Where is troubleshooting located? How to troubleshoot Windows using built-in tools

Often, during active work with a computer or laptop in Windows, various errors and problems can occur. They are caused by rash and incorrect user actions, incorrect installation and updating of programs and the operating system. For not very experienced users, even a small malfunction can be an intractable task, not to mention trying to diagnose the source of unstable OS operation.

It was built into Windows 7 "Troubleshooter", which not everyone knows about. It checks the operation of various system components and if an error is detected, it notifies the user and corrects it. Unfortunately, the utility's capabilities cover only the basic and common problems that most people encounter. Therefore, it is intended only for a beginner audience and cannot eliminate difficult situations that occur less frequently.

It is worth noting that this tool runs only when the OS is running. You cannot open it before Windows boots or during a reboot. Other steps are required to restore system functionality.

Components and services that can be fixed

Using the built-in Windows Checker, you can find and fix the following errors:

  • Programs (problems with Internet connection, running old programs on Windows 7, printer operation, Internet Explorer, Media Player);
  • Hardware and sound (non-functional sound recording/playback, problems with connected devices, printer operation, network adapter operation, playback of optical discs inserted into the drive);
  • Network and Internet (unsuccessful attempts to connect a PC/laptop to the network, create shared folders, homegroups, connect other computers to yours, network adapter problems, network printer problems);
  • Design and personalization (Aero, which is responsible for window transparency, does not work correctly);
  • System and security (Internet Explorer security, cleaning your PC from junk files, performance problems, Windows power issues, fixing search and indexing, getting operating system updates).

How the Error Correction Tool works

Regardless of the selected error type, the system always runs the same diagnostic utility.

First, it searches for the problem, checking all related system components, programs, and services.

If one is detected, the utility can fix it itself, notifying the user about it.

You can view a list of processed found and potential problems. To do this, click on the link "View more information".

The window that opens will display everything that can be diagnosed.

If no problems are found, you will receive a corresponding message.

Depending on the component selected for diagnostics, the principle of interaction with the utility may differ.

Launching the Error Correction Tool

There are two ways to launch the tool - via "Control Panel" and command line. Let's look at both.

Alternative option:

Using the panel on the left, you can take advantage of additional features:

We looked at the work of the built-in Windows "Troubleshooters". This is a basic set of tools that allows you to eliminate common problems associated with the operation of certain components and services. It will not cope with errors caused by non-standard actions and specific to a particular computer, but it will be able to eliminate frequently occurring problems for many not very experienced computer users.

If you encounter a bad Windows 7 performance, the system freezes quite often, or maybe the program does not respond, and so on, then you can try some of my suggestions and recommendations that may help you solve these issues.

Selective launch:

Most of the time, startup services can cause problems that affect system performance. A clean boot may resolve the service that is causing the problem. To determine this we can use system setup program to find her.

It goes without saying that the first thing to do is always create system restore points!

In the Start menu, in the search box, type MSCONFIG and press Enter.

In the General tab, uncheck the box - Load startup items and then go to the tab - Service.

Then check the box on “Hide all Microsoft services” and click on “Disable all”. Click the Apply button and restart your computer.

After restarting the computer, you will see whether the issue is resolved or not. If yes, then return to MSCONFIG and first of all go to the tab - Startup and make the first launch of the element and reboot the system. You should do the same procedure until you find which services or startup items are causing the system to crash. I know it may take a while to find out which service is down, but it is not recommended to constantly start the system in - Selective Startup. Because Selective Startup does not fix, but troubleshoots to find the culprit that is causing the system to fail.

Trust me, most of the performance related issues can be resolved in this step.

Driver Update:

Outdated drivers can cause your system to crash, so it's a good step to keep your device drivers up to date. You can find the exact model of device drivers and check the version and date of the driver, you can use the MSINFO32 file for this.

In the search box of the Start menu, type and press Enter.

This is what MSINFO32 looks like, select each non-Microsoft device and on the right sidebar you will find the device model, driver version and date, etc. Once you find the driver name, date and version, go to the manufacturer's website and in the appropriate section, download the driver and install it.

Do not use Windows updates or third party applications to automatically update drivers because most of the time Windows updates or any of the third party applications will not find the latest and greatest drivers which can crash the system even causing a blue screen.

Advice: I have seen many cases where drivers are causing display issues or lag related to performance, it is better to update or reinstall the relevant drivers from the manufacturer's website.

