Megafon mail light version of the service is connected. Voice mail service from megafon. Is it possible to add corporate mailboxes to MegaFon Mail?

Operator mobile communications Megafon is spreading more and more throughout Russia, developing new convenient services for subscribers. In addition to high-quality and profitable mobile communications, the operator provides cable TV, Internet at high speed at competitive prices. In addition, the operator adapts to user requests and introduces new ancillary services. One of these innovative features is the Megafon Mail option, which allows users to get a full-fledged mailbox and control the receipt of emails through text messages.

Before connecting to this service, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its parameters, terms of provision, cost and operating features.

This service from the operator is a mail service with the functions Email. In it, the subscriber has the opportunity to carry out full control your email correspondence by using text messaging features. The user can receive and send electronic “messages”, view letters and attachments in them. In addition, you can create folders for letters, blacklist addresses, set up forwarding of incoming letters from other mail servers, synchronize mail with account Google entry and mobile device contacts, create notes and use other functions.

Megafon Mail is simple and in a convenient way working with emails. The subscriber's mailbox looks like this: " phone number" For example, [email protected].

Types of Megafon Mail versions

The operator service in question involves providing users with two versions of Megafon Mail. Let's consider the parameters of each of them separately.

Megafon Mail Light version options have fewer options, unlike full version:

  1. Daily subscription fee – 0 rubles
  2. Mailbox volume – 100 megabyte.
  3. The message storage period is unlimited.
  4. The type of notification about the receipt of a new letter is in the form of an SMS message.
  5. The ability to send letters is unlimited to Megafon addresses, no more than three letters per day to other addresses.
  6. Setting up accounts for other email accounts is not provided.
  7. The largest number of letters per user is limited by the mailbox volume limit.
  8. The largest size of one letter is 10 megabyte.
  9. Possibility of synchronization - no.
  10. Quota for SMS notifications – 50 pieces per day.
  11. Spam protection – yes.
  12. Availability of a mail filter - no.
  13. There are no calendar reminders.

The full version of Megafon Mail has great capabilities and is expressed in the following parameters:

  1. The daily fee is charged from the phone balance in the amount 2 rubles
  2. The mailbox capacity is 500 megabyte.
  3. The storage period for letters is also unlimited.
  4. Notifications can come in the form of text messages or PUSH notifications.
  5. Letters can be sent to any mail servers in unlimited quantities.
  6. It is allowed to create up to 5 external email addresses.
  7. The largest number of messages is limited by the size of the mailbox.
  8. One letter can be no more 25 megabyte.
  9. There is a synchronization function with a Google account.
  10. The number of SMS notifications per day is limited to 200 things.
  11. There is anti-spam protection, a mail filter and a calendar with reminders.

How to connect Megafon Mail

There are several ways to connect Megafon Mail, both light and full versions. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. The option can be connected on the Internet resource In addition to activation, here you can configure other email parameters.
  2. Connecting the full version of mail - send a blank text message to service number 5656 . In the text field you can specify “ P", which will also activate the full version.
  3. Connection light version mail is carried out by sending the text " L» to the same number.

The text in the message can be typed in Russian or Latin letters, and the case of characters does not matter. After activating the service, you will receive a response notification that will contain a link to go to your email address.

In addition to the above methods, connect Megafon Mail can be sent USSD requests call button:

  1. Connection " Easy» mail versions - * 656 * 2 # .
  2. Connection " Full» mailbox versions - * 656 # .

Features of the Megafon Mail service

In any of the offered versions of mail, you can view attachments in letters. The mail server optimizes files for correct display in the browser of a mobile device. The attached file can be viewed if the size is no more than 1 megabyte. This feature is also limited by the memory of your smartphone.

