How to get active subscribers. How to get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group? What options are possible for getting followers?

Hi all. Vasily Blinov is in touch again and today I continue the conversation about how to make your Instagram popular and profitable.

In yesterday’s article, I told you about, as well as simple steps on how to start attracting new people to your page for free, with your own hands.

In this article we’ll talk about how to gain followers on Instagram and what methods work best.

I said yesterday that getting subscribers is not my method, I don’t need boosted or purchased subscriptions, and therefore, after testing and analysis, I stopped using most of the methods that will be discussed, and I only use those that attract real live users .

Getting followers on Instagram - all the ways

I’ll say right away that all unnatural ways to attract followers occur through special programs and services (sites), which have become abundant on the Internet lately.

Be careful when choosing such sites! Some of them simply use a login form to steal your account password; we’ve encountered these a couple of times.

I will publish a list of proven services and programs below.

Useless ways to gain subscribers

All this software and services can be divided into 2 types:

  • Those where you can buy subscribers.
  • Those that imitate your activity on Instagram.

As a rule, they are all paid, but in the first case you can gain subscribers for free by spending your time completing various simple tasks, such as:

  • like;
  • subscribe;
  • repost;
  • comment.

For completed tasks you receive points that can be spent on promotions. Points can also be purchased with money.

I consider this method INEFFECTIVE for two reasons:

  1. Non-target audience;
  2. Basically, only bots, which are then banned and deleted.

But for rapid weight gain, say, up to the first 1,000, it can be used; beyond that, I don’t see any point in empty numbers.

Ways that work great!

The best methods to gain a lot of live and real subscribers are the so-called. Programs that will simply automatically like, subscribe and comment for you according to the specified settings.

The principle of operation is quite simple, the program subscribes to someone’s account, the person looks at who has subscribed to it and goes to your profile. This way, someone simply follows each other, and someone becomes interested in your profile and posts.

All these actions can be implemented according to 3 criteria:

  • hashtags;
  • geolocation tags;
  • followers of a specific account.

For example: if your target subscribers are from a certain city, then you write hashtags that can be used in your city. Set up places where your subscribers can hang out, and also find popular accounts of groups or people in your city, based on whose subscribers the service will perform these actions.

Just before you start cheating like this, I recommend that you get a much better result.

Programs for increasing followers on Instagram

I chose the best ones in terms of price and quality, which I use myself. There are many others on the Internet, but the interface is crooked, the prices are astronomical, or it’s generally not clear how to work there.


  1. Pamagram –
  2. Zeus – ZEUS
  3. Instaplus –

It’s convenient that they work online, 24 hours a day, and you don’t need to download and install them on your computer.

Everything is in Russian and very easy to use.

Buying likes and subscribers

  1. Bosslike - (if you need it quickly and a lot)
  2. Vktarget -
  3. Likemania —

List of worse analogues:

  • MiMiMetrix —
  • Jetinsta -
  • Zengram -
  • Duinsta -
  • 1gram -
  • Faninsta -
  • Social like -
  • Social whale -
  • Social hummer -
  • Instagram —
  • Admifast -
  • Social gain -
  • In the top -
  • Tuligram -
  • Relike -
  • Olike —
  • Hell-social -
  • FastFreeLike -
  • Like4yu -
  • Like up -

If you have used these services, you can write your reviews about them in the comments to this article.

There are also mobile applications that work similarly. To be honest, I have never used it, since it is much more convenient from a computer. You can find them in the App Store, Google Play and Windows Store by searching for “followers for Instagram” or in English “follower for Instagram”.

Important! There is a risk that your account may be blocked for getting more followers on Instagram, but so far I have not seen such cases among my friends who use it.

Now I will show all this using the example of the Pmgrm service that I use.

Instructions for working with the Pamagram service

It remains to tell you how to buy paid advertising on Instagram, with the help of which you can gain real subscribers many times faster, but you will learn about this in a few months, since I am still studying it myself.

