How to connect minutes to motive. Extend Internet traffic by motive. How to find a list of connected services through the mobile application

The Russian company Motiv provides cellular communication services only in some regions of the country, but, nevertheless, it is constantly expanding its area of ​​activity, trying to gain federal significance. Such total plans can only be realized if consumers are taken care of.

The strategy of the presented operator is a tireless desire to make the use of its services extremely convenient for the subscriber. This desire is expressed in many aspects, but first of all it concerns profitable tariff plans and automation of the process of setting up basic options, such as network access. Today’s article will tell you exactly how to connect the Internet on Motiv and what tariff plan to choose.

If the user has already tried to activate Internet access from any Russian operator, then he knows well that all the settings for accessing the network are sent to his smartphone automatically, immediately after installing the SIM card in the configured gadget. All that is required from the subscriber is simply to save them.

In a situation where the settings were not automatically sent to the gadget, you can order them from the Motiv operator. To do this, you need to dial the command # # 919 on your mobile device, and then send a call. All settings will be sent.

Important! You should not send a request multiple times, this will only significantly prolong their waiting period.

Another option is to receive the required information by email. To do this, you need to send a notification to 0111, which indicates the model of the mobile gadget, the name of the option that needs to be configured, and, of course, your email address.

In a few minutes you will receive an email with all the configured parameters. They are entered into the gadget manually.

Manual setup

There are times when the settings that came automatically cannot be saved, or their installation does not solve the problem with network access. The solution is simple - create a new profile, manually entering into it all the data necessary for Internet access.

When a consumer uses a gadget running on Android, he needs to carry out the following operations:

  • APN –
  • Name – MOTIV
  • Username – motiv
  • Password is also the word motiv

Next, you need to save the entered parameters and try to see if the network connection is working. If there is still no access, you should contact support. To do this, you need to call the service number 111 and explain your problem to the operator.

For tablet PCs and iOS devices, exactly the same parameters are entered.

We figured out how to set up the Internet. Next, the subscriber needs to make the right choice of tariff plan and connect it to his SIM card. We advise you to decide for what purposes you need mobile Internet, for example, just reading news and checking email, or communicating on social networks and watching videos. Such tasks require a completely different package of data provided. When you answer this question, you will immediately understand which of the tariffs described below is right for you personally.

Tariff plans Motive for the Internet

Today, the Motiv company has several basic tariffs designed to provide Internet traffic. As part of our review, we will look at their main features and methods of connecting to your mobile device.

"Internet for 200"

First of all, the package in question is intended for those users who use Internet traffic infrequently. To do this, the subscriber is provided with 5 GB of traffic for 30 days, which operates at maximum speed – 4G. After the bonus traffic is exhausted, the connection speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps. The speed will be restored after the next subscription fee is charged. The monthly payment for using the option is 200 rubles, as can be seen from the name of the tariff.

Note! To operate at high speed, you need to dial the service command * 114 * 102 # on your phone, and then make a call. You can also send a “clean” message to 1076.


You can connect to a tariff plan using any of the following methods:

  • Dial the command * 114 * 73 # and then send the call.
  • Use the “FISA” service (Subscriber’s Personal Internet Service), where in the “Change tariffs” tab you can connect any tariff you like.
  • Send an SMS from your phone to number 1042, in the text you need to indicate the numbers 73.

"Internet for 450"

This tariff is designed for those subscribers who use Internet traffic daily, but in a small volume. The consumer is provided with a package of 20 GB of high-speed Internet operating at 4G speed for 30 days. After the bonus package is exhausted, the connection speed is reduced to 64 Kbps per second. The monthly subscription fee is 450 rubles.

You can find out the rest of the traffic like this: dial the service command * 114 * 102 #, and then make a call.


The tariff can be connected in 3 simple ways:

  • By sending a special USSD command. It looks like this – * 114 * 74 #, then send the call.
  • Using “FOX”, you need to go to the “Change tariff plan” tab and activate the required tariff plan.
  • Send an SMS with the number 74 to service number 1042.

