Used to increase computer performance. We improve the performance of our computer with simple steps. How does CPU overclocking work?

Perhaps all PC users sooner or later encounter a situation when the computer starts to slow down.

Moreover, according to Murphy's laws, this happens at the most inopportune moment.

In this article, we will look at possible reasons why a computer may slow down, as well as ways to solve them, in ascending order of the monetary investment required to resolve the issue.

What actions to take to increase computer performance.

Step 1. Install new drivers

Installing new drivers can help increase PC performance, especially in cases where either standard Windows drivers or outright old drivers are installed.

The motherboard driver has the greatest influence.

You can find drivers on the websites of the corresponding hardware manufacturers or use one of the programs for automatically updating drivers.

One of the best such programs for automatic updating is .

If you are a user of any version of the Windows operating system, you must remember that for correct operation it is necessary to ensure communication between the hardware and software components of the system.

This interaction can be configured by drivers - a separate type of software that serves as a “link” between the motherboard and the operating system.

Drivers can be installed manually, however, you can often encounter the problem of conflicting versions of the OS and driver software.

To avoid such problems, you should use special programs that will help you select and install a driver for the connected device as quickly as possible.

Carambis Driver Updater is one such program. It allows you to quickly download the necessary drivers, as well as update versions of previously installed drivers.

Features of the utility:

  • Ability to search for driver software for all types of connected devices;
  • Work in the background. This ensures minimal consumption of OS resources;
  • Availability of a current driver database for all versions of Windows OS;
  • Full user support from developers. Program owners can receive personal advice on any issue.

Step 2. Clean the startup list

Perhaps the first point from which you need to start increasing your computer’s performance is cleaning your startup from unnecessary programs and services.

Some programs (for example) add themselves to startup during the installation process.

This is done so that the program starts itself, without user intervention, immediately after turning on the computer.

The problem is that, firstly, the computer begins to slow down at the operating system loading stage, launching all startup programs, and secondly, programs that were launched when the computer was turned on, as a rule, remain running throughout the entire working period. session, using up RAM.

It should be noted that if you carefully monitor the installation process or install the program manually, this problem, as a rule, does not arise.

So, you need to go to Start - All Programs - Startup and delete all unnecessary programs. Very often, there are no programs in the startup folder, but, nevertheless, they continue to launch.

You can also use the built-in Windows utility; to launch it, you need to press the " Win + R", then enter the command "msconfig" in the window that opens, in the system configuration window go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck the programs that do not need to start automatically.

It should be noted that you must understand what programs you are removing from startup.

Step 3. Optimizing your computer's performance

During the operation of the operating system, programs and applications, a significant number of unnecessary files, registry entries, etc. appear on the computer, which affect the performance of the system.

This phenomenon is especially typical for a computer on which programs are often changed - new ones are installed, old ones are removed.

The fact is that most modern programs are not removed from the computer correctly, i.e. after deletion, some files still remain on the system disk, as well as entries in the registry.

As a rule, reinstalling the OS solves all the previous points, with the exception of viruses, which may be located in addition to the system one on other local drives.

Step 6: Clean your computer

After we have tried software methods to increase PC performance, let's move on to hardware ones.

As a rule, the procedure for cleaning a PC from dust should be carried out once every six months.

Open the cover of the system unit and look at the dust level on the boards. Clean your computer with a brush. Check your computer's cooling system.

Step 7. Upgrade your computer

The last step you can take to improve your computer's performance is to upgrade it. (from the English upgrade - modernization).

To improve PC performance, it is recommended to replace the RAM, hard drive, processor, and for game lovers, also the video card.

In most cases, increasing RAM gives a good performance boost, and the cost of the upgrade compared to replacing other components will be lower.

Before purchasing, you need to find out what type of memory is already installed (most likely, it is DDRII or DDRIIII), as well as the frequency, and purchase additional RAM modules of only larger capacity, focusing on these indicators.

The total RAM capacity of 2 GB is quite sufficient to solve most tasks faced by the average user.

HOW TO Increase Computer Performance

How to increase computer performance?