Maintenance system:

System maintenance is an important consideration when troubleshooting a performance issue.

Windows Update: It is important to update the operating system on a regular basis, as there are many updates that will resolve issues of increasing system security. Feel free to run the update. If you have some errors when updating or if the update fails to run from Microsoft, use the tool System Update Readiness Tool. Microsoft has released a tool System Update Readiness Tool to resolve certain conditions that may result in the installation of updates and other software that does not work as expected. You don't need to manually run this tool. This tool automatically connects your computer to Windows Update with the proviso that the tool can resolve performance issues.

Cleaning Junk Files: The program may not seem like a big step towards solving issues like system performance, but trust me, there are many situations where this program does the trick. There is a built-in cleaning tool in Windows 7, which will help you delete temporary files, etc., but I would recommend a free program called . It removes temporary and unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up hard drive space. It also clears traces of your online activities, such as Internet history.

You may or may not use Registry Cleaner, this or any other registry cleaner program. This will not bring any benefit to your operating system and may even damage the system. The decision is of course yours! Check out one of my articles for more information

Virus scan: Most often, malicious Trojan infections can lead to unstable behavior of your operating system. Run a full virus scan and make sure your computer is clean. There are many free antivirus programs. I would recommend has a very low system footprint and fewer false positives.

Then download free versions or Emsisoft Anti-Malware 6.0 and perform a full scan in Safe Mode. If you find an infection and cannot remove it, you can use the comment form below to ask a question and I will try to answer your questions about system security, I will be more than happy to help you solve your problem.

System integrity check: teams SFC/SCANNOW(System File Checker) checks the integrity of all protected Windows 7 system files and replaces incorrect and corrupted versions with correct versions if possible.

  • Go to the Start menu and type CMD in the search box, then right-click on it and click on Run as administrator.
  • Then enter the type SFC/SCANNOW
  • This article will help you analyze SFC logs.

Equipment diagnostics:

The next step I would recommend is running a hardware scan to make sure there are no hardware failures causing the system to crash. Check your RAM first by following articles that explain the process to you Advanced Memory Diagnostic on Windows 7, with, run hard drive diagnostics, each manufacturer usually has its own diagnostic tools for checking hard drives .

The program monitors the health of hard drives, monitors performance and temperature, and also checks file system and registry fragmentation. In this case, the fragmentation check occurs only at a time when the computer is “idle” and all system resources are free. You can download the hard drive check program for free from the following link -.

An equally interesting and useful program for hard drives - - this program includes various tools for maintaining hard drives: a defective sector repair tool, a speed test, S.M.A.R.T information. ,hard drive surface test, media stability test and controller test.

Uses S.M.A.R.T. technology for monitoring the health status of the hard drive, thereby preventing data loss and predicting possible disk failures. The program also includes HDDBadSectorRepair (a technology for repairing and restoring bad sectors on a hard drive). Download for free using the following link

Last but not least is the version of legal Windows being used. An illegal or torrent copy may seem convenient, but you are exposing your data to security and risk, and this can raise many questions for your operating system.

The bulk of the tools and utilities in Windows 10 are designed to provide information about system performance and help diagnose the cause of problems. That is, utilities for troubleshooting problems in Windows 10.

The four main professional tools can be placed into the following categories:

  1. Event Viewer. This log stores everything important that happens in Windows, making Event Viewer an indispensable and potentially important tool.
  2. Task Manager and Resource Monitor. Anyone upgrading to Windows 10 from Windows 7 should be pleasantly surprised by the improvements to the Task Manager. No less useful is the resource monitor utility located on the Performance tab in the task manager.
  3. Sysinternals Suite. This amazing and powerful set of utilities (about 80 in total) is updated regularly and is available for free download.
  4. Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset/Set of tools for diagnostics and recovery. This tool is not available to all Windows 10 users. But if your organization has Software Assurance, or you have access to a Visual Studio subscription, this set of tools is a must-have.

Several other useful utilities are not as functional, but they are worth mentioning.

Stability monitor

For example, Reliability Monitor, which can be thought of as a well-filtered version of Event Viewer. It displays successful and unsuccessful installations of software and drivers, failures, unresponsive applications and programs, and other errors that occurred over a certain period of time. This often provides important clues about the cause of sudden changes in system behavior. The figure below is a typical display, with events presented in a weekly version.

