "h8users".

Editing "v8users"

This completes the hacking - the password will no longer be requested.

After you have done everything you wanted, you can return everything as it was and then no one will notice anything (this does not always work).

If you just need to add a user without deleting existing ones, then do this (does not always work):

  1. We save all the changes made, but do not close the editor;
  2. Go to the database configurator;
  3. We return to the editor, leaving the configurator open (the editor will say that the file has changed and will offer to reload it - we agree);
  4. We change all previously changed values ​​to the original ones, save the file;
  5. We return to the configurator and add a user with the necessary rights;
  6. Close the configurator and editor and open the configurator again, using the newly created user to log in.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the information is provided for informational purposes only, you can use it solely at your own peril and risk.

If you find an error or inaccuracy, please select a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

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There are several options for updating your standard 1C program:

  • Run an automatic search for updates in the configurator or normal mode and install them;
  • Download updates from the website http://users.v8.1c.ru and install them yourself through the configurator;
  • Updated using ITS disks (information technology support for 1C software products);
  • Use the 1C update service from any 1C:Franchisee company.
Let's consider each option.

Start automatic installation of updates through the "1C:Enterprise" mode.

Your standard 1C Enterprise 8 program already has a standard self-updating configuration mechanism built into it. For example, in 1C Accounting 8 edition 2.0, it is located in the Service menu:

Let's stop here and take a closer look. For automatic updating, you must leave the switch as shown in the figure opposite “Custom Internet site (recommended)”. I also recommend turning on the checkbox “Check for configuration updates via the Internet every time you start the program”, this will allow you to always keep the program up to date, because 1C will constantly remind you of new updates every time you start the program and offer to install them.

Before the next steps, if you have several users working in this database at the same time from different computers, then ask them all to log out. You can check whether everyone has logged out using the “Tools” - “Active Users” menu; if everyone has logged out, then in the active users there will be only one line with one user - that’s you. It happens that everyone has logged out, but active users still have “dead” sessions, then try rebooting the computer on which the 1C database is located.

In this case, automatic updating will not suit you; see this article for the following update options.

If the program has successfully detected a new update for your configuration, it will happily inform you about it:

Here you need to specify a user code and password; read below for information on how to obtain this data. Without a code and password, you will not be able to update 1C yourself.

If you have a user code and password, enter them in the appropriate fields and click "Next >".

At this stage, your program downloads updates from the 1C server.

When all updates have been successfully received, 1C will notify you about this as shown in the figure above. The program prompts you to choose when to start the actual update: right now or next time, if you want right now, then leave the switch as shown in the figure above against “Yes, restart 1C:Enterprise now (recommended).”

If you click on the link next to “Backup”, you can select the option to create a backup copy; by default, the option selected is to create a temporary copy; if something goes wrong during the update, the configuration will automatically return to the previously created temporary copy, which it also automatically will create in the next step. You can also choose the option so that the program does not create a temporary copy at all ( not recommended), or you can specify the path to a permanent backup. With all these options, it is still recommended to leave it as is - creating a temporary backup copy.

Your 1C program will close and the process of creating an automatic backup copy of the database and directly updating the configuration will begin. If after some time the 1C program opens and it says that the update failed, then automatic update is not suitable for you, see below for other update methods.

If everything went as expected, you will see the following:

Click "Done".

If before the update you saw an inscription that the new release requires an update to the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, for example, in this form:

Then, before starting the update, you need to download and install the latest version of the platform; read about this in the second part of the article.

The update process described above is also applicable in new managed forms, for example, in 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0:

or in this form:

Start automatic installation of updates through the "Configurator" mode.

This method is useful if your 1C configuration is very outdated, 3 or more releases old.

Launch your configuration in configurator mode.

If the tree menu is not displayed on the left in the configurator, then you need to open it through the menu “Configuration” - “Open configuration”. Ask all users who can work in this database to log out, make sure that everyone logs out through the "Administration" - "Active Users" menu. Create an archive copy of the database through the "Administration" - "Upload infobase" menu, specify the path and name of the file in which your entire database will be saved. In case of errors, you can always restore the database from this archive, also through the "Administration" menu, only by selecting the "Load information base" item.

Make sure the padlock icon is displayed:

If there is no lock, this means that your configuration has the code/object editing mode enabled and most likely something has already been edited somewhere, in this case you will have to invite a 1C programmer to identify what changes have been made and so that when updating they didn't accidentally get stuck. In this case, updating the configuration yourself is not recommended.

If there is a lock, let's start the update process:

Select "Update Configuration" as shown in the figure above.

To automatically search for updates, leave the switch in the "Search for available updates (recommended)" position.

At this step, set all the flags, these are update search sources.

Here, enter your user code and password; see below for information on how to obtain them. In most cases, the fields labeled “Access through a proxy server” are not filled in, and if they are filled in, only the system administrator of your organization can give you this information.

After entering the data, click OK. The program will begin searching for updates.

If the program has found updates, it will highlight in bold letters for you the update that is recommended to be installed now; double-click on it. The window that appears will display information about the new release, click "Continue update".

This window will display the current and new version numbers, be sure to make sure that the new version number is greater than the current one, otherwise click “Cancel” and repeat the process from the beginning and make sure that you clicked on the desired release from the ones offered. Click OK. The update process will begin. During the update process, a window will appear asking you to accept the configuration changes, accept without hesitation.

As soon as the program finishes updating, it will not inform you about it in any way, it will simply “hang”, press the F5 key to start 1C in standard mode, when you open normal mode, 1C will ask you whether you received the update legally, indicate that it is legal and 1C will complete update.

With such an update, if your configuration is significantly outdated, then the update process must be repeated several times until the latest release is installed. Those. when updating through the configurator, the program cannot immediately update to the latest release, but is updated only to the next one in sequence, therefore, if your program is 10 releases out of date, then approximately 10 times you need to repeat all the steps specified in this topic.

How to get user code and password.

The user code is the registration number of your 1C program; it is usually indicated on books and on installation disks that came with your 1C program in one box.

You can get the password as follows:

If you purchased 1C basic versions, then you can receive updates completely free of charge and forever. To do this, find an envelope with a PIN code in your program box and follow the instructions indicated there. If the box with the PIN code is lost, then find the invoice and if there is a cash receipt that you were given when purchasing the 1C program, and you also need to find out the registration number of your 1C program, it is usually indicated on the books and on the installation disks that came with your 1C program in one box, then scan all documents and send them by email. mail to the 1C company: [email protected], indicating your registration number and asking you to generate a new password.

If you purchased 1C PROF or KORP versions, then you can receive the update for free only for the first 3 months, and then only for money when you subscribe to 1C ITS. In any case, the password for you must be generated by the 1C:Franchisee company from which you purchased the 1C program; if it is unable to do this, contact any other 1C:Franchisee or us.

Read in the second part of the article

  • How to find out the number of the latest release and the release date of the next release;
  • How to update the configuration using pre-downloaded updates and how to download them;
  • How to update the 1C Enterprise platform;
  • How to update using ITS disks.