In addition, there are the following features of the service:

  1. You can use Russian and Latin letters and symbols in your email password: ! @ $ % ^ & * () _ - + and numbers.
  2. The Megafon email login cannot be changed; it must be in the form of your phone number.
  3. If you have forgotten your email password, mobile portal The website has a link “ Remind password" By clicking on it, you will receive the password in a text message.
  4. After deactivation " Full»mail versions, settings account on the server are deleted and cannot be restored.
  5. Messages may not arrive from some mail servers for the following reasons:
  • Some free email servers require additional connection and installations POP3 in your account settings;
  • some servers provide access to POP3 only for money. If you need to use a mailbox, you should check with support about how to access the server.
  • The Megafon Mail server selects new mail receipts only from the incoming folders of mail servers. It is possible that your letter ended up in " Spam"or another folder.
  1. You can add corporate email to this service if it works with protocols HTTP, POP3 And IMAP4.
  2. To determine the port number and address of the mailbox server, you need to select from the list required server. If it's not in this list, get advice at help desk your system.
  3. To determine the address IMAP4 or POP3 server, as well as the port number, go to the “Help” section of your server.
  4. Messages about new letters contain information about the number of letters, the subject of the letter, the address, and a link to the letter. By default, notifications arrive as text messages. They can be changed to push notifications.

Other Features

The work of Megafon Mail involves many nuances that you need to know in order to use this service correctly.

  1. Many phone models support push notifications. If such a function is not available on your phone, you can receive notifications via SMS, as well as through the web resource of your mobile device and find out if there are new emails received.
  2. At 80% When the box is full, you will receive a warning.
  3. Mail contacts do not sync with your phone's address book.
  4. In your mail settings, you can set the time range for receiving notifications. Select the desired time of day to be notified of new emails from the options provided.
  5. In the settings, set the time range for checking emails.
  6. You can temporarily disable the email notification function for each mailbox separately.
  7. IN mobile networks Foreign operators can also use Megafon Mail if these operators are Megafon's roaming partners and there is an agreement with them on this issue. When you are in roaming, payment for Internet for mail is made at roaming rates. Before traveling abroad, check the price of services on the Megafon website.
  8. If you purchase another mobile device, the service settings remain the same. You just need to connect the Internet and data transfer.
  9. If you can't log in Megafon Mail, the login and password, server address, and port number may be incorrect. Some mail servers require a connection POP3. This information can be clarified in the settings of your mail server.
  10. If you saw a new letter, but did not receive a notification, the letter may have just arrived, and Megafon is checking letters from at a given interval. Notification will arrive via specified time. If the letter is read, there will be no notification; the service checks unopened letters.

How to disable Megafon Mail

If you don't need Megafon Mail, you can disable it. To do this, the operator has provided several ways:

  1. On the mail web resource Using the site’s interface, you can manage the operation of the service, work with incoming correspondence, send new letters, configure mailbox parameters, address book, type of notifications, create accounts to collect mail from other servers.
  2. You can disable mail in your Personal Account by registering and logging in. By visiting the section " Services and options", you can easily disable this service.
  3. By sending text messages. To disable, follow these steps:
  • deactivating the light version of mail - send a message to the service number 5656 with the text " STOP (no, stop,cancelno) L»;
  • to disable the full version, you need to send the message “ STOP (no, stop,cancelno) P»;
  • commands are sent in English or Russian in any register; after disconnection, a notification is received with a link to email.
  1. By sending USSD requests for the light version - * 656 * 0 * 2 # , for the full version - * 656 * 0 * 1 # .
  2. You can connect Megafon Mail by contacting the support operator at 0500 , or by visiting the subscriber service office of this operator.

Megafon Mail is a service from the operator that makes it possible to simply and easily work with letters. The service is distinguished by its functionality and accessibility. To send and receive letters, and collect them from other personal addresses, it is enough to have a smartphone and Internet access. Each subscriber receives an email name in accordance with his phone number, and it is registered as “subscriber phone [email protected]”. The service is provided on all tariffs except Telemetry. In addition, the option is presented in two options: “Full” and “Easy”. The first version with a small subscription fee, the second one is completely free.

