French translation into Russian. High-quality translation into French. Specialized dictionaries of the French language

Translation of text from French into Russian became possible and what’s more, free of charge. Modern technologies, be it the Internet or certain programs, allow blogs, documents and even entire forums and websites to be posted in incredible amounts of time. And, most importantly, it’s free.
The possibility of such a translation is provided by the French-Russian online translator (dictionary), which can be found on this page.
You just need to select a translator (dictionary), then insert the required text and within a few seconds, get the result in the form of translated text. Use modern online technologies to translate texts!
Free French-Russian translation.
Studying French quite accessible, the main thing is to strive for it. However, translating French text into Russian is quite difficult.
Like any other language, it has many nuances. Certain phrases, tenses, endings, and even forms of words. All this can complicate the task of translation and general understanding of the text. This is why special online translators (dictionaries) have been created that will come to your aid.
France one of the most culturally developed countries. Not to mention the historical value. Huge culture and many attractions (museums, exciting places and cities) that attract many tourists and make you fall in love at first sight. It is also worth noting various sporting events (for example, a bicycle marathon, which lasts several days). Such events attract thousands of both fans and participants. It’s not for nothing that the world knows the expression “See Paris and die.” It was also noted that France is the most visited country by tourists - about sixty-seven million people visit there every year.
You can get closer to all this thanks to an online translator (dictionary).

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on French you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for French-Russian translation, you need to enter text in French in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu French, on Russian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Russian text.

Specialized dictionaries of the French language

If original text for translation related to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized French dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general French vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for French layout

If French layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. Virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the French alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from French.

When translating from French into Russian, we must not forget about such a phenomenon as the translator's false friends. Since the French language, as we know, originated from Latin, often when translating as an equivalent we automatically select very similar words from Russian, without thinking that their meaning may not be very correct.
When translating, one should also take into account the grammatical features of the French language, among which are the variety of tenses and moods, as well as the desire for abbreviation in colloquial speech. One of characteristic features French is a double negative in general, for example, je ne suis pas jeune.
In French there are many verb forms in different times and pledges. Even to describe events that may happen in the future under certain conditions, there are separate tenses in French. They say that even the French themselves do not use all the tense forms available in the language in everyday life.
As with any other language, when translating French text, remember that your job is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.

Translator from French to Russian with help modern technologies is becoming easier and more accessible to Internet users.

Today there are many online translators on the Internet. Of course, when used correctly, they are a good help in learning a language. The first machine translation in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it appeared about 60 years ago. It was simplest program with a limited number of grammatical structures. But it was on its basis that the following modernized models were invented. Experts say that within ten years machine translation will be able to replace professional translator, and the need for this, by the way, one of the oldest professions, will gradually fade away. But in the meantime, a first-class translation specialist is an indispensable link in negotiations and business meetings, since machine translation has not yet achieved excellent quality of work.

Online translators can either contribute to the development of lexical and grammatical skills or harm learning. The human brain is designed in such a way that it is used to receiving information in the simplest possible way. And if you abuse the use of online translators, the brain is in no hurry to remember new words and expressions, because it knows that you can quickly and easily look up the phrase you are looking for in an online translator. Moreover, as we have already said, the quality of machine translation is far from ideal, so it is strictly undesirable to memorize phrases translated by a computer. If you are learning the language on your own, contact a professional or a French-speaking person to check it for you, and only after making sure that the phrase is grammatically and lexically correct can you safely learn it and use it in speech.

But, of course, we understand that it is not always possible to turn to a qualified specialist in a translation agency or a native speaker for help. If you urgently need to find out what the instruction manual says, or what your French friend wrote, or what the assignment from the textbook says, then you can safely open an online translator, which you can use not only on your computer, but also directly from your his mobile phone. Nowadays there are even translator programs with the function of scanning text from an image. This way, you won't have to retype the desired text. And if you decide to print all the French icons correctly, rest assured, it will take a lot of time.

Some Internet users studying foreign language, have no idea what the difference is between an online dictionary and an online translator. Online dictionary is electronic version paper dictionary, but in a more expanded format, with a larger number of examples and idiomatic expressions. There, as in a paper dictionary, you will see many meanings of one word, its use in different fields of activity (medical, technical vocabulary). Online dictionaries are not limited to a certain number of paper pages, so the translation of each word is detailed and reasonable. The online translator, on the contrary, translates entire phrases, does not offer multiple versions of one word, but is well equipped with grammar. If you speak French well, but do not know the translation of some words that are so necessary in your text, turn only to dictionaries! Well, if you need, for example, to check whether you remember the conjugation of a verb correctly, then a dictionary will not help you with this, but an online translator will come to the rescue! On this page you can see it and use it. But remember: a positive effect from it will appear if you do not abuse it and use it only in the most necessary situations.

This page presents the most popular online translators from French to Russian.


A very high-quality option is offered by the French translator from Yandex - open.

If you know any other translators online, then write in the comments! 🙂