How to make a powerpoint presentation footer. Topic: Creating presentations in PowerPoint. Formatting and Arranging Footer Elements

If you have forgotten the exact name or location of your presentation, you can use the Basic Search to find a file by any known data, for example, by part of the presentation name or a fragment of its content. For a more in-depth search, use the panel Advanced Search, which allows you to specify a criterion that includes a file property (for example, name, subject, creation date, or number of slides), a condition (greater than, before or after, equal to, and others), and a value. For example, the criterion "File name includes garden" finds all files whose name contains the word "garden". In this case, "filename" is a property, "includes" is a condition, and "garden" is a value. If you have Quick Find installed on your computer, PowerPoint can organize information to help you find it faster. If this feature is not installed, click the button Install on the taskbar Basic Search.

Presentation properties can be entered at any time by opening the dialog box Presentation Properties. These values ​​may be useful later when using search functions.

Follow these steps to enter presentation properties and locate the .

PowerPoint will search for files that match your criteria. After completing the search in the task pane Search Results A list of found files will be displayed. To open any of them, just double-click on its name.

Adding a header and footer

Before you print your presentation, you can insert headers and footers that appear on every slide, notes page, or output. Typically, headers and footers contain useful information, such as the name of the presentation author, company name, current date, or page number. Because PowerPoint allows you to add multiple headers and footers, you can set different headers for your slides, handouts, and speaker notes. Adding headers and footers is done using the command Header and Footer V

Published: 2012-11-03

In PowerPoint, you can add headers and footers to slides and handouts in a similar way as you can in Word. However, the steps to add a footer in PowerPoint are a little different. Here we will show you how to add and edit a footer template for your PowerPoint presentation.

To add a header and footer, click on the Insert -> Header & Footer option, and then a new dialog box will be displayed as follows.

Here you can control what to include in your slides, date and time, slide number, and footer text. Make sure to check the Footer checkbox and enter the desired footer line. If you want to not show this footer text in the title slide template, then you can check Don't show on title slide.

You can also add a timestamp to your slides. You can learn more about how to add date and time to PowerPoint presentations.

How to Change a Template Footer in PowerPoint 2010

You can change the footer template to suit any layout you want. For example, you might want to show a footer only on the header + content of a slide layout or comparison layout, but not on the cover slide. You can do this by editing the Master Slide or PowerPoint Template and then selecting the Footer section. Here you can apply any text style or footer transformation.

Now close Master View using the cross red button and return to normal view. In PowerPoint 2007, editing the footer template is very similar. You can also change how the footer appears on your slides and apply text styles.

