What are auto stabilizer links. Molting on a car what is it. The origin of the word and its definition

What is the purpose of molting in a Toyota car? In order to competently answer this question, it is necessary to clarify that molts are called stabilizer struts. Together with the stabilizer struts, it is provided, due to the existing internal resistance, to reduce body roll and increase the stability of the car when driving, with possible effects of lateral forces, whether it be turns or turns. This is regularly served by molts in the car.

When an unknown knock appears in the rear or in the front of the car when crossing bumps on the road surface, then we can definitely talk about the presence of malfunctions in the stabilizer struts. Motorists gave the racks another name: "bones", "molts" and "eggs". Untimely replacement of the stabilizer struts will ultimately lead to exceeding the permissible value of the vehicle roll, poor grip of the wheels with the roadway, increasing the braking distance to three meters at a speed of eighty kilometers per hour, as well as the lack of full control over the vehicle's handling and, as as a rule, overturning the car at the next turn.

A stable ride in a Toyota car is ensured by an independent chassis, consisting of stabilizers installed in the front and rear of the stabilizer struts of the auto family. Toyota Corolla. The stability of the suspension requires considerable funding, because after forty thousand mileage it will be necessary to change the bushings of the front stabilizers. The rear stabilizer struts provide a mileage of sixty thousand kilometers.

Signs of faulty shock absorbers are: visual detection of broken or damaged fasteners, possible deformation of the body of stabilizer struts. If an oil leak is detected, it is also necessary to pay close attention to this and timely replace the racks.

A monthly inspection of the stabilizer struts will help you detect malfunctions in a timely manner, while not forgetting to change the anthers in case of a shock absorber change.

Replacement of molting in the car.

It is best to replace the stabilizer struts in a Toyota car in a pit, having prepared all the necessary tools for this purpose. After dismantling the wheel, the front strut is unscrewed, while we must not forget that the right and left struts have significant differences from each other. If you do not take this fact into account, it will lead to incorrect installation of the rack.

After tightening all the nuts on the front strut, the wheel is installed on the hub. By itself, this operation is simple. The main condition for a successful replacement is a high-quality attachment to the stabilizer strut suspension. This will depend on the driving capabilities of the car. If a loose fastener is found, it must be tightened. All this in the complex will be the key to stable and efficient operation of the suspension.

Looking through the historical information about the stable work of Toyota in the international market, we learn that the company’s confident ascent to the Olympus of automotive glory should be counted from 1933. It was in this year that a large automotive department was formed at the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, which specializes in the textile industry. The future giant of the automotive industry.

The founder of the company is considered the son of the owner of the company, Kiichiro Toyoda, who made the famous Toyota brand to be the leader in the list of automobile companies in the international market. It should be noted how dynamic the development of the automobile company was. Already in 1935, the first-born "Model A1" appeared. Serial production of cars was launched in 1936. The first batch consisted of only four cars. A year later, the final transformation of the automotive department into a separate guild, called Toyota Motors Co Ltd, was completed.

The war made its own adjustments to the development of the company, but after which the activities of the Toyota company resumed. Thus, the onset of 1947 was marked by the release of the first post-war model called "Toyota Model SA". The economic crisis of the beginning of the 1950s was hard to overcome; in the end, the company overcame it with minimal losses for its economic activities.

In the same difficult fifties, a global reconstruction of the automobile plant was carried out, as a result, a controlled assembly line appeared, which significantly minimized production losses, thereby increasing production growth. In the sixties, the rapid development of the enterprise began with the maximum receipt of profits.

During these years, the company produces the world-famous Toyota Carroll model. Since then, this model has undergone more than one modernization.

In the seventies, the construction of new factories in various countries of the world increased. New models appear, such as the Toyota Sprinter, Toyota Tercel, Toyota Carina and Toyota Celica. The Toyota Tercel was Japan's first front wheel drive model. The number of produced cars was close to ten million. The company managed to improve the exhaust system of a car, thereby giving impetus to all global manufacturers to improve their car models, protecting the environment. A new era of high-tech car models has begun.

With the advent of the twenty-first century, the company sells cars under its brand worldwide up to 50,000 Prius cars. In 2001, the first cars of the RAV4 model were produced.

Today, Toyota maintains its leading position in the automotive industry. Five million cars are produced at all plants during the year.

