Hyperlink in Word: creation and configuration. How to insert a hyperlink in HTML? Creating and using hyperlinks in HTML How to create a hyperlink to a file

  • highlight the link,
  • right-click to display a menu
  • and then left-click on “Copy” in the menu that appears:

We return to Subscribe.ru in the “Computer Literacy” group. Here in the comments you should write text or insert a link like http://....., which in this case will be perceived as regular text. Select this text (as shown below), and the “chain” icon (circled in red in the picture) becomes “active”:

Left-click on the “chain” icon. This opens the “Add/Edit Link” window. Here, in the “Link Address” window, you need to enter the previously copied link address, which is already on the clipboard. To do this, you can right-click and in the menu that appears, click on the “Paste” option. In the “Open in...” window it is better to set it to “new window”.

Now all that remains is to click on the “Insert” button. As one of the group members said, they managed to “blue” the link, i.e. it has become a hyperlink with a characteristic blue highlight.

How to create links in an HTML document

(You will find more examples at the bottom of this page)

HTML Hyperlinks (Links)

Tag can be used in two ways:

  1. To create a link to another document - using the href attribute
  2. To make a bookmark inside a document - using the name attribute

HTML Syntax Links


Visit the site

it will be displayed by the browser like this:

HTML Links - Target Attribute

The target attribute specifies where to open the linked (the one to which the link refers) document.

The example below will open the linked document in a new browser window or tab:

HTML Links - Name Attribute

The name attribute is used to create a bookmark (“anchor”) within an HTML document.

The upcoming HTML5 standard suggests using the id attribute instead of the name attribute to specify the name of the link.
Using the id attribute actually works in HTML4 in all modern browsers.

Bookmarks are not displayed in any special way. They are not visible to the reader.

Comment: Always add a trailing slash to subdirectory links.

If you create a link like this: href="http://site/html", then two requests are generated to the server, first the server adds a slash to the address, and then creates a new request: href="http://site/html/" . Advice:

If you create a link like this: href="http://site/html", then two requests are generated to the server, first the server adds a slash to the address, and then creates a new request: href="http://site/html/" . Named links are often used to create a "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document. Each chapter within a document is assigned a named anchor, and links to each of these named anchors are inserted at the beginning of the document.

If the browser does not find the specified named link, it goes to the beginning of the document. No errors occur. Reading books, we often see how the author, revealing a particular topic, refers to another section or even to a completely different printed source. There are millions posted on the Internet electronic documents

, often similar in topic and aimed at the same user audience. Navigation to other documents is possible only through the ability to link one HTML document to another using hypertext links.

Any hypertext link is an address pointer on the global network that can be instantly followed from a browser window. However, a successful link can only be followed in two cases - if the resource referenced by the document exists and if the structure of the hyperlink is correct from an HTML point of view. The first factor is objective and independent of us, since the developer of an electronic document, having once placed a link to an external resource in it, may not know that this resource has ceased to exist or has moved to another address, or temporarily closed, etc. The second factor is classified as subjective, since it can only depend on the creator of the HTML document whether the visitor will be able to follow the link or whether it is compiled incorrectly. To prevent the latter from happening, let's consider the structure and rules for describing hypertext links.

Hyperlink structure Any hyperlink consists of two important parts: the link pointer (“anchor” - from the English “anchor”) and the address of the resource to which the transition must be made. Externally distinguish a hyperlink from very simple: when you hover the mouse over a link, the pointer takes the form of a hand with an index finger, as if showing that this text contains a hyperlink. The link itself is underlined. The link indicator can be text (a single word, phrases, or even entire pages of text) and graphic images. In some cases, it is possible to combine graphics and text within a single link indicator.

Example of simple hyperlinks

Adobe Photoshop

One of the most popular and widespread graphic editors is the program for working with raster graphics AdobePhotoshop, developed by the corporation AdobeSystems. Currently version 7.0 of the program is available.

