How to enlarge the font on a page in a few seconds. Enlarging the font on the computer screen Increasing the VK font in the normal way

Having installed a new browser, or sitting down at the computer after playful children have been playing at it, you may find that the font on the Internet is completely inconvenient. Many people have trouble seeing close up, and small print interferes with their work. Others, on the contrary, do not perceive large print well. The steps to change the font size vary depending on which browser you use.


  • The easiest and most effective way to change the font size is to change the page scale. Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel: down to decrease the font size, up to increase it. You can also press Ctrl and the "+" key, which will lead to the same result. This method is suitable for any browser, but involves changing not only the font size, but also the entire page scale. The normal view of the page has a scale of 100%, increasing the scale automatically enlarges the font. If you need to change the font size without changing other settings, you need to go to your browser settings.
  • If you need to change the font size in the Mozilla Firefox browser (meaning the latest version), click on the Firefox button in the upper left corner, select “Settings” and click the top item in the list that opens, which is also called “Settings”. Open the third tab "Content". In the Fonts and Colors section, select a font and size (from 9 to 72). Click "Advanced" on the right side and uncheck "Allow websites to use their fonts."
  • In the popular Opera browser, you can change the font size by selecting “Settings” - “General settings” in the menu. On the “Web Pages” tab, click on the font name and select the size in the window that opens. In the same window you can change the page scale, making the font smaller or larger. In Opera, you can also adjust the size of the so-called monospaced font, which has characters of the same width.
  • In Internet Explorer, click on the “Page” button at the top of the window, find “Font Size” and set the appropriate one: largest, large, medium, small and smallest.
  • If you need to change the font size in the Google Chrome browser, click on the settings button in the upper right corner, select "Options", "Advanced" and find "Font Size".
  • Tip added on February 19, 2012 Tip 2: How to change the font on the Internet Each user has his own ideas about what a font should be so that it is easy to read. On the Internet, each page is displayed in accordance with the settings chosen by the administrator. However, in some cases the user can change the font.


  • To select a new font style, size, and color in the Mozilla Firefox browser, launch it and select Settings from the Tools menu. A new window will open. Go to the “Content” tab. In the “Fonts and Colors” group, set the values ​​you need and click OK for the selected settings to take effect.
  • In Internet Explorer, select “Internet Options” from the “Tools” menu, in the new window, go to the “General” tab and find the “View” group. Click on the “Fonts” button, an additional window will open in which you can select font styles. Set the values ​​you need and apply the new settings. In other browsers, proceed in the same way.
  • For those with vision problems, text on Internet pages may appear too small. In this case, you can increase the scale of the pages, then the font on them will also increase. To do this, press the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel. Each time you scroll up, the scale will increase, and each time you scroll down, it will decrease.
  • If you want to design your message on the site in a special way, applying different effects to the font, look for formatting settings in the reply form. If you can't find them in the Quick Reply field, use the expanded form. Select the text whose font you want to change, and apply the effects and styles you need using special buttons and fields.
  • You can also apply various effects to the font by adding tags manually. Remember that for each effect there must be two tags: an opening and a closing. Most often used: italics – , bold - , underline – , strikethrough text - . Your text should be placed between the opening and closing tags.
    • how to change the font on Odnoklassniki
    How to change the font on the Internet - printable version


    Internet Explorer allows you to choose from five preset font sizes on a page. To do this, you need to go to the menu, in the “View” section, hover your mouse over the “Font Size” item - this action will open a list of five items. However, this method will only affect those texts on the page whose font size is not explicitly specified by the author in its markup. An alternative option is all page elements, including and . This can be done by pressing the CTRL and Plus or Minus key combinations, or by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. However, the proportionality of changing the size of elements is respected in this browser only to a certain limit.

    The Opera browser is much better than Internet Explorer at handling page scaling. Here you can also do this by pressing the CTRL and “Plus” / “Minus” key combination, or by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. Each step increases or decreases the size by 10%. The same can be done by going to the browser menu, to the “Page” section, and in it to the “Scale” section. In Opera, you can specify the use of your own style sheets with the font sizes you need. In this case, the browser will ignore the size settings specified in the page code, replacing them with those specified by you. To get to the settings for using styles, you need to press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F12, go to the “Advanced” tab, then to the “Content” section and click the “Customize Styles” button.

    The Mozilla Firefox menu also has a “View” section, and in it a “Scale” subsection, where you can change the size of all page elements. Here you can also check the box “Text only” - then only the font sizes will be scaled, leaving other elements unchanged. This setting will also apply when resizing by pressing the CTRL and Plus/Minus keys, and when scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key.