Stability Monitor can help you clarify event clusters, allowing you to understand why crashes or sudden performance losses occur.

Double-clicking on any event in the list opens a more detailed display of information. You can use error messages, codes, and other details to find more information about the problem.

Double-clicking an event reveals important hints that you can use to troubleshoot problems.

Another tool that is likely familiar to longtime Windows users, especially if they have had to troubleshoot PC problems, is System Configuration (MSConfig.exe). One particularly useful option is on the Services tab. Here you can disable third-party services, one at a time or in batches, and restart the system, narrowing down the search for the causes of the problem.

You can use the System Configuration Utility (also known as MSConfig) for basic troubleshooting tasks.

Here's a little tip for using this utility: At the bottom of the Services tab, check the "Hide all Microsoft services" option, click the "Disable all" button and restart your computer. If the problem no longer occurs, the cause of the failure is in third-party services.

Finally, there is the Powercfg command, which is extremely useful for identifying the reasons why a laptop is hyperactive (i.e., the battery is running much less than expected). When used with the "/energy" switch, it creates a system activity profile within 60 seconds and saves it in the current directory as an HTML page.

Microsoft Universal Management Console

By itself, the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is hopelessly boring and good for only one task, adding one or more snap-ins that allow more in-depth control of a specific function or mode. You can save the result as Microsoft Common Console Document files, and then identify them using the .msc extension.

MMC is the basis for many pre-configured management tools, which are available as .msc files in Windows 10. Perhaps the most famous and richest in functionality will be the computer management console, which contains several snap-ins for easy access to a wide range of system settings.

Computer management is built into the console and combines several snap-ins for quick access to common system management tools.

MMC's layout (while a bit old-fashioned) fits well with all of its instruments. MMC is based on hardware configuration tools, including Device Manager, which can be opened offline, Computer Management, and Disk Management.

If you don't like the set of pre-configured snap-ins in the Computer Management option, you can create your own. To do this, run the MMC command in the console, and then add your snap-ins in a new empty window. The following figure shows the add or remove snap-in dialog box, which you can open from the File menu. In the list on the left, select the required snap-in and click the Add button to include it in the user console. Save the result as a .msc file.

You can create a custom MMC with your own list of snap-ins.

The table lists all the snap-ins included with Windows 10 Pro. A description of each of them can be found at the bottom of the add or remove snap-ins dialog box when you select it from the list on the left.

Console name - File name

Authorization Manager/Authorization Manager - Azman.msc
Certificate Manager (local machine) - Certlm.msc
Certificate Manager (current user) - certmgr.msc
Component Services - Comexp.msc
Computer Management/Computer Management - compmgmt.msc
Device Manager/Device Manager - devmgmt.msc
Disk Management/Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc
Event Viewer - Eventvwr.msc
Shared Folders/Shared Folders - Fsmgmt.msc
Local Group Policy Editor/Local Group Policy Editor - Gpedit.msc
Local Users and Groups/Local users and groups - Lusrmgr.msc
Performance Monitor - Perfmon.msc
Print Management/Print Management - Printmanagement.msc
Resultant Set of Policy - Rsop.msc
Local Security Policy - Secpol.msc
Services/Services - Services.msc
Task Scheduler - Taskschd.msc
Trusted Platform Module/Trusted Platform Module - Tpm.msc
Manager Hyper-V Manager / Hyper-V Technology Manager - Virtmgmt.msc
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security/Windows Firewall with Advanced Security - WF.msc
Windows Management Instrumentation - WmiMgmt.msc

Another common feature of each MMC-based console is the ability to open additional information about an object, as well as its configuration parameters. For example, in the services snap-in, you can double-click any entry in the list of available local services and set the type of start, stop, pause, or resume of that service.

In the Details panel, you can see detailed information about an item, such as configuration options for that service.

Management and Deployment Tools

Typically, in a home or small business, there is only one user per computer. But in Windows domains, you can use Group Policy Objects to configure user and machine settings.

Even if you are on a small network, you can use the Policy Editor to manage your computer's local policy settings. To complete this task, open the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc), which is only available on Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education. Many of the policies available here date back years, even decades, but each new version of Windows tends to add new policies. The picture below shows a group of new privacy settings introduced with Windows 10.

Using Group Policy, you can set or restrict rights for users on an individual PC.

