How to find a person on Instagram: tips for various situations. “Ay-ay-ay, I’ll find you anyway!” – How to find a person on Instagram? Find friends on Instagram without registration

If you want to know how to find a person on Instagram by mobile phone number, read this article. This is not difficult, but the user may encounter some limitations. Where to start your search?

How to find a person?

You can find an Instagram page by phone number only if your cell phone number is listed in your personal information. However, these contacts will only be visible to those who have saved the desired combination of numbers in the phone book.

Useful: how to access your page via a computer here.

Therefore, you should start searching for a phone number on Instagram by adding a contact to your phone book. Then you will need to do the following:

  • Log in to your account and open your profile. Click on the icon at the top "Interesting people".
  • Select the “Contacts” tab. You may need to allow access to your phone book.
  • And then you need to try to guess in the list of accounts the one that belongs to the user you are looking for.

What to do if the search didn't work?

It’s good if you were able to immediately find a user on Instagram by phone number, but sometimes people use complicated names or create fakes. You can try to find the fake behind which the desired user is hiding, for this you will need:

  • Save the names of all dubious accounts from your contact list - you can rewrite them manually or take screenshots.
  • Log out of your account.
  • Delete the contact that is being searched from the phone book.
  • Log in again to the social network.
  • Open contacts again in the section "Interesting people" and see if any dubious account has disappeared from this list.

A fake (or possibly fakes) who has disappeared will be the right person. Here we will discuss why the Instagram application crashes and how to solve it.

If the list of contacts has not changed after the manipulations, one of the options is possible:

  • the user you are looking for is not registered on the social network;
  • he used another cell phone to register;
  • the user you were looking for did not indicate a mobile phone number in their profile.

In any of these cases, you won’t be able to find an Instagram account by phone number, but you can search on other social networks.

How to hide your account from mobile searches?

Since you can find Instagram by phone number only if your profile indicates a mobile phone number, the conclusion is obvious. There is no need to indicate this data in your profile or replace your cell phone with some third-party one (little known, relatives, good friends).

But do not forget that this may complicate account recovery if your password is stolen or lost.

on Instagram, he immediately begins to think about how to find a person here through VK, if before that, he mostly used this resource to communicate with loved ones. Since most users have problems linking their VK account to Instagram, not everyone will be able to understand how to find each of their friends, since on Instagram they may not be signed by their names, but simply by nicknames.

From the very first minutes, a person notices that searching for the necessary people on Instagram is much more difficult than on VKontakte. But there are ways to make your search easier and add all your friends to your newly created account as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that it is very difficult to do, it is quite possible if you know some of the subtleties and algorithms of the local search engine. The main difficulty lies in the often incomprehensible names with which many users sign up. There may be numbers and any Latin letters that have nothing to do with the person’s real surname and name.

At the moment, almost every social network provides synchronization, which allows you to quickly transfer all your friends to your new account. If we talk about finding friends from VK in order to add them to Instagram, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. First, you need to go to your page on Insta and find the gear icon, which means page settings. It is usually located in the lower or upper right corner.
  2. Afterwards, a page with various options for functions will open in front of the person. One of them is a search through VKontakte, which is what you need to select.
  3. After this, the person will be immediately asked to go to his VK page by entering authorization data. Immediately after this, a page will open where you will see a list of friends who are registered on Instagram.

Note! In addition, you can use the method of searching for a friend’s page through photos sent from Instagram. They are usually marked with blue icons, indicating that they are linked to a given social network. When clicking on this link, the user will be redirected to his friend’s page on Insta.

How to Find Friends Using Supporter Apps

Another accessible way to find friends on Instagram from VKontakte is to use special programs. But almost no one uses it due to inefficiency. Plus, a person will have to understand the application, which he is unlikely to want to waste time on. Therefore, people often look for acquaintances through:

  • subscriptions.

By hashtag

This method also requires quite a lot of time and knowledge of personal data about your friend. To successfully search, you need to try to guess the tags that someone you knew from VK could presumably enter. In this way, you can find a photo of a friend, and from it, you can find him. The same method can be used when trying to find a user through geotags.

By nicknames

This technique can be called the easiest of all that will be listed here. The issue will be resolved as quickly as possible if the user knows the login that his friend used to register on Insta. Next, to do this, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. To get started, you should launch the application and find the magnifying glass icon, which will mean searching.
  2. You need to click on it and select the “People” column.
  3. Now you can start entering your friend’s login into the line, and most likely, his page will be successfully found.
  4. After going to the page, all you have to do is subscribe to it. The friend will see the notification and respond to the request in kind.