"Internet for 800"

The tariff is designed for demanding subscribers who consume a lot of traffic. Within its framework, the consumer is provided with 50 GB of high-speed 4G Internet access for a month. This is more than enough to perform all kinds of tasks. After the end of the package of proposed traffic, the speed will drop to 64 Kbps per second. The monthly subscription fee here is 800 rubles.


You can connect a tariff using the following methods:

  • Use a special USSD command. To do this, you need to switch your phone to dialing mode and enter the combination * 114 * 75 #, and then make a call.
  • Use the functionality for managing services and options of the FISA personal account. In the “Change tariffs” column, you can connect any Motive tariff yourself.
  • Send a message with code 75 to short number 1042.

"Internet for 990"

This tariff was created for the most demanding users who cannot imagine themselves without Internet access. As part of the tariff plan, the company's client receives as much as 100 GB of high-speed 4G network access for a month. The fee for use is 990 rubles. After the bonus traffic package is exhausted, the connection speed will drop to 64 Kbps. Will resume after removing the monthly subscription fee.


You can activate the presented tariff in the following ways:

  • Use the “FOX” service, where in the “Change tariffs” column you can connect any necessary tariff.
  • Send a notification with the number 76 to the short number 1042.
  • Dial the command * 114 * 76 #, and then make a call.

Mobile operator MOTIV was the first in Russia to cancel fees for local outgoing calls andSMS. Residents of the Sverdlovsk region will be the first in the country to appreciate a new approach to paying for communication services - now you need to pay for gigabytes, and not for minutes.

Upside down

The Ural operator MOTIV was the first in Russia to apply a new approach to the tariffing of communication services. In mid-August, he launched a line of “Instead!” tariffs, in which “traditional” services - outgoing SMS and calls to all local numbers - are free, and you only need to pay for a certain amount of Internet.

  • 4G Internet from MOTIV is available to almost 80% of the population of the Sverdlovsk region.
  • Five tariffs “Instead!” offer subscribers various Internet traffic packages: from 4.5 to 100 GB per month. Moreover, “senior” tariffs provide unlimited Internet access at night - from 01:00 to 08:00. And outgoing calls and SMS to all local numbers are provided free of charge and without restrictions. The subscription fee in the Sverdlovsk region varies from 300 to 1800 rubles per month.

    It is worth noting that there is nothing similar on the domestic market. All operators, except MOTIV, have a limited number of calls. “Feds” offer subscribers unlimited calls only within their networks, and provide only a limited package of minutes for calls to other operators and landlines. And in the “Instead!” tariffs There are no restrictions from the MOTIV operator. You can call within the network, to numbers of other mobile operators and to landline numbers. The only caveat is that unlimited coverage applies to numbers assigned to your home region.

    “We offered subscribers not packages of minutes, but calls without restrictions. Moreover, they are not just cheap, but free. And the prices for the Internet in the new tariffs, I think, are quite reasonable and competitive,” says commercial director of the MOTIV company Konstantin Bryzgalov.

    According to company representatives, such a move is, although revolutionary, a completely natural reaction to the changing mobile communications market.

  • Mobile Internet becomes the main service
  • “With the advent of Skype, Viber and fast 4G Internet, the situation on the market has really changed - in terms of volume, data traffic from mobile operators has long been comparable or even exceeds voice traffic,” confirms and about. General Director of MOTIV company Mikhail Kamenskov. “That’s why we turn tariffs upside down.” Thus, mobile Internet, which just a few years ago was considered just an addition to “voice,” is becoming a core service.

    Two in one

    The MOTIV company is confident that the “Instead!” tariffs will appeal to both the most “advanced” and the most “conservative” subscribers.

