Where is it written how many cores are on the computer. How to enable all processor cores. What is affected by the number of processor cores?

How many cores does the computer have? For one person this question is completely uninteresting, but for another it is very important to know how many cores his computer has. Many people think that the more cores on its microprocessor, the better. But this is far from true. In some cases, a multi-core processor is slower than a dual-core processor.

Four or more cores are good for graphics programs or for large computing functions, and for working on the Internet or simple applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email clients, etc.) two cores will work much better in speed than four. In any case, it is better to know how many of these cores are on your microprocessor. This is especially true if you want to upgrade your computer.

As soon as a computer user ceases to be a “teapot,” questions about “hardware” arise, i.e. about whether the insides of his computer are of good quality and whether it can be upgraded. The first question in such cases is how many cores the computer has. I have already written about how to find out yours. Now let's talk about kernels.

It is not difficult to find out this in Windows even without auxiliary programs, but I will give several ways so that you can finally be convinced, or convince some “unbeliever Thomas,” that you have exactly that many cores on the microprocessor.

Method 1.

The number of microprocessor cores can be determined using Task Manager, which is present in Windows. We have already worked with it when we have a computer, or when from a desktop. Now we will use Task Manager in order to determine the number of cores of our computer.

To do this, press three magic keys on the keyboard (not to be confused with the three letters on the fence):

Ctrl + Alt + Del(Delete)

In Windows 7, you will first be transferred to a window in which you need to select an entry Launch Task Manager, and in Windows XP this window will open immediately after pressing the buttons.

You can open Task Manager in another way. Right-click on the Taskbar and select the same entry – Launch Task Manager.

A Task Manager window will open, in which you need to go to the tab Performance.

I have 4 cores on my computer, that's why there are windows in CPU Load History, four. If the microprocessor has two cores, then there will be two windows, and if there is one core, then there will be one window.

Where does the odd number of cores come from?

If three cores are shown in your task manager, this means that initially there were four cores, but during testing of the processor at the factory, one core did not pass certification, and therefore the microprocessor was released for sale as a three-core one.

Method 2.

We look at the number of cores in Device Manager. You can get to this manager by right-clicking on the link or icon Computer(in Windows 7),

or at My computer(in Windows XP).

Or go to the tab Hardware - Device Manager(in Windows XP).

Click on the plus sign to the left of the entry Processors. A list of your computer’s processors, or rather cores, will open. How many lines, so many cores. I have four lines, which means four cores.

Method 3.

Download the Everest program from the Internet.

Open it, go to the left to - Motherboard - CPU -. In the window on the right, the program will give you all the information about your processor.

The program is easy to install and manage. From it you can learn a lot of interesting things about your computer.

Method 4.

If you have documentation for your processor unit, then you can easily find out the number of cores by the name of the microprocessor - look up this name on the Internet.

In Intel processors, the number of cores can be determined by words. If it says Core 2 Duo Dual, then there are two cores, if Quad, then there are four.

This is how you can find out how many cores a computer has.

Video clip How to find out how many cores a computer has:

In some cases, you will need to know how many cores the processor has. Typically, when purchasing a new computer, you may think about checking the specifications stated by the manufacturer. If you prefer Windows 10, you can use several simple methods to check the number of cores.

In the era of modernization, when Intel is eagerly awaiting the imminent release of new generations of Cannon Lake, Kaby Lake and Coffee Lake processors, it is much easier for a user to afford a computer with four cores. It's time to find out about the power of the processor you are using.

Before we start pointing out ways to detect the number of cores in the latest version of the system, it is important to gather information about what it is.

What does the kernel belong to?

A computer includes a number of important components, which are collectively called hardware. Among them, the most important part is the CPU (Central Processing Unit). It is the first to receive information to perform a computational operation and contains a set of instructions. Now it's time to learn about the term "core".

On a note! If a processor has only one set of instructions, we call it single-core.

Over the years, Intel has made huge changes to the processor instructions. As we said earlier, its name depends on their number. In the case of two sets of instructions, we call the processor dual-core or Dual Core. Likewise, 4 sets are Quad Core, 6 sets are Hexa-Core. The last one is Octa-Core because it contains 8 instruction sets. Now we know what cores are, so let's move on to checking their number in the CPU.

There are different methods for identifying nuclei, and we will explore them in turn.

You can use:

  • "Task Manager";
  • system information;
  • Google search;
  • or third party software.

To clearly understand the entire process and avoid mistakes, we will discuss each method step by step.