After, the person will immediately be offered several of his friends to subscribe, so some of them, perhaps the closest ones, will not have to be looked for. Then you can go to the page of each of them, click on the “subscribe” button and try to find other friends.

At first, it is better to do this without entering names into the search engine; if there are few subscriptions, it is better to fully study the list, since many friends may not be subscribed with their own names and have avatars other than their personal photos. Thus, over time, you can collect all your acquaintances who were friends in VK.

Finding people on Instagram is a simple and accessible task. However, many users of this social platform often wonder how to find a person on Instagram. Let's look at the options together and find out how to search for people on Instagram.

So, the method of searching for people on Instagram:

  1. go to the search section. To do this, we find an icon that looks like a compass. It is located in the lower left corner. Follow it to the “search” section. Here you can enter the data necessary for the search;
  2. The next method on how to find a person on Instagram is through a profile. The icon is located in the lower right corner;
  3. searching for people on Instagram you don’t know can be done by entering keywords or tags;

In a huge list of users you find what you need. However, it may happen that you will not be able to see the person on Instagram that you are interested in due to the fact that he has closed his profile. In this case, you should leave a subscription request and if the answer is positive, you will have access to your account.

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How to find a person on Instagram via FaceBook among friends

There is another very easy way to search for people on Instagram. If you are a user of the social network Facebook, then the task is as follows:

  1. On iOS devices, go to Instagram and open your profile. Next, go to “settings”;
  2. “find and invite friends” is the icon you need and is located at the top of the screen;
  3. then follow the “Facebook Friends” section, where you can synchronize your list of contacts from Facebook with Instagram;
  4. Let's move on to consider such an option as search on Android: open Instagram on your device and go to the “profile” section. Next, go to settings;here we open the search and find the “connected to Facebook” icon, make sure that access to your account is allowed;

Search for Instagram people on iPhone in a few taps on the screen

  1. go to the “profile” section;
  2. find “find friends”;
  3. go to the Facebook friends section. Now select those you need and send a request.

How to find people on Instagram via phone - complete instructions

Let's move on to searching for people through your phone:

  1. Why do you need to synchronize your contact list on your phone?
  2. go to the interface, and then to “profile”, “settings” and, finally, go to the most basic thing - “find friends”.
  3. select the “friends” icon from your phone’s contact list and go to “contacts”.
  4. Don't forget to mark Instagram availability to your contact list. The simplest thing remains - choose those whom you want to see as friends.

How to find a person on Instagram from a computer when registering

Let's figure out together how to find a person on Instagram from a computer. So, everything is extremely accessible:

  1. find in the search bar of your browser;
  2. if information is available, the user's name (nickname) in the address bar of the browser will need to indicate's name.
  3. In the absence of information about the user, viewing a person on Instagram on a computer is more difficult, but possible. To do this, follow his comments and then send a request.

How to find a person on Instagram without registering in the web version

Finding a person on Instagram without registration is as easy as finding a registered user:

  1. for which you should copy the link into the address bar and go to the search.
  2. When your profile is open, you can access any information posted there. If not, then only after confirmation.

Another method of searching for people on Instagram is the magnifying glass icon. When you click it, a selection of photos and videos opens, where you can go to the account you like and then leave a subscription request.

Hello, friends.

Instagram is becoming more popular every day. More and more people are registering and actively sharing photos, videos and messages in a fast and convenient format. I began to notice that my friends, who are over 40 years old and previously were only on Odnoklassniki, are now posting photos on Instagram.

If you have recently registered and are looking for your friends or have been using a social network for a long time, but now there is a need to find a friend, then today’s article is for you. Let's talk about how to find a person on Instagram.

When registering, each Instagram user chooses a unique name - nickname. It is written in the Latin alphabet using numbers, underscores, dashes and dots. If you know the name, then finding the person will not be difficult.

In phone

Go to the application and click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen.

Enter text into the search bar. As a result, you will see several people with similar nicknames. The very first account will be the one registered under the desired nickname, if one exists. Next we go to the user page. Once you are sure that this is the person we need, you can subscribe to him and regularly view page updates.