    In the Google Chrome browser, page scaling is placed directly in the menu. Clicking the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the window opens this menu and the size of page elements can be changed by clicking the plus or minus icons next to “Scale”. But pressing the CTRL and Plus/Minus key combinations also works here, as does scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key. There are also advanced font settings here. To open them from the same main menu, select Options and then go to the Advanced tab. There, in the “Web Content” section, there are drop-down lists for selecting font sizes and page scale. In addition to them, there is a button labeled “Customize fonts”, which opens a tab with options for setting the sizes of fonts of two types and the minimum allowed size.

    In the Safari browser, if you open the “View” menu, you can change the scale by clicking the “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” items. The “Change text scale only” option allows you to change the font size without scaling the rest of the page elements. In addition, if you click Settings in the Editing section, and then go to the Add-ons tab in the Settings window, you can specify the minimum acceptable page font size. Scaling using the CTRL and Plus/Minus key combinations » works here as well as by scrolling the mouse wheel while holding down the CTRL key.

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    Many beginners, especially older people, have poor computer skills. Sometimes a simple situation can “drive you into a stupor,” ruining your mood for the whole day.

    For example: we opened a website, and the font there is too small. I want to read the article, but nothing comes out, the letters merge, my eyes water from tension. Common situation?

    Today we will look at several ways to increase the size of letters. Choose the most suitable method.

    How to enlarge letters on a computer screen

    The fastest, easiest way to enlarge letters is to zoom in on the page using hot keys or the mouse.

    I describe the method of “hot” keys:

    Press the “Ctrl” button, hold it down and press the “+” (plus) button. If this is not enough, click on the “plus” as many times as necessary.

    To gradually reduce the scale, press “Ctrl” while simultaneously pressing the “minus” – “-” key.

    To return the scale to its original “default” state - press “Ctrl” and the zero key “0”. You can enlarge letters using the mouse

    How to increase font size on computer screen using mouse

    Press the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel. When you rotate the wheel away from you, the scale of the computer screen increases, visually “bringing” the text closer.

    When you rotate the wheel towards you, the screen scale decreases and “moves away” from you. Return the “default” state by holding “Ctrl” and pressing “0”.

    If you have low vision, you can make pages larger in your browser settings. Then you won’t have to constantly resort to hot keys.

    Changing the scale of Internet pages in browser settings

    All browsers have settings that can be adjusted. The icon is usually located at the top right. This could be an image of a wheel or gear. Yandex browser - an icon of three horizontal stripes.

    I’ll tell you using the example of the Yandex browser. When you hover your mouse over the icon, a hint appears: “Yandex browser settings.” Click the settings icon and select “settings”.

    A new tab opens - the settings page. Scroll down the page and click the “Show advanced settings” button. Scrolling down the page a little more, we find “Web Content”.

    Here you will see what font sizes and page scale are indicated by default. You can change the font size, increase the page scale by specifying the desired value.

    Click the button: “customize fonts”, set the maximum value, minimum value of the fonts. For example, I’ll set the maximum value to 16, and raise the minimum value to 10, since the default value was 0. I’ll click the “done” button.

    You can set the desired values, don’t be afraid to experiment, you can always change the settings by returning to the original position.

    For example, let's look at how to increase font sizes in the Google Chrome browser. At the top, to the right of the address bar, there is an icon - three vertical dots. We hover the cursor and read: “Setting up and managing Google Chrome.” Click this icon.

    A window appears, we find the inscription “scale”. Right in this window you can adjust the desired scale by clicking “plus” or “minus”. After this, you will no longer have to change the scale of individual pages; it will be the same as it was set once.

    It’s convenient, doesn’t distract from work or reading, and your eyes don’t get tired of the fact that different websites have different sized letters.

    I think that now everyone understands the principle of changing font sizes or page scale in browser settings. Therefore, let's move on to other ways to increase letters.

    How to increase the font size on the screen through computer settings

    You can increase the font size by opening the computer settings, then all programs, applications, web pages will open with an increased letter size.

    How to increase font size on computer screen - Windows 10

    We change the font size settings - Windows 10 operating system. You need to go to “screen settings”, enlarge the letters in the following way:

    • "Start";
    • "Control Panel";
    • “Design and personalization”;
    • "Screen";
    • “Change only text size” – select the required font size for all sections, be sure to click the “apply” button.

    You can right-click on the screen - “Display options”, a page will open, click at the bottom: “Additional screen settings”, the following window will open, there you need to click on “Additional changes to the size of text, other elements”, then - “Change only sizes text."

    You can increase the text size for:

    1. Window title;
    2. Message window
    3. Menus and icons;
    4. Hints.

    However, elements such as tooltips will not be affected by the change, as they use themes in modern versions of Windows.

    Only the old type of tooltips will change, which you will see when you hover over the Close, Minimize, Minimize, Window button.

