What is the name of the teapot on the computer? Free step-by-step computer training course. Installing the power supply

Hello, friends!

Especially for you, I have prepared 25 tips that a novice computer user should use. These are not some new products, but simply advice from my experience and that of my other students.

Perhaps they will help you make friends with your computer easier and faster, and stop being afraid of it.

After all, for some people a computer is their whole life!

1. Learn something new about computers every day
2. Don't be afraid to ask other people if something is unclear.
3. Don't be afraid to break your computer, it's hard
4. Try to look for answers to your questions on the Internet, learn to use search
5. Start simple, don’t immediately get involved in programming or other computer jungle

6. Study something on the computer every day new feature, function
7. The computer is your friend, not your enemy!
8. The computer is used to search for information
9. Sometimes you can play games on the computer when you have time.
10. The computer is your assistant in everything, be it search delicious recipe or a new fishing spot, or city news

11. A computer saves time in the modern world!
12. Always look for something interesting on the computer. If you heard that you can watch videos on your computer, try it yourself right away! And so in everything!
13. Study different new programs, some will definitely be useful to you
14. If you don’t use any programs, then remove them, do not clutter your computer
15. If you have already played enough of a game on your computer, don’t be lazy to delete it from your computer

16. Regularly clean your computer of information junk
17. Don’t forget to transfer all your videos and photos to removable media
18. Regularly scan your computer with an antivirus program
19. Wipe yourself regularly system unit and the monitor from dust, this also affects the performance of the computer
20. If you have lost sound on your computer, check to see if you turned it off yourself

21. If your keyboard or mouse stops working, check whether the wires of these devices have come loose from the system unit
22. Please do not drink tea or coffee in front of your computer or laptop! Sooner or later you will spill a cup on your laptop, no one is safe from this!
23. Explore all the capabilities of your computer as much as possible. Why have such a powerful machine and use it at only 1% of its capabilities! It’s the same as buying a fancy smartphone for 30 thousand rubles and just continuing to make calls on it!
24. If your computer is frozen, don’t be nervous and don’t rush to turn it off, wait 5-10 minutes, maybe it’s just completing its processes. And it’s not your fault at all!
25. Regularly think of how else a computer can help you!

By the way, if you have your own tips for beginners, please write them in the comments; other beginners will benefit from your experience!

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In the first part of a detailed manual on assembling a computer with your own hands, we will talk about installing a processor on the motherboard, installing its cooling system and installing RAM.


In recent years, the computer industry has experienced a real boom in demand in the mobile PC segment. Smartphones, laptops, ultrabooks, all-in-one computers and, of course, tablets that have flooded the market are increasingly displacing classic desktop computers from our lives. This trend is evidenced by various reports from various analytical agencies.

But ten years ago everything was completely different. Sales of system units and components for them were the main source of income for many computer companies, and low-power and expensive laptops were practically not regarded by users as an alternative to a stationary home PC.

It was this time that can be called the heyday of “self-assembly,” when the vast majority of system units sold were assembled not at company-owned plants or factories, but in small pavilions of computer markets, by the hands of self-taught sellers. The users themselves did not lag behind them. The most creative and experienced of them preferred to independently assemble the future PC itself at home. And we must admit that this approach had many advantages. Individual components tended to cost less than the complete computer. Moreover, you could choose a suitable hardware manufacturer, eliminating the possibility of low-quality equipment appearing on your desktop, made by nameless handicraft Chinese companies (it was called “noname”).

To date self-assembly system unit is being practiced less and less by users. And this is not surprising. As we have already noted, on the one hand, the desktop PC market is now experiencing a decline due to the rapidly increasing popularity mobile computers. On the other hand, huge competition and the development of IT technologies have made it possible to saturate the market with inexpensive computer devices, making “self-assembly” impractical for the sake of saving money.

And yet there are still many enthusiasts who prefer not only to independently create the configuration and select components for their future electronic machine, but also to assemble it all with my own hands. This is especially true for mid- and top-end high-performance computers. After all, it is this approach that allows you to choose the right balance between the installed devices and their cost, without worrying that, for example, in addition to a powerful processor, you will be installed with a weak video card with a large amount of video memory, which simply will not be used. Also in this case, there are always ample opportunities for subsequent modernization of the system unit, modding and prompt minor repairs.