It means how quickly the device will execute commands given by the user. Often this parameter is most strongly determined by the computer components. For example, two computers with the same processor but different amounts of RAM will have different performance.

In normal PC use, the difference in performance may not be too noticeable. However, it plays a crucial role for people who work with a large number of programs, as well as in various games. The faster the computer responds to actions, the lower the delay in the game, the less often the game freezes and the faster it starts. This is especially important and noticeable in multiplayer games, when the reaction speed of both the person and the device often plays a key role.

So, how can you increase processor performance? First you need to find out its current value.

How to find out PC performance

Basically, this parameter is measured by some number, the higher the better. There are many different ways to find out your computer's performance. You can, for example, use programs that exist in abundance on the Internet. You can also view the performance index in the Windows operating system.

To do this, go to the control panel and find the “System and Security” tab there. In it you need to select "System". In this tab you can find out the main parameters of the computer, which includes the performance index. It can be checked. The results are saved.

As a final assessment, the system always selects the lowest value from the indicators of all components. During the process of upgrading your device, it is advisable to periodically check this indicator in order to know how the PC reacts to a particular action.

So, everything is clear with the location of the performance data. What are the ways to increase processor performance? There are several of them, and it is worth considering each in detail.

How to increase CPU performance on laptop and PC

You can use several methods to increase the performance of your device.

You need to start by checking your system for viruses. It often happens that a virus sits somewhere in a corner and little by little eats away at your productivity. To do this, you can use any good antivirus.

If this does not help, you can increase performance by overclocking the processor or using PC settings, clearing RAM, etc. To begin with: what is overclocking? To explain this concept, it must be said that each processor has a certain frequency at which it operates. Frequency is measured in hertz and is the main characteristic of the processor. With the help of some manipulations you can increase the frequency at which it operates. It’s worth noting right away that this is not very practical: PC performance increases by 15% at most. In addition, when the processor exceeds the clock frequency, the system loses reliability.

Many, having heard about overclocking, ask the question: will the system burn out? This can be answered by saying that only in 0.1% of cases the damage cannot be repaired. However, when planning to overclock your device, it is important to remember that you may be unlucky.

Overclocking the processor on PC and laptop

It is definitely easier to overclock a processor on a desktop computer than on a laptop. Firstly, because overclocking is always accompanied by the release of more heat, and therefore, you will need a more powerful cooling system, which is much easier to replace on a PC than on a laptop.

Secondly, PC components are generally easier to work with than laptop components. How then can you increase processor performance on a laptop? Yes, just like on a PC, you just need to more carefully monitor the temperature of the processor and under no circumstances allow it to overheat. Let's look at several processors and ways to overclock them.


In order to increase the performance of an AMD processor by overclocking it, you will need a special program. For example, AMD OverDrive. It is well suited for AMD type processors. In addition, you will need a utility for constant measurement. For example, Speed ​​Fan. Both programs are easily found on the Internet. For a clearer example, let's take a specific processor - the AMD Athlon 64 X2. How to increase the performance of this processor?

You need to launch both of these programs and select the Advanced tab in AMD OverDrive. There is an option Clock/Voltage, one of the lines of which - Select All Cores - must be checked. After these steps, you can begin to overclock the processor through the frequency multiplier. According to many IT specialists, the AMD Athlon 64 X2 uses quite a bit of its resources, so you can immediately set it to 13-14. After a couple of minutes of running the processor at this frequency, you need to measure its temperature. If it does not reach 70 °C, and the computer works without failures, the multiplier can be increased by 1.

Overclocking can also be done through the BIOS, but with this processor it is easier to do it through a third-party utility.


Intel is a very popular PC hardware manufacturer and has many different devices that may require different programs and settings. For this example, let's take an Intel Core i5 processor. How to increase the performance of this company's processor? You can also use the program. You will need a utility for measuring temperature and an overclocking program, for example CPU-Z. The procedure will be similar to overclocking AMD.