Follow the news and subscribe to updates. Write your reviews and experience about working with getting followers on Instagram. I'll be waiting for you again in future blog articles!

Good luck to all

Promotion on social media networks is a fairly effective way to advertise a product. More and more people who have their own business advertise it using mass media, namely social networks, such as, for example, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, which is very convenient, because there is direct communication between the client and the seller, and also discuss the quality of the product. Among the most common methods are targeted advertising and social public pages on VKontakte.

However, when choosing the second promotion method, difficulties may arise at the start due to the low popularity of the community and lack of financial resources. That is why the question will be relevant: how to get VKontakte subscribers for free? This will be discussed in the article.

What is public

A public page, or public page, is a social group on the VKontakte network that unites people under the auspices of common interests. It could be sports, entertainment, humor, news or other things. Anyone can create a public page - registration is free. This form of organization is also convenient as a platform for trade and dissemination of various information. For example, the most popular VKontakte pages unite from 3 to 5 million users, while their audience is constantly growing.

Where to begin?

Anyone who creates a public page, whether it has entertainment or commercial purposes, should start by filling out the community. There is nothing unusual in this: just set the group’s avatar, fill out audio and video recordings, and an album with photographs. You should also post various posts on the public wall. The next problem, and probably the most common, that a community administrator will face is building an audience, since the purpose of the group is to share information with other users.

First of all, everyone will invite their friends, but even if they, in turn, invite their friends, the circle of invitations will gradually narrow. Despite the fact that ideally everything should develop precisely according to these laws of the genre, in practice everything is completely different.

Users do not join the group

Unfortunately, this problem is for the most part a qualitative obstacle on the path of everyone who decides to start their own public page on VKontakte. This happens for several reasons:

  • The first (main) is that social networks are oversaturated with communities, in other words, there is too much competition. A person does not try to subscribe to a public page on a topic that he already has in his bookmarks.
  • The second reason can be considered that it is almost impossible to promote your group directly on VKontakte - this is due, first of all, to the lack of a community advertising system as such.

It is for this reason that many administrators resort to various kinds of promotions at the beginning of their work: likes, reposts, participants. Here it would be useful to find out how to get VKontakte group subscribers for free, because a novice webmaster is unlikely to be able to afford to spend money on a dubious undertaking.

What is cheating?

This is the creation of artificial user behavior by motivating them. In other words, public promotion is an activity to attract users to your community using various motivations. Such artificial methods of promotion make it possible to give impetus to the development of the group at the initial stage, but some administrators continue to use this method. It wouldn’t be out of place to mention how to get VKontakte subscribers for free, because it is with this action that you should start promoting the group.

Cheating mechanism

There are two most popular mechanisms for getting subscribers to a page. The first is mutual entry/like/repost - this method can be considered free. And the second is to create paid tasks - this method is not suitable for us due to the fact that we are only interested in free methods.

Of course, you can directly search for people who would mutually agree to join your public, but this is quite tedious and unproductive, which is why robotic exchanges and programs for exchanging such services were created. They are used by a large number of the same users, so their popularity is great. Such services allow you to gain many VKontakte subscribers for free.

Most popular services

There are several major exchanges on the RuNet that provide similar services. The Turboliker service can be considered the most popular. If you use it, how to gain VKontakte subscribers for free? The service makes it possible to instantly adjust the necessary parameters. It is enough to log in using your account and earn “hearts” - the internal currency of the service - to create your own task. This is how you can get VKontakte subscribers for free. A program designed to automate the earning of “hearts” will greatly facilitate the procedure.

Another popular cheating exchange can be called Olike. The principle of its operation is slightly different. Here you can also order subscribers/likes/reposts, but there is no internal currency - one of your actions is equivalent to one ordered operation. With the help of such a service, you can quickly increase VKontakte subscribers for free.

There are also a number of similar services, the work of which is organized according to similar principles, but they are not so popular. These are the exchanges Vk4pr, Sarafanka, Vktarget, Vlike.