What is a font? First of all, let's look at the concept of "font". Font First of all, let's look at the concept of "font". is a set of characters of a certain size and pattern. In other words, a computer font is a program that can be used in all Windows applications, including PowerPoint. New term. The characters that make up a font have certain ornamental characteristics, such as serifs, decorative scrolls, etc. Sources of fonts on your computer Fonts are included with the Windows system, developed by application manufacturers, and shipped with them. Finally, there are companies engaged exclusively in the production of fonts for all occasions.
  • Historically, there have been several font standards for personal computers around the world. The most popular fonts are from Adobe Systems (Type 1 standard fonts) and Microsoft (TrueType standard fonts). Both standards have their merits, which has led to their parallel coexistence. PowerPoint uses TrueType fonts.
  • Often large collections of fonts are bundled with some graphics, publishing, or office software. An example is MS Office, which comes with a huge set of fonts. Unfortunately, as a rule, these fonts are not Cyrillic, and therefore their use in Russia is limited. A similar situation has developed on the Internet. There is a huge selection of free or shareware fonts, but not many of them are Cyrillic.
  • Classification of fonts Classification of fonts is quite confusing and contradictory. But, despite the huge number of fonts by application, they can be divided into only 3 groups:
Types of fonts are shown in Fig. 3.1. . Note: In Windows there is a special system font folder Windows\Fonts. To ensure that the fonts you install are copied to this folder, the Add Fonts dialog box has a special check box called Copy fonts to the Fonts folder. Once installed, the font is added to the system registry, after which it becomes available to all Windows applications (including PowerPoint). Text, text style, design attributes New term Text(from lat. textus- fabric, connection) - 1. Any recorded speech (literary work, essay, document, as well as part or excerpt from them). 2. The main part of the printed set (without illustrations, drawings, tables). When considering not individual letters, but their totality (forming the text), new terms appear. In a presentation, each element of the book text, be it the main text, heading, note, etc., has its own design style. New term Text style- a set of all text design parameters inherent in a given segment of it. Text style attributes include the following concepts: font type; outline; pin; leading; letter gap; interword space; off; first line indent; retraction (indents on the right and left); interparagraph spaces; other design techniques. However, since type science and typography are separate and large topics, we do not have the opportunity to dwell on each of these terms on the topic “font and text”. New term Typography. Paragraph indentation is a signal for a kind of pause that organizes reading. Large blocks that are not divided into paragraphs dull the reader’s perception or go in the wrong direction. By highlighting significant parts of the text, the paragraph acts as a kind of emphasis that actively influences a person’s attention. New term Paragraph(German)
  • Absatz
  • - red line, literally - ledge) is an indentation in the initial line of printed or handwritten text (a part of the text connected by semantic unity and highlighted by the indentation of the first line). In graphical text editors, a paragraph is a sequence of lines aligned left and right along some boundaries.
  • Newspaper writers sometimes call paragraphs "graphs" to emphasize their difference from book paragraphs. Graphs are short segments of thought. Standard newspaper paragraphs consist of three or four sentences, that is, about 40-50 words. Graphs are also a design element that makes the newspaper space free and lively. The reader is reluctant to read materials that look long. Dividing into graphs makes the material more readable, since visually it does not look so cumbersome and verbose.
Adding text to a slide On a slide you can:
  • To make added text part of a shape, select the shape, and then type the text or paste it from the clipboard.
  • So that the added text can be moved independently of the shape, use the Insert - Caption command to add a text field, and then enter the text or paste it from the clipboard (Fig. 3.4).
Rice. 3.4. The top text is part of the shape and rotates with it, while the bottom text is not part of the shape and is independent of it. Captions are used to place text anywhere on the slide, including outside text frames. For example, you can add a title to a picture by creating a text box and placing it next to the picture. You can also use text boxes to add text to shapes when you don't want to associate it with them. Creating Lists Some prototypes automatically format text as a bulleted list, while other prototypes do not. To create bulleted lists, on the Home tab, find the Paragraph group (Fig. 3.5). Rice. 3.5. Group Paragraph Here are tools familiar to everyone who has worked in MS Office, and, in particular, tools for creating lists. Creating Speaker Notes Too much text can make a slide confusing and unclear to the audience. Speaker Notes help keep the screen clear of redundant text during a presentation, while allowing you to keep track of all the information you need during the presentation (Figure 3.6). Good notes can help keep your audience's attention and prevent your slide from becoming too text-heavy. is a visual representation of information that can be customized to suit the needs of the PC user. Converting Text to SmartArt Art is a quick way to transform existing text slides into professional-looking graphic illustrations. To convert existing text into a SmartArt graphic, click the prototype that contains the text. In the Paragraph group on the Home tab, click the Convert to SmartArt Graphic button. Select the desired option for converting text to a picture from the collection of options. Once you find the SmartArt graphic you want, click it to apply it to your text. An example of converting slide text to a SmartArt graphic is shown in Fig. 3.7. Rice. 3.5. Group Paragraph Here are tools familiar to everyone who has worked in MS Office, and, in particular, tools for creating lists. Tip The gallery contains SmartArt graphic layouts that are best suited for bulleted lists. To see what a SmartArt graphic will look like with the text you want, hover over the SmartArt graphic's thumbnail in the gallery. enlarge image a) Prototype b) Prototype converted into a pyramid list (SmartArt graphic) enlarge image Fig. 3.7. c) SmartArt graphic based on bulleted text (option) Now you can move the SmartArt graphic, resize it, rotate it, add text to it, apply another one to it
  • express style (fast style)
  • Express style
  • Some SmartArt graphic layouts are best suited to specific situations. For example, the Balancing Arrows layout (Link type) is designed to display two opposing ideas or concepts. And to display more than two ideas, switch to a different layout that has more shapes for text, such as the Simple Pyramid layout (Pyramid type).
  • When working with SmartArt graphics, it is useful to know certain keyboard shortcuts (Table 3.1).
Table 3.1. Keyboard shortcuts when working with SmartArt graphics
the name of the operation Keyboard shortcuts
Add a new SmartArt graphic ALT+C+b
Open online help CTRL+SHIFT+F1
Switch between text area and SmartArt graphic CTRL+SHIFT+F2
Move from text area to ribbon Press CTRL+SHIFT+F2 to go to the SmartArt graphic, and then press ALT to go to the Ribbon
When a shape is selected, move to another shape in the SmartArt graphic TAB
Increase text indentation in text area TAB
Decrease text indent in text area SHIFT+TAB
Add a tab character to a text area CTRL+TAB
Select multiple shapes in text area Select a text string in the text area, then press Shift+Down Arrow to select additional shapes
After you add a SmartArt graphic, open the Design Gallery where you can view and edit all the designs ALT+Оы+Д+Г
Increase the size of the selected shape SHIFT+UP ARROW or RIGHT ARROW
Reduce the size of the selected shape SHIFT+DOWN ARROW or LEFT ARROW
Move the shape in the desired direction UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW
Move the shape in small steps CTRL+UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, RIGHT ARROW, or LEFT ARROW
Rotate the shape in the desired direction by 15° Rotate the shape by 1° ALT+RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW CTRL+ALT