The second option on how to increase the performance of an Intel processor by overclocking it is to use the BIOS. In order to enter it, when you start the computer, you need to wait until the BIOS of the PC components is initialized and then press the Delete (Del) button. After that, go to the BIOS FEATURES option and find Super Speed ​​there. In this tab there will be an Overlock section, in which you need to select the Optimal References section. It will have a Manual option that needs to be set. After these steps, all data about the processor will appear on the screen. We will need its frequency, bus data and multiplier. Next you need to find the BSLK frequency item, where you need to increase the frequency a little bit. Having found the optimal value, you need to save the settings and exit the BIOS by restarting the PC.

Many are also interested in increasing the performance of specific devices, wondering what to do to increase the performance of the 535U4C-S02 processor from Samsung, for example. Well, to solve this problem you just need to know the components of your PC. This laptop has an AMD Dual-Core A6-4455M APU processor, therefore the overclocking process for it will be similar to all other AMD ones. Or you can use one of the methods to increase performance without affecting the processor - they are universal for all devices.

How to increase processor performance without overclocking

Despite the myths that you can increase performance only through overclocking, there are many ways to do this, bypassing interaction with the processor directly:

  • The first is correct. That is, setting the exact number of processor cores to more fully utilize the potential, optimizing visual effects.
  • The second is disk defragmentation.
  • The third is regular cleaning and debugging of RAM. Garbage accumulating in RAM in the form of outdated and changed resolutions, old links, settings of unused programs greatly slows down its operation, which affects the overall performance of the computer.
  • Fourth - removing old, unused programs, setting up background processes.
  • Fifth - debugging autoloading.

Increase PC performance using operating system settings

How to increase processor performance in Windows 7, 8, 10? The main method is based on setting up the operating system.

The fact is that by default, Windows includes many different effects that give the user a beautiful picture. Translucent windows, smooth transitions, shadows cast by objects. If you want to achieve the best system performance, you should turn them all off.

In order to enter the control panel for additional elements, you need to type in the search: “Visual effects”. The user will need the "System View and Performance Settings" tab. In it you need to find the visual effects control panel. By default, almost all of them are enabled, and to improve performance you need to check the "Ensure the best performance" checkbox.

The next point is only suitable for those who use third-party antiviruses. Windows has its own built-in one, which in this case can be disabled. To do this, go to the Control Panel and find “Turn Windows Firewall on or off.” In the left menu, select "Turn off Windows Firewall" for each type of network and click OK.

Now you need to stop the service itself. To do this, you will have to return to the control panel, select "Administrative Tools" and find the line "Windows Firewall" there. By right-clicking, select "Properties" and stop the service. After that, in the “Startup type” column you need to select “Disabled”. After this, you can safely press “Apply”.

Another way to increase processor performance in Windows 7, 8, 10 is by adjusting the number of processor cores used by the computer. First you need to find out their number. Knowing the name of the processor, you can easily find it out on the Internet. The name of the processor can be found in the "System" tab in the control panel. Next, you need to press the Win+R key combination and enter msconfig in the window that appears. Next, you need to find the "Download" tab and select "Advanced download options." The "Number of processors" item must be checked and the number corresponding to the number of cores must be selected.

In general, disk defragmentation is an extremely necessary option that users never perform. We can only thank the developers of the Windows OS for the fact that the default settings include weekly defragmentation. The fact is that when you delete a program, there is empty space on the disk into which the system cannot always fit a new program due to the difference in size. And even if there is a small program that fits into the void, most likely there will be a small space nearby that cannot be filled with anything. Defragmentation removes these "holes".

In order to get to this panel, you just need to type “Disk Defragmentation” into the system search. Here you need to analyze all the disks in turn, and then select a disk whose fragmentation is not zero and run defragmentation.

Clearing RAM

RAM plays a vital role in PC performance. However, over time it becomes clogged with various “garbage”. To keep it working optimally, it needs to be cleaned from time to time.

To do this, in the system search you need to type in “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems”. In the menu that pops up, you need to select the first method.

The computer will restart and begin analyzing the RAM. The process takes a lot of time, so it is worth carrying out only when the user is sure that he will not need a PC right now. After completion, the device will reboot again and provide the user with complete information about the work performed.

