How to download paid games and applications for free on Android? VShare. How to install paid iOS applications for free How to download paid games

There are tens of thousands of quality apps and games available on Google Play, but the best ones are either paid or freemium, meaning they contain content that you will still be asked to pay for. Of course, you can try to find these applications on pirated resources with the risk of picking up viruses, but it is better to use legal methods, which we will talk about today.

Amazon Underground is Amazon's own content store, where several thousand "truly free" games and applications are constantly available. Their purchase and the purchase of any content in them is sponsored by Amazon. To Amazon's credit, it should be noted that the programs here are really high quality - there are many popular and expensive titles among them. The only drawback is that Amazon Underground does not officially work in Russia, but this is a limitation.

MyAppFree is an application that was originally only present on Windows Phone, but has recently appeared on Android. Every day it holds a promotion to distribute a paid application or game for free for 24 hours, and in additional sections you can find programs that are sold at significant discounts.

Other services for finding discounts are structured in a similar way - for example, “App of the Day”, AppSales, AppGratis and Best App Sale. The latest application shows discounts not only on Google Play, but also on other stores: Steam, Xbox, GOG, Origin, PlayStation Store, Gamersgate and many others. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous developers use these services to promote low-quality content or inflate the initial cost of the application to make the discount seem more attractive.

Don't forget to occasionally visit the Google Play app on Android or its web version. Google very often holds sales with deep discounts or giveaways of paid games and applications. As a rule, promotions are timed to coincide with some holiday or event, but there are also spontaneous promotions, the purpose of which is to promote some content or increase the popularity of Google Play among Android users.

Free Alternatives

If you desperately need a specific application, but it is expensive and you don’t have the money to buy it, do not rush to run to pirates. You may be able to find a free alternative. For this purpose, you can use the AlternativeTo web service. Enter the name of the application you need into the search bar of the site, and the service will instantly show alternatives. Search results can be filtered to show only free titles.

New market for Android - Blackmart

Everyone is familiar with such a popular application market for mobile devices as Play Market. The developers decided to surprise users with a good analogue to this online store - Blackmart.

Features of the new Blackmart App Market.

The new application with a list of available programs for mobile devices is almost no different from its progenitor. But it still has its own characteristics. The main difference, which may be significant for some users, is that all mini-programs and applications posted here are completely free. That is, any application you like can be downloaded without worrying about the fact that a payment window will now pop up. It seems that the cost of such applications is minimal (from 50 to 300 rubles), but sometimes you don’t want to pay for them.

The new software has become a good alternative to the previously advertised Market, which is quite capable of providing significant competition to it and attracting all users to itself.


The new application - Market provides installation only on devices with the Android operating system. Black Market on Android can be installed in a matter of seconds, thanks to the fact that it takes up minimal space in the device’s memory. This application is ideal for those who categorically disagree with the cost of programs that are set on the popular Market by the developers themselves.
You won’t find a new application on the Play Market itself. It can be found in various resources, which, in addition to official websites for Android, provide such “tricks” for mobile device software. On such resources, you can download Black Market completely free of charge and even without registration, without fear of downloading a malicious virus along with the application.

Navigation and use of Blackmarket

Using Black Market on Android is very simple. The navigation is almost completely identical to the most popular market. The user only needs to enter the name of the application he is looking for, or go to the category he needs with the application. Then it’s just a matter of two button presses: click on the application and the “download” button. Downloading occurs very quickly, after which it is automatically installed on the mobile device itself. That's all! You can start using the installed program.
The Black Market interface is very convenient, due to the fact that it is equipped with the necessary categories and filters. This allows the user to very quickly find the application he needs, even if he does not know its name or does not know which specific application of the analogues he needs. On this resource you can not only download the program, but also read its description in order to understand how convenient it is and what functions it has.

Disadvantages of Blackmarket

Like any application, Blackmarket has its drawbacks, but it’s good that there are few of them. Downloading Black Market will be beneficial for those who do not agree that software for mobile devices should be paid. The only nuance of the updated market, which can be classified as a disadvantage, is that not all applications for Android can be found on it.

What are the updates working on?

(7 ratings)

How to download paid games for free on Android?

By going to, you can see a large number of good applications and cool utilities. But not all of them may be available: for example, Most of the cool games on Android are paid and are found in the “best paid games” section.

But what if you like an application, but you don’t have the money to buy it or you simply don’t want to pay for it? This article will clearly shows how to download paid games and other files for free on Android.

Lucky Patcher

This method is one of the simplest and most popular among Internet pirates. Lucky Patcher allows you to make cash-free purchases of various add-ons and other customizations in in-game stores, turn off advertising, which most users simply get bored with, store “.apk” files from already installed software, create and apply patches for the Android operating system, make copies of files, as well as many other functions useful for experienced gamers and users.

In the last two versions of "Lucky Patcher" a new function to download the improved "Play Market". After downloading and installing the innovation on your device, you will know how to download paid games and utilities for free on Android.