When working with text in color publications, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • assign contrasting colors to the background and text. We are talking about the contrast of color, and not just different brightness. For example, black letters on a red background are difficult to read, so this combination should be avoided if possible;
  • check the contrast of text and background on a monochrome image. Although this technique doesn't always work, in most cases, when two colors look contrasting in monochrome, they will look contrasting in color;
  • Avoid annoying combinations of color tones to print voluminous text. For example, a combination of yellow and red is very effective for printed products with the “New!” label, but such a color scheme is inappropriate in most other cases;
  • Avoid shades that are too light or hard to see. Text that is too light is problematic when printed, regardless of whether the shade looks good or bad on the slide. Fine lines with a light shade of color are poorly reproduced. It may even turn out that this color will just look like dirt on paper.

To add slide numbers, time and date, company logo, presentation title or file name, presenter name, etc., at the top or bottom of each handout page or notes, or at the bottom of each slide, use headers and footers.

On the tab Insert in Group Note: In Windows there is a special system font folder Windows\Fonts. To ensure that the fonts you install are copied to this folder, the Add Fonts dialog box has a special check box called Copy fonts to the Fonts folder. Once installed, the font is added to the system registry, after which it becomes available to all Windows applications (including PowerPoint). click on the button Headers and footers- rice. 3.8.

Rice. 3.8. Window Header and Footer

To add a footer to a slide in a dialog box Headers and footers on the tab Slide check the box footer, and then enter the text you want to center at the bottom of the slide.

  • To display footer information only on the selected slide, click Apply.
  • To display footer information on all slides in your presentation, click Apply to all.

To add headers and footers to the issue page or notes in a dialog box Headers and footers on the tab Notes and Issues check the box Page header or footer, and then enter the text you want to place at the center of the top (header) or center of the bottom (footer) of each issue or notes page. Then click on the button Apply to all(Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Header and Footer window, Notes and Issues tab


In this window the field View displays header and footer information in the location where it would appear on the slide, issue page, or notes page.

