State number information. Decoding the VIN code

When purchasing a new or used car, to protect yourself, it is advisable to check the VIN code of the vehicle. This will help you find out whether the car is stolen, or whether the sale is being made due to an accident, as well as other important information.

Identification number location

The VIN code, or as it is also called the body number, must be written down in the passport and be identical to the number located on the body. Usually the number is located on non-removable parts of the body (A-pillar) and those places where the chance of damage to the car in an accident is minimal.

What information does decoding a car's VIN code provide?

  • Country of origin.
  • Year of issue.
  • Engine and body type.
  • What equipment should be present when purchasing a car?
  • General characteristics of the car.
  • Information about the vehicle, its mileage, early sales and other similar data.

Decryption stages

Usually, an identification number has 17 characters, and it consists of 3 mandatory parts:

  • WMI - contains 3 characters.
  • VDS - contains 6 characters.
  • VIS - contains 8 characters.

From the first part of WMI This is when checking the car by VIN begins. These symbols identify the manufacturer of the car, which is assigned to a specific country. The first character indicates its geographic area, and can be either a number or a letter, depending on the country of origin. For example, numbers 1 through 5 would indicate a manufacturer in North America; from 6 to 7 - countries of Oceania; from 8 to 9, as well as 0 - the manufacturer is South America. Letters from S to Z - cars of European origin, from J to R - origin from Asia, from A to H - brought from Africa.

The first part of the VIN check makes it possible to find out where the car was brought from.

Second part is referred to as descriptive and, as a rule, must consist of 6 characters. It often happens that the car manufacturer does not fill in all 6 characters, but according to the rules, all 6 must be present in the car. Therefore, if there are only 4 or 5 characters in this part of the code, then the remaining ones are simply filled with zeros and always on the right side. The descriptive part of the VIN decoding allows you to determine the car model and its main characteristics. The numbers starting from 4 and ending with 8 should tell about the type of car engine, its series and model, and also have information about the body type.

AND third, the final part of the VIN decoding is VIS, which consists of 8 characters. It is worth knowing that the last 4 characters must be present. This is the part of the transcript in which you can find out the year of manufacture of the vehicle, information about the assembly plant, and model year.

All three parts are necessary when deciphering the body identification number, and make it clear to the future owner about the origin and further history of the car.

Self-check of VIN code

To check the VIN code, it is not necessary to contact the relevant authorities and send a request to them.

Knowing the vehicle identification number, enter it into the verification form on our website and receive complete information about a specific vehicle. This is a necessary procedure that is recommended before purchasing a car. It will take a little time, but it will save you from further troubles.

Additional information on the car at

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Every car that comes off the assembly line has its own Registration information, which is called the VIN code. This is the most reliable way, check the vehicle data.

Checking a car by VIN code on the traffic police website on the official website is now available to every person with Internet access. To do this, you should download and install the program on your computer and enter the body number in the specified field.

Why do you need a VIN check?

Decoding VIN is quite simple. For domestic cars, this is the identification number indicated in the passport. If you buy a new car at a dealership, then there is no point in checking the VIN at the traffic police.

And if you decide to buy a used car, then it’s better to check the car for arrest and theft search in the traffic police database for free on the website. Keep in mind that only the official owner can get a car identified by its VIN code in advance for free at the traffic police.

If you are just planning to make a purchase and want to be sure that the car is not wanted, ask the owner to do this check. It is advisable that he send the request 10 days before the transaction is concluded. This will greatly simplify the process of registering the purchased car in your name.

Otherwise, you will simply waste a lot of time on legal proceedings that will not give the desired result and will not return the money spent on purchasing the car.

What information can be obtained from the VIN code?

The State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provides vehicle owners with the following information:

  • whether the car is under arrest or pledged;
  • whether the car is stolen;
  • all data from the customs service (if the car is imported from abroad);
  • technical information about the car;
  • the entire history of technical inspection.

If you are really planning to buy a car, then this information will be very useful for you.

How to check a car at the traffic police by VIN code?

You can check your car on several different sites. If you have some information about the seller, you can check him too. It is best to check the car according to VIN on the official website, which has been operating since 2014.

This service operates throughout Russia. It provides full information about each registered car. Also here you can find information about the search for a vehicle and the imposition of restrictions on it.

Checking your car for registration bans will help you avoid such unpleasant situations if the car is under collateral. The ban is lifted only after the car owner resolves all problems with the bailiff.

As can be seen from all of the above, everyone needs to check a car before buying. After all, if you buy a car, but still can’t drive it for one reason or another, you will not only lose your savings, but will also be left without a vehicle again. Various authorities can impose a ban on a car: judicial, investigative, customs, etc.

Checking a car's VIN code will help you solve a lot of problems and protect you from buying cars that are wanted for various reasons.

You can check the vehicle you are going to buy different ways. This can be done at the service of execution of court decisions, at the traffic police departments. At the traffic police department, you can check a car in two ways: by personally submitting an application.

In this application, you should indicate the car model, make, license plate number and VIN number.

Or, you can check your car by VIN code for free online. Of course, the latter option is more convenient for all people. To do this, it is also worth providing all the data about the car and you can get information about it.