Thus, despite the fact that assembling a PC with your own hands is gradually fading into the background, this issue still remains relevant. Therefore, we decided to prepare material, or rather even a manual, for novice users, which will tell you in detail how to assemble a system unit yourself at home.

Before assembly

Before starting assembly, let's get acquainted with the components that will make up our future computer. Here it is worth mentioning right away that we in no way encourage you to assemble a PC of the same configuration and from the same parts that will be involved in this material. All the equipment used to demonstrate the assembly is a purely personal preference of one person and has nothing to do with advertising of certain brands and manufacturers.

So, in our case, solutions from Intel were chosen as the main platform for the future computer, which included a motherboard based on the Z77 chipset with an LGA 1155 socket and a quad-core Core i5 processor. To cool the processor, a low-noise tower fan was selected.

The remaining participants in our assembly were: a pair of 4 GB DDR3 RAM modules, GeForce video card GTX 580 HDD with a capacity of 1 TB and an additional internal fan for airflow, a DVD-RW optical drive, a medium-sized ATX case and a 700 W power supply.

In order to assemble all this into a single whole, we need only one tool - a medium-sized Phillips screwdriver, preferably with a magnetic tip. And of course a pair of straight hands.

Everything is ready to begin assembly and now it’s time to remember one important detail - static electricity, which in some situations tends to accumulate on our body. All computer components, with the exception of the power supply, are low-voltage equipment and can easily burn out even from the shortest high-voltage discharge. But banal combing of hair or rubbing against woolen items can lead to the accumulation of a static charge of several thousand volts. So imagine what could happen if you cut it on some computer part?

To avoid unfortunate consequences, be sure to touch any metal object, such as a heating pipe or refrigerator, before handling components. If your body was electrified, then in this case, the accumulated charge will instantly discharge. Also, during assembly, it is better not to wear things that can contribute to the accumulation of static electricity.

It is advisable to carry out the assembly itself on a surface that does not conduct electricity (wood, plastic). If the work table is covered with a cloth tablecloth, then it is better to remove it for a while, since many fabrics tend to accumulate static electricity.

Processor Installation

At the first stage of assembly, we will install the processor and RAM into the motherboard, and also mount the CPU cooling system. Of course, you can first screw the motherboard into the case, and only then do the above steps. But here it is important to know that some processor fans have mounts, some of which are located on the back side of the motherboard, which may make it impossible to install it when the board is already inserted into the case.

Finding the processor socket on the motherboard is very easy. It has a rectangular shape with sides measuring more than 4 cm, so it is quite difficult not to notice it.

One of the main design differences between Intel and AMD processors is the fact that the former uses contact pads to connect to the connector on the motherboard, while the latter uses contact pins.

Accordingly, motherboards also have different sockets, which for Intel microprocessors are equipped with soft spring-loaded legs, and for AMD, with many tiny holes. Let us remember that in our case we are dealing with an Intel processor and an LGA socket.

Before installing the processor, you must open the connector by pressing the metal lever and pulling it to the side.

Once released from the mount, move the elevator lever upwards, after which the clamping frame will open.

To prevent incorrect installation of the processor in the socket, manufacturers make auxiliary docking cutouts in the design of their cases. Intel has semicircular recesses on the case, while AMD has beveled corners.

After opening the socket, we take the processor and install it into the socket without any effort or pressing, so that the mating cutouts align.

Now we close the clamping frame by inserting the protrusion located on it with a recess under the limiter, and return the metal elevator lever to its original place, thereby pressing the processor to the contacts located in the connector.

At this point, the black protective cap on the pressure frame should fly off, after which it can be thrown away. At this point, the installation of the processor can be considered complete, so let’s move on to installing the cooling system.