Working with programs, setting up background processes

It would seem, how do programs that the user has not used for a long time affect the operation of a PC? However, they take up space on the hard drive and slow down the RAM. It also takes longer for the computer to boot up and shut down because the system is frantically searching for space for save files.

Therefore, it is recommended to remove all old and unnecessary programs from your PC. You can use the control panel, or you can use third-party software. One of the best is Your Unin-Staller. This program, unlike the Windows system, deletes not only the application itself, but also all its temporary and additional files.

Removing unnecessary programs from startup

This item only affects PC startup, but it is still important. Startup is a Windows system that launches programs immediately after the user logs into the system. The more programs are active in startup, the longer the PC will take to boot.

In order to enter the startup settings, you need to press the Win + R key combination. A window called “Run” will appear, in which you need to enter the msconfig line. The system configuration will open. In it you need to find the “Startup” tab and uncheck all the items that are not needed.

Increased performance through in-game settings

The first thing you need to use if the player seems that the game is slowing down is any utility for measuring fps. In some games it is built-in. Regarding this number: fps shows the number of frames per second, therefore, the higher it is, the better. However, if it stays low, there are several steps you need to take.

Firstly, if you are interested in how to increase processor performance for games and only for games, the first thing you should pay attention to is the in-game settings. By lowering the graphics level, selecting the correct screen extension, and reducing the number of effects, you can greatly increase system performance without worrying about overclocking the disk or searching for the necessary PC settings.

Secondly, setting up the video card can help, because it is this device that is responsible for graphics. Before calibrating it, you should update the drivers: sometimes it happens that brakes occur due to outdated software. If the problem persists, you can already go into the video card settings. To do this, you need to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “Control Panel (name of the video card manufacturer, for example Nvidia).” There the user will need the "Manage 3D parameters" tab. There are many settings here that improve graphics in games and which can be removed without much damage. For example, V-Sync (vertical sync), triple buffering, anisotropic filtering.

Hello my readers!

The computer has long been part of our lives. Today we cannot imagine how we could live without this faithful friend and helper.

Thanks to this smart technology, we can not only work productively, but also have a good rest after a busy day while watching our favorite movie or playing a video game. You can also find interesting information, talk with old friends and find new ones, send emails, etc.

The level of efficiency of performing the above processes depends primarily on the performance of the PC. Constant “braking”, “freezing” during online communication or in games, to put it mildly, is not encouraging.

Most users prefer not to pay attention to this behavior of their PC, believing that this is a temporary phenomenon. Some people are aware of the need for prevention and diagnosis, but have no idea how to do it. In this material I will present you with several options on how to increase the performance of your computer.

Ways to improve PC performance can be divided into:

Let's look at them all in order.


This group includes software products aimed at increasing the performance level of a PC or laptop.

They are designed to declutter Windows OS by eliminating unnecessary files. In addition, these applications monitor the presence of necessary components and libraries, the integrity of the registry, and correct detected errors.

One of their most important functions is defragmentation (updating the logical structure) of the hard drive, which allows the system to find the necessary system files with greater efficiency and speed. There are quite a lot of such programs, they are written about in the articles:


The functioning of the Windows system is ensured by a huge number of various resources: different services, processes. Most of them are not needed for your PC to function. When it is turned on, all elements included in the operating system are loaded, which leads to a slowdown of the computer.

To increase the startup speed and raise the level of performance of a computer or laptop, you should adjust startup and disable all unnecessary services, you can also adjust the size of the paging file. This is quite enough for overclocking.

How to set up autoload?

First, press the Win and R keys simultaneously, and in the line that appears, write the word “ msconfig».

In the window that opens for you, go to the tab called “Startup”.

You will see all the applications and services that are downloading without your knowledge. To disable it and thereby significantly increase the performance and speed of your computer, you just need to remove the checkbox in the line that corresponds to unnecessary loading.

Important ! When carrying out the steps described above, you need to understand what can be disabled and what cannot.

How to disable services?

Most services of any version of the Windows system operate “idle”, and the user does not need them at all to perform any tasks. To speed up your computer and thereby improve its performance, you need to disable them. To do this, from the previous “Startup” window, go to the tab called “Services”. Next, disable services you don’t need.