This service can be activated by the subscriber independently. He can also turn it off if necessary. Many subscribers use the “Full” version. This is due to the fact that Megafon Mail in this version provides more features. Below is a comparison of the “Full” and “Lite” versions:

Size 500 MB Size 100 MB
Letter size maximum 25 MB Maximum 10 MB
The maximum number of incoming letters is limited only by the mailbox
Sending messages is unlimited Unlimited for the operator's domain, for others a maximum of three messages per day
Sync with Google account Absent
Receiving messages from other mailboxes Only from the operator's domain
Calendar with event creation, SMS reminders No
SMS notification of a new letter, limit 200 SMS per day 50 SMS
Five external account boxes allowed Allowed zero account external mailboxes
The address book

However, the “Light” version, unlike the “Full” version, is free and connects automatically.

Price, connection and disconnection

The simple option is provided free of charge, but for the “Full” option there is a charge daily fee in the amount of two rubles, but upon first connection the first seven days are not paid. With the light version, traffic is paid in accordance with the established tariff; when connecting to the “Full” version, traffic is not paid additionally. SMS notifications are not charged.

"Megafon mail" free version connects using the USSD request *656*2# or by sending an SMS message to the number 5656 with the letter “L/L”. If you want to connect to the “Full” version, then send a USSD request *656# or an SMS message to the number with the letter “P/P”.

If you want to disable mail, then you can also use SMS or USSD request. To disable the free version, you need to send an SMS with the letter “L/L” to the number 5656 or a USSD request *656*2#. To disable the full version, send an SMS message with the letter “P/P” to the number 5656 or USSD request *656#.

This or that version of mail can be configured in accordance with the subscriber's requirements. If necessary, mail can be disabled at any time. Subscribers can also configure settings for receiving notifications in the appropriate section. Subscribers can receive additional information and answers to all questions at the operator’s official showrooms or at the call center. Here they will help you with solving any questions, for example, they will tell you how to connect or disconnect the service, configure it, and so on.

About the possibility of using the number mobile phone Not all users know the role of a postal address. Moreover, on this moment There are quite a lot of different services that provide such an opportunity. However, some subscribers know that there is a MegaFon Mail service ( easy version and full version) and use it quite successfully.

Description of service

The essence of the service is that the subscriber number becomes the address of the mailbox, which has the following format [email protected]. You can receive all electronic correspondence to this mailbox as usual. "MegaFon Mail" light version (we'll look at what it is and how it differs from the full version below) has a number of advantages. One of which is the absence of tariffs - information about received letters is received in the form of a text message.

Advantages of the light version of mail from MegaFon

There are a lot of them, and everything is done to make it convenient for subscribers to use the service:

  • A simple and easy to remember email address.
  • There is no limit on the period of storage of accumulated letters.
  • Optimized for mobile devices An interface that allows you to easily view, select, and create new messages.
  • Absence of any tariffication (using the mailbox is not subject to any fees) - this property is applicable only to the “light” mail option, which has some restrictions.
  • Availability of notifications about incoming correspondence with the ability to configure notification receipt. For example, period: the subscriber can set the desired time when notifications from the MegaFon Mail service (light version) will be received.

What is the “light version” and how is it different from the full version?

Subscribers are provided with two options for using mail from mobile operator: full and lightweight version. The second is characterized by:

  • No tariffs (you don’t have to spend money on activating and using the “Easy Mail” option, while for the full version a monthly subscription fee of 2 rubles is charged daily).
  • Small volume for storing correspondence (up to 100 MB).
  • The ability to send an unlimited number of letters to third-party email accounts through the full version of the MegaFon Mail option. The light version (we explained what it is earlier) provides the ability to send only three messages within one day.
  • Notifications about new email messages are also provided in a limited version, both on one and another type of mail. In the case of the full version, two hundred notifications are allowed per day, while in the light version - only fifty.

How can I subscribe to MegaFon Mail (light version)?