    On the one hand, they will be of interest to those who talk on the phone a lot. After all, even if a person does not go online at all from his mobile phone, he can connect to a tariff with a minimum traffic package and talk without restrictions.

    On the other hand, tariffs with large traffic packages will be in demand precisely by Internet users, residents of country houses, cottage villages, suburbs and small settlements - in short, those places where there is either no wired Internet in principle, or it is very expensive.

    Do not forget that a company that has relied on the Internet must first of all provide complete and high-quality network coverage in the territory of its presence. In essence, today the focus is not on super speed, but on a stable signal that allows you to communicate on social networks and watch movies online anywhere at any time.

  • You can make free calls within the network, to numbers of other operators and to landline numbers.
  • “By and large, subscribers just want to watch their favorite series on the way to work and not be interrupted at the most interesting place because 4G suddenly disappeared,” notes Mikhail Kamenskov. An average but stable 4G speed of 10-15 Mbit/sec is more than enough for comfortable Internet surfing, experts say.

    The Internet is the head of everything

    Research has shown that the behavior of mobile operator subscribers has changed radically over three years. They began to use the Internet much more often, communicate on social networks, talk on Skype, and watch videos. This opportunity is provided by the development of 4G.

    With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, “classic” cellular communications and SMS are fading into the background - they are being replaced by social networks, Skype and other mobile applications that do not charge for calls.

    Significant changes in the mobile communications market and in subscriber behavior are due to the development of infrastructure: large-scale construction of fourth-generation networks in Russia has led to the fact that residents of cities and suburbs are now provided with mobile Internet, which is comparable in speed and signal stability to wired Internet. Recently, MOTIV has really impressively increased its 4G coverage area. For example, already today in the Sverdlovsk region, almost 80% of the population can use fast 4G Internet from the Ural operator.

    “We were going to achieve such indicators only by the end of the year, but, as you can see, we are ahead of schedule. Our main task is to provide not island, but the most complete coverage of the 4G network, which will correspond to our GSM network,” emphasizes Mikhail Kamenskov.

    The popularization of 4G is also facilitated by the fact that for more than a year now, all the latest smartphone models from leading manufacturers have been operating on fourth-generation networks. The number of budget 4G devices is also growing. In the offices of the same MOTIV there are 4G smartphones for 4.5-5 thousand rubles. Thus, advanced technologies today are affordable for almost everyone.

    Who's first?

    Foreign cellular operators have already traveled a similar path: mobile Internet there has long become the main, rather than an additional, service.

  • Today, almost everyone can afford advanced technologies - in MOTIV offices there are 4G smartphones for 4.5-5 thousand rubles.
  • In Europe, America, and Asia there are several companies, from large ones like Vodafone to small ones like the Latvian Bite, that successfully work according to this scheme. The operator Vodafone is the most illustrative example. In 25 countries around the world, it offers its subscribers tariffs where they charge only for the Internet, and voice communications, SMS and MMS are not charged.

    It is curious that in our country it was not a large federal operator, but a relatively small regional operator, whose services are used by 2.4 million subscribers in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation, who decided to undertake a bold experiment. However, the company believes that it is precisely this locality that allows it to be flexible and introduce innovation. Thus, in 2002, the operator was the first to provide communications to stations and sections of the Yekaterinburg metro. In 2004, he switched to rubles in the tariffication of communication services and, even before the introduction of the relevant law, abolished fees for incoming calls.

    Introducing tariffs with free and unlimited outgoing calls, even if only within the region, at first glance seems to be a very risky undertaking from a business point of view. However, representatives of the Ural operator assure that the new tariff policy has a completely logical economic justification. It’s just that not every operator can afford this approach. A prerequisite is leadership in the number of subscribers in a specific territory. The share of MOTIV in its native Sverdlovsk region is 53%. Thanks to this, three quarters of calls are “closed” within their own network. This means that the operator’s costs of communication with competitors’ networks are significantly lower than those of its market colleagues.