But to complete this task, you must have some experience in this area and know what can be disabled without consequences and what cannot.

It must be remembered that most programs previously installed on the computer also launch their own services when loading. You can see and disable them in the same window.

Increasing the swap file

Systemic ways to improve PC performance also include increasing the size of the system swap file. It insures the performance of RAM. If its volume is insufficient, the operating system can use the paging file as temporary storage. The size of the paging file should be several times larger than the amount of RAM.

To increase the paging file, you need to go to the control panel, the “System” section, and from there to the “Advanced” tab. Select “Settings” next to the “Performance” subheading. In the same window, go to “Advanced” and click “Change”.

If your computer has more than one hard drive or parts of a disk, you can reserve a specified amount of paging file for each of them.


Technical methods, as you well understand, include all the components of a PC that ensure its fast and uninterrupted functioning. To increase power, the following diagnostic measures should first be carried out:

1. Check the correct operation of the processor and video card.

If some element of the chain works poorly, then the computer will work slowly while performing certain operations. If any faults are detected, be sure to replace the device.

2. Test the processor cooling system, auxiliary coolers, and power supply.

Clean the cooling radiators thoroughly and replace the thermal paste. High temperature conditions contribute to a decrease in the speed of the CPU and video card. Thus, the computer protects itself from overheating and subsequent combustion. After fixing this problem, your device will be able to work at full capacity.

Remember! If you have a new PC and less than one year has passed since you purchased it, then technical reasons are unlikely. In addition, at this time the warranty is still valid, and if you open the case, you will thereby violate the warranty conditions.

Now you know how you can improve your computer. Maximum speed and high performance will allow you to get only pleasant emotions from using your PC. And you can check the result of your work using the methods described in the article.

If you cannot “make friends” with your computer, I recommend that you take a training course “ Computer genius" It is perfect for both those who know nothing at all about PCs, and for those who already have a certain amount of knowledge and would like to learn something new. Highly qualified teachers in clear and simple language will tell and show you how to use certain programs and how to surf the Internet.

Share the information received with your friends on social media. networks, subscribe to blog updates and you will turn into an advanced user. See you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Hello dear blog readers. Nowadays, probably every second person has quad-core processors. Of course, if earlier two cores were good, today 4 cores in the system are generally excellent.

But the more cores in the processor, the worse its work with the tasks that we perform on the computer is organized, which means the optimization of the processor leaves much to be desired.

This is mainly due to the fact that not all programs are well designed for multi-core processors, that is, in some applications, programs and games, the main productive power of your processor may simply not be used and is in idle mode.

I think few people are happy with this state of affairs, especially when a demanding game or program slows down on a powerful quad-core processor.

Today we will talk about effective processor optimization using a simple but useful programCPU Control .

To optimize the processor viaCPU Control , we don’t have to overclock it as we did in the article -. By the way, I recommend reading it.

Download the programCPU Control ( ) and launch it. The program is very simple, free and in Russian.

After installation, you will see a shortcut, launch the program and see this window.

Let's start optimizing the processor withCPU Control . By default, the program is turned off. First, go to settings and select Russian language.

Next, select the second processor optimization itemCPU Control — manual .

To select a processor core for a specific task, right-click on the process and select one of the processor cores.

Also, you can select several processes for one core or one process for several cores.

We configure the second (third and fourth) kernel for all other processes.

If a game or some application is slow or performance is clearly not enough.

Try to independently assign all processes except the one that is slowing down to the fourth or second core for processing. And let all the other processor cores take care of one of your tasks.

If you don’t want to dig around and understand the settings, you can simply select the modeauto and see productivity gains.

CPU optimization withCPU Control This is a vital manipulation for all multi-core computers, especially quad-core ones. Of course, after all, the performance increase due to processor optimization withCPU Control can reach one and a half times. On dual-core computers the increase will also be noticeable, but perhaps less than with 4 cores.

In the case of single-core processorsCPU Control will not be able to do anything, since the program is designed to optimize at least two processor cores.

Does your computer have a single-core processor? Then I recommend that you read this powerful article -. After completing 7 simple steps you will be able toCPU Control will make working on your computer more convenient and faster :)

Now you know how to optimize the processor withCPU Control and get a productivity boost for free, in no more than 5 minutes. By the way, to speed up your multi-core computer as much as possible, I recommend this one. This way you will make your computer work even faster. Also don't forget to subscribe to. This is the only way you can be the first to know about new articles on the blog. That's all for me. I wish you to smile more often and look at the world more positively 😉

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to make your computer work at full capacity. Surely, you have noticed that over time, your iron friend begins to perform operations more slowly, takes longer to load, and freezes on seemingly simple tasks. This is a problem for all Windows. The simplest solution is to reinstall the operating system. It would seem - what could be simpler? The problem is that you will need to spend time saving personal data. That is, select important information and copy it to a disk or flash drive. But that's not all! After reinstalling Windows, it will take half a day to install all the necessary programs and completely personalize the system. In total, we will spend the whole day on all the work related to reinstalling the operating system.

Therefore, before formatting everything and reinstalling it again, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following methods that will help increase the performance of your computer.

1. The first and most effective way is removing unnecessary or rarely used programs. Oddly enough, what slows down the system the most is the large number of installed applications. The standard Windows Uninstaller doesn't do its job well - it leaves behind a lot of undeleted files and registry entries. I advise you to use the utility.

2. The second, no less important and no less effective way is removing rarely used programs from startup. How to do this, I wrote here. Thanks to this, Windows loading speed increases significantly.

3. You most likely knew this method without me, but nevertheless, I consider it my duty to remind you of it. Its essence is that You should not run a large number of programs at the same time. Any application takes up system memory, and this can significantly affect performance. Leave open only those programs that you need at a given time.

4. A virus may be the cause of slow or inadequate computer operation. Be sure to (if you haven’t installed it yet) and do full computer scan.

5. Execute hard drive defragmentation. Usually, this takes quite a long time, so be patient, but still carry out this procedure. The system will thank you very much. To do this in Windows 7, click Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Defragmenter. Next, you need to select the disk, mark it with a checkmark, and press the button Disk Defragmenter.

6. Update Windows. Try regularly. Microsoft releases new patches almost every day that fix problems with the security, usability and reliability of Windows. Thank God, the update process in the “seven” is automated, so no action is required from you. The only thing is, do not forget to enable automatic updates in the control panel.

7. Driver Update. If your computer is far from new, and you have never updated the drivers, then be sure to follow this step. Moreover, new versions are released quite often. Motherboard and video card - for these devices we install new drivers first. I wrote about how to update them correctly and where to download them from here.

8. Another quite effective way is disabling visual effects in Windows. As you know, the “seven” uses the Aero interface, which eats up system resources. If your computer does not have enough RAM, it is better to disable this interface. To do this, go to Control Panel (Start/Control Panel), and in the search write Counters and Productivity Tools,then click on the item of the same name.

In the window that appears, click Setting up visual effects. Here we select the item “Ensure the best performance” and click Apply.

I think you will agree that a fast computer is better than a sluggish and beautiful one.

9. Regularly carry out reboot the computer. It would seem, what could be simpler? But not everyone follows this rule, especially laptop owners. After finishing work, they simply close the lid, thereby putting the computer into sleep mode. A reboot will clear memory and terminate many erroneous processes that were started but not terminated. There are situations when it is difficult to determine the cause of a slow computer. In such cases, rebooting also helps.

10. And finally, you can use the built-in Windows utility called “Disk Cleanup”. She herself will find and delete unnecessary files that slow down the computer. Among them are temporary files, recycle bin, web page visit files and others. To start the program, click Start, in the search field enter Disk Cleanup. Next, select the drive you want to clean. In the window that appears, check the boxes for the types of files you want to delete. After that, click Delete files.

In this article, I did not write about the fact that you can increase the speed of your computer by increasing RAM or replacing the processor, because this requires financial investment. I also didn’t write about all sorts of miraculous programs that, with one click of the mouse, increase performance a hundred times - I don’t really trust them. The methods described above are simple and definitely work, tested.