Installing a CPU Cooling System

Today on the market there is a large number of various cooling systems that use various ways attachment to the system board. Of course, it’s difficult to talk about all the nuances within the framework of one material, but this is not necessary, because, as a rule, many coolers with unusual mounting systems are equipped with detailed instructions on their installation.

We will look at the two most common methods of installing fans, which are used with certain nuances in the vast majority of cooling systems.

There are four holes for installing the cooler in the motherboard next to the processor socket.

In most cases, the cooler mount for modern Intel processors contains four legs, which are inserted into these very holes and secured there by pressing on them from above. To avoid distortions, it is better to fasten them crosswise.

Standard fan for processorsIntel

To dismantle fans with this type of fastening, you need to turn the head of the leg counterclockwise 90 degrees, and then pull it up. After removal, rotate all legs to their original position.

Motherboards with sockets for AMD processors are equipped with a special frame for installing the cooling device, to which the standard cooler is attached with two screws. So everything is simple here.

Let's move on to our case. We did not use the original Intel fan, replacing it with a more advanced tower cooler with low noise levels. Its installation on the motherboard is somewhat different from the standard procedures described above. Here, to increase the stability of the cooler, a special frame is used to mount it, located under the processor socket, to which it is subsequently screwed. It is with its placement that we will begin.

Attach the frame from the back side motherboard in such a way as to align all four holes on both parts. Then we insert the screws included in the kit and fasten the nuts onto them on the other side of the board, to which the frame will be attached, pressing the base of the radiator into the processor cover.

Cooling of the processor occurs due to the heat exchange process between its cover and the base of the cooler. Ideally, the lid and base should be completely adjacent to each other, which would ensure maximum heat dissipation efficiency. But in practice this is very difficult to achieve, since their surfaces have roughness. Therefore, in order to increase the contact area, liquid thermal paste is used to fill microvoids, thereby improving heat transfer between the surfaces of devices.

As a rule, in many solutions, including inexpensive and standard coolers, thermal paste is applied to the radiator of the cooling system at the factory. So all you have to do is properly secure the fan to the motherboard. But in our case, you will have to apply the thermal paste yourself, since the tube with it is included separately.

You should know that thermal paste should be applied in a very thin layer. The principle, the more the better, does not apply here, as this will only harm normal heat transfer. For application, you can use any available means, as long as your imagination is enough. We used a regular cotton swab, first moistening its ends a little so that the cotton would not peel off.

Squeeze a small amount of thermal paste from the tube onto the processor cover.

Then spread it evenly over the entire area.

Now, everything is ready to install the cooling system. We take the radiator and remove the protective film from its base.

We install the radiator on the processor and secure it using a special clamping frame and nuts that are screwed onto the screws we prepared earlier. To avoid distortions of the radiator, tighten the nuts crosswise.

Now all that remains is to connect the fan to the control connector on the motherboard, and then put it on the radiator, after which the installation of the cooling system can be considered complete.

The connector on the motherboard for the processor cooler is always located next to the processor socket, has four contacts and the name CPU_FAN.

It should be taken into account that the cooler itself may often have a three-pin connector, which in any case will be compatible with the one located on the motherboard. The presence of a fourth contact is not mandatory, since it is responsible for additional function, making it possible to use various automatic modes adjusting the fan speed, depending on the processor temperature, using the motherboard BIOS.

Regardless of which connector you have on the cooler, to avoid incorrect connections, auxiliary notches are always placed on it, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake when connecting the fan to the motherboard.

Our first stage of assembly is completed by installing RAM. This is a very simple procedure, as you will soon see for yourself. Slots for installing memory are not at all difficult to find, since they have an elongated shape, are always located next to the processor socket and are painted in pairs in different colors. By the way, they have appeared more than once in many previous photographs.

In our case, we have four connectors in black and blue colors, which makes it possible, if desired, to install four memory sticks respectively. In general, various models Motherboards may contain 2 (low-cost models), 4 (standard) or 6 (legacy models) slots for RAM. As you can see, in any case their number is even. The fact is that it is customary to install memory modules in pairs to enable dual-channel mode, which doubles the speed of data exchange between the RAM and the central processor. That is, if you want to have 8 GB of RAM, then you should buy two 4 GB sticks. Of course, you can install a single 8 GB memory chip instead, but in this case the computer's performance will be reduced.

