What is spam on Odnoklassniki? How to complain about a VKontakte page How to remove a complaint on VKontakte

Often, after disputes, citizens, in a fit of emotion, turn to government services for protection, which they later very much regret. And they are faced with a very difficult task - to withdraw the submitted application and relieve the accused of all possible liability.

Such an operation is generally possible. But it is very difficult to implement, since it is accompanied by a number of features and nuances, each of which must be taken into account. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to withdraw a statement from the prosecutor’s office and what difficulties such an action is associated with.

Is it possible to withdraw your application?

In fact, it is impossible to withdraw a statement from the prosecutor's office. This is due to the fact that any request is immediately processed and a case is opened on it. So, you can only “pick up” the submitted papers if you have just handed them over and they have not yet reached the authorized employee. It is impossible to withdraw a complaint from the prosecutor’s office if proceedings have already begun.


But this does not mean that your complaint must necessarily enter into proceedings and lead to a final result. If you have reconciled with the opposite party, do not want problems for it and at the same time have no complaints, then you can terminate the proceedings and thereby cancel the complaint itself.

How to stop checking?

For that, In order to withdraw the application to the prosecutor's office, stopping the inspection, you need to write another application. Doing this is quite problematic, since there is no uniform form for writing such statements. In general, it will consist of three parts:

  • Title. It will need to include information about the department of the prosecutor's office considering the initial complaint, information about the head of this department (title, full name), information about the applicant (full name, registration address, contacts);
  • Information part. It will need to clearly indicate which case you want to withdraw and on what grounds. Be sure to clarify whether there was a reconciliation of the parties, where the grounds for termination of the case came from, etc.;
  • Conclusion. Contains a list of documents that will be attached to the application, the applicant’s signature with a transcript and the date of submission of the application to terminate the case to the prosecutor’s office.

Nuances of the procedure

Let's move on to the difficulties. There are quite a lot of them, so we will list those that we only encounter when citizens contact us:

Registration of reconciliation of the parties. The biggest problem if you want to resolve the dispute bilaterally is formalizing a peaceful settlement of the conflict. In this case, it is important to consider that both the complainant and the accused must act together. The applicant must submit an application to the prosecutor's office to terminate the proceedings, and the accused must attach to it a documentary assurance that he has no claims or complaints against the applicant and the conflict was resolved through joint efforts;

Counterclaim for libel. It often happens that after the application has already been submitted, the applicant is e. Moreover, such statements in most cases will be justified. In this case, in addition to reconciliation with the party, the application to terminate the case will need to indicate the reason for reporting incorrect information: misrepresentation, error in available information, and so on;

Refusal to close production. Not all proceedings can be terminated by writing a statement. Even if the accuser himself withdraws his demands and reconciles with the accused, the case against him may not be closed. This happens in case of serious violations, such as violations of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or the interests of other citizens. So filing an application to withdraw a complaint is not yet a guarantee that the accused will be relieved of responsibility.

Criminal lawyer. Experience in this direction since 2006.

What is spam in Odnoklassniki and what to do if you are attacked by spammers? Such questions often arise for many novice users of social networks. In our article we will give you the most detailed information on this topic and tell you how to deal with spam and unscrupulous users who send it.

What does the word spam mean in Odnoklassniki?

The concept of “spam” arose almost with the beginning of the Internet era. This is the name for advertising or fraudulent advertisements, which initially arrived in huge quantities to an electronic mailbox - e-mail, and now such letters are sent out via instant messengers and social networks. People who make sending advertisements their profession are called spammers.

Odnoklassniki has not escaped this problem either: despite the site’s reliable protection and the efforts of moderators, spam appears in groups and is sent to users’ account emails. Probably everyone knows what spam is in Odnoklassniki messages - many of us receive advertising letters, and sometimes just incomprehensible links from strangers.

What to do in such cases?

