Applications available. How to correctly format an attachment to a letter How to indicate an attachment in a letter

It is recommended to include in appendices materials that for some reason cannot be included in the main part: materials that complement the work; intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas and calculations; auxiliary digital data tables; instructions, methods, descriptions of algorithms and task programs, supporting illustrations; regulations, for example, job descriptions. The appendices also include illustrations, tables and printouts made on A3 sheets.

The appendices are drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets after the list of sources used.

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters Ё, 3, И, О, ​​Х, ь, ы, Ъ (APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, APPENDIX C, etc.). It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O. In the case of full use of letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

The word “APPLICATION” itself is written in capital letters.

If there is only one application in use, it is designated “APPENDIX A”.

Each application should start on a new page. In this case, the word “APPLICATION” and its letter designation are written in paragraph indentation.

The application must have a title, which is written on the next line after the word “APPENDIX”, indented. The title is written in capital letters.

In the text of the work, links to all applications must be given, for example: “... in Appendix B...”. Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the work.

The text of each application, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, which are numbered within each application. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

Attachments must have continuous page numbering in common with the rest of the document.

Content design


1 Theoretical foundations of taxes

2 Characteristics of the tax system of the Russian Federation

3 Problems and prospects for the development of the tax system of the Russian Federation


List of sources used


There are no dots between the title of the content element and the page number .

The procedure for submitting coursework for review and defense

Coursework must be completed and submitted to the department within the established time frame (approximately 2 weeks before the start of the session). When checking, any comments are indicated in the margins.

If the assessment is positive, the course work is allowed to be defended, at which the student makes an oral presentation about the content of his work and answers the questions asked.

If there are deficiencies in content and design, the course work is sent for revision. In this case, the student must eliminate these shortcomings as soon as possible and submit the work for re-checking.

After defending the course work, the student receives a final grade, which is entered in the grade book and in the transcript.

Coursework allows the student to summarize and systematize all previously acquired knowledge, deepen his knowledge in the field of economic disciplines, develop creative thinking abilities in the field of enterprise management, and also serves as the foundation for preparing a final qualifying thesis.

If you are in doubt about how to say or write a word correctly, it is better to get accurate information than to guess, don’t you agree? If we are talking about speaking in front of a group of people, then competent speech is extremely important. During such speeches the phrase “ according to the application", but some people say " according to the application" How to speak and write correctly in reality?

In what case should the noun “application” be placed after the derived preposition “according to”?

Correctly speak and write “according to the application”

In accordance with the syntactic norm of the Russian language, the noun “application” is put in the dative case and answers the question “according to what?”


Approve, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order, the composition of municipal experts. Appoint members of the document destruction commission in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order.

If you have wondered “how to write correctly: according to the application or application,” then we strongly recommend that you read the publication “

Applications in the thesis is the section in which you include visual materials. Visualization can be presented in different forms - diagram, table, drawing, comparative table, etc. These materials are so voluminous that it is impossible to include them in the work itself. That's why we came up with apps. Different universities have different requirements, but there are general rules for formatting applications in scientific papers. So, how to design an application?

How to properly design an application

Applications are drawn up at the end of the scientific work, after the list of references used. You can file them with your work, or better yet, attach them to your diploma in a separate folder. If you file appendices to the text of your thesis, separate them from the main part with a blank sheet of paper.

Applications are numbered in the upper right corner of the page. If the application takes up 2 sheets, then on the last sheet you need to write “End of the application...”. If the application includes three sheets or more, mark “Continuation of the application...” on the 2nd and subsequent ones, and on the last one, “End of the application...”. If one application contains several figures or tables at the same time, then do not forget to number them. Each illustration is numbered separately.

Give your applications titles that relate to the text of your manuscript. We provide links to these applications in the text. "Cm. Appendix..., Fig. ...". To make everything clear to the reader and avoid confusion and unnecessary questions, format the appendices clearly, with a decoding of all the symbols that may appear in the tables, figures and diagrams.