In the web version

You can also find friends through the computer. To do this, open your browser, go to and enter your account username and password. A news feed will open in front of you. At the top there will be a line for entering data. Write your name and wait for the system to respond. Then click on the avatar to go to the person’s personal page.

Knowing the username, you can go to his profile by writing “” in the browser line without quotes and after the line the login. For example, “”. This method will work even without registering on a social network.

How to find out a username on Instagram through other social networks

If you don’t know your friend’s nickname, there are several ways to deal with this difficulty:

How to search by phone number

Step 1. Add a phone number to your contacts.

Step 2. Sync Instagram with contact sheet. To do this, go to your profile, click on the 3 bars at the top of the screen and open settings.

Step 3. Now go to the “Privacy and Security” section and click on the “Contacts Synchronization” item.

Step 4. In the window that opens, all that remains is to move the lever and confirm your desire.

Step 5. Now you can get information about all your friends who are registered on a social network and indicated their mobile phone number there.

In the future, you will be able to see who else from the contact list has added a phone number to their Instagram profile.

Searching by photo

If you have a photo of a person that he might have posted on his Instagram, you can search for it through Google or Yandex. To do this, go to the search engine page, switch to the “Pictures” tab and click on the camera icon.

Upload a photo from your computer and see the results. Perhaps you will be lucky and the profile you need will be found.

Other ways to find a person

Search by geolocation or hashtags that your friend may post in their posts. This method will give results if you know, for example, that a person participated in some event or works in an organization that uses this tag. Go to the records and find the person you need.

To find entries by geolocation, switch to the “Places” tab and enter the desired word in the line.

If you were unable to obtain information this way, you can try to search for the person of interest using their real name and surname. Enter them completely into the search field and view the results. If the desired profile is not found, try a short name or Latin spelling. Look at how the person called himself on other social networks, what versions of his full name he uses.

You can also find a user through mutual friends. Go to the page of such a person and look among his subscriptions.


We've looked at ways to find someone you know on Instagram. Let me briefly list them again:

  • use a simple search if the user’s nickname is known;
  • try the same method with your real first and last name;
  • search using hashtags that are likely to be used by the person you are looking for;
  • access your contact list on your phone after synchronizing it with Instagram;
  • carry out a search operation through other social networks;
  • view subscriptions of mutual friends;
  • ask the person himself or his friends;
  • upload a photo to a search engine.

I wish you good luck in your search. Tell us in the comments which method helped. Subscribe to new useful blog site materials to become an advanced user of social networks.

See you again, friends.

Finding a person on this social network is very easy. Whether you just want to look at interesting profiles or follow friends, all you need to do is follow a few steps. In some cases, there is no need to even register your account. In this article we will tell you how to do this in different ways. Let's start with the simplest.

How to search for pages without authorization in the application

Let's say you need a blog for a celebrity or someone you know. If you have your own page, go to the application. If not, go to the web version from a browser on any device. Enter the user's nickname in the address bar after the slash (/) sign. Your profile will open. You can watch it, read the comments, but for other actions you will need to log in to the site. Use Google or Yandex. Compose a request from the combination name + instagram.

How to find a person on Instagram on a smartphone

Everything is also simple here. Tap the Search icon at the bottom of the screen, then the line at the top. There are several sections underneath it. You can search for accounts in any of them, but if you know the name, the second one will be the fastest.

  • “Tags” – if you remember your personal hashtag. You can try popular #, but the search will take a long time.
  • "Places." Many users geotag photos. Enter the name of the area in the appropriate tab, and pictures taken there will appear on the page.
  • "The best." The list displays all popular publications and pages.

Why can't you find a person on Instagram?

It happens that you know exactly the username or hashtag, but the search does not return any results. In this case, check the spelling. If everything is correct, then the profile may be blocked or deleted. There's nothing you can do about it.

Searching for people on Instagram via VKontakte and by phone number

Go to the main page and go to settings. The icon is in the upper right corner, the gear is at the bottom of the menu. Find the “For subscriptions” block and open one of the items. You will see your friends from other social networks and contacts in it. In the “Recommendations” tab – your friends’ subscriptions.

If you open this section and there are no users there, go down in the settings to the “Contacts synchronization” item. Move the slider to the right. You can follow all people at once or select several people.

Summarize. You can search for people on Instagram in different ways:

  • Through the address bar in the browser. No registration required.
  • Through the application by profile name, geotags, hashtags.
  • By connecting contacts in your account settings.