Underwater rocks

Despite the fact that it would seem that such methods of increasing subscribers are accessible and understandable, there are a number of problems that arise in this case, namely blocking from the administration of the VKontakte site. For performing the same type of actions, your account may be blocked, which is why you should act within reasonable limits. Unfortunately, given the fact that the accounts of other users may also be blocked due to similar work, subscribers will become invalid, which, in turn, will lead to the blocking of the community. You should be attentive to such things, because the lifespan of the public depends on it.

Programs for cheating

For more accurate promotion, special scripts were written. Thus, if you need a better quality boost for VKontakte subscribers for free, the program will be the best option. Despite the fact that the speed of its work will not be as fast as that of online services, the quality will be much higher, and your account will not be blocked.

The most famous program that is widely used by cheaters is Vtope. The principle of operation is the same as that of the Turboliker service.


How to get VKontakte subscribers for free? In fact, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to know which services will be most relevant for your situation and use them. You should not get carried away with cheating, as this may not only lead to account blocking, but also communities and all your efforts may become in vain. If there is no need for quick promotion, then the best way would be to use programs.

Now you know how to get VKontakte subscribers for free. All the methods described above will work for a long time.

Hello dear readers of the site. Today we will talk about how to get VKontakte subscribers how safe and effective it is. I would like to immediately warn you that the administration of the social network is fighting against such frauds, even if it is an artificial increase in subscribers or, the result can be disastrous for your account. Even if today you were not caught red-handed for cheating, then in the future you may get caught, since the algorithms are constantly being improved and sharpened to catch cheaters.

We will talk about the methods and services that provide services artificially increasing the number of subscribers, let's try to analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Draw your own conclusions.

To get new subscribers, you need to complete certain tasks of service participants, for which you will receive points (a special currency of the service), which you can spend on subsequent promotion for your group or account.

Everyone has it subscriber cheating site There are some nuances and differences, but they all share the same disadvantages as paid services. The only difference is that they involve real people with live accounts.


  1. You can increase the number of subscribers of your group in a short time for free
  2. The participants are living people. This means that live accounts will join groups, not bots.


  1. To attract subscribers you need points, which you receive when completing service tasks.
  2. Not the target audience. Let every online scammer boast of advanced targeting settings, but you won’t get subscribers who are really interested in your group
  3. The likelihood of losing your account (stolen or blocked) since you log in to the service using your data


Using services for boosting subscribers you may not get the desired result, but thanks to the large number of subscribers in your group, you can trigger the “herd instinct” among network users, and you can take first place in the social network’s search results for certain queries thanks to a large number of subscribers.

Disadvantages of artificially increasing the number of subscribers– getting a non-target audience for your group. If subscribers are not interested in the information that you publish in your group, then the meaning of a large number of such subscribers is lost, there will be no conversion of visitors into buyers - there will be no increase in sales. If you use your personal account to complete service tasks, sooner or later VKontakte robots will identify it and ban you.

There is a high chance of losing your account. Since the owners of programs or services for online promotion of subscribers can use your credentials for their own purposes and simply steal your account from you.

So draw your own conclusions. My opinion is that you shouldn’t risk your VKontakte account for useless bots in your group. Make your group such that people themselves want to join you, or use legal methods, even if they cost money.

What do you think about gaining subscribers in groups? Write in the comments.

It is believed that the more friends and VKontakte subscribers you have, the more popular your page is (see). Only people who have a certain popularity in real life, or on the World Wide Web, can naturally have several thousand friends on a social network (see). Singers, bloggers, politicians, etc. You can always see a large number of subscribers on their pages.

But what about ordinary users? What needs to be done to get a lot of VKontakte subscribers?

In fact, there is no particular difficulty here. And there are quite a lot of ways. Now I will show you the main ones.

Video lesson: how to get a lot of subscribers on VK

Mutual adding as friends

The principle of this method is as follows. We are starting to send friend requests to people. Some of them accept and become our friend. After some time, we remove the person from friends, and he becomes our subscriber (see).