Indicate the application itself in the table of contents of your work. Check with your school about whether to use continuous pagination or create your own for applications. At the same time, we save the application numbers.

How to draw up an annex to the contract

The annex to the agreement must be drawn up correctly, otherwise, this risks the fact that the document will not have legal force. First, familiarize yourself with the GOST standards for application design and try to carefully comply with all standards. After you have completed the work, I advise you to give the document to specialists for verification, or immediately seek help from special companies that are involved in the preparation and execution of documentation.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then follow this tip:

  1. We are preparing documents that will become an appendix to the contract (graphs, tables, acts, lists, etc.).
  2. Applications are printed on separate sheets of paper and bound several pages at a time into one document or brochure.
  3. Enter the numbering in accordance with the regulations.
  4. All documents must be marked with the application. On the initial sheet of the document, write “Appendix No.” in the upper corner and put the serial number on the right. Immediately below it we write the name of the administrative document “to the contract for the provision of services” and its details (number and date of signing).
  5. We place a note about the application in the main document.
  6. Having indicated the title of the section, we then place a list of attached documents. We arrange it in the form of a numbered list. In it we indicate the name, number of sheets and copies, do not forget to comply with the numbering.

A cover letter is a form of business etiquette. In addition to a simple register of transferred documents, it contains recommendations for handling them. In addition, according to the registration data, you can determine the execution time and the fact of sending. For an example of how to write a cover letter for documents, see the article.

How to write a cover letter for documents

There is no single unified form of writing. Requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documentation are described in GOST R 6.30-2003. The requirements of this standard are recommended.

How to write a cover letter for documents? Let's start with the basic rules:

  • on company letterhead;
  • indicating the date and registration number.

Let's take a closer look at a sample cover letter about sending documents, what main sections the text can be divided into and what information should be reflected in them.

Letter section

Short description


About sending a response to a claim


Theme that defines its purpose

Covering letter of submitted documents


A specific appeal to the manager, preferably addressed, indicating the name and patronymic

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Purpose of the message

Brief formulation

In response to your claim, I am enclosing confirmation that the stated requirements were met within the time limits specified in the Supply Agreement.

Main part

Statement of the essence with summing up and expression of hope, gratitude, etc.

According to the information received from you, there were facts of violation of clauses 2.3 and 3.6 of the Agreement. In turn, I inform you that the components were transferred on time, which is confirmed by the Invoice, and the work was completed on time, which is confirmed by the date of acceptance of the work on the Work Order. I consider the requirements set forth in claim No. 2, sent to us on July 14, 2017, to have been fulfilled in full. I ask you to consider and send information about your decision to us within the period established by law. I express my gratitude to you for using the services of our company, and I hope for further cooperation.


List of applications. Polite signature


  1. Supply contract, number of sheets.
  2. Consignment note, number of sheets.
  3. Work order, number of sheets.
  4. Photo of the installed banner, number of sheets.

Head, Sidorova Maria Ivanovna.

Full name and contact details of the performer.

Example of a cover letter for documents

Enterprise employees not only have to send such requests to counterparties, but also receive them from them. It makes sense for business clerks to develop a form for an incoming cover letter for documents. It will be required if the counterparty provides the package without explanation. This often happens when collaborating with individuals, but for legal entities this case is no exception. To optimize document flow, the counterparty will be able to fill out the proposed form, which will indicate all the necessary information.

Sample cover letter for transfer of documents. Form designed to be filled out by the counterparty:

What not to indicate

The text of the appeal is kept in a business style. Despite the fact that the message is not an independent form, you should not allow familiarity when composing it. The covering letter for documents should not evaluate what is happening, be emotional and contain phrases that in one way or another may offend the recipient. An example of phrases that cannot be used and options for replacing them:

Who signs the letter

The appeal can be signed by the head of the department, manager, chief accountant, or head of the organization. In this case, communication ethics should be observed. If the text contains an appeal to the head of the company, then it must be signed by an equal manager. It should also be remembered that the manager delegates the execution of instructions to the performers. Therefore, when signing, the director should indicate the contractor’s contacts so that the recipient does not have to waste time searching for the person responsible. Printing in this case is not mandatory.