To apply a specific policy on a PC, you first need to configure it. For some policies, you can choose from several options that a normal user cannot override.

Working with the cloud

Many of Microsoft's platform-agnostic cloud services are managed through a web browser and run on any operating system. For example, as an administrator, you can manage virtual machines and cloud services in Microsoft Azure through its web interface.

Several cloud services tie directly into Windows 10, including the latest Microsoft cloud file storage client software. This so-called next-generation sync client is capable of syncing OneDrive for Business files with your computer and displaying synced content in File Explorer.

In addition, you can create a virtual machine with Windows 10 in the Microsoft Azure cloud, or connect a work account on your PC using Azure Active Directory.

Hello, friends. Working at the computer does not always go smoothly. Sometimes software or hardware failures occur. The monitor may suddenly go dark, the sound may disappear, or the program may freeze. You should remain calm in such situations and remember that troubleshooting computer problems can, in many cases, be achieved with simple steps on your part.

Now you will learn about the most common problems, as well as troubleshooting methods that will help get your computer back up and running.

There are many different factors that can cause computer problems. No matter what is causing the problem, troubleshooting always involves a method of elimination. In some cases, you may need to try several different approaches before you can find and fix the problem. But it is an experience that will stay with you. Here are some of our troubleshooting tips:

  • Remember, or better yet, write down what steps you performed to troubleshoot. This will help you avoid unnecessary movements in the future, and if you can’t cope on your own, you will definitely be able to explain to the other person what you did before. This will help you quickly resolve the problem.
  • Look for information about the error on the Internet. Sometimes when working with a computer, a particular program does not complete correctly and an error message appears on the screen. This can also happen when working on your own. The error message can be used to find information and prevent it from occurring in the future.
  • Check reliability . There are times when the monitor screen suddenly goes dark or the mouse stops working, the printer does not print, and so on. When a similar problem occurs with individual equipment, first check the cable connection of that device to the computer. It often happens that the cable comes loose and the device stops working.
  • Restart your computer. If your computer freezes and does not respond to your actions, you can resort to rebooting. The reboot process will reset the previous operation of the operating system and programs, and return the computer to its previous mode.

Algorithm for finding and troubleshooting computer problems

If problems arise with your computer and its equipment, you need to act correctly. If there is a hardware problem, such as the printer not printing, you should start looking for the problem from that device.

First, you need to check the printer's connection to the electrical outlet and computer. Perhaps this step will solve the problem.

Secondly, you need to make sure that "Device Manager" your computer, the printer is displayed and ready for use. This indicates that the device is correctly installed and configured and connected to the power supply.

Thirdly, you need to check whether the paper is jammed in the printer and whether there is toner in the cartridge.

If there are problems with connecting the device, a paper jam, or the toner cartridge has run out, then such problems can be solved by quickly eliminating the cause of the problem (correct the cable, remove the jammed paper, refill the cartridge).

If the problem is "Device Manager", the computer does not see the printer, then you need to understand this direction. Update device drivers and restart the computer.

This example shows a general algorithm for troubleshooting computer hardware. And it gives an understanding of how to act in such situations.

Ways to solve the most common problems

In most cases, problems can be resolved using simple troubleshooting techniques such as closing and reopening the program and checking cable connections. It is important to try these methods first before taking other, more serious steps.

The power button does not turn on the computer

  • If your computer does not turn on, start by checking the power cord, making sure that the cord is securely connected to the system unit and to the outlet. Also, make sure that the switch on the back wall of the system unit, next to the power cord connection, is turned on.
  • If the cord is plugged into an outlet, make sure it works. This can be done by connecting another device to this outlet, for example, a table lamp.
  • If your computer is connected to a surge protector and uninterruptible power supply, make sure these devices are turned on. There are surge protectors with a fuse that could blow or “snap off” during a power surge. Replacing it or reconnecting it will return the filter to working condition.
  • If you are using , its battery may have drained too much. Connect the AC adapter to the laptop, wait until the battery charges a little, and then try turning on the laptop.

In most of these cases, these steps help to turn on the computer. If you have checked everything, but the computer still does not turn on, then you should contact a specialist.

The program is slow and slow

  • Close and reopen this program.
  • Check the system requirements for this program. It often happens that powerful programs are installed on weak computers that cannot cope with the load. In this case, it is worth installing an earlier version of the program, with lower system requirements.
  • If your browser slows down when using the Internet, you should try another browser and check your Internet connection. Perhaps reboot the router.