It’s not for nothing that the manufacturer paints the RAM slots in pairs in different colors. These are the so-called “banks”, each of which has its own color. To use dual channel mode, you need to install a couple of memory chips in one bank, and not at random. For example, in our situation, we fill either both black slots or blue ones.

Before installing the modules, move the white locking levers located on the sides of the selected connectors to the sides. Next, using light pressure, carefully insert the memory stick into the slot.

In this case, it is necessary to align the notch on the memory module with the jumper in the connector on the motherboard.

After making sure that the bar is inserted into the slot, fix it by pressing from above on the corners of the memory until a characteristic click is heard. The side clamps should return to their original position.

We do the same with all the other planks.

At this point, the first and most important stage of assembly can be considered complete.

Don’t be surprised, but after installing all the components described above, you can start the system for the first time and check its functionality. After all, most modern processors have a built-in graphics core, and motherboards have integrated connectors for connecting a monitor. Having temporarily connected the power supply to the processor and motherboard, it is not difficult to turn on the assembled system by closing the corresponding contacts on the “motherboard” with any metal object, for example, a screwdriver. You should only perform this trick experienced users. Well, if this is your first assembly, then go straight to the second stage.

01/18/2012 12/24/2015 by Mnogoto4ka

Digital technology has become familiar and easy to use. But this does not mean that it has become easy to choose specific device from the masses offered. In this article I will not present test results, but will pay attention to the most common tricks of sellers who, unfortunately, do not always strive to sell what What exactly what you need.

Computer for whom?

Before you buy a computer, you need to decide what its purpose is: games, music, movies, design, 3D modeling, or just surfing the Internet and working programs for documents.

Why can the buyer be deceived or misled? Primarily due to lack of information. Look at the configurations of system units and laptops: often they only indicate the general focus of the product, larger numbers, more impressive names. For example, “a computer for games: Intel processor four cores, GeForce 512 megabyte video card, 1.5 terabyte hard drive, 450 watt case, 5.1 sound, 2 gigabytes of RAM” (spelling and punctuation of the original are preserved). It would seem that everything is clear, all “smart” words and numbers. Does it inspire respect? Perhaps yes. But is it clear from the above phrase which of the quad-core Intel processors is installed in this system unit? An elderly Core 2 Quad or a fresh second-generation Core i7? And what GPU is the video card on? Nvidia's half-gigabyte models can be found in all price segments, from flagships to budget variations. And with the hard drive it is unclear: what is the spindle speed - 5400 or 7200 rpm? The entry “450 watt case” is generally incorrect: you can screw any power supply into it with four screws. And the unit itself - an expensive and high-quality Seasonic or a loudly strumming, unpleasantly smelling box without a family during operation?

The above text does not answer any of the questions posed, although it includes impressive words - Intel, GeForce, four cores, terabyte. If you don’t know what a complete list of main characteristics for a particular set of hardware looks like, then study the price list for components; it usually indicates all the main parameters for each component.


So, you are alone with the technical specifications. It is assumed that the same price list shows the price for each of the components. So what's the catch? Almost every store has stale goods. It may remain after purchasing a large order or it may simply not sell well at retail (demand is less than expected). Moreover, there are already assembled system units, which a large customer for some reason refused. To expose a marketing ploy, you can go in two ways:

  1. scour the Internet to figure out what kind of computer you need (this is reasonable, but labor-intensive);
  2. ask the seller to explain why, for example, the hard drive in your PC is not 1 TB, but 2 TB, although one is more than enough for you. Shouldn't we remove an inexpensive video card for 1000-1500 rubles from the list? and make do system board with integrated video? Etc. and so on. This, naturally, will require some effort, but you will figure it out faster;

Meticulous buyers are rarely fooled: it’s more expensive for themselves. So it's better to ask three to five additional questions and compare the answers. As a result, arguments woven out of thin air in favor of purchasing this or that device will dissipate.