  • Under no circumstances click on the links sent to you: this could be virus software that scammers want to infect your device with.
  • Do not hesitate to complain to the site administration about such user activities. This is the only way you can protect yourself from unscrupulous people.
  • It would be a good idea to block the person who sends you such “gifts” - this way he won’t be able to harm you.

And now we will tell you in detail about all these actions.

Do you want to know? We will tell you about this in our other article on this site.

How to remove spam in Odnoklassniki?

We have divided the necessary actions to get rid of intrusive advertising into three main stages. Of course, you can completely get by with the first point - this way the annoying link will disappear. But, if you want to protect yourself and other network users from spam, it is better to go through all three stages.

How to report spam?

Messages from spammers can come either to your personal email or appear in various groups. We will tell you how to get rid of them in both cases.

In message

  • Open the dangerous message, but do not click on any links.
  • To the right of the message are three vertical dots. Click on them.

  • A window will appear with possible options. Tap the first option - “Complain”.

  • And the last action - in a new window, confirm your complaint by clicking on the “Complain” button.

In a group

  • If you see an advertising or offensive comment that does not correspond to the topic of the post, find three dots to the right of it and touch them.

  • From the options provided, select “Complain.”

  • You will be asked to confirm the complaint. Touch the word “Complain” again.

Everything is ready. Now the site administration will consider your complaint and, if it is appropriate, will punish the spammer. If such incidents are repeated with a user often, then over time his page will be blocked.

How to report a spammer?

If you repeatedly receive advertising mailings from the same person, then you should draw the attention of social network employees to this fact. You can do this as follows:

  • Go to the spammer's page by clicking on his nickname or photo next to the message he sent. On the right you can see a button called “Other actions”. Touch her.

  • A list of different options will appear. Select "Complain".

  • Answer the question about what your complaint is about by checking the box next to the appropriate reason.

  • Now click on “Complain” and your complaint will be reviewed by the Odnoklassniki administration.

How to blacklist a spammer?

But what if a certain user keeps pestering you with spam? After all, site employees receive a huge number of different requests every day, and to block an ill-wisher’s account they need at least a few more complaints from other users. The easiest way to get rid of obsessive attention is to blacklist such a person on your page.

  • Open the spammer's page. Find the “Other actions” inscription at the top of it and click on it.

  • From all available options, select “Block”.

  • In the confirmation window that appears in front of you, click on the “Block user” button.

Ready! This person will no longer be able to send you a single message!

Don't know? Be sure to read our other article on this site.

How to cancel a spam complaint on Odnoklassniki?

What should you do if your hand suddenly trembles and you send a completely harmless message to spam or even complain to the administration about a person who does not deserve it at all? How to remove a complaint so that it does not harm innocent people?

If a message or comment does not contain “corpus delicti” - spam, offensive statements or pornography - administration employees will not punish the user, even if a complaint is accidentally sent against him. So you shouldn’t worry too much or look for a way to remove your complaint - normal people and their pages are not in danger of anything at all.

What is spam

Nowadays, it is very common to receive unwanted and outright spam messages on VKontakte. There are a large number of bots and people who are trying to distribute their products, services and other information by simply sending you annoying messages. Agree, this is very annoying. How can you complain about the page of such a well-wisher in contact in order to get rid of annoying information? This is what we will talk about in this article.

How does this work

The mechanism is extremely simple. Using a special interface, you send a complaint to a specific user’s page. In this case, it is necessary to indicate exactly what harm it caused you. You will need to choose from the options offered by the system. In addition, you should write a comment for the moderators that will reveal the essence of your complaint.

What happens if you report a page?

VK moderators will receive your complaint for consideration. And if they consider it justified, then the user’s page will be blocked, and he will not be able to bother you (see). Quite a normal way out.

Let's see how to do this in practice.

How to complain about a VKontakte page

I suggest you go through the whole process using a real example. They often write me messages of a pornographic nature, with offers to join the corresponding group. Let's try to block such comrades. Here is an example of such a message.

