Where to hide a router in an apartment. Where to install a Wi-Fi router in an apartment or house? Frequency bands and channels

Wi-Fi is poor in the apartment. Probably many people have encountered this problem. And most often the reason for this situation is seen in a “weak” router. But he may have nothing to do with it at all. For example, if you hide it in a closet in the hallway, you shouldn’t expect reliable reception in a room behind two walls. Below we will talk about where to place the router in an apartment or private house to ensure high-quality reception in the maximum area.

The Wi-Fi signal is a wave, the propagation of which can be imagined as an invisible sphere, in the center of which the router is located directly. Therefore, trying to install the transmitter as high as possible is pointless. But there should be a minimum of obstacles on the way of the wave to the user.

Wi-Fi absorbing materials can be divided into three categories:

  1. Have a weak effect: glass, cardboard, plastic, plywood.
  2. Medium absorption: brick, plaster, tinted glass.
  3. Metal, ceramics, and concrete have a significant impact.

Another important point is the distance from the router to the user. The wave tends to fade. The further away the device receiving the signal, the Wi-Fi reception will be worse.

By the way, there is also a factor that will be almost impossible to correct: frequency congestion. Most routers today broadcast a signal at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. In apartment buildings, almost every family will have Wi-Fi devices. And the more there are, the higher the channel load. Therefore, the same router can demonstrate different quality of work in a private house and apartment.

Where you should not install a Wi-Fi router

First, let’s define a list of places where the router definitely shouldn’t be:

  1. In an isolated space. There is no need to lock the router in closets, drawers, or closets. Even a wooden door will muffle the signal somewhat. But there will also be walls in his way.
  2. Under the table. For the same reason. Unless the device receiving the signal is located nearby.
  3. In close proximity to radiating technology. For example, you should not leave your router next to a microwave or radiotelephone.
  4. Behind metal structures. It’s convenient to hide the router behind them, but receiving a signal from behind them is not very good.
  5. Near heating devices. No, they will not affect the propagation of the wave. A simply overheated router is unlikely to work stably.
  6. Next to the mirror. The mirror reflects the waves perfectly. And this is another reason to avoid closets.
  7. Near large containers of liquid. Water, by the way, also absorbs the signal very well.
  8. In low-current shields. As a rule, they are recessed into the wall and closed with a metal door. Excellent signal interference complex.

So, we have identified a list of places to avoid. Now let's figure out how to choose a location for the router.

Where to put the router

Many, trying to avoid laying cables throughout the apartment, install a router next to the front door. And the signal has to break through all existing walls. It is not right.

We would advise experimenting a little before the provider cable is hidden under the baseboard. Take the devices from which the signal will be received. Place them in areas where they will be used most frequently. Check the router location options. And, moving it over selected points, sequentially measure the data transmission speed from the receivers using the Speedtest services or Internet meter.

Yes, it will take a little time, but then you won’t have to regret having to tear off the baseboard to pull the cable to another place. Well, you won’t need to worry about an uncertain reception.

Another option is to use programs that demonstrate the signal level and quality. For example, NetSpot or WiFi Solver FDTD. Their use will not require constant speed measurements. Otherwise the procedure will be the same. True, you need to download the apartment diagram to get recommendations on the location of the router.

The router is fine. How to strengthen the signal?

If you can’t find an ideal place for a Wi-Fi router, we recommend trying one of three options:

  1. Try making a reflective screen out of mica-coated cardboard. Install it behind the router and point it in the direction in which the waves should propagate.
  2. Buy a second router to install in different corners of the room, and configure one to operate as a signal repeater.
  3. Buy a repeater and place it in a room where you cannot get reliable reception.

Well, don’t forget when choosing a router to look for models that support operation at a frequency of 5 GHz. Although such waves are even less capable of overcoming obstacles, they will allow the use of a number of devices on less congested channels.

Have you encountered the problem of poor Wi-Fi signal quality? Tell us in the comments how you managed to find a way out of this situation.

This article is not about connecting and setting up Wi-Fi router and about its correct location in an apartment, private house, or office. If you haven't bought a router yet, then read on and go to the store. After purchasing a router, you will need to install it in a specific location, connect and configure it. You can read about connection and setup in the instructions that were included in the kit, or in other articles on our website. Instructions for setting up some routers are collected on the page. And in this article we will talk specifically about choosing a place to install the router. Where you can install and where you can’t.

The location of the router in the house first affects the coverage of the Wi-Fi network. It's clear. If you have a huge apartment or a large house, then by installing a router at one end of the house, it is unlikely that you will receive Wi-Fi in the back room. There are no secrets in choosing a location for installation. But by following some recommendations, there is a chance to do without buying a second router or repeater to strengthen your wireless network.

If at the time of purchasing the router you already have the Internet connected, then it is most often installed where the Internet cable from the provider is laid. Because laying a new cable, lengthening it, or even shortening it is not the easiest task. And I will say this: if after setting up the Wi-Fi router the network reaches the whole house and everything works well, then there is no need to invent anything. Install where you can. This is especially true for one-room or small two/three-room apartments. And also small houses. Wherever you install the router, you will have a stable Wi-Fi signal in all rooms.

Recommendations for choosing a location for the router

As I wrote above, you can install the router in a place where you like, where the Internet is connected, or where you have a place to install it (desk, shelf, etc.). If there are no problems with Wi-Fi network coverage, then you can close this article and use the Internet.