    The company emphasizes that residents of the Middle Urals, where MOTIV began working almost 20 years ago, have long identified it as “theirs.”

  • Tariffs “Instead!” will appeal to both those who like to talk and active Internet users.
  • “During this time, we have truly become our own operator for Sverdlovsk residents. And this is a big plus, because it’s customary to help your own people, they don’t deceive your own people, and many issues can be resolved, so to speak, in your own way,” says Konstantin Bryzgalov.

    You can find out detailed information about the “Instead!” tariffs, connect to an operator or transfer your numbers to the MOTIV network for free in the offices at the following addresses: st. Gorky, 34, st. Gorky, 48 and st. Mira, 18

    Extend internet (traffic) to Motive

    If the Internet package on your tariff plan suddenly runs out, it is possible to add an additional Internet package. Thanks to this, you will not be left without the Internet and will be able to use your favorite applications.

    Service "Turbo button" makes it possible to use the Internet at the highest possible speed throughout the day. You can activate the service in the following ways:

    • Dial the command *114*151*1# on your mobile phone and press the call key. Then you will need to wait for confirmation of service connection
    • send an SMS to number 1005 with the text 1 to activate the service. You also need to wait for activation confirmation
    • call the hotline 8 800 240 0000. To activate the service you will need a phone number, passport data, code word

    Please note that the option is not available on the “190” tariff plan. The service is valid if you are located in the territory of the Greater Urals.

    Package "1 GB". You can enable the package in the following ways:

      • send an SMS with text 3 to number 1005 and wait for confirmation of service activation
      • use your personal account
      • call the operator, you will need a phone number, passport data and a code word
      • dial the command *114*151*3# on your mobile phone and wait for confirmation to enable the option
    • call number ##914 call, then press 1*151# and wait for the service to turn on

    The service is valid only in the territory of the Greater Urals and is valid for 30 days. The service does not work on the "190" tariff plan. If the package and the “1 GB” option are included in the tariff plan, then 1 GB will be consumed first. It is not possible to order 2 packages at the same time; you can turn on a new package after the current one is exhausted.

    You can check the rest of the package:

    • use your personal account
    • dial the command *114*102# call on your phone
    • send an empty SMS to number 1076 and wait for a response message

    Option "3 GB package" provides 3 GB of Internet for 30 days. You can enable the service:

      • use your personal account
      • dial the command *114*151*9# call on your phone and wait for a response message
      • send an SMS message with the text 9 to number 1005 and wait for confirmation
      • call the hotline number. To do this you will need a passport, code word and phone number.

    To check the remainder of the package, the following options are available:

    • use your personal account
    • send an empty SMS to number 1076
    • dial command *114*102# call

    The service cannot be activated on the "190" tariff plan. The service applies only to the territory of the Greater Urals.

    Service "Package 5 GB" allows you to use 5 GB of Internet at maximum speed. You can use the service in the following ways:

    • use your personal account
    • send an SMS with the text 10 to number 1005 and wait for confirmation of service activation
    • call the operator. This may require a phone number, code word, passport details
    • dial the combination *114*151*10# on your mobile phone and wait for confirmation

    The service is provided for a period of 30 days and is valid in the territory of the Greater Urals and does not work on the “190” tariff plan. You can check how much Internet traffic is left in the following ways:

    • through your personal account
    • send an empty SMS message to number 1076
    • dial *114*102# call on your mobile phone

    If the Internet package is included in the tariff, then the “5 GB Package” is consumed first.

    "All Russia!" – an economical and versatile tariff of the telecommunications operator MOTIV, which offers to support calls with friends and family without breaks and weekends using free minutes and SMS, and thanks to available Internet traffic.


    It is definitely worth highlighting a number of economic and technical advantages that opened up with the “All Russia!” tariffs.

