How to upload a file to Yandex - step-by-step instructions. Uploading files and folders to disk How to extract a file from Yandex disk

Virtual file sharing systems are becoming increasingly popular, including Yandex.Disk. It can completely replace physical storage media and guarantees the safety of downloaded files. To fully use the capabilities of cloud storage, it’s worth figuring out how to upload photos to Yandex.Disk.

Uploading photos

You can add files to Yandex cloud storage from any device: Windows, Linux, Symbian, Android and iOS connected to the Internet. A web version of Drive and special applications for each PC system and mobile devices are available.

Working with the web version

You can go to the web version of Yandex Disk using the link:

To upload photos to Yandex.Disk, just click the yellow button with an arrow and the words “Upload” (in the mobile version - only the arrow).

Note! To download a file larger than 2 GB from a computer, you will need to install the Yandex.Disk program.

In the window that opens, you can choose two ways to upload photos.

Method 1

From any open folder, just drag one photo or several selected ones by holding the left mouse button.

Method 2

By clicking the “Download” button, in the window that opens, you need to find the desired file from the device and click on it. Having marked the desired one, just click on the “Open” button, the file will be automatically sent to the cloud storage.

Important! Already during the download process, you can add files using the “Load more” button.

How to upload photos to Yandex.Disk in the mobile application

Note: This example describes the operation of the Yandex.Disk application for the iphon 5 device

To upload a photo in the mobile application, you need to open the menu: with three horizontal sticks.

Then we select a location on Yandex.Disk: where we will upload the photos. To do this, click on one of three menu items: “Disk”, “All photos” or “Offline”.

For example, we selected the “Disk” item. Select the folder into which we will upload photos

Go to the “Photos” folder and click on the plus, which is located in the upper right corner.

All that remains is to select the download source from the list that opens. For example, we will select “Photo from Gallery”

Then all that remains is to tick the photos that we want to upload to the “Photos” folder and click on “Done” in the upper right corner

You can enable the auto-upload option and no longer worry about the safety of each new photo. The next previously unloaded photo will be added to the Yandex.Disk cloud as soon as your device is in the wi-fi zone.

Connecting auto-upload of photos to Yandex.Disk

To enable the function of automatically uploading photos to Yandex.Disk, you must perform the following steps:

Go to the settings of the Yandex.Disk mobile application

Then, by moving the slider, in the “Auto-upload photo” item, enable auto-upload.

After connecting auto-upload, your pictures and video files will automatically go to the Yandex disk cloud storage.

We organize convenient file storage

To structure downloaded photos, you can distribute them into albums, move, add and delete. You can assign a name to the album and change it later. Set up access both for individual photos and for the entire photo folder.

To create an album you need to do the following:

In the Yandex.Disk menu, select the “Albums” menu item

Then click on the “Create Album” button

In the gallery that opens, mark the photos that need to be saved to the album. We write down the name of the album (for example, I wrote “Computers”). Click the “Create” button.

After creating an album, we see the album cover, its name and photos.

Note! As a rule, the default cover is the photo marked first.

By default, all files that are uploaded to Disk are personal: they are available for viewing only through authorization of the account into which they were uploaded.

Access to an album can be changed to public simply by moving the toggle switch to the right of the sharing link (public link).

It is possible to see a separate photo of a public type even without registration, but only by following a key link. It is received and transmitted by the user of the account through which the file was downloaded.

Download photos

The next logical question after moving files to cloud storage will be how to download them. You can download the album to your own device by clicking on “Download as archive” in the upper right corner of the cover.

To download an individual photo, you will need to click the “Download” button of the same name under the photo.

Thanks to the web version and Yandex.Disk applications, you can quickly and easily upload photos for storage, share them with friends and publish them on social networks. The user-friendly storage interface helps you quickly master all the features and functions.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Recently I talked about how through the Internet. Then for the first time we started talking about Yandex Disk. A little later I reviewed cloud storage. And although this service did not become the best, I used it and have no plans to give it up.

Therefore, today I will give you step-by-step instructions. I’ll tell you in detail how to download from Yandex Disk, upload files to it, describe the main advantages and tell you how to use it as efficiently as possible.

You probably know that Yandex Disk can be installed on your phone, computer, used online, and more recently also installed on Smart TVs. I strongly recommend that you always have all important documents at hand and download the program and install it on all devices.

Lying on the sofa, you can easily upload a movie to Yandex Disk and launch it on your TV without even getting up! It's comfortable.

I have already forgotten what it is to copy documents onto a flash drive. I recently applied for a foreign passport and needed to print out one document. First, I uploaded it to Yandex Disk, came to the girl with a printer, sent her the required file on VKontakte and in a minute everything was ready.

Or one of my photographer friends’ removable disk with wedding photos went missing. What to do? Send the equipment to Moscow for restoration. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a specialist closer. But he could immediately easily upload all the pictures to Yandex Disk and not be upset about the breakdown at all.

Disputes often arise. I won’t give arguments and evidence now, but know: “This is really true. Cloud storage is the only place today where absolutely nothing can happen to your files: they won’t accidentally burn, suddenly break, mysteriously disappear, or even disappear without a trace. Nothing will happen to them.

Even if some kind of collapse occurs on the server, specialists will instantly restore everything. It won't be your problem. In my opinion, a significant advantage.

It will not be much more difficult to install the program on your PC and the application on your phone.

Until you want it, access to all files stored on Drive will be closed. To transfer it, you need to get a link and then send it to a friend. Now I will show you how to do this.

Online service: how to receive a link and download

Using the New button at the top of the control panel, I've already added a new folder and even uploaded some photos there. Now, by going to the main screen and clicking on this folder, on the right side you will be able to get a link to this archive.

Just click on the “Download” button.

Ready. The archive has loaded.

You can send one photo at a time. Click on it, click on the slider, opening access to the picture, copy the link and send it by email or on social networks.

You can select several photos at once and create a new album from them if you don’t want your friends to see all the pictures.

That's all. We sorted out the online service. By the way, if you don’t understand what kind of photographs were given for this publication, these are photos from Aliexpress. 3D printer . Thanks to it you can create models, toys, parts and much more. For example, one of my friends recently started making amazing bracelets based on her own sketches. He just makes interesting beads and strings them onto a base.


Using the program, getting a link and using the program in general is as easy as shelling pears. Open it like a regular removable disk, add a folder, files, documents or videos, right-click and select: “Yandex Disk” copy public link.


And finally, the Yandex Disk application for mobile devices.

This is what it looks like.

Click on the checkmark at the top of the screen.

Select the folder you are going to send. Now click on the slingshot, to the right of the plane, all in the same top panel.

You can also go into the folder itself and select multiple files.

I used pictures as an example an oven in which you can instantly prepare delicious breakfasts for the whole family: pizza, interesting toasts, omelettes and much more.

What to do if the download limit is exceeded

What difficulties may await you when using Yandex Disk? I recommend watching a video about what to do if the download limit is exceeded. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but anything can happen. At the same time, learn how to download large files much faster.

If you want to download games via Disk, I can recommend that you read the article about. Also, soon I will write a post on how to burn a bootable disk from an image. So, subscribe to the newsletter and don't miss anything important.

OK it's all over Now. See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

This convenient all-Russian service provides the opportunity not only to keep your documents intact, but also to successfully share them, if necessary, with friends or employees (read about registering with the Yandex.Disk service).

Downloading a document

How to download a document:

You can see details of reading documents from Yandex.Disk below.

Downloading a folder

You need to download the folder from Yandex.Disk:

Downloading videos

How to download videos from Yandex.Disk:

Advice! This resource provides other important and interesting conveniences for organizations, for example, how to work on the general development of documents in a shared folder. However, that's another story.

Well, now you have seen how simple and easy it is to download documents, folders and videos. I hope that the information was presented in an easily accessible form and will undoubtedly be useful. You can read how to upload files to Yandex cloud storage. Successful communication with the assistance of Yandex.Disk!

Hi all! As it turns out, many people don’t even know how to upload a file to Yandex disk for downloading by other users. I was surprised, but not much. Still, you can’t keep track of everything today. Therefore, my article today will be devoted entirely to this issue.

Website (browser version)

Naturally, the easiest way to do this will be direct downloading through the browser. I hope that you have mail on Yandex. After all, this is exactly what you need to get yourself cloud storage.

But personally, I prefer to use the drag and drop method. That is, in Explorer you need to select one or more files, after which you need to left-click on them. And then, without releasing the mouse button, we transfer them to the Yandex disk window, and then release them. The effect will be the same.

And of course, don’t forget that you can create various folders on the disk itself to organize all documents by category. In the future, you will be able to transfer everything to your friends or anyone at all.

How can I create a link so that other users can download the file?

By the way, if previously the maximum allowable document size was only 2 GB, now users can upload files up to 10 GB.


Also in Yandex disk it is possible to install the program directly on your computer. At the same time, you will have a new cloud folder that you can work with without going into the browser. Quite a handy thing.

To install the Yandex disk program on your computer, you need to log into your account and select "Install for Windows".

Now just download and install the program according to the instructions. There is nothing complicated there.

After this, a flying saucer icon will appear in the notification area. This will be our storage from Yasha. First, it will undergo synchronization, after which you will be able to work with them as in a regular Explorer. To do this, just click on this very icon and all your files will open right away.

I want to say right away that they don’t even take up space on your hard drive. But if you delete at least one document from this folder, you will no longer find it in your personal account in the browser. But don't worry. Even if this happens, it will not be deleted, but will be moved to the trash.

Well, uploading a file to Yandex disk for downloading is now no problem at all. Since this is essentially a folder, you can work in it in the same way. That is, we take any document from your computer, and then copy it CTRL+C. And then we go back to our flying saucer, that is, the Yandex folder. And already there we paste what we copied using the key combination CTRL+V. After this, the file will automatically appear in your browser version.

Well, just like in the previous option, you can simply drag the file from Explorer to the cloud folder. That is, select, hold and drag. It's simple.

Also, the undoubted advantage of the program is the maximum size of the downloaded file. Here you can insert any types of files up to 50 GB from Explorer. So at least upload movies to BlueRay. The program won't say a word to you.

Mobile applications

Well, where would we be without mobile technologies? After all, now with a smartphone you can do almost everything the same as with a computer. But for this we need a separate mobile application. It's available for free download on Google Play and App Store.

After installing the application, you will need to log into it and log in with your Yandex account. And then, I think, you will no longer have any difficulty understanding the program. Let me just say that to upload a file to Yandex disk you will need to click on the button with the plus sign.

After this, you will need to choose what exactly you want to upload to your cloud drive. For example, this could be a picture from the gallery, a new photo, files from the device, or even creating a new folder to organize documents. Well, then, depending on your choice, we choose what you need.

As you can see, there are many ways, and for all occasions. Of course, the absolute advantage of the mobile application is that you can enable unlimited adding of photos. I already mentioned this in my article when I talked about . So I would recommend that you all install this application on your smartphone so that cloud storage is always at hand.

True, I will tell you that to a greater extent I still use the Mail cloud. And all because at one time I grabbed 1000 megabytes of disk space on it for free. But I don’t stop using Yasha either. I always have it at hand.

Well, that's all for me. I hope you liked my article. So don't forget to subscribe to my blog on social networks. Then you will always be aware of everything new and interesting. I'm waiting for you again. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

The Yandex Disk cloud service is popular among many due to its convenience, as it allows you to safely store information and share it with other users. Downloading files from this storage is an extremely simple procedure that does not present any difficulties, however, those who are not yet familiar with it can find the necessary instructions in this article.

You can download both individual files and entire folders from the storage. Access to resources is carried out using a special link created by the owner of the Drive.

Option 1: Separate files

Let's say you received a link from your friend to a file stored on a cloud server and want to download it. By clicking on the link, you will see a window open. Now you can either move the file to your Drive or download it. You can save it either in your cloud storage or on your hard drive. In each case, you need to press the appropriate button. To save the file on your PC, click "Download", after which the process of downloading it to the folder will begin Downloads Your Windows account.

Option 2: Download the folder

If the link points not to an individual file, but to a folder with files, then when you click on it, the folder will open in a window, allowing you to see a list of the files in it. You can also either save it to your cloud storage or download it as an archive to your hard drive. In the second case, click on the button "Download all". The archive will be downloaded to the folder Downloads.

Inside the folder, you can select any file and download it separately.

Option 3: Video files

If your friend sent you a link to an interesting video, then when you click on it, the video will open in a new window. And in this case, as in the previous ones, you can either view it or download it to cloud storage or to your PC. To select the third option, just press the button "Download". The duration of the download depends on the size of the file.