What's in the case?

If the system unit has already been assembled, then ask to see what’s inside. Are the components actually installed there that are listed in the price list given to you by the seller? Are there any traces of use on them (in particular, dust on the radiator and fan impellers), because you may well be supplied with a used part or a part repaired at a service center. Undoubtedly, these are not used brake pads or cartridges, the use of which is fraught with catastrophic consequences, but if the part is not new and was not warned about this, then there is a risk that they may have decided to hide something else. To save money or significantly improve your computer's performance for a little extra, check your most important components.

HDD. It is clear that in the current situation there is no time to be picky about them. But if possible, choose faster hard drives. Since we agreed not to look at the test results, the concepts of “slow” and “fast” are vague. If you last upgraded the disk subsystem three or four years ago, then the speed parameters of absolutely any drive will please you. Among the relatively slow (but low-heating) models, the most common ones now are Seagate Barracuda LP, WD Caviar Green, etc. They are excellent for file storage and network drives, but in the role boot disk noticeably slow down the loading of the system, especially a couple of months after the purchase, when a decent number of user applications are “registered” in the startup. Such a disk should be replaced with a faster one, with a rotation speed of 7200 rpm. The loss in money is small (unless flooding in Thailand makes it untenable by the time the magazine is published), and the difference is noticeable even without a stopwatch.

CPU. Don't install the top of the line model. This is especially true when choosing powerful configurations. If you compare price lists, it turns out that, for example, the processor Intel Core The i7-2600K costs more than 10,000 rubles, and the 2500K, operating only 100 MHz slower (3.3 GHz versus 3.4 GHz), costs about 7,000 rubles. So is it worth paying 3000 rubles? for 100 MHz? Of course not. However, it is more profitable for the store to sell a more expensive model, and they will convince you by all means that a PC with 2600K is really faster. And here there is another danger - they may impose top-end hardware from previous generations on you at outdated, exorbitant prices. Do you know how much the GeForce GTX 295 video card costs now? From 12 to 20 thousand rubles. The price of modern solutions with similar performance ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. depending on condition and configuration.

Additional components. You may be offered to install, for example, a separate sound card. If you are not an audiophile or a professional gamer, then you will be quite happy with the built-in 5.1 audio codec, which is equipped with 99% of motherboards. The seller won't even deceive you by saying that with a discrete audio card " better sound" Potentially better, but only if you have it at home good speakers are standing. But if you have acoustics at home that cost 2-3 thousand rubles, then you will be looking for this “better” for a long time.

Buying a computer is easy

Have you asked a lot of questions and received answers? Then thank the consultant for his patience, leave the store and take a walk to distract yourself. And then, after half an hour or an hour, think again about everything you heard. Consider what you see that meets your needs. Have they changed after communicating with the seller? It is possible that you have come across an experienced consultant with the skills of a psychologist. Dozens of people pass through the store every day, and after a couple of years of work, some of its employees are already able to determine from the threshold why a person has come, how much money he has in his wallet, and what to draw his attention to, convincing him of the usefulness of certain products.

For those who have a decent amount of time (4-6 hours) to make a purchase, it makes sense to go to several retail outlets, asking the same questions. After the third or fourth visit, it will be approximately clear what is right for you and what is just a stale product being sold.

Do not hesitate to ask questions, do not leave unknown points unexplained. It is the consultant's job to explain to you what you do not understand. If he evades her in every possible way, draw your own conclusions. Think about what you see and carefully study the price lists.

Please note that I am not at all suggesting that you need to study 100 reviews and 20 topics on the Internet. However, it is still worth reading several articles on topics that are relevant to you, as this will make it easier to choose a model when purchasing. And in conclusion, I wish that in the store you come across completely honest and knowledgeable sellers and this article is not useful to you, and just in case, read articles about various marketing tricks.

Entries from the "Computer for Beginners" section

Heading Computer for beginners designed for people who have never used a computer before and don’t even know how to turn it on and off correctly. Each article is literally chewed up. All you have to do is read it and “digest.”