    • 600 or 900 minutes of free calls to numbers of operators of the Russian Federation;
    • 600 or 900 outgoing messages;
    • 12 or 15 gigabytes of Internet without speed restrictions;
    • Calls to MOTIV numbers are free even if the limit is exceeded;
    • You don’t have to pay for mobile Internet at speeds up to 64 Kbps;
    • Incoming calls are free;
    • The cost of calls within Russia and the region is fixed and does not change while the tariff is active: in the Sverdlovsk region - 1.5 rubles per minute, outside - 5 rubles.

    Conditions of the “All Russia!” tariff line

    The official agreement, signed remotely with the mobile operator, consists of 5 interesting points:

    Details about the tariff All for 300

    Details about the tariff All for 500

    Who is it suitable for?

    Tariff line “All Russia!” officially intended for those who are accustomed to maintaining communication in classic ways - through calls to landline and mobile phones or through text messages sent not in instant messengers or social networks, but directly between the numbers of mobile operators.

    However, if you want to get closer to modern technologies, Internet traffic of 12 and 15 GB will easily allow you to listen to music live, download books, watch videos and even movies and TV series. If desired, no one bothers you to “distribute” the available gigabytes to friends and family from a smartphone or tablet by setting up the “Modem” function.

    How to connect

    The transition to tariffs is possible as follows:

    Via USSD request

    • "All Russia! for 300” the combination looks like this - *114*56#.
    • "All Russia! for 500" - *114*176# .

    Using your personal account

    The list of available tariffs, discounts and special offers can be found in the LISA service, which offers MOTIV subscribers to manage their accounts remotely without additional registration.

    The choice of tariffs is possible in the interface section of the same name.

    When contacting the office

    You can also apply to activate your favorite set for 300 or 500 rubles at a mobile operator branch. The main thing is to take the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, on which the SIM card is recorded, and figure out in advance where they will definitely help with the specified request. For such purposes, it is worth using the “Points of Sales” section, which is available on the website and allows you to select the type of service, city and even region.

    Additional services

    The mobile operator MOTIV offers the following combinations of services that are combined with the “All Russia” tariff:

    How to disable

    You can deactivate your subscription to the “All Russia for 300 or 500” service package either by switching to a new tariff through your personal account or the one selected on the official website. Or contact the MOTIV operator’s office for help with a passport. In the latter case, you will have to choose a tariff again, but this time together with the support staff.

    Questions from subscribers

    How to reload the tariff based on the theme “All Russia!”?

    The telecommunications operator offers to recalculate the date of charging the subscription fee, re-charge service packages and available options using the USSD command *114*19#. Rebooting is available for free, but immediately after activation, the monthly payment amount attached to the selected tariff plan will be debited from the subscriber's account.

    In cases where the reboot does not work, you should contact the support service for help at 8 800 240 0000 (the call is free within the Russian Federation) or visit the nearest MOTIV office (addresses of branches with opening hours and a list of available assistance are indicated in the section " Contacts" on the official website).

    How to check the remaining traffic?

    There are three options: first of all, you should dial the combination *114*102# in the “Call” section on a smartphone or tablet using a physical or touch keyboard (the request is processed instantly when accessing the network or with a slight delay if the connection is unstable). If the information is not received, you should send a blank message to number 1076. The last option is to look into your personal account “FOX” (you will have to log in or register by requesting a password to log in) in the “Balance of service packages” section. Regardless of the choice, the information is updated every 5-10 minutes and is provided almost instantly.

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    Summer is in full swing and many people are spending it outside the home. What's a vacation without? Complete disappointment, not relaxation. Imagine: you, being away from the city, communicate with friends on VK or post photos on Instagram, and then a message comes to your phone: “Network access is closed. The prepaid package has been used up." And, as luck would have it, there is neither a salon nor a terminal nearby.

    Say no to summer without the Internet. Find out how to extend Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 Internet traffic beyond what your tariff plan includes. Prices and service parameters are given for Moscow and the Moscow region as of July 2018.