As you can see - outright spam. Well, it's time to block such a user.

Let's go to his page.

As you can see, it is clearly fake, and was created to invite people to dubious groups. Let's scroll down a little. We need an additional menu - it is located after the main information blocks.

Here we fill in the following points:

  • Reason for sending a complaint
  • Comment
  • If you wish, you can immediately block user access to your page. To do this, check the box next to the appropriate item.

After this, click the “Submit” button.

You will receive a message indicating that your complaint has been successfully accepted for consideration. All that remains is to wait for the decision of the moderators.

Please note that if you have checked the box to block user access to your page, he will no longer be able to bother you. Even if the moderators do not consider your arguments correct and do not block it.

Is it possible to find out who complained about my contact page?

Don't forget that you, like other social network members, can become the target of complaints. Unfortunately, you will not be able to find out its essence and the person who presented it. You will be notified about blocking or deleting a page when the moderators have already made a decision. Therefore, do not engage in prohibited activities if you do not want to lose access to your account.


Function “Report this page”, is designed to cleanse the social network of bots and spammers. You just need to carry out a short procedure based on our instructions, and the user will be blocked (subject to the approval of the moderators).

But there is another side to this issue. Don’t forget that VKontakte is also used as a business tool. Thousands of people and companies are trying to promote their product by sending you relevant offers. What should we take away from this?

Firstly, not everyone is a spammer at first glance, trying to harm you. Therefore, you should not block everyone indiscriminately.

Secondly, if you are trying to use VK as an advertising tool, carefully consider your messages, and most importantly, your target audience. Ideally, achieve such a result that only interested users receive your messages. So that they don’t have to complain about your contact page.


Please ask your question in the comments, describing the problem you encountered.

We and our users regularly discuss possible problems and difficulties. Together we will solve your problem.

Today, millions of people use the VKontakte service. This service has many useful functions and new ones are added every day. One of the functions is to block the user account.

How many complaints does it take to get a VK page blocked?

The question of how many complaints a VK page needs to get blocked is of interest to many users of this social network. There are often situations when a social network user behaves incorrectly, so the desire to limit his account is entirely justified. As a rule, VK administrators check various public pages and user profiles for violations, but the effectiveness of this method is not always high. And purely physically, administrators cannot keep track of all VKontakte pages and public pages.

Therefore, there is such a way to block a user’s page as a complaint. To block an account, 10 complaints from different users are required. Sometimes, if there are serious offenses, the address will be blocked even after one request. The principle of blocking is simple: you select any messages or publications in the feed you are viewing and click on the “Complain” button.

Selected posts must contain one of the following violations:

  • insults to others
  • slander
  • inciting ethnic hatred
  • propaganda of narcotic substances, including “digital” ones
  • extremist materials
  • sexual content
  • propaganda of illegal actions (crimes)
  • violation of the rights of minor users
  • confidential information
  • suicide propaganda
  • cruelty to animals
  • violation of other laws of the Russian Federation and citizens' rights

An exact list of all violations can be found on the VKontakte User Agreement website - https://vk.com/terms

If your complaint is true, the offender’s profile will soon be blocked. However, any violator has the opportunity to unblock the account after a certain time by filling out a recovery form.

Then, how many complaints about a VK page does it take for it to be blocked forever? Basically, permanent blocking is possible in case of repeated violations of the user agreement, phishing, extortion and other offenses.

Thus, any VK user can resort to this method to block the intruder.


You can now officially complain on VKontakte

Yesterday, around midnight, the head of the social network VKontakte, Pavel Durov, informed the public that the functionality of the social network VKontakte has expanded with the ability to complain about individual publications of users, which will allow them to be deleted, hidden and punished to the fullest extent of the rules of the social network.

Today is Friday the 13th, and from now on you can complain to us about any type of information on VKontakte - text news, photographs, videos, or comments to them. To do this, just click on the cross in the upper right corner of the post or follow the “Complain” link. (...)

To report a publication, you just need to click on the cross in the upper right corner of the browser window. publication and select “Complain”. After this, a drop-down list of six items will appear, one of which should be selected. What is noteworthy is that there is no “Copyright Violation” item in the list. 🙂

© Anton Maksimov, 12/14/2013


How to write a complaint on VKontakte about a group

Hello everyone dear subscribers. Today I will tell you about how to write a complaint to support on the VKontakte social network, I’ll tell you why you can complain about a group, community or person on VK, we will find out how many complaints you need to send in order to block a person, how to send a complaint to Roskomnadzor and much more

Why do you need to complain to VK?

Well, firstly, for the sake of justice, everyone who violates the established rules for one purpose or another must be punished. Secondly, to eliminate competitors. Thirdly, to protect a number of individuals or groups of users from this or that content, and so on.

What types of complaints are there on VKontakte:

  • complaint about cheating of participants
  • complaint for spam (comment, private messages, likes, etc.)
  • complaint for changing the topic of a group or community
  • complaint about fake competitions
  • copyright infringement complaint
  • complaint for violation of VKontakte rules
  • complaint for selling a group or page

Now let's find out:

How to file a complaint against the VK administration group

Since this has already been put on stream, it is very easy to complain about any group or community of the VKontakte administration: We need to go to the help section

Next, insert a link to the group, write the text and explain the reason for the complaint, look at the screenshot.

That's all, the administration will definitely look into your complaint; it is very important to support your complaint with evidence!

Well, now let's look at all types of complaints in detail:

How to report a community for cheating members

Very often, dishonest community administrators, instead of attracting new members with useful information, simply cheat their members by placing orders for cheating on third-party services. Agree, it’s a shame that you spent a lot of time and money to get 10,000 participants, but someone just cheated. In order to complain about a group for cheating members, just use the example above and the administration will write off the cheated members or block the community

How to file a VK complaint for spam

VK is a platform for bots and spammers, and no matter how hard the VKontakte administration tries, there are no fewer spammers. They spam in comments, private messages, spam with likes, etc. To report a person for spamming VK, you need to go to the person’s page and click the button to report the page, see the screenshot at the beginning. If you receive a personal spam message, there is a button to mark as spam right in the dialogs.

How to report a community for changing topics

Imagine a situation: a new series comes out and you decide to create a community for it, you are the first to recognize the groups, and suddenly a million-strong community appears based on this name. It shouldn’t be this way, and VK admins harshly ban groups for changing the community. In order to ban a VK group for changing the community, you must use the standard complaint form; this complaint must be accompanied by 2 screenshots before and after the change of topic.

How to file a complaint against the VK community for fake competitions

Many dishonest group administrators create fake competitions, for example, join the group, make a repost and win an iPhone or iPad. Although, in fact, a fake page is created for the winners and that’s it. We need a standard form for filing a complaint about the group and attach a link to the post with the competition, etc. Let's look at the screenshot

How to file a complaint to VK for copyright infringement.

Suppose you made a beautiful menu and description for your group, took them yourself or bought photographs, and suddenly you find one in one group that has blatantly copied all your work. We write a standard VK complaint, attach 2 links, the first to your author’s post, the second to copy-paste, we fully describe the whole situation, it is advisable to take a couple more screenshots

How to file a complaint for violating Vktontakte rules

What did I mean here, for example, let’s take a harmless number of advertising posts per day in a group cannot exceed 5 pieces, if the group administrator publishes more, then the group can be banned, we need to take 5 or more screenshots on which the date of the post and the name of the group should be clearly visible, also You need to write down the post link because the administrator will delete it. And everything according to the diagram above

How to file a complaint for selling a group or page.

In order to file a complaint for the sale of a group or VK page, we must have strong and clear evidence: screenshots of correspondence with the creator of the group, if you have any, then you can write a complaint. How many complaints do you need to write to block a group of a person’s VK page?

As a rule, 1 or 2 complaints are enough and if a person is guilty, he is blocked within 48 hours. It’s a little more difficult with spammers; to block a personal page through the report page button you need at least 50 complaints from different people and a minimum of 48 hours

Text of the complaint against the VK group

To make it easier, here is the standard text of a complaint about a group or page by a VK administrator:

Good afternoon, I have noticed violations of the rules of the user agreement of the social network VKontakte, namely (here we write the reason for the complaint) these actions were noticed on (here is a link to a group or person), I am attaching links and screenshots to my complaint for confirmation, I ask you to take action against the violator

How to complain about a VK group to Roskomnadzor

In order to complain about the VK group to Roskomnadzor, you must go to the official Roskomnadzor website and fill out all the necessary fields, fully describe all the reasons and provide evidence. Here is the link https://rkn.gov.ru/treatments/ask-question/ I hope this article will be useful to you.


How to complain on VKontakte?

The social network Vkontakte is, if not itself, then one of the most popular social networks in Russia. On this site you can meet completely different people, and some of them, unfortunately, are not at all distinguished by their politeness. However, this can also be said about various groups that send spam messages to different users. At the same time, some people sometimes forget about the rules and leave entries that may offend other users. To solve this problem, you can complain to the administrator. We will tell you how to complain on VKontakte in our article.

How to send a complaint to the administrator

  1. First, you will need to go to the page of the person or group on VKontakte that you want to file a complaint about.
  2. Scroll down and you will see “Report this page” on the left.
  3. Click on this link and a window will open in front of you where you can select the reason for the complaint. Also, don't forget to leave a comment before submitting a complaint.
  4. Your complaint will be sent for consideration, and within 24 hours you will be able to receive a response from the administration. If a user or group actually violated any rules of the VKontakte social network, then your complaint will be satisfied. However, remember that your complaint must also meet the requirements of the social network. Therefore, before sending a complaint, consider the rules for formatting and filing.

Your complaint can be resolved within a few hours if you leave it on record of scammers or any obvious abuse.

The result may be a complete blocking of a user who has left offensive or rule-breaking posts. If you want to block a user yourself, we recommend reading the article on the topic How to block a user in a contact.

You can cancel your submitted application in your personal State Services account. However, a cancellation can be made if the application has not yet been accepted for processing. After cancellation, this application can be used as a draft.

  1. Go to the portal and log in with your credentials. Next, go to by clicking on the last name in the upper right corner.
  2. Go to the tab "Notifications".
  3. Go to item "Statements", and then click on the desired line with the active statement.
  4. Check the available actions block on the right for the option "Cancel application". If there is such an inscription, then click on it.
  5. The portal will check with you whether you really want to cancel the submitted application. Confirm the system request by clicking on the button "Cancel".
  6. If the request is processed successfully, you will see a corresponding message on the screen.
  7. In your personal account notifications you will see the changed status of your application.

Most applications will be canceled as described above.

Once canceled, it will not be possible to restore the application. The only option is to use it as a draft in order to go through the registration process again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to cancel a confirmed (accepted by a government agency) application?

No. The user can cancel his or her application until an employee of the department accepts it for further consideration. As a rule, this takes from 2 hours to a day. If the application has already been accepted by the institution, then the best option would be to contact the department to discuss possible options for solving the problem.

Is it possible to reinstate a canceled application?

No. Once you have confirmed the cancellation of your application, you can use it as a draft for another application. There is no such function as restoring a canceled application on the portal.

When might it be necessary to delete an application?

  • Loss of need to receive a particular service.
  • It is not possible to visit a government office at the appointed time. The right decision would be to cancel the application on the portal. In this case, another person will be able to sign up in your place.
  • Detection of an error in the specified data. In this case, you can cancel the application and use it in the future, providing the correct information, as a draft, so as not to fill out all the information again.