Adding a presentation title or organization name to your presentation slides can be necessary at times. The best way to do this is to make it part of the header or footer where you can add the text you need and try to make it as unobtrusive as possible.

How to Add a Header and Footer in PowerPoint 2013

Step 1: Go to the tab Insert in PowerPoint and click Header & Footer (as shown below).

Step 2. A dialog box will open header and footer. On the tab Slide, click the checkbox Footer field and enter your desired text. From here, you can add date and time to your slides.

Step 3: To display text on the selected slide, click Apply or use Apply all to add text to all slides.

Note: To have text appear on the main slide, select the checkbox "Do not show on title slide" option.

Step 4. Once the text has been added you can edit the text and timestamp using the basic font formatting options on the tab Home.

To add header text, follow the steps above and simply drag the text box to convert the header to a header (as shown below).

How to Add a Header and Footer to a Handout or Notes in PowerPoint 2013

To add headers and footers to handouts or notes, follow the same procedure mentioned above and simply select the Notes and Handouts tab from the Headers and Footers dialog box. The specific steps for this process are given below.

Step 1. Go to the Insert tab in PowerPoint 2013 and select Header & Footer.
Step 2. From the Header and Footer dialog box, select the Notes and Handouts tab.
Step 3. Check the Header and/or Footer checkbox, enter the desired text for the notes page or handout.
Step 4. Click the button Apply to everyone.

Use Sample issue to create and modify presentation handouts. Changes will apply to all pages of printed handouts.

You can change the number of slides per page, page orientation, and slide size. You can also add or remove page numbers, footers, date and time, pictures, and backgrounds.

To open handout options, on the tab View in Group Sample Modes click the button Sample issue.

Changing the layout

In Group Page settings You can specify the number of slides to print on each page, select slide layouts, change the orientation of the output, and set the slide size. To customize the layout as desired, use the options in all three menus: Issue orientation, Slide size and Number of slides per page.

Setting the number of slides per page

Advice: Layout 3 slides contains lines on which event participants can take notes.

Setting the orientation

Adjusting the Slide Size

Changing page numbers, headers, or dates

You can change header and footer settings in the group Fillers. By default, headers and footers are displayed in the top and bottom corners of the Sample Issue page.

Click the alt text ( header, footer, dates or page numbers) to make changes. You can follow the steps below.

Adding a logo and other images to handouts

    Open the tab View on the ribbon and click the button Sample issue.

    On the tab Insert click the button Drawings or another button (for example, Images from the Internet) depending on where the desired image is located.

    Select an image and click the button Insert.

    The image will be added to the center of the page.

    Drag the image to the desired location and resize it if necessary. Additional formatting options are available on the tab Format section "Working with drawings".

Changing the background

You can change the background of the issue (but not the slides) in the group Background. You can also quickly select a different font for all search text at once, set special borders and visual effects.

    Colors. Select a color theme for the SERP background. To see what it will look like, click Background styles and select one of the options.

    Background styles. Select a style from the list. The colors displayed depend on what is selected in the list Colors.

    Advice: Click Background format at the bottom of the list Background styles to open the area Format, and adjust advanced background options (such as advanced fill options, artistic effects, color and image options).

    Fonts. Select a font from the list to quickly apply it to all headers and footers.

    Effects. Select a theme effect (shadow, reflection, line, fill, etc.) from the list.

Handout Preview

To preview what your printed handouts will look like, follow these steps:

For more information on working with PowerPoint handouts, see: Video: Working with PowerPoint Handouts

In the sample results, you can move, change the size and format of the headers and footers in the placeholders. Additionally, you can adjust the page orientation and specify the number of slides per handout page when printing.

1 . Indicate how many slides you want to print on each handout page.

2 . Change the size or format of the header placeholder, or move it.

3 . Change the size or format of the footer placeholder, or move it

View handout options

Click the section title below for detailed instructions.