It should be noted that in the end, half will unsubscribe. But the method still works well.

You can send friend requests directly or through special groups.

We send applications directly

We find the page of any person and go to his friends list.

Here we go to each person on the list one by one and send him a friend request.

We have 40 applications available per day (see). We send and wait.

Mutual requests through groups

There are a large number of groups where people mutually add friends.

Let's go to the search and write "Add to friends". We select a suitable group and go to it.

Here we need to find a suitable ad with an offer to mutually add as friends. Something like this.

Go to this person’s page and send him an application.

When you have collected enough friends, you can move on to the fun part. We need to convert them to subscribers (see). How to do it?

Open any friend's page and open the menu "Your friends". Next click on the item "Unfriend".

This user will be removed from friends and transferred to subscriber status. And this is exactly what we need!

All of the following methods are aimed at increasing the number of friend requests and subscribers to your page.

Cheating VKontakte subscribers through the turboliker service

We have already met him. Here's a review - . Let's now use it to gain subscribers on VK.

Let's go to the service:

In your personal account, open the “Subscribers” section, and then click “Create”.

Also select the item whether you will cheat for yourself or for another page. If you chose the second option, you will need to insert a link to the corresponding account (see).

Adjust targeting if necessary. When you fill everything out, click the “Order” button.


As you can see, getting VKontakte subscribers is not a difficult matter. The most important thing is to be patient. Although no one is stopping you from topping up your balance in the service with cash and simply starting the task. Then nothing will be required of you at all.

And the question immediately arises: how to get subscribers to the VKontakte group and not to get blocked?

This will be discussed in the article.

Cheating subscribers to a group on VK

I seriously began searching for the very service that will help with minimal investment and at the same time promote the group to the TOP.

And therefore, from time to time, I conduct experiments in which they take part dozens of services. For each of them, I fill it with information and place an order to get subscribers.

I divided all services into the following:

1. Free services and programs (Olike, Bosslike, Vkrutilka, Turboliker, etc.): forget about them once and for all! These services are very negative influence promotion.

Why? Yes, because these services use bots or low-quality mutual subscribers:

After ordering promotion on free or unreliable services, you will receive these “subscribers”.

Bots, like low-quality mutual subscribers, are often blocked by the system for suspicious activity(due to frequent joining of groups) .

And this attracts the attention of the VKontakte algorithm and is applied to groups that contain only “dogs”. sanctions.

  • Subscribers in the group are written off;
  • The group is blocked for cheating members;

Under no circumstances should they be used to promote the group, but for everything else (reposts, comments, polls, etc.), please.

2. Services that pay a small reward to performers for joining the customer’s community (): most of them are little demanding of performers, due to which there are a large number of “dogs” in the group.

But there are also exceptions that can effectively increase subscribers to a group on VK. More on this below.

3. Services that attract subscribers to a group using various white-collar methods (advertising in groups, sending invitations, etc.): the highest quality, but there are very few such services and advertising in them is quite expensive.

As practice shows, paid promotion of subscribers to a VK group is the most effective.

That's sorted out. And now I will tell you about the services that won the experiment and are currently the highest quality.

How to safely gain subscribers to a VKontakte group

IN June 2019 2 services showed the best results this year. I think you know two of them for sure.

The first service is VKTarget. How to use it in the article:

  • Free targeting settings: cities, age, gender, number of friends;
  • Setting a limit of executions per day;
  • Payment for the order in a convenient way (bank card, Yandex Money, WebMoney, Alfa-Click, Sberbank Online, Qiwi, mobile, terminals);
  • Working with social media networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+;
  • Percentage of “dogs” after cheating: up to 9%;
  • Which groups is this service suitable for? Young groups whose main goal is to reach the TOP and gain as many quality subscribers as possible. If the group is interested in offers, they will be active.

    After simple registration from above, go to the "Apply" section, select the type of tasks "Join the community".

    Fill in the required fields and click on the "Place an order" button.