How to turn off sticky keyboard. What is stuck keys and how to remove it in Windows. In the classic Control Panel

For those who are not yet aware, the Sticky Keys feature was created for those users who find it difficult or simply impossible to hold down multiple keys. For example, if you want to copy text using , that is, by pressing the CTRL+C key combination, you can simply press them in sequence if this function is enabled.

Most often, turning on the Sticky Keys function occurs accidentally - for this, for example, you can press the Shift key several times. In principle, there would be nothing wrong with this, if not for one detail - the computer makes a terrible squeak that no one likes. And if turning on a function is as easy as shelling pears, turning it off is not so easy.

How to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 7

  • In order to disable sticky keys, you need to press the Shift key several times (5). If this does not help, try holding down the Shift key for 10 seconds - a window with the “Ease of Access Center” section should appear in front of you. If this does not help, then proceed as follows.
  • Open the control panel using the "Start" button. And we find the “Ease of Access Center” section.

  • A window with various parameters opens. IN this moment We are only interested in one parameter - “Make the keyboard easier to use.”

  • Another window opens. Here we look for the link “Setting Sticky Keys”, leave the rest alone.

  • Now we uncheck the box next to “Enable sticky keys when pressing the Shift key five times.”

  • After this, do not forget to click on the OK button to confirm your intentions.

How to disable Sticky Keys in Windows XP

In case you are using an operating room Windows system XP, disabling sticking will not be any more difficult, but rather even easier.

  • First of all, press Shift five times.
  • A window will appear in front of you in which it will be written that: “Pressing the Shift key five times turns on the sticky keys mode...”. Select the “Options” item.
  • The “Accessibility” settings window has opened, only unlike Windows 7 it will be slightly different. It doesn't matter.
  • In the “Keyboard” tab, next to the “Sticky Keys” item, select “Settings” and in the new window, uncheck the box next to “Use this activation method.”
  • Be sure to click on the OK button to save the changes.

That's all, actually. Problem solved.

P.S. for Windows XP will be added whenever possible.

Fixing sticky button issues will help you get the most out of your laptop. But first, you should figure out what type of keyboard stickiness you have.

There are two types of key sticking on a keyboard: software sticking and mechanical sticking. These are completely opposite processes, although they are called the same. Let's talk about how you can fix stuck keys on a laptop.

Software Sticky Keys

Traditionally, the need to disable sticky keys on a laptop is associated with the Shift key, which is used especially often when performing certain manipulations (for example, when you need to write a capital letter while typing).

The Sticky Keys feature activates on its own by simply holding down a specific key for a while. When this happens, a squeaking sound can be heard from the laptop. If a key gets stuck every minute, the sound is very distracting. This often happens when playing games, where you often need to hold down one or another key on the laptop. A message appears on the screen asking whether to enable Sticky Keys. You can click “No” as many times as you like, but the message will appear again and again.

Users who use different operating systems may have a question: how to disable sticky keys? The procedure for any OS version is basically the same, although there are some nuances.

How to disable sticky in Windows 7

To disable the Sticky Keys feature on a laptop with Windows installed 7, follow these steps:

  • Click "Start", then "Control Panel";
  • Open "Ease of Access Center";
  • Select the line “Make the keyboard easier to use”, then “Simplify keyboard settings”;
  • A new window will open, uncheck all the boxes in it;
  • Then open the Settings for Sticky Keys menu.

In this section, you can adjust the sticky settings settings (for example, you can enable the function of displaying the settings icon in the taskbar or controlling the sound when you enable or disable the option).

How to disable sticky in Windows 8.1 and 8

In new versions of this operating system Most settings can be made in the new interface. If you need to disable Sticky Keys:

  • Open the right panel on the desktop by moving the mouse pointer there;
  • Click “Settings”, then “Change computer settings”, a settings window will appear;
  • Click on "Accessibility" and then on "Keyboard". Customize the settings to suit your needs.

But you won’t be able to disable sticky keys using this method. To do this, you will need to use the algorithm of actions described for Windows 7.

Mouse gets stuck

This function on the manipulator is useful when you need to frequently select or drag different objects. Thanks to sticking, you don't have to hold down the mouse button.

To activate this mode, briefly hold the key; to turn it off, press it again. If you need to completely turn off sticky mouse keys, do the following:

  • Go to the “Start” menu, then to the “Control Panel”;
  • Select the “Printers and other equipment” section;
  • Open the “Mouse” element (in the classic “Control Panel” the “Mouse” icon can be clicked immediately);
  • Select the “Mouse Buttons” line and remove the marker located opposite the “Enable Sticky” item in the “Sticky Mouse Button” menu;
  • Click Apply.

Now the sticky keys feature on the laptop will be disabled for the mouse as well.

Mechanical key sticking

Sticking on a laptop can be of a completely different nature. So, after dropping the device or getting water on the keyboard, some keys may well get stuck on it. Surely, many users have had the experience of typing and typing, and then looking at the screen - and all the letters are large. And even if you were able to return the key to its original position, the next time you press it, it may well stick again.

There are usually two reasons for sticky keys on a laptop keyboard:

  • The surface has bent, and now some keys are located at an angle;
  • The key just fell inside. Sometimes this does not interfere, since the sticking function does not work, and you can simply press a standard button with a stronger force. However, the aesthetic appearance of a laptop keyboard will not be very attractive.