    Beeline: everything is for the good of man

    The Beeline operator treats its subscribers quite humanely: after the paid traffic has ended, it leaves the user the opportunity to renew it without resorting to other methods of connecting to the global network. Beeline does not turn off the Internet completely, but only slows it down to 64 Kbit/s. This is enough to log into the mobile application or account on the provider’s web resource, top up your balance and activate an additional package of services.

    You have the following options to choose from:

    Extend speed 1 and 4 GB

    Plastic bag " Extend your speed“is 1 or 4 additional gigabytes of the Internet until the next billing period (that is, until the date from which the new month of using the services begins).

    The cost of 1 GB of additional web traffic is 250 rubles, 4 GB – 500 rubles for the entire period of use. The maximum duration of the package is 30 days.

    The option is available on all tariffs, except the following:

    • "Welcome"
    • “All 1” – “All 5”.
    • "Internet for the computer."
    • "Internet for tablet."
    • “0 doubts.”

    To activate the “Extend your speed 1 Gb” package, dial the USSD command on your phone *115*121# and tap the call button or call the number 0674093221 .

    To get an increase of 4 Gb, type the command *115*122# or number 0674093222 .

    In addition, you can manage these options through your subscriber account on the Beeline website.

    Automatic speed renewal 100 Mb and 5 Gb

    Users who have activated the package " Auto speed renewal", receive additional web traffic as soon as the main one (included in the tariff plan) ends.

    The cost of activating the service for 100 Mb is 50 rubles, for 5 Gb – 150 rubles. Megabytes are charged separately according to the terms of your agreement with the provider.

    Packages are available to users of the following tariffs:

    • “All 1” – “All 2” (100 Mb), “All 3” – “All 5” (5 Gb).
    • “All in one 1” and “All in one 2” (100 Mb), “All in one 3” – “All in one 5” (5 Gb).
    • “Vseshechka” (100 Mb).
    • “Welcome” (100 Mb).
    • “0 doubts” (100 Mb).
    • “Internet for computer” (5 Gb).
    • “Internet for tablet” (5 Gb).

    To connect “Auto speed renewal” dial *115*23# or call the number 067471778 . To turn off, dial *115*230# or call 0674717780 .

    Beeline provides the service of extending web traffic only in the Russian Federation, with the exception of certain regions where a per-megabyte payment system operates. More complete information about this is provided in the package description sections on the official website.

    MTS: creative approach

    The MTS operator approached the issue more creatively than anyone else - it developed turbo buttons that were pleasing to the eye. extends web traffic by the required number of megabytes or hours.

    The service is available to users of smartphones, tablets and USB modems on all prepaid tariff plans. You can connect any number of buttons at the same time. In this case, the traffic of the button with a short validity period is consumed first, followed by the long one, and lastly, the remainder of the package of the main tariff plan (if any). If buttons with the same expiration date are connected, their traffic is summed up.

    Volume of packages, validity period and cost of turbo buttons for extending web traffic in MTS

    Volume Validity Price Connection command
    100 Mb Up to 24 hours 30 rubles *111*05*1#
    500 Mb Up to 24 hours 95 rubles *167#
    1 Gb Up to 30 days 175 rubles *467#
    2 Gb Up to 30 days 300 rubles *168#
    5 Gb Up to 30 days 450 rubles *169#
    20 Gb Up to 30 days 900 rubles *469#
    Unlimited 3 hours 95 rubles *637#
    Unlimited 6 hours 150 rubles *638#

    The validity period of the 100 Mb – 20 Gb turbo button starts counting from the moment of payment. If you do not have time to use up your quota within the allotted time, the rest of it will “burn out.”

    When you subscribe to an unlimited package for 3 and 6 hours, the amount of traffic is not limited. The countdown also starts from the moment of payment.

    The service is available throughout the Russian Federation, except for the Chukotka region. When traveling abroad, the turbo buttons are suspended until you return home.