Upon receipt, the recipient will assign the document an incoming number and date, which the clerk will enter manually or using a stamp. Using this information, it will be possible to easily track the stages of its passage and clarify at which level of consideration the application is at one time or another.

Still, you need not only to thoroughly select the material, but also to know the rules for its presentation in a diploma in accordance with GOST. From the article you will learn what an application is and how to design it correctly.

Appendix – a section where visual (additional) materials are presented, which contain information on algorithms or proprietary research methods. These documents cannot be included in sections, as the presentation format may be non-standard or the volume may not be suitable for A4 sheet.

Applications perfectly complement the thesis, make it even better, and as a rule, the student must independently think through the points of content. However, you still need to coordinate them with your supervisor.

What should be included in the diploma supplement

This section contains information that reveals the details of the diploma and clarifies some calculations. Not only graphic materials, but also handouts may be included in the diploma appendix, as they show the work done in more depth.

Additional materials that are most often used in applications:

  1. Graphs and diagrams.
  2. Large tables that do not fit on an A4 sheet.
  3. Formulas and calculations based on them.
  4. Intermediate mathematical proofs.
  5. Description of the equipment and instruments that were used during the experiments.
  6. Metrological examination (conclusion).
  7. New techniques developed by the author.
  8. Auxiliary material in the form of drawings, diagrams, cartographies, photographs, etc.
  9. Reference materials. This may be a sample of financial statements for the enterprise and other documentation.

The above materials detail each chapter (section) or specific paragraphs. They also help to understand what the graduate student was focusing on, what conclusions he made, and what happened in the end. The state certification commission also pays attention to how the student was able to use the applications while reading the report.

Rules for formatting applications in a diploma according to GOST

Applications must be prepared in accordance with GOSTs, although there are no too strict requirements here. The main thing is to know the basic rules and try not to deviate from them. Read below how to complete the diploma application according to GOST standards.

According to GOST 2.301, applications can be drawn up not only on A4 sheets, but also on A3, A4*3, A1, A4*4. However, such formats can be used if the information really does not fit on A4.

According to GOST 2.109, you need to insert a sufficient number of applications, the main thing is that they can fully cover the topic of the diploma and should be of an informational nature only.

Basic rules for applications in the thesis:

Rule 1. Applications are not stitched together with the thesis, but are located in a separate folder as a separate document.

Rule 2. Each attachment must start on a new page with “APPENDIX” written at the top center. Please note that this word is all capital letters.

Rule 3. Applications are indicated in capital Russian letters, but there are exceptions that, according to GOST 2.109, cannot be written: E, Z, J, O, CH, ь, Ъ, И.

Rule 4. Applications can also be denoted in Latin letters, with the exception of I, O.

Rule 5. If all letters have been used, then applications can be designated with Arabic numerals, but only as a last resort.

Rule 6. If there is only one appendix in the diploma, then it is designated: “APPENDIX A”.

Rule 7. The text of the annexes may be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Rule 8. Applications must have continuous numbering.

Rule 9. All application titles are written in the same style.

Rule 10. If one application consists of several sheets, then on the first one you need to write: “Continuation of Appendix A”, and on the last - “End of Appendix A”.

You should always remember that well-written applications are the path to success, since they reflect the student’s level of preparation and knowledge, and the commission pays attention to this part of the diploma.

How to format an appendix in the table of contents of a diploma

Appendix A is indicated in the table of contents. If there is an appendix B, C, D, etc., then they also need to be written in the content.

The sample shows that each application contains not only a designation (letter), but also a name..

How to provide links to diploma applications

This is what the application the student refers to in his thesis will look like:


Now you know how to correctly format the application in your diploma. The main thing is that you need to chase not the quantity of additional materials, but the quality of the necessary ones. It is important to remember that in some cases many applications complicate the structure of the thesis.