If you have problems with the coating, here are some tips:

  • Do not install the router close to other electrical appliances. Such as: radiotelephones, microwaves, TVs, etc. Since the Wi-Fi network operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, or 5 GHz. And the technology that I listed above can also use this frequency, then there will be strong interference. Because of this, the signal may drop, or the Wi-Fi network will be unstable.
  • The Wi-Fi signal passes through obstacles and at the same time the signal level drops. The biggest evil is metal barriers. Walls with metal elements inside (as a rule, these are load-bearing walls). Metal doors, etc. Mirrors and glass also reflect the wireless network signal. Concrete and brick walls also significantly reduce the radius Wi-Fi actions networks. The fewer walls and barriers, the better.
  • Look at the floor plan of your house or apartment and think about whether it is possible to place the router closer to the center. This arrangement will provide more even coverage throughout the home. And it won’t happen that your neighbor’s signal from your network is more stable than yours. Or install the router closer to the place where you will actively use wireless network. For example, closer to the bedroom and kitchen. But further from the children's room. You should like this arrangement if you are puzzled by the issue of harm from Wi-Fi network radiation.
  • If possible, install the router as high as possible. It can be mounted on the wall. Almost every router has holes for wall mounting. And the antennas fold.

And some more useful tips:

Where is your router installed in your house? How is the Wi-Fi network coverage? Share your tips in the comments and ask questions!


To ensure optimal signal reception in all rooms of your apartment (from 1 to 3 rooms) and adjacent rooms, follow a simple rule: the fewer walls between the router and your gadget, the better. If you think about how to achieve this result, you will quickly realize that very often optimal place to place the router - this is hallway or corridor(although the layouts now, of course, are different).

Respectively, It is NOT recommended to place a Wi-Fi router:

  • In places with limited space - niches, behind cabinets, sofas, on a bookcase shelf, etc.;
  • Below - on the floor, under the table, and so on;
  • Next to the equipment there is a TV, a refrigerator, a computer, a microwave oven, and a home wireless telephone. Maintain a distance of at least 1-2 meters;
  • Near radiators and in any other places where the air temperature exceeds 40 degrees - otherwise the router will heat up and will not be able to cool down;

More helpful advice- install a router as high as possible, ideally, hang it on the wall or place it on a shelf at a height of at least 2 meters. This way you get perfect coverage Wi-Fi networks in the apartment.

By the way, place the router as far away from you as possible… enough good for your health:). After all, even today scientists and doctors have not come to a final conclusion about whether wireless Internet is harmful to the body. But enough facts have already been collected that make you at least think about it. For example, at one time the so-called "Copenhagen" experiment Danish schoolgirls. In 2013, five girls germinated plant seeds for 12 days, both with and without Wi-Fi radiation. As a result, the seeds in six trays standing in an isolated room grew normally, while their “buddies” standing next to the Wi-Fi routers were unable to grow. And several sprouts even turned brown and withered! And in 2010, Dutch scientists tested trees for the effects of Wi-Fi. After three months of irradiation with a Wi-Fi signal, the ash trees “participating” in the study began to exhibit signs of radiation sickness(“lead” reflection on the leaves)!

In most of the articles on our site, we carefully describe the configuration of various models of modern routers. So, on the pages of the portal you can familiarize yourself with step by step instructions to popular models , and , and also check out and .

However, in addition to the right ones, for smooth operation you need to choose the right place for the wireless point WiFi access. And in this article we will discuss how to install a Wi-Fi router, and consider all the pitfalls of creating your own access point.

Where is the best place to install a router in an apartment?

So, to install a router at home yourself? you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • - all the “promised places” of your apartment must fall within the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi router;
  • - the router must be securely fastened and not exposed to external influences;
  • - the impact of the router on apartment residents should be minimized.

As for the convenience of the location of the router, the space occupied by the router and the aesthetics of installation - this is purely a “matter of taste” and has only an indirect relation to the rules for installing a home router.

  1. 1. Where to install the router in the house for maximum coverage area?

Wireless stability home network directly depends on how high the router is installed. This is due to the fact that the closer to the floor, the more objects will “interfere” with normal radiation (for example, WiFi waves will “cling” to cabinets, sofas, household appliances and other home furnishings).

Thus, in order to provide stable WiFi to the entire apartment (or one-story house), it is best to mount the router “under the ceiling” (for example, install a special corner shelf for the router or place the router on the very edge of a tall cabinet):

In city apartments, the “optimal” place would be the inner corner of the central room or the top of the outer wall in the hallway;

In a two-story apartment, it is best to install a Wi-Fi router in the central part of the house on the second floor, at a level of a meter from the floor.

  1. 2. How to install a router: technical features

You should install the router in the central part of the house or apartment based on the following considerations:

  • - to easily connect the provider’s Internet cable to it (this is especially “relevant” for optical fiber, which should not be “disturbed” once again: this cable is very easily susceptible to mechanical damage);
  • - so that the router is inaccessible to children and pets (it is worth foreseeing all potential emergencies in advance: does the interior door catch on the Internet cable, does splashes from the bathroom get on the router, etc.)
  • - to ensure unhindered access to the device if necessary (for example, to reboot the router);

Thus, it is best to mount the router above the front door: you don’t have to “pull” it through the apartment network cable and the risk of accidental damage to the router is minimal here.

  1. 3. Is it possible to install the router in the bedroom?

Despite the sincere assurances of the manufacturers network equipment that their products are “reliable and safe”, installing a router near the places where apartment residents regularly stay (in a children’s room, in a bedroom or on a desktop) is strictly not recommended. Any router is, first of all, an emitter and with regular wave exposure to the body, serious health problems can arise.