    If you connect the MTS turbo button when the Internet is no longer on the device (it has ended), you will be charged the cost of another megabyte at the rates of your main tariff.

    Megafon: no worse than others

    Megafon's traffic extension option, in my opinion, is also very attractive and convenient. In any case, its conditions are no worse than those of its competitors. Or maybe even better, thanks to:

    • Comfortable price: 70 Mb of high-speed access to the World Wide Web costs only 19 rubles. They are at your disposal until the end of the day.
    • Because additional traffic begins to be used after the quota of the main tariff is used up, and not immediately after purchase. After all, why should something that you paid for before go to waste?
    • Opportunities to change the tariff plan without fear of losing the paid package of additional traffic. But with the condition that the new tariff also supports this option.

    There are 3 packages of different sizes to choose from: 70 Mb, 1 Gb and 5 Gb.

    During the billing period, additional web traffic can be activated an unlimited number of times. The service operates within the same territorial boundaries as the user’s main tariff. In international roaming and in some regions (Crimea, Chukotka and a number of others), where per-megabyte payment is used, it is not available.

    Extend Internet XS

    • Volume – 70 Mb.
    • Price – 19 rub.
    • Valid until the end of the day.
    • What tariffs are valid for: “Internet XS” for a smartphone (a plan where 70 Mb of traffic is provided every day of the billing period). It is also available on some tariffs for tablets and USB modems, but the official website does not specify which ones.
    • Connection methods: command *372# , SMS to number 050009061 or through your personal account.

    Extend Internet 1 GB

    • Package volume – 1 Gb.
    • Connection price – 210 rub.
    • Validity period – until the end of the billing period of the main tariff plan (maximum 1 month).
    • For which devices: smartphones, tablets, USB modems and routers.
    • What tariffs are valid: “Internet S”, “M”, “L” and “XL”, as well as some others (check which ones exactly in your personal account).
    • Connection methods: command *370*1*1# or through your personal account.

    Extend Internet 5 GB

    • Package volume – 5 Gb.
    • Connection price – 450 rubles.
    • Validity period – until the end of the billing period of the main tariff plan.
    • For which devices: tablets, USB modems and routers.
    • What tariffs are valid: “Internet S”, “M”, “L” and “XL” and some others (check in your personal account).
    • Connection methods: command *370*2*1# , through an account on the operator’s website or Megafon communication salon.

    Tele2: varied and inexpensive

    Service Management:

    • 3 Gb: connection – command *155*181# , shutdown – *155*180# , status check – *155*18#
    • 5 Gb: connection –*155*231#, shutdown – *155*230# , status check – *155*23#

    Both options are available to users of tariff plans that include a web traffic package. You can find out whether the selected option is supported on your tariff in your subscriber account on the Tele2 website.

    Add traffic 500 Mb and 100 Mb

    The price of an additional 500 Mb is 50 rubles, 100 Mb is a record minimum of 15 rubles. The packages last up to 24 hours.

    Options are available to users of the “Day on the Internet” and “Internet from Phone” services.

    Package management:

    • 500 Mb: connection – *155*171# , shutdown – *155*170# , status check – *155*17#
    • 100 Mb: connection –*155*281#, shutdown – *155*280# , status check – *155*28#

    Another 500 Mb

    Activating the “Another 500 Mb” service will save you from having to manually purchase additional Internet traffic each time. As soon as you use up your tariff quota, it will be added automatically. Activation of the service costs 50 rubles, megabytes are paid according to the terms of the main tariff plan.

    The maximum number of automatically added packages during one billing period is 5 pieces.

    The option is available to subscribers of any Tele2 tariffs (with Internet) on all mobile devices.

    To activate “Another 500 Mb” type the command *155*412*1 # , to disable – *155*412*0 # , to check the status – *155*412 # .

    Happy web surfing!

    Also on the site:

    How to extend Internet traffic of Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 without changing the tariff plan updated: July 14, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic