Documents file manager. Documents by Readdle is a free document processor. Main apple cloud

Readdle's ReaddleDocs utility recently became free. At the same time, she changed the name to a more understandable and drab Documents. Of course, the renaming didn’t make it any better, but the fact that it was free seriously added to the popularity of the application. Documents is positioned as a program for organizing, storing and viewing various office files.

My attitude towards similar applications wary. I am one of those people who believe that it is better to look at photos in one application, work with text documents in another, listen to music in a player, etc. When an application has a bunch of diverse functions, it often happens that many of them are unfinished... But such applications have a right to life, since they can significantly simplify this very life if some features are needed from time to time.

Review of Documents by Readdle

Files, files, files...

The design of the application is beautiful. I'm not a designer, but when almost everything is pleasing to the eye, then no questions arise. When opened, Documents greets the user with various file types that they can open (and sometimes edit) within the app.

All because there is a mode for displaying files with large icons. In the icons, even the first phrases are visible in text documents, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

File management (copying, moving, creating folders, renaming, etc.) is done well. Standard and quite expected minimum set of features. You can even create a simple text document as a bonus.

There also seem to be no problems with opening documents. But for some reason one test PDF file did not open for me and the application crashed. Subsequently, within a few hours of operation, the application crashed 2 more times - not a good sign.

It is possible to read books on Fb2 or Epub. At the same time, turning pages is no worse than in iBooks. It seems to me that reading books in Documents will be convenient, although those who are used to a specialized e-reader are unlikely to switch to something else.

The program supports many formats, all of them are listed in the instructions built into the program in English.

In general, Reeddle's dislike for Russia is quite strange. The developer is listed as a certain Igor Zhadanov. But there are no descriptions in Russian of this company's applications in App Store, don’t expect any Russian instructions from them.

Main apple cloud

iCloud support in Documents is implemented as needed. In the cloud, you can create your own folders and upload files there. And in general it works exactly the same as if it were local storage.

If this function does not work for you, then enable it in the settings. Settings –> iCloud -> Documents and data.

Clouds, clouds, clouds...

The network section offers you to connect various services to Documents, from the super popular Dropbox to some filesanywhere.

I tried to connect one of them. Oh, I think: “Cool... Everything works.” But one bug tormented me right away - you look at some file, press the back button, and you are thrown into the first section of the program with local documents.

Without the Internet, nowhere

The last fourth section of the program contains a built-in browser. I really liked it, but not because of how it works, but because of its saving features.

I'll start with a little background. Not long ago, a reader named Alexander wrote me a letter in which he gave complete instructions on how to save website pages in PDF using some online service. I kept thinking about what to answer him, since the method involved, in my opinion, unnecessary body movements. The universe provided Documents by Reedle as a solution to this problem.

You open a page of any website in the program’s internal browser and, through the menu, save this page as a PDF. That's all. Very comfortably.

Program settings

The application has a lot of settings. This is kind of implied in such file monsters.

There is also the ability to password-protect the application and customize the view PDF files, and choosing a font when reading books.

Many iPhone users have the fundamentally incorrect opinion that downloading and viewing documents on Apple smartphone an extremely labor-intensive and complex process. We decided to destroy this myth by demonstrating some possibilities free application Documents from Readdle.

There is a reason why people think so poorly of the iPhone - the standard functionality of the device does not support transferring and working with documents in popular formats. The reason is the closed operating system. Get rid of restrictions for a long time jailbreak helped: in an unofficial store Cydia applications every now and then appeared, allowing you to fully work with documents of various formats. But not everyone likes jailbreaking, and some don’t even have the ability to “hack” a device.

It was then that it appeared on the stage, and then in the shortest possible time it became popular app Documents, with which anyone iPhone user, iPad and iPod touch can upload any files in a convenient way. Convenient control, sleek interface and excellent speed of the application have made it the most famous in its category. The application, of course, has competitors, but they can’t compete with the power of Documents.

Readdle Documents, as the app is now officially known on the App Store, supports a huge number of different file formats. The application functionality handles as text files, as well as pictures, videos and archives. Directly from the application, you can search the document and edit it using a full-fledged editor.

You can upload documents to the application in three ways: different ways. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

How to Upload Documents to Readdle's Documents App Using iTunes

Step 1: Download the app Documents from Readdle to your iPhone

Step 2: Connect your device to your computer and open iTunes

Step 3. Select your iPhone in iTunes, go to the Programs and scroll down to the section Shared files

Step 4. In the section Shared files click on the application Documents. The window on the right will display all documents loaded into the application.

Step 5: Click the button Add to…, select the required documents

Step 6: Click Synchronize for the document to appear in the application

How to Upload Documents to Readdle's Documents App Using Cloud Services

Step 1: Download the app Documents from Readdle to your iPhone

Step 2: In the app, open the tab Net and add the cloud service you are using

Step 4. Now in the tab Net you will have access to folders located in the cloud and you will be able to download and view any of them

How to Upload Documents to Readdle's Documents App Using the Built-in Browser

Step 1: Download the app Documents from Readdle to your iPhone

Step 2: Open Safari and find the page from which you want to download the document

Step 3: Click on the address bar and change the URL from view http://[sitename] on rhttp://[site-name]. In iOS 7 the abbreviation " http" is hidden in the address bar, so you need to enter them yourself, remembering to add the letter " r»

Step 4: Application Documents from Readdle will automatically open and show this page. You can now click on the link to download the required document

Step 5: The document will initially open in the built-in browser, but you can click the button Save file in the upper right corner and download this file to the device memory

Safari may not be used at all this method, you only need the built-in browser from the application Documents from Readdle by swiping from right to left along the bottom of the screen.

Documents is multitasking file manager for iOS devices.

Uploading and viewing files

This manager can replace a whole set of applications - gallery, media player, text editor and archiver. Documents makes it possible to import files from a desktop device, download them from various web resources and attachments to emails, and also save web pages for later viewing without a network connection.

The application allows you to manage downloaded objects - open and edit them. Integration with the most popular cloud storages opens up new possibilities for storing personal information. By connecting your account Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud or any other service, you can conveniently work with cloud content.

Documents allows you not only to download a file, but also to catalog them, combining them into virtual folders.


Surely you have been upset more than once that to play and view files various types you need to install several different applications on your portable device and you thought how nice it would be if they all opened with one program. We are pleased to announce that the Documents application provides this opportunity. You can download and use this file manager completely free of charge. The application has been translated into Russian and is quite easy to learn.

Key Features

  • manage all files from iPhone memory and iPad from one application;
  • working with cloud storages;
  • built-in player and text editor;
  • downloading files from email attachments and browser with the ability to catalog them;
  • protecting information using a password;
  • compatible with all current versions operating system iOS;
  • simple and clear interface in Russian.

To download, follow simple instructions.

  1. To start downloading the installation file, click on the blue “Download from server” button located just above.
  2. After which, the server will prepare and check the installation file for viruses.
  3. If the file is not infected and everything is fine with it, a gray “Download” button will appear.
  4. Clicking on the “Download” button will begin downloading the file to your computer.

We do not ask you to go through a tedious registration process or send any SMS for confirmation. Just download and enjoy for your health =)

How to install for iOS

To install the program, follow simple instructions that apply to most programs.

  1. Launch the downloaded file by double-clicking on it. All setup files taken from the official websites of the developers.The last date the file was updated was 10 January 2017 at 13:37.
  2. In the window that appears, accept the license agreement. You can also read the license agreement on the official website of the program developer.
  3. Select the required components you want to install. Uncheck the boxes that may be selected to install additional programs.
  4. Select the folder on your computer where you want to install the program. In most cases, the program automatically selects a folder, for example in Windows it is C:\Program Files\
  5. Finally, the program installation manager may suggest creating a “Desktop Shortcut” or “Start Menu Folder.”
  6. After which the installation process will begin. After completion, the installation manager may ask you to restart the computer for the program to work more correctly.

Documents 5 file manager for iOS is perhaps one of the best and necessary applications on iPhone. It’s still strange to me that Apple itself didn’t think of making it, or at least coming close to it with its “Files”. That is why Documents 5 from Readdly has been a leader in the Appstore for several years. Using the application, you can view various video files, listen to music, synchronize downloaded files and work with documents. The main advantages of Documents 5 for iPhone and iPad are functionality, minimalist design, speed and freeness.

Key features of Documents 5 for iOS

Users download the Documents 5 app for iOS when standard applications they can't cope. Let's take a look at what functionality the application has, and why it is so loved.

File manager for iOS

The Documents 5 app for iOS is sometimes called file manager for iPhone and iPad for its ability to work with files, like in Windows. The application allows you to view and work with the following formats and file types:

  • music;
  • video;
  • Word, Excel documents;
  • PDF;
  • ePUB (format for);
  • html pages.

Thanks to such variety, there is no need to download additional applications to view or edit files. There is a function for creating folders and groups using colored labels, which helps to build a clear and logical structure.

Editing files

Working with files is not limited to just viewing and saving, they can also be edited. Function available for Word documents or PDF files (allowed for editing).

Downloading files from the Internet

Or you can copy a specific URL to a file and paste it into the search bar in Documents 5, the application will download the file and you can open or edit it.

Sync devices and transfer files

If there are several iOS devices, such as iPhone and iPad, as well as a regular computer or Mac, you can transfer important documents using the Documents 5 application. To do this, follow these simple instructions:

  • activate wi-fi;
  • activate the “network” icon;
  • highlight required device from the found devices, connect to the router;
  • mark the categories or files and confirm sending.


The best feature of the Documents 5 app is that it has cloud storage and synchronization with Dropbox, Google Drive. At the same time, you can save any amount of information and download it only when necessary, when working without the Internet. Restrictions are imposed exclusively third party services like Dropbox, Google Drive.

Storing PDF links

Inside the Documents 5 application there is a browser that will help you save pages in an archive, in PDF or HTML. But the design and content remain unchanged. Why not replace Evernote? Of course, there are many restrictions. It is impossible to write tags and categorize, but all this is possible in the future. In any case, useful.

Setting a password

If you don’t want the downloaded Documents 5 application to be used by strangers or children, you can set a password for it or select separate files to protect from prying eyes.

Many note that the Documents 5 application for iOS is the most popular, because it has a variety of functionality, practicality and the ability to download it for free.

How to Copy Downloaded Music from Documents 5 to iPhone Music Library

How to download videos from Youtube using Documents 5