The program is not responding"

Sometimes while working with a program, it may freeze and stop responding to your actions. In such cases they say “the program is frozen.” In such cases, the following actions will help:

  • Force quit the application. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl+Alt+ Delete to open Task Manager » . Then you must select the program that is not responding and click on the button "Cancel task".

  • Through "Task Manager" You can restart your computer or shut down if the usual method doesn't work.

All programs on the computer run slowly

  • . Lack of free disk space significantly slows down your computer. Remove all unnecessary, unnecessary files and folders. Try to keep your drive clean.
  • Check your computer for viruses. Malware runs hidden processes that slow down your computer.
  • Defragment your disk regularly. This helps maintain your computer's performance at the proper level.
  • Use software products that meet the system requirements of your computer. You shouldn't expect a powerful program to work properly on a weak computer.

The computer froze"

Sometimes situations happen when the computer freezes. In such cases, it is not a specific program that is to blame, but a glitch in the operating system. And in such situations, actions will depend on whether you can run "Task Manager" or not.

  • If "Task Manager" works (Windows only): Restart Windows Explorer. Open Manager, find and select Windows Explorer. You need to search in the tab "Processes". The process may take the form of a name (as above) or a file to be launched (explorer.exe). In versions of Windows 7,8,10 you need to click on the button "Restart". In earlier versions of Windows, for example, XP, there will only be a button "End process".

In this case, you need to start the process yourself again. To do this, go to the tab "Applications", press the button "New challenge", enter the name of the file explorer.exe and click the button "OK".

  • On Apple computers the process is similar, you just need to restart the search. To do this you need to call the utility "Force closing applications" by pressing the Command+Option+Esc key combination on your keyboard. Next, find and select Search (Finder), and click the “Resume” button.
  • If the above methods do not work, you will need to force shutdown the computer. Press and hold the power button on your computer or laptop. Hold the button for 5-10 seconds, the computer should turn off. After waiting 10-15 seconds, you can turn it on again.
  • If the computer still does not turn off, you can turn off the power using the switch on the back of the system unit or by unplugging the power cord from the outlet. If you are working on a laptop, you can disconnect the battery. Warning: Use this method as a last resort if other measures do not help.

Your mouse or keyboard has stopped working

  • If you are using a wired mouse or keyboard, make sure it is connected to your computer correctly.
  • If you are using a wireless mouse or keyboard, make sure it is turned on and that its batteries are not dead.

No sound

  • Check the volume level on your speakers or headphones and on your operating system. Turn the control to the sufficient power position. Sound adjustments can be made in the “audio” settings of the operating system or in the player.
  • Check cables. Make sure that external speakers are connected to the computer and the correct port is selected for connection. If your computer has color-coded ports, the audio port will usually have greenenycolor.
  • Some computers have multiple audio ports, connect headphones to them and check for sound this way.

No image, monitor won't turn on

  • The computer may go to "sleeping" mode. Click your mouse or press the space bar on your keyboard to wake him up.
  • Make sure the monitor is connected to the computer and to an electrical outlet. Check all electrical connections.

Finding solutions to more complex problems

Computer problems cannot always be solved in simple ways. If you're a beginner, you may need help if you can't solve the problem on your own. If you have friends, acquaintances or relatives who are computer savvy, they can help you. But, you will have to explain what happened and what actions you took. This will help resolve a difficult situation faster.

If your computer has problems, but still works, you have access to the Internet, you can find the answer there. Most likely, people have already encountered a similar problem, and there is a ready-made solution that will help you.

But, you must remember that simple methods do not always help; sometimes it may happen that the only way to restore your computer’s functionality is by reinstalling the operating system or replacing parts.

Here, too, you need to understand important things; if you don’t understand these things, then you only need to trust a specialist. Because you can reinstall the system and save all your data, or you can format the disk and lose everything. A good specialist will always ask what to do with your data, whether to save it or not. If there are no such questions, you yourself must remind the master about this.

This is just a small list of problems that sometimes arise when working with a computer. And which you can easily solve on your own. And if you follow safety and preventive measures, then you will not have critical problems with your computer at all.

A program for fixing Windows 7 errors. If this is what you were looking for, then you have come to the right place.