The function is very popular, because upon purchase you can get your money back, but the installed software will not be deleted after the refund, but will remain in the library with other utilities.

Below we will present an algorithm of actions so that you know how to download various paid games for free on Android from the Play Market and keep them for yourself:

  • do in the system to use the phone;
  • install “Busy Box”;
  • in the “Lucky Patcher” software, select the “tools” section;
  • click on “Install modified Google Play”;
  • select the appropriate version for your phone based on the Android operating system and wait until the installation is complete;
  • go to Google Play and select any paid assembly you like;
  • make a purchase using a mobile operator, any bank card, payment system in which you have funds;
  • After making a purchase, click on “refund payment”.

After all the manipulations, you will have funds that you could spend on something else, as well as the program itself.

Will be useful

In addition to the Lucky Patcher utility, there are several other methods and manipulations that are in demand among Internet pirates and gamers. Thanks to them, you can learn the required things and know how to download paid games on Android for free.

Sites with paid programs and alternatives to Google Play

There are alternatives to Google Play from which you can download paid files: all of them are official and do not pose a threat to your software. So you can download both paid utilities for free and games to your Android without any hassle.

  • is one of the best and most popular sites among users. Amazon is the largest online store in the United States and initially created its own system, similar to the Appstore, for use on its devices. But with the development of popularity, the demand for such a platform for users grew and now everyone can use it. There are more than 300 thousand different utilities here, but its main advantage is that it distributes one file every day, which can be included in the “top paid games” section on Android and which an advanced gamer will want to have in his library;
  • - software that is a good competitor to the previous version, but differs significantly in its structure. There are any files for users here and they also will not harm the system: There is no need to be afraid of viruses, crashes and software failures. This distinctive feature makes it a good “kickstarter” for programmers: they can put their product up for sale and see how much users like it and how often they download it for their phone. Also, if you want to download paid games for free on Android, but don’t know how, then this software is the answer to your question.
  • – on this special site most applications are freely available without a price and each user can download them for review. To download and install it, open the site in your browser and go to the section you need. After you have found the necessary software, click the “more details” button. Next, you should select your device and check for compatibility. Only after successful verification will you need to select the location where you want to save the software using the “save” button.

Let's just immediately discard the moral side of the issue that you have to pay for applications. Of course, it is necessary, which is what I encourage you to do. The installation method, which will be discussed below, is provided for informational purposes only. By the end of the article, I will try to explain what its disadvantages are. Perhaps they will help you finally make sure that the best way to get a paid application is to buy it in the App Store.

You can download software without paying thanks to the vShare service. This is a Chinese digital store where a large number of games and applications from the App Store are available. To connect to this site, you need to use a computer. But after a quick setup, vShare allows you to install content without the help of a PC - directly to your mobile device.

How to download applications through the vShare service

1. Install the vShare client on your computer

The first step is to install the vShare client on your computer. The link to the program is available on the service website. During the installation process, the client offers to download additional software like the Opera browser, but you can refuse this.

Before using vShare, it's best to make sure you have the latest version of iTunes on your computer.

2. Install the vShare application on iPhone or iPad

After installing the client on your computer, you need to install the vShare application on your iOS device. This happens automatically, just launch vShare on your PC, connect your iPhone or iPad to it via a USB cable and wait a few seconds. If the installation does not occur automatically, you need to click on the Install vShare button.

3. Download paid applications from the App Store for free

The vShare application, which will appear on the iPhone or iPad after the above manipulations, is an alternative version of the App Store. It has a search form and categories for navigating through the application catalog.

To install a program or game from vShare, you need to find it in the directory and click on the Get button. Before loading, the system requests permission and must be approved. All games and programs installed in this way appear on the iOS desktop, just like regular applications.

After installing vShare on your mobile device, you can disconnect the latter from your computer and download the software without using a PC. But if the vShare application starts opening the App Store before each download, you should connect the gadget to the computer again and click Reauthorization in the main menu of the vShare client for Windows.

Sometimes programs installed via vShare do not launch and the message “Untrusted corporate developer” appears on the screen. In this case, you need to open the “Settings” → “Basic” → “Profiles and Management” section. device”, click on the developer of the problematic application, and then select the “Trust...” option.

What are the disadvantages of vShare?

  • Applications installed via vShare are not verified by Apple, and therefore can threaten your personal data and the normal operation of the iOS device as a whole. You use the service at your own risk.
  • The vShare catalog does not include many programs and games available in the App Store.
  • Applications installed via vShare may not work correctly or may not work at all.
  • Installation via vShare takes longer on average than via the App Store. And to update programs, you need to connect your mobile device to your computer and use the special Update menu in the vShare client for Windows.
  • It is possible that the Apple ID to which vShare connects may be blocked.

As you can see, it is much more convenient and safer to buy programs in the official way. Do you agree?