Buying a car on the secondary market is a rather complex and comprehensive process that involves the use large quantities various checks. Of course, the most important stage of verification is the technical part. You need to make sure that the machine is fully serviceable, has a sufficiently long service life and is potentially a good purchase. But an equally important stage will be the legal check of the car.

Many drivers and potential buyers Cars are wondering how to check their car for fines. This check is needed not only when purchasing, but also if the driver has doubts about the possible presence of unpaid sanctions from the state. For example, your car could be spotted by radar, and the “letter of happiness” was lost in the bins of the Russian Post. Therefore, you sometimes need to check for fines yourself.

Checking fines online using VIN code

The simplest and most accessible way for every person today to check a car is a free and instant verification of the car’s VIN code on the official website of the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. To do this, just go to a specially created page, enter the code (if the VIN is missing, you can use the body or chassis number) and get the necessary information.

The website only publishes information about the presence of fines; you will not find any contact information or other features here. Therefore, using this method of determining unpaid fines is very convenient; thanks to such a pleasant innovation, every owner can regularly check fines and avoid unpleasant situations:

  • a penalty for an unpaid fine, which the owner of the car did not even know about;
  • the possibility of administrative arrest for 15 days directly from the traffic police post;
  • the risk of receiving another fine for non-payment of the demand when meeting with the traffic police;
  • inadmissibility of any registration actions with the car and collateral transactions;
  • restriction of travel outside the country and other issues that are unpleasant for every driver.

It is necessary to pay the fines issued by the traffic police, because their failure to pay will entail the impossibility of normal and free movement by car. It is better to pay within a month from the date of receipt of the fine, otherwise you will have to pay an additional penalty. However, we talked about the issues of late traffic police fines not so long ago.

Checking by VIN code is one of the most effective independent options for checking a car when purchasing. By using this code, you can find out whether the car is under arrest or credit, or whether it has problems with crime. But for this you will need access to the database not for fines, but general information Traffic police. This check can be done at the police station.

Other ways to check fines - buy a clean car

Not long ago, the rules for purchasing cars changed in Russia. Because of this, many buyers began to use simplified methods of purchasing a car, because these are very convenient options. It is enough to draw up a purchase and sale agreement with the seller and you can go to the traffic police yourself, register the car in your name and get real pleasure from your purchase in just a few hours.

However, there are many real problems with this beautiful scheme. If you buy a car second-hand, there is always a risk of purchasing a not very high-quality car with big amount legal problems. To check such problems, simply checking fines on the traffic police website is not enough. It is better to abandon simply drawing up a purchase and sale agreement altogether and use the following steps when buying a car:

  • perform a technical check of the car at a service station with the help of professional mechanics;
  • conduct a personal inspection of the interior condition, find out the causes of all possible malfunctions;
  • draw up a purchase and sale agreement with the seller, but do not transfer it to this moment money for a car;
  • go with the car owner to the traffic police, submit documents for re-registration of the vehicle;
  • wait for new documents to be issued in your name and at that moment pay off with the former owner;
  • take new documents and, with full confidence in the cleanliness of the car, go on road trips.

This is the most safe way buy a car. Agree, it will be very unpleasant if, after trying to re-register, you are presented with demands to pay fines for several thousand rubles, and they are also told that the car is actually on credit, and you can deregister it only after withdrawing it from the bank collateral.

If you think that such situations are the exception, you should trust people less and believe more only in facts and documents. Today there are a lot of private companies that, using the VIN code and some other information about the car, can perform a legal check of the car, calculating the number of owners, as well as fines and violations.

What to do if the fines found on your car do not belong to you?

It is not uncommon for a car buyer to discover old fines on his car, followed by a trail of new sanctions, penalties and the risk of going to jail for 15 days. There have been cases when even the official re-registration of a car by the traffic police did not show such fines, and after several weeks of happy operation of the purchased car, the buyer discovered that mailbox summons to court for unpaid fines. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • go to the traffic police department, make an appointment with one of the managers;
  • describe the situation, present all available documents for the car;
  • require the inspector to shift responsibility to the former owner of the car;
  • if there are no results from such a conversation, you need to come to court, preferably with the support of a lawyer;
  • file a counterclaim demanding to change the person responsible for non-payment of fines;
  • require a complete legal clearance of the car, because the check should have occurred at the stage of changing ownership.

When you buy a car secondhand, it is checked by the traffic police. And the fact that the employees did not notice the presence of fines should not concern you in any way. Of course, if we are talking about an amount of 500 rubles, it is better to simply pay this fine and consider it payment for your science for the future. But with more serious sanctions, it is necessary to fight for your legal right to own a legally clean car. Similar situations began to occur only after the introduction of a new form of re-registration of ownership of vehicles.

You can also check fines on the government services portal - watch the video instructions for this method checks:

Let's sum it up

Today, not everyone in the traffic police is accustomed to the new rules for re-registration of a car. Therefore, we recommend carrying out an additional legal check of the car so as not to become a victim of an insufficiently thorough review of the data by the police inspector. Checking a car for fines today is quite simple - you just need to go to the official website of the traffic police and enter the VIN code of the vehicle you need.

Some private companies also have access to the database of fines and sanctions for cars, which will help you determine the presence of a car in collateral and loan bank databases. These are also important points when buying a used vehicle, so they should not be neglected. Have you done any checking when purchasing used cars this year?