Methods for checking the number of cores in the CPU on Windows 10

Method 1: Using system information

System information is an alternative option that allows you to check the number of cores in the CPU without using additional software. For this reason, the steps are as follows:

Step 1. Click the Start button on your computer and type “information” into the search box. Select System Information.

Step 2. The right panel contains a list of elements that describe each part of the PC. Check them slowly until you find the processor listed. In any case, if you have two processors, you will see them separately. Look carefully at the value and find the number of cores (see screenshot).

Method 2: Using Task Manager

Among all the procedures for checking the number of cores in the CPU, the fastest is using the “Task Manager”. Just follow the steps below.

Step 1. You can launch Task Manager in two ways:

Step 2. The Task Manager has several sections. Switch to the Performance tab. On the left sidebar you will see graphical indicators for CPU, Memory, Ethernet, Disk 0, Disk 1, etc.

Step 3. Click on the CPU option and a graph will open on the right side of the panel with more information.

Step 4. Below you will notice the base speed indicators, sockets, cores, etc. So, look for the number next to the kernels. For example, the number 2 is displayed in the bottom photo, which means the PC has a dual-core Dual Core processor.

Typically, Task Manager only shows one chart, but you can change how it displays. For this:

You will be happy to find that in Windows 10 there is no need to change the graph as it automatically reports the number of cores, sockets and logical processors present in the system.

On a note! Moreover, Task Manager also provides information about caches like L1, L2 and L3. In some cases, the computer's CPU uses special caches to provide faster computing performance.

Method 3. Through Google search

Google search also helps you discover the number of cores in a processor only if you know the model number. If proper information is missing, use the “Task Manager” or system information (see the methods described above).

For example, we googled core – i34005U. After checking the output, you will get information about the processor specification. It lists every detail in detail. Find the core and you will see your number.

Method 4: Third Party Applications

To find out detailed information about the processor, you can also use third-party programs. Mostly they are free. Along with processor details, the apps will also tell you about support for virtualization, SSSE3, etc. They are very effective and equally useful when you need to find information about a device.

The Internet is full of collections of various tools for checking the motherboard, as well as processor parts. The two most popular programs are Speccy and HWiNFO. Both work very well and provide almost all the hardware data.

Let's look at how to find out information about the processor using the Speccy program as an example:

The above-mentioned simple methods will help you find out the number of cores in the processor. Plus, it won't take much time.

On a note! It would be nice to know that the 32-bit Windows 10 system supports up to 32 cores. If you choose 64-bit, then the device can support up to 256 cores.

Video - How to configure the HWiNFO program


When using a computer, you must understand its details at least superficially. It is really useful for determining the performance of the device and also for professional work. You should definitely know how many cores your processor has. The good thing is that Windows 10 makes searching easier. Typically, we feel the need for simple data discovery methods. So, try using the above methods to check the number of cores in a CPU. It's good if you know more options.

Video - How to find out how many cores are on your computer

Hello everyone Yes guys, when there are a lot of cores, it's cool. Well, how can you find out the number of processor cores in Windows 7? You know, 15 years ago such a question would have been the stuff of science fiction, because then no one could have thought that the time would come when single-core processors would simply not be produced. Well, I may be wrong here, it seems that some kind of AMD processor has one core and is more or less modern. But it seems that that processor is already outdated...

Well, let's get back to the kernels. The thing is that AMD has cores, but Intel has threads in addition to cores. Well, this is a function to increase productivity. But the funny thing is that Windows perceives threads as cores, so using the built-in capabilities you cannot reliably determine how many cores you have and how many threads you have.

Look, I have a dual-core Pentium G3220 processor, there are no threads in it, that is, in my case, Windows itself will answer correctly the question of how many cores. See how to find out in Windows itself. Right-click on the taskbar and select task manager:

Then on the Performance tab you will see a CPU load graph. Well, that’s how many divisions there are, that’s how many cores you have:

But as I already wrote, threads will also be shown under the kernels. But what to do? This is easy to fix, you just need to download the free CPU-Z utility. This is the best utility to quickly find out almost any information about the processor, so I recommend

It’s easy to download, it’s available on the Internet at every turn, so you won’t have any problems with it. Once you have downloaded it, install and run it, it will show you the following window:

Look, down there there is something like Cores and Threads, these are cores and threads. You see I have 2 and 2 here, this means that I have a total of two cores or two threads in the processor. Therefore, Windows correctly identified

But here’s another case, this is an Intel Core i3 2120 processor, there are also two cores, but there is also a Hyper-threading function. This means that there are threads here, resulting in two cores or four threads:

Hyper-threading is available only in processors of the Core i3, i5, i7 family. But as for AMD, it seems like there are no threads there, but maybe they have already changed something, but everything seems to be the same...

And here’s a regular top-end Intel Core i7-5960X processor for your snack, this is socket 2011-3:

So, how do you like this processor? Cool, of course, I would like to have one too.. But if you think that this is generally a Nishtyakov processor, then you are mistaken. Intel already has processors with 36 cores and support for threads, that is, 72 threads, what a nishtyakovsky hurricane!

However, AMD does not stand aside; it is the only company that has offered a home eight-core processor at an affordable price. I don’t remember which one exactly, but it was definitely about 150-200 y.e.. I can’t say anything about how powerful the processor is, but many say that AMD is significantly behind Intel. And although I have Intel, I am sure that 8 AMD cores at high frequencies cope well with multi-threaded tasks, and maybe even better than Intel...

Hi all! Sometimes a game or program does not work at full capacity because... Not all cores are responsible for performance. In this article we will look at how to use all the cores of your processor.

But don't expect a magic wand, because... If a game or program does not support multi-cores, then nothing can be done unless you rewrite the application again.

How to run all processor cores?

So, there will be several ways. That's why I'm showing first.

Go to start - run or win + r keys

Select your maximum number of processors.

  • Go to the task manager - ctrl+shift+esc.
  • Or ctrl+alt+del and task manager.
  • Or right-click on the control panel and select task manager.

Go to the processes tab. Find the game and right-click on the process. By the way, the game must be running. You can collapse it either Win+D or alt+tab.

Select set match.

Select all and click ok.

To see whether all cores are working or not, go to the performance tab in the task manager.

There will be a diagram in all tabs.

If not, then click again to set the correspondence, leave only CPU 0, click ok. Close the task manager, open it again, repeat the same thing, select all processors and click OK.

In laptops, power saving is sometimes configured in such a way that the settings do not allow all cores to be used.

  • Win7 - Go to the control panel, go to power options - Change plan settings - change additional power settings - processor power management - minimum processor state.
  • Win8, 10 - Or: Settings - System - Power and Sleep - Advanced Power Settings - Configure Power Plan - Change Advanced Power Settings - Processor Power Management - Minimum Processor Status

For full use, it should be 100%.

How to check how many cores are running?

We launch it and see the number of active cores.

Do not confuse this parameter with the number of virtual processors, which is displayed to the right.

What does the number of processor cores affect?

Many people confuse the concept of number of cores and processor frequency. If we compare this with a person, then the brain is a processor, neurons are nuclei. Cores do not work in all games and applications. If, for example, a game runs 2 processes, one draws a forest and the other a city, and the game is multi-core, then you only need 2 cores to load this picture. And if the game has more processes, then all the cores are used.

And it may be the other way around: a game or application can be written in such a way that only one core can perform one action, and in this situation the processor with the higher frequency and the most well-built architecture will win (usually for this reason).

When buying a laptop or computer, everyone should first of all be interested in the number of processor cores. After all, PC performance and data processing speed depend on this. The number of cores may vary; in conventional PC models there are no more than four.

Previously, computers had only one core, and processor performance was measured in frequency. The processor processed only one stream of information and, as a result, the performance of the PC was very weak. Nowadays, multi-core devices divide data processing into several parts and performance improves. However, the processor must be tuned for speed, otherwise the number of cores will not help and the computer will slow down as if there was only one core. To configure your PC, you need to find out how many cores it has.

How to find out how many cores are in a computer

To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop or in the Start menu. Then select properties and in the window that appears, click on device manager in the left menu. In the window that appears, you need to expand the processors tab.

The list will show the number of processors located on this computer. As you can see from the picture, in our case there are two of them.

How to find out the number of cores using the program

There are many free utilities that will help solve our problem. In this case, consider the CPU-Z application, which does not require activation. You can download the program on the official website. There will be two versions, one with installation, the other without. Select the latest one and extract the downloaded file. Next, run the utility and in the window that appears, click on the Cores tab.

How to find out the number of cores on your computer using Task Manager

Launching it is quite simple; to do this, right-click on the lower control panel on the desktop and select the desired option from the proposed menu. Here in the processor tab the total number of cores and the speed of each will be written or displayed.

You can also check the technical characteristics of your computer processor in its documentation. Information about all components must be indicated there. You can also check the amount we need in the BIOS settings. However, this is quite difficult, because the easiest methods are described above. Please note that system performance is affected not only by the processor, but also by the amount of RAM, video card speed, etc.