Computer game for cats. Does your cat already have an iPad? No? Download the game for her on your tablet

If you think that games for cats on a tablet are the fruit of someone’s unbridled imagination, you are mistaken. Recently, apps have appeared on the iPad specifically created for pets, which they play with pleasure!

Let's take a look at the history of these games, because cat owners are probably wondering who took such care of their furry pets.

Recent history

Pet food brand Friskies has released 3 games for cats to play on their iPad as a promotion.

The games were named: Tasty Treasures Hunt, Cat Fishing and Party Mix-Up, which translated means “Hunt for Tasty Treasures”, “Cat Fishing”. They are based on the basic instinct of cats to hunt for moving small objects.

Soon, every iPad owner will be able to download these applications to their device. The developers assure that after cat entertainment, the tablet screen will remain intact and not even scratched, because it is quite durable.

“Friskies” and the iPhone did not go unnoticed; for them, the company developed an application called Here Kitty Kitty, with which a smartphone can “call” a cat into the kitchen. To do this, the developers used the sound of a rustling bag of food, a can opening, or the chirping of birds.

What do users think?

There are a lot of people in America who treat animals as people in the truest sense of the word. Now it’s clear where the “legs” of cat games on the tablet come from. Most Americans are ready to pluck a star from the sky just to make their mustachioed favorite happy, let alone such games.

However, Russians are not yet ready to buy a tablet for a kitten, although who knows... In general, if you bought it for yourself and you have a cat, why not please him with a toy specially created for him. Thus, the tomboy can be occupied for a long time and watch a funny picture.

How to play?

Playing games for cats is extremely simple, especially since all 3 versions are similar to each other. In each of them, something moves on the screen: food, fish or bright figures. This is done to attract the attention of your pet. To complete the game, you need to place the tablet with the game turned on in the cat’s field of vision and observe his reaction.

No mustachioed tabby will remain indifferent to such entertainment, but not every owner will be able to calmly watch how the oleophobic coating is destroyed by the claws of their favorite animal! Although, as for display scratches... opinions here are divided.

Some claim that the glass is well protected, covered with sapphire crystal and does not scratch, while others say that a cat can easily leave claw marks on the screen. This probably means that it’s worth conducting a similar experiment with your pet and saying for sure: will it scratch you or not?!


  • Games for cats are certainly worthy of your attention, since they are available to every iPad owner - they can be downloaded for free for your favorite cats.
  • Applications can be released in link format, this is conveniently accessible, and allows you to play on other platforms (for example, Android).
  • Color combinations, frequency of movement of objects and other “little things” are created based on the habits of cats.
  • With the help of such applications, a cat’s ingenuity develops and its reaction is honed.
  • Cats can play together, which is very interesting and entertaining for both them and you!

Bottom line

Videos of cats playing on a tablet are a great advertisement for Apple; we still have to release an app for dogs so that they finally have a reason to fight with cats!

Someday cats will take over the world. To make this wonderful event happen faster, you need to introduce future furry rulers to modern technologies. The editors of Glorypets have collected best apps for iPad from Apple, which will bring your cat closer to world domination.

Game for KittensfromLittle Hiccup
Download for free

Train your cat's reaction with this popular application, which will allow your cat to have fun with the tablet no worse than bipeds do. This simple toy will delight your furry friend - a digital mouse or laser pointer that he will catch will attract your pet's attention for a long time, giving you free time.

The only problem with this toy is that the cat may not want to give the iPad back!

Watch video aboutGameforKittens:

An original solution is to combine a piano, a cat toy and a digital application. Now your cat (and you too!) will be able to give real virtuoso concerts. The piano “meows” when you press the keys; the range of one octave and 10 “meowing” modes will not leave the cat and you indifferent. Whether you want to play the instrument yourself to entertain your pet, or train your cat to sing cat songs himself, this app will keep you entertained.

Friskies® Call-A-CatfromNestle Purina Petcare
Download for free

Cats are born cunning. They pretend that they are absolutely independent of people and will not react to them until they need something themselves. Like, dogs are not supposed to respond to every sneeze. But in fact, they can be deceived, and this application will come in handy for you. It contains cats' favorite sounds - chirping, the sound of a can of food being opened - just select what you need, and the cat will regularly come running to the familiar sound.

Cat Toys LitefromSecond Reality
Download for free

Another cat toy that will help her pass the time. Its peculiarity is that the expanded version of this game contains several new modes - your cat will be able to play with a toad, a ping-pong ball, etc. Each of the “rivals” has its own behavior and therefore your cat will not get bored for a long time. If you want to play a little joke on him or test his reaction, increase the speed of the game and watch the rooted “cat and mouse”.

This is funny free application Suitable for owners with a sense of humor. Cat Sounds imitates cat sounds - meowing, purring, curiosity. It's not only good way entertain yourself and your cat - with this application you can make fun of your favorite dog or dispel a tense silence in the company, just press the appropriate button.

Which was downloaded from Google Play already more than 5,000 times.

The game is compatible with all platforms including Android and Windows for personal computers. game Mouse for the cat on the screen the game works on devices with Android versions 4.0.3 and later, so be sure to check your system version before installing. Don't forget about a stable Internet connection. We recommend using Wi-fi network to download the game, which will save the rest of your 3G traffic. The average user rating is 2.71/5, and the total number of reviews is 7.

What's new:

Description of Mouse for cat on screen game

Mouse for cat on screen game is a game for cats, cats and people. An image of a mouse or laser dot appears on the screen, which you need to catch. Your pet will love this game!

It's very easy to play. First select the type:
Green laser
Red laser
Mouse for a cat
Then press the “Play” button and catch mice, or let your cat play!

Cats love to hunt mice and run after a laser pointer. Therefore, your pet will most likely really like this game for cats. If he doesn't like the mouse, try a different type, like a red laser.
Have fun and play with your cat all day!

Please note that the site only offers original and completely free APK files for download, which do not contain modifications and additional programs. Using our website, you can download the APK file of the game Mouse for cat on screen game APK and install this unique game on your device under Android control. It's very simple and completely safe. Click the button to download and follow the system instructions ( Last update applications - 2017-07-31).

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