If you can disassemble a regular keyboard yourself (although this is not recommended; anyone who has disassembled it knows how difficult it is sometimes to align all the keys with the contacts located at the bottom), but with a laptop everything is more complicated. However, this procedure can also be performed without contacting a service center.

Typically, disassembling laptops begins with the keyboard, which simplifies the operation. Procedure:

  • Take a photo of the keyboard so you don’t have to remember later where each button is located;
  • Remove broken key from the mount (pry it up with a small screwdriver);
  • Reinstall it immediately. If the sticking does not go away, then there is a problem with the button lift or with the spring element;
  • The button platform is attached to the elevator with latches. The elevator has 1-2 moving joints. Remove it and see if it is damaged. It is possible that the mountings have come loose from the elevator;
  • Change it to another elevator, with a different key. If the button now works, that's the problem. New element You can buy it at a computer store.

If the cause of sticking laptop keys is liquid, then the buttons can be wiped with alcohol. They need to be installed only after drying.

In most cases, sticky keys do not require sending your laptop for repair. If it is software sticking, it is quite possible to eliminate it yourself; if it is mechanical, the procedure is also quite doable without turning to specialists.

Hi all. Not long ago I decided to shake off the old days and installed Need For Speed Underground 2. The level of nostalgia was off the charts, so I turned into a turn and…. The game minimizes and a “Sticky Keys” window pops up on my screen. I press the cross, open the game, 5 minutes pass and again the same nonsense... the keys stick and it’s like killing yourself.

To understand how to disable sticky keys in Windows, I want to explain to you - why do we even need it, this sticky key? I hear the association that the button on the keyboard is stuck and does not work. In fact, stickiness serves to enable key combinations to be pressed by people with disabilities.

What does it mean? Let's take CTRL+SHIFT+ESC for example. This keyboard shortcut launches Task Manager. It’s easy for us to press, but what about those who, due to physical limitations, cannot do this? That's right, he can enable Sticky Keys and press them one by one, and Windows will accept this as a simultaneous press.

Most people don’t need this functionality, and may even be annoying, so let’s look at how to get rid of this function.

How to disable Sticky Keys in Windows?

All settings are as always in the control panel. You may want to skip a few steps if you have a window asking you to enable Sticky Keys. Surely you closed it, so only through the control panel...

Click on “Special Features” (by the way, there is a lot of interesting stuff here, it might be interesting even for ordinary users)

Here we select “Change keyboard settings”

Click “Setting Sticky Keys” (by the way, here you can control the cursor instead of the mouse, sometimes it is necessary, but more on that later)

It so happens that features added by developers with good intentions sometimes only get in the way and make things worse. So everyone who has ever played games on a computer has encountered the annoying “stuck keys” message. Of course, if some people don’t like it, it doesn’t have to be, then others don’t either. In this article we will figure out how to enable or disable sticky keys, and then you can decide for yourself whether you need it or not. Let's get started. Go!

From time to time, users need this

The methods considered will differ depending on the particular version of the Windows operating system. Now more about each of them.

The Ease of Access Center has many useful options

For those users who have Windows 7 installed, you need to open the Control Panel and go to the Ease of Access Center. In the window that appears, click on the item “Make the keyboard easier to use.” After that, check the boxes (or, on the contrary, uncheck them) the necessary options in the sections “Setting up sticky keys” and “Setting up input filtering”. If you want to get rid of the annoying message, be sure to uncheck the option to enable this function when you press Shift five times. You should also do the same with the mode for enabling input filtering when holding Shift for more than eight seconds.

The system allows you to make detailed settings

For users using Windows 8 or 8.1, the following method will be relevant:
1. Open Settings (via the Start menu or the taskbar).
2. Select "Change PC settings".
3. Go to the Keyboard tab.
4. In the section " Useful keys» enable or disable the desired options.

Alternative control options

However, if after these steps a message still pops up, do everything exactly the same as in the method for Windows 7.

Sticky keys- this is a long press on SHIFT keys, ALT, CTRL. This happens randomly and most often in games. IN computer games Most often these keys are used, for example, to speed up running, shooting, jumping. And people involved in the game press these keys with great frequency in order to run or shoot faster or something else.

This is why keys get stuck. Also, the appearance of sticky keys is not very characterized pleasant sound coming from the system unit.
Let's now figure out how to disable sticky keys in Windows 7.

Step 1 . Click on the Start menu and click on Control Panel. In the control panel set View type: Small or Large icons. Next click on the link.

Step 2 . In the next window select .

Step 3. In the window making the keyboard easier to use find the section. Uncheck the following items:

- Enable Sticky Keys.
- Enable voiceover of switches.
- Enable input filtering

Step 4 . Now go to the section by clicking on the appropriate link.

Step 5. This section is intended if you do not want to disable Sticky Keys, but want to customize individual settings.
In this window, you can enable or disable certain features by checking or unchecking the appropriate box.
For example you can disable sound signal when pressing the CTRL, ALT and SHIFT keys.

After you have configured the necessary parameters, click the button OK.
That's all. Now we can easily disable Sticky Keys in Windows 7.