All materials are well illustrated and many include videos on the accompanying topic. Under each article there is a form feedback in the form of comments, where you can ask your question and quickly receive a qualified answer.

Few people use it now installation disk, because Modern laptops and tablets do not have disk drives. In such cases, use a special bootable USB flash drive. But if you have an external hard USB disk, then you can also create a separate partition on it and place an ISO image of your operating system. And on another partition store the necessary files. About how to do bootable usb disk, we'll talk now. For this we will need: An external USB hard drive (with data, as long as it is available) free place at least 20 GB); Program...

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IN operating system Windows has many specialized tools with which you can configure, monitor and even repair certain programs or their processes. One such tool is Task Manager. The Task Manager in Windows is used to monitor the operation of programs and their processes. With its help, you can obtain not only information about the system load on processes, but also handle some failures and emergency situations. Task Manager, System Monitor and Launch Manager included with...

Sometimes while working on a computer you need to find the folder or launching file of a particular program or game. Especially often, such an action is necessary to Russify the program or add brushes or textures to it (as in Photoshop). For a person who is well versed in computers, this is not a problem, but for a novice user, finding the path to a file or folder is not an easy task, and may not even be feasible. It's actually very simple, and if you do it once, you can do it the next time. If you learn...

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For those who decide to build their own computer from scratch, rather than buy a ready-made system unit, it will be useful to know how to correctly assemble individual elements into a single workable whole. I present to your attention a guide on how to assemble a computer.

What to buy

The first step is to buy the minimum required kit to start the computer

  • frame
  • source
  • motherboard
  • CPU cooling system
  • RAM
  • Video card (discrete is not always required)
  • HDD

It is necessary to understand that all purchased items must be compatible.

At the time of buying motherboard and processor, the socket (in other words, the platform where the processor is inserted) on the board and the CPU must be the same. This parameter always indicated in technical specifications, for example, Intel Core i3-4130, has an LGA1150 socket, we can easily install it on the ASRock H81M board. It is also necessary to take into account the connector for RAM; at the time the article was published, the most common is DDR3, therefore, you need to buy DDR3 memory.
We start with the case, which will be the “home” for all other components. After unpacking, unscrew the side panel.
We see ready-made holes for mounting the system board. All you need to do is “try on” the board to the holes and secure it. There are a lot of holes, since some cases are designed for motherboards of different sizes (form factors).

However, before attaching the motherboard, you need to install some elements on it.

Installing an Intel Processor and Cooling System

Open the processor socket using the latch shown in the figure. The thing is quite delicate, you don’t need to make a lot of effort.

After opening the slot, pay attention to the processor. In the case of Intel, there is a special edge and a guide on the motherboard that will prevent you from inserting the processor incorrectly. Which makes our life much easier; those who are familiar with electronics know how to tinker with microcircuits in order to solder them correctly to the board. As a rule, there are no guides on the board, only a dot in the corner of the chip indicating the first leg.

After installing the processor, we complete the procedure by protecting the socket: we close it in the same way as we opened it before.

The next important step is connecting the cooling system.

A cooler is often included with the purchased processor; if it is not there, the processor manufacturer has a list of recommended ones for connection.

You definitely need to remember about thermal paste. Some radiators already have thermal paste applied; if it is not there, you need to apply it.
Please note that the cooling system is secured using four latches. They should fit perfectly into the holes on the board, in the corners next to the socket.

Actually, we install it in the holes, and begin to press without much effort until you hear four clicks.

All we have to do is connect the fan to the power system; on the board the connector is designated CPUF AN, so we connect it to it)

If you bought cooling separately, you decided that the standard one is not enough for you. Then you will definitely need to apply thermal paste. Simply apply a small amount to the center of the processor and spread it over the entire surface using an old credit card or discarded plastic card to precisely fit the surface of the processor and cooler

Note: When buying a cooling system, do not forget to peel off the film

System Installation with CPU and Heat Sink - AMD

Consider that in the case of an AMD CPU, installing a cooling system

First, unlock the socket by pulling the metal handle directly adjacent to the edge

Legs AMD processors are positioned so that they can only be inserted into the slot in one way: as in the case of Intel, it is impossible to install the processor differently than the manufacturer intended. Inserted and secured.