    How to increase the font size on your computer screen - early versions of Windows

    In other versions of Windows, you can also change the size of letters. As far as I remember, this should be done in the following way:

    Click in the following sequence:

    • "Start";
    • "Control Panel";
    • "Decor";
    • "Screen";
    • "Change the size of text and other elements."

    A warning window will pop up: “If you set the font size to medium, some elements will not fit on the screen.” This is not a problem, because when the elements do not fit, horizontal scrolling is automatically enabled.

    After all the actions performed, you need to restart the computer for all the settings to start working.

    How to increase the font size on a computer screen - conclusion

    As you can see, the steps described are identical to those in Windows 10. To summarize, I think that after reading this article you will not have any difficulties with enlarging or scaling fonts.

    Now you can easily cope with the task! And I advise blog readers who have difficulties working with a computer to study it thoroughly. On my blog, there is an article “” on this topic.

    Write a comment, in what ways do you enlarge the letters or change the scale?

    P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already earning money, that is, from professionals.

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    Or page size in the Opera browser.

    In the top left corner of your open browser, go to Menu, select Settings and go to General settings:

    Pictures enlarge when you click on them.

    In General Settings, go to Web pages. In the new window, you can increase or decrease the font or page scale, select the font style and color, background color and links. To save changes, click OK:

    2. How to change the font or page size in the Google Chrome browser.

    In the upper right corner of the browser, click on browser control icon. In a new window, find Scale, and by clicking the + or - icons, set the desired page size:

    To change the font style and size, click on the Google Chrome settings and controls icon, go to Settings:

    A new page opens in your browser, click Show advanced settings, in Web content, make the font larger or smaller. Press Customize fonts to change the font style:

    3. How to change the font or page size in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

    In the top panel Menu browser click View, go to Scale. In the small window, select enlarge, reduce browser window size, or just page text:

    To change the font style, size or color, background color, links, go to ToolsSettingsContent. Save changes - OK:

    In all browsers, you can change the page size using hotkeys:

    4. How to change the font or page size in the Safari browser.

    Zoom in or out on a page in Safari - in Menu browser - View:

    Or is it easier to use “hotkeys” for resizing the page, which are different in Safari (and other browsers) MacOs:

    Change font style or size - SafariSettingsAppearance:

    Changing the size of just the text is even easier: at the end of the address bar, click Text only and a new page with only text will pop up on top of the web page, where at the bottom of the page in a small panel you can enlarge, reduce the text, or email it to a friend.

    Use hotkeys ( Ctrl + , Ctrl - , Ctrl 0 ) or in the upper right corner of an open Internet Explorer, click on puck, Further Scale and resize:

    Find out the major browsers.

    All popular web browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Internet Explorer) are equipped with a function to reduce or increase the scale of the displayed page. The zoom feature allows users to enlarge or reduce the font and images of the page they are viewing in the browser. This can be useful for people with low vision, or in cases where the screen resolution is excessively high or low. Perhaps someone accidentally changed the size and now doesn’t know how to change it back. There are three ways you can change the size of fonts and images in the browser: using a combination of keyboard keys, using the keyboard and mouse together, and also changing the settings of the browser you are using. Below I will describe all the methods in detail.

    1 way. Using the keyboard

    Standard keyboard shortcuts for increasing and decreasing font in any popular web browser:

    Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "+" key to zoom in.
    Hold down the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.

    Method 2. Using the keyboard and mouse

    Also the same for all browsers:

    Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in.
    Hold down the Ctrl key and roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out.

    3 way. Setting up the image

    Decrease or enlarge the font in the browser:

    1. Click on the wrench icon and select the “Options” menu item.
    2. In the left sidebar, select the Advanced tab.
    3. In the "Web Content" section, change the "Page Scale".

    1. Click the “View” option in the navigation menu at the top of the browser window.
    2. From the “View” menu, click the “Scale” option.
    3. Click the “Zoom Out” or “Zoom In” option. The page content will change in size.
    4. Click the “Text Scale” option in the “Scale” menu to display the text modification settings. Move the slider to the left to make the font smaller or to the right to make it larger.

    1. Open the Opera browser and go to the desired web page.
    2. Click the “View” button on the status bar in the lower right corner of the browser window.
    3. Drag the slider to a value less than 100 percent to reduce the page display size, or greater than 100 percent to increase it.

    "Internet Explorer"

    1. Open a web page in the Internet Explorer browser.
    2. Click the arrow next to the “Change Zoom” setting in the lower right corner of the browser window.
    3. Click on the required scale level, selecting it on a special scale, or click the “Special” option, and then indicate the required scale in the “Scale in percent” line. To reduce the size of the displayed page you need to enter a value less than 100 percent, to increase - more.