Note that the BORDER parameter for the image is set to zero, otherwise the browser will interpret the image as a link and place a border around the image.

Exercise 1. Create a web page that uses text and graphics as pointers.

Hi all. Each of us has encountered links on website pages on the Internet. Do you know how to create a hyperlink in a Word document? In fact, hyperlinks can be created in any Microsoft Office program: PowerPoint, Excel and Word.

What is a hyperlink?

A hyperlink is an object that includes information about where another object is located. An object can be any document or file on a computer, or a link to any page on the Internet. The process of creating a hyperlink is the same as in many other programs. A link is an object that, when clicked on, leads to the page or document we need.

How to make a link as a bookmark

  1. Open your document and find the sentence you want to bookmark.
  2. Place the cursor to the left of the beginning of the line.
  3. Open the Insert tab. Find the "Links" item. Click the down arrow and select Bookmark.
  4. Now make the following settings in the Bookmarks window.
    • Write the name of the Bookmark. The bookmark will lead to where the cursor is in the document. If you need to bookmark another line, click the “Cancel” button and place the cursor in the desired location.
    • If you need your bookmarks to be hidden, check the appropriate box.
    • Click the "Add" button and the bookmark will link to this location.
    • Save the document; if you don't do this, Word won't know where your bookmarks are located.
  5. Let's make a link to the bookmark.
    • At the beginning of the document, place your cursor where the content will be made.
    • Give a name and select it by holding down the left mouse button.
    • Now open the “Insert” tab, find the “Links” item and select the “Hyperlink” menu item.
    • In the Link To section, select Location in Document. You will see a list of all bookmarks in the current document.
    • Having selected the desired bookmark, all you have to do is click OK and the highlighted words will become a hyperlink.

How to make a hyperlink to a document on your computer

If you want your referenced documents to be accessible to others, create one folder where you place all the documents, including the one you are working on.

By clicking on the "Hint" button, you can enter text that will be displayed when the cursor is over the hyperlink.

How to make a hyperlink to a website on the Internet

Video: How to make a link in Word?

Everyone has probably noticed that if the text contains an Internet address to a page or an e-mail address, then they become clickable and are highlighted in blue. Such links are called hyperlinks, and next we will look at how to make different types of hyperlinks in Word.

By default, in Word, any entered Internet address or e-mail address followed by a spacebar is converted into a hyperlink. Links and e-mail addresses pasted from the clipboard, which were previously just text and are located inside the text, will remain text.

We will start with the simplest and most common and look at how to make a hyperlink in Word to any files or pages on the Internet. To do this, select the text or image, which will ultimately be hyperlinks, and on the tab "Insert" on the menu "Links" choose "Hyperlink" or right-click on them and select from the menu that appears "Hyperlink".

Next a window appears "Insert a hyperlink", where in the section "Link to:" choose "File, web page", and in the graph "Address:" indicate the address of the web page or file. In this case, to indicate the address of the file, you can find it in Explorer using the line "Search in:", and select it.

Now let's look at how to make a hyperlink pointing to some place in the same document. Before creating such a hyperlink, you need to do some preparation by creating bookmarks in the necessary places or applying heading styles to headings throughout the text. Next in the window "Insert a hyperlink" In chapter "Link to:" choose "Place in the document", and in the list of headings and bookmarks present on the page that appears, select the item we need.

It is also possible to create a hyperlink in Word that points to a specific bookmark in another Word document. To do this, when creating a hyperlink, select the required file by finding it through Explorer, and then press the button "Bookmark", after which a list of all available bookmarks in the selected file will appear.

You can also make a hyperlink in Word to another Word document by dragging the selected text or picture that you want to link to into another document to create a hyperlink. To do this, open both documents, select in the document to which you want to refer a part of the text or a picture to which the hyperlink will lead, right-click on it and, without releasing, drag it to the taskbar, point at the second file and after opening it, move the cursor to the place install the hyperlink and release the right mouse button. At this moment, an additional menu will immediately appear in which you should select "Create hyperlink".