Then apply thermal paste...

Combining the processor plane and the base cooling system

The mounting methods for coolers are different, and they are all indicated in the manual; there should be no difficulties. In our case, next to the socket we have a plastic base with protrusions. The metal mount comes complete with cooling.

Installing memory (RAM)

The last element we can install in this phase is the RAM.
To do this you need to find slots Random access memory located next to the processor socket.

Before installing memory, you should check your motherboard's manual to find out which slots to install in first (if the number of modules is less than four). In our case, these are blue slots. Opening the latches

Inserting modules properly

After installation in the memory slot, return the plastic latches to their original position

On at this stage must receive a motherboard with a processor, cooling and memory modules. Let's put everything aside for a while and move on to the case and power supply.

Installing the power supply

The power supply is installed at the bottom of the case.

Secure it with the fan DOWN.

This position provides him ideal conditions operation: the device constantly has access to cold air from under the body and at the same time excludes the entry of warm air, which is thrown out of it onto other elements, and nothing is heated additionally.
On the rear panel of the case, secure the power adapter by screwing four bolts.

If the power supply does not have removable wires, then we simply pass all the wires through the rubber bushings on back panel housings.
If it is modular (removable cables), then you first need to connect the necessary cables, including power PCI Express(for video card) and SATA (for storage media).

Only now we pass the entire bundle of wires from the power supply through rubber hoses behind the tray with motherboard.

Installing the motherboard into the case

We insert the board into the case; there should be a specially allocated place in the case for it.

We do not install any gaskets or pads, we only use the set included in the kit (bolts plus stands)

Then you need to connect external USB ports, located on the front panel, as well as the Power and Reset buttons, two indicators indicating the activity of storage media and power.
First we look for a connector labeled as USB, then we connect the plug

And then find the pins (JFP1) associated with the buttons and LEDs, connect them to the connector, according to the markings nearby.

Installation media (HDD/SSD)

Talking about fastening hard drives, again, everything is individual. In our case, we have a rack with plastic slides. We attach the hard drive to these slides and insert it into the rack.

The next necessary step is to connect the media/media to the motherboard using SATA signal cables, as well as supplying power to them.

To do this, find small connectors on the board labeled SATA. In the instructions for the board, we check which of them are the fastest (SATA 3 - 6 Gb/s), and it is to them that we connect the disk on which we will install the system, especially if the system is installed on an SSD. Other media will be fully satisfactory and have a slower speed (SATA 2 - 3 Gbit/s).

First of all, connect the power cable, and then the signal cable

Installing a video card

The video card is the last item (within the basic configuration) that needs to be installed.

Look for the first free PCI Express x 16 port (blue, closer to the processor cooling system in the photo below). First, let's deal with traffic jams. 99% of currently available graphics cards require the space occupied by two dies on the back

As with memory module slots, the PCI Express slot has small protrusions that will prevent you from misplacing a video card. You simply have no choice, you will do everything right.

Then we attach the video card.

Connecting power to the motherboard

The motherboard is powered through two wires. One of them is a 24-pin connector, shown in the picture below. Located on the right side of the board, next to the RAM.

The second cable is for powering the heart of the computer – the processor. insert it into the slot located in the upper left corner.

All that remains is to “feed” our video card. The most energy-intensive (but powerful) models require two plugs, as can be seen in the photo.

Before closing the case, you need to check the operation of the power button, reset button and LED information (the part that tells you that your computer is on, and others that indicate HDD / SSD activity).


The idea that there is something extremely complex in the assembly is erroneous. It really takes a lot of effort to ruin something. Equipment manufacturers take care of user convenience by introducing physical restrictions: the processor can only be inserted into the socket in one position, and it is impossible to connect the power connector to the wrong side or to the wrong connector. The worst thing that can happen is that you might forget about one of the cables. But don't worry about this: the computer won't do anything, it just won't start until the wires are connected correctly. Good luck!