When driving a car in turns, its body leans to the side. The angle of inclination, properly called the roll angle, depends on the magnitude of the centrifugal force, as well as on the design and elasticity of the suspension. On the left and right suspension elements, the load can be distributed equally, and then the roll angle will decrease. An element that transmits force from one rack or from one spring to another is a stabilizer. More details about the device of such stabilizers are described below. Their design, in theory, consists of an elastic bracket and two rods. And traction is also called "racks".

To understand how the stabilizer works, it’s easier to immediately study its device:

Suspension stabilizer in modern cars

The couplings 6 allow the tubular bracket 5 to rotate freely. The bracket, in turn, is connected to the shock absorbers, but not through couplings or hinges, but through racks 3. Each strut or rod is the stabilizer strut referred to in the title.

Not everyone understands why the front and rear stabilizer struts are needed, and why it is impossible to connect the bracket to the shock absorbers directly. The answer looks simple: if you do this, the shock absorber rod will not be able to move in the longitudinal direction. Draw the whole scheme, and you will understand what we are talking about.

Note that the shock absorber strut plays an important role in the design of a modern suspension. The shock absorber itself not only dampens vibrations, but is also a guiding element. Roughly speaking, the entire suspension “walks” along the shock absorbers, but if you remove the stabilizer rods, little will change. Unless the roll angles observed in turns will increase. There were cases when the traction burst on the go, and the owner did not notice the deterioration in handling.

Varieties of stabilizer struts

By themselves, the racks (rods, links) can be completely symmetrical (Fig. 1). Then they can be “turned over”, as well as rearranged from left to right. The design of most cars uses asymmetrical racks, which, however, are allowed to be rearranged from left to right. And the most “difficult” option is when the left and right racks are different (not shown in the photo).

It is clear that the most vulnerable part of the stabilizer is its rack (thrust). In some cars, their resource is 20 thousand km. It is recommended to inspect and check these parts more often - every 10 thousand km. But a breakdown can occur in the middle of this interval.

When replacing rods, threaded connections must be treated with machine oil. Well, rubbing parts, that is, bushings and axles, it is better to cover with a layer of CIATIM-201 or LITOL. But be aware that this option is not suitable for rubber bushings. It uses a special lubricant, or it is absent altogether.

What are the stabilizer struts has been fully explained, but where to look for them in the car, let's consider right now.

How to find racks in the car itself

You can take and see what is under the bottom of the Lifan crossover. Racks of two stabilizers, front and rear, are not covered by anything here:

In general, such an option, when the racks are not protected, is atypical. Moving units are usually covered with anthers, corrugations, covers. But the symmetrical rods shown in the photo contain a pair of anthers right in their design:

Boot symmetrical stabilizer bar

Loss of tightness of the anther is not the most common defect. However, this possibility cannot be ruled out either.

What do the racks look like in Chinese cars

You need to remember the banal rule: the rear stabilizer struts are never symmetrical, unlike the front ones. For example, here is what the rear link looks like in a Lifan X60 car:

Rear left link

It is impossible to rearrange such a node from the left side to the right, and even more so it is impossible to turn it over during installation. These "prohibitions" do not apply to the front struts. But they, that is, the front struts fail more often. So, everything is logical.

In the spare parts catalog, each of the racks is designated by one number. That is, it is considered one detail:

Car nameFront RightFront leftrear rightRear left
Lifan SolanoB2906200same
Lifan X60S2906210sameS2916260S2916210
Lifan SmilyF2916210same!

The Solano sedan has springs at the rear, and there are no struts in the stabilizer design. They are not in the front suspension of the Smily car either - the bracket here is “threaded” into the lever couplings:

Smily front suspension design

Each of the couplings, designated as 10, does not prevent the longitudinal movement of the bracket. This option is suitable for small cars.

We identify all the faults ourselves

It has already been said here that the racks are the most unreliable, the most “breakable” part of the stabilizer. This is done on purpose in order to receive the least damage in the event of an accident. Let's name the main symptom accompanying the breakdown of the stabilizer struts or rods. This is a thud that occurs when driving through any bumps, pits and even small pebbles. And sometimes the car starts to get out of the roll worse - conclude that one of the racks has already been torn off. But knocking will be observed in 90% of cases! It can come from both the front and rear suspension.

Suppose there is a bushing in the design of the stabilizer struts (photo 2 in chapter 2). It will then be more difficult to identify a defect: even if the sleeve is destroyed, knocking does not always occur. More often the sound will be muffled, quiet, in general, it is difficult to hear it.