To cope with system errors, you often have to resort to the help of third-party programs. Today we will get acquainted with the capabilities of the five most popular of them.

Microsoft Fix it

And their main drawback is that they are often ineffective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

Designed for an experienced user who understands the essence and purpose of the elements of the network subsystem: the Hosts file, the TCP/IP protocol, DNS services, DCHP, NetBIOS and the rest.

NetAdapter Repair All In One does not automatically fix errors. It invites the user to decide for themselves and indicate what to fix.

In addition, the utility includes diagnostic tools and viewing network settings.

Viewing is available to everyone, but correction functions are available only to the computer administrator.

Using the utility for beginners makes the English-language interface very difficult, but for those to whom it is addressed, this will not be a problem.

NetAdapter Repair allows you to fix:

  • DHCP settings;
  • DNS addresses (replace with public ones from Google);
  • routing table;
  • operation of the NetBIOS protocol;
  • cryptography and online privacy settings;
  • Windows network services settings.

The NetAdapter Repair All In One utility is convenient and useful for those who understand the meaning of the tasks it solves, and there are not too many of them among ordinary PC users.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish Doctor is an optimization program that fixes many problems at once and increases computer performance.

Claimed capabilities of Kerish Doctor:

  • fixing registry errors;
  • removal of garbage - remnants of programs, temporary files, invalid shortcuts, etc.;
  • optimization of system services;
  • increasing Internet connection speed;
  • control of system events;
  • failure prevention;
  • creating an optimal game mode;
  • closing Windows and program vulnerabilities.

Note! Kerish Doctor can work in two modes - automatic and manual. In automatic mode, it starts along with Windows and does its business in the background, eating up a significant portion of processor resources. In manual mode, the user must choose what he wants to optimize.

The program is addressed to those who dream of a “Make everything fly” button, so as not to bother themselves with a bunch of incomprehensible operations.

Experienced users who are accustomed to delving into the essence of any “shamanism” will most likely be scared off by its claims to comprehensiveness and universality.

The Kerish Doctor program is distributed free of charge. The duration of the trial period is 15 days. The cost of an annual license for 3 PCs is 390 rubles.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft PC PLUS is another tool for fixing all kinds of system and program errors, but this time it’s free.

The list of Anvisoft PC PLUS features:

  • solving problems with icons and shortcuts on the desktop;
  • troubleshooting network connections;
  • eliminating software errors, including the lack of necessary libraries (dll);
  • correcting system errors, informing the user about problems;
  • solving common problems in popular games, for example, FIFA World and Angry Birds;
  • clearing browser cache;
  • 24/7 technical support (unfortunately, only in English).

The program does not have a Russian localization, but, according to the developers, even a beginner can use it.

However, it will also be useful for advanced users, and especially game lovers.

Registry Repair

Registry Repair from Glarysofte is an easy-to-use program for fixing registry errors in Windows 7, 8 and XP.

It checks the system registry for errors, incorrect paths, and incomplete entries and automatically corrects them.

Registry Repair, unlike its analogues, can recognize up to 18 types of errors in the registry. Well-thought-out scanning technology uses system resources sparingly and does not slow down your PC.

Registry Repair features:

  • scanning the entire registry or only selected areas (Start menu, system services, fonts, program paths, startup, file associations, extensions, history lists, sounds and events, help and resources, user items and more);
  • search and delete entries made by adware and spyware (advertising and spyware);
  • deep scanning of the system partition, the partition of all users and only the current account;
  • creating a custom list of scan exclusions;
  • undoing changes made by the program (creating registry backups before fixing);
  • saving a history of changes with a viewing function.

Registry Repair supports many languages, including Russian, is distributed under a free license and is aimed at the common user.

The developer guarantees that the program will not make random errors that could disrupt the loading and performance of Windows.

What to choose?

Which program is the best for fixing Windows 7, 8 and XP errors? Kerish Doctor has the largest range of functions - the only paid solution in today's review.

The most professional utility is NetAdapter Repair, which, unfortunately, is not for everyone. Registry Repair only works on the registry, but Anvisoft PC PLUS does a little bit of everything.

Microsoft Fix it utilities are the most “native” for Windows - close and safe.

In a word, each of the programs is “the best” in its own way. And which is better - let each user determine for himself personally.

Program for fixing errors in Windows 7

5 Best Free Programs to Fix Windows 7 Errors