Squeaks and crunches, especially in turns, usually indicate the destruction of the anther. But the defect itself, we repeat once again, is rare. The hinge shown in the photo will begin to collapse over time. And then the creak should turn into a rattle.

Ball joints inside racks

Video on replacing the front stabilizer bar

Very often in the modern network you can find the slang expression "link". It can be used in any context, for example, "give a link" or "link broken". About what a link is and will be discussed in the article.

The origin of the word and its definition

The word comes from the English link - "to connect", "to connect". In the simplest case, it means an ordinary link that contains the address of a site or section of a web page. A more precise definition for a link on the Internet is a hyperlink.

It can be added to almost any element of the site. Buttons, switches, pictures, words in text - all this can contain a hyperlink. The fact that an element refers to another object can be judged by how the mouse cursor behaves over it. If it has turned into a hand with an index finger, then there is a link.

Of course, this appearance is used by default. However, some sites may modify it at their discretion. This approach is rarely used and was relevant at the dawn of development, when many people were just mastering the possibilities of html, adding more and more decorations to their site.

What is a link made of?

In this example, the first part is the access protocol. Here http is used, which stands for hypertext transfer method. This protocol is the main one for communication between the browser and the server. Its extension - https - means that the connection is protected by encryption.

The type can also be used to transfer data to the server. It was created for this. It is mainly used to upload files to a remote server. The link might look something like this: ftp://www.site.ru/catalog/index.html.

After ftp:// comes the site name. For example, mail.ru, google.ru. This is followed by a section of the site, which, in fact, can represent a real-life directory on the server. The last item can be a specific page address. In this case, index.html. It is on it that all the necessary code for display is placed, which is understandable to the browser. On many sites, links can be generated automatically by content management systems. Therefore, the last part may not be displayed.

What is a link on one site

Links or links can be internal. For example, they are used to navigate through sections. As a rule, such a link is relative and may not have a part with a protocol and a name. For example: /catalog/index.html. This means that the browser needs to look for the index.html file in the catalog directory, the site's root folder.

Any menu of the site, in which the sections are located, have internal links to go to them.

What are mail links?

The mail link is designed in such a way that when you click on it, a special program for working with messages will automatically open. After its launch, the address specified in the link will be substituted in the "to" field by itself. It looks like this in most cases: [email protected] That is, in fact, just an email address. The link conversion is performed automatically by the services by adding the word “mailto:” to the code.

Or you can do it manually in the html page:<a href="mailto: [email protected]">. Here you can add any phrasea>. Thus, it will turn out that a mail link will be placed under the expression. This was done for aesthetics. For example, you can write on your site “Send me an email” and insert your email address under this text.


The article discussed what a link is and provides several examples of it. However, the link is often used in other areas related to the Internet. It can also be used by networkers, giving it the meaning of the existence of a connection. For example: “there is a link”, which means that the connection is available.

Therefore, it is rather a slang word, and it is more appropriate to use the term "link" instead.

Link (from the English link - link) is an active element on the site page, when clicked, some action is performed. Any navigation on the site and almost all actions performed by the user are carried out thanks to links. Depending on the settings provided by the developer, links can perform the following actions:

  • navigate through the internal pages of the site;
  • carry out the transition to external resources;
  • open and download documents and multimedia files;
  • find elements with anchors within the current page and navigate to these elements;
  • launch an event handler, which, in turn, launches a script that performs one or another action;
  • send form data to the server for further processing;
  • call the form for sending an email, depending on the default mail client, and much more.

Link appearance


This is the most common type of link. By default, standard links are underlined in text with a blue bar and highlighted in blue. If desired, you can change the appearance of the link by changing the font, size, color, and other parameters. The use of cascading style sheets greatly expands the possibilities for changing the appearance of links, in contrast to standard HTML attributes.



In standard HTML markup, when creating a form, there are several standard buttons, the type of which is indicated in the “type” attribute of the tag :

  • button - a regular button;
  • file - browse button to select a file on the user's computer for further work with this file.
  • reset - a reset button that removes all changes made in the form fields and returns their values ​​to their original state;
  • submit - a button for submitting data from the form to the server for further processing.

Link status

  • active - the state of the link at the time of clicking on it;
  • unvisited - a link that the user has not yet clicked;
  • visited – a link that was followed at least once.