To activate the service, you need to dial the following request on the number *656*2#. In the response message you will find information about your personal login and password that will be used to log into your mailbox. Follow the instructions from Megafon. Mail (the light version - what it is and how it differs from the main version, we discussed earlier) will be activated in a few minutes. You can disable it using the request *656*0*2#.

Megafon mobile clients can use the Megafon Mail service. Thanks to it, working with email becomes fast, simple and convenient. This option comes in two types: “light” and “full” versions. "Light" version included in the price tariff plan subscriber, therefore it is free. And the “full” version is provided with additional features and has a subscription fee. All Megafon communications users can connect to the required subscription, regardless of location. Let's look at how you can disable the Megafon Mail service.

Call the call center operator - to do this, you need to dial 0500 on your device, clarify your passport details, and a support employee will help you remove the unnecessary service.
  • Sending USSD code:
  • To terminate the “full” version of the service, dial *656*0*1# on your mobile phone and send to *656#.

To disable the “light” version, send *656*0*2# to *656#.

Sending a message to number 5656:
  • If the service version is “light”, then type the message text “Stop (no, cancel, stop, no) L”.
  • If it’s the “full” version, then write “Stop (no, cancel, stop, no) P” in the SMS message.

Contact one of the Megafon office centers in your city. To do this, you need to provide your passport, give your phone number (the number must be registered to you) and ask the employees to unsubscribe you from the service.

On the official website of the Megafon operator, go to your Personal Account by entering your phone number and the received password. In the “Services and tariff” menu, select “Change the set of services”. Uncheck the box next to the Megafon Mail subscription and save the changes.

As you can see, disabling the Megafon Mail service is not at all difficult. Choose any of the proposed methods and everything will work out.

Description of the Megafon Mail service and instructions for connecting it.


Operator cellular communications Megafon has gained great popularity in Russia due to its wide range of services provided. In addition to cheap and high-quality cellular communications, the company offers residents of the country high-speed Internet and cable television via favorable rates, and also constantly adapts to the needs of its subscribers and introduces new Additional services such as “Promised payment”.

One of these new products was the Megafon Mail service, thanks to which subscribers will have access to a full-fledged mail service and will be able to track the receipt of new emails via SMS messages.

Megafon Mail service

What is the Megafon Mail service?

  • As already mentioned, the Megafon Mail service is a full-fledged Post service, in which the user can fully control their inbox through SMS messages.
  • Using SMS messages, the subscriber can receive and forward emails, view any media files, create and control email folders, add contacts to the blacklist, forward incoming emails from external mailboxes, synchronize the mailbox with a Google account and telephone contacts, take notes and much more.
  • The Megafon Mail service is activated automatically and each subscriber receives his own personal mailbox with the address " 792********@megafon. mobi", Where " 792******** » — subscriber’s mobile phone number. However, if you already have a mailbox that you don’t want to change, you can set up forwarding of incoming letters.

Megafon Mail service. Easy version

Light version of the Megafon Mail service

  • The light version of the service is provided free of charge and is connected automatically with the purchase of a SIM card, but has a number of limitations. It operates exclusively on the Megafon network. That is, subscribers with the light version have the opportunity to send unlimited amount letters to mailboxes with addresses " 792********@megafon. mobi", and only three letters per day to third-party mailboxes.
  • In the light version of the service, the mailbox capacity is limited 100 MB memory, and the volume of one electronic message should not exceed 10 MB. In addition, a subscriber with the light version cannot receive more 50 SMS notifications about letters per day.
  • Also, the light version of the Megafon Mail service does not have the ability to synchronize email with a Google account, filter emails, linking third-party mailboxes, calendar with reminders, notes and contact management.

Megafon Mail service. Full version

Full version of the Megafon Mail service

  • The full version of the Megafon Mail service has an expanded package of functions in addition to those already available standard features light version. The cost of the service is only 2 rubles per day and when you connect, the first week of use is absolutely free.
  • In the extended version, the mailbox memory capacity is increased to 500 MB, and the volume of one email before 25 MB. The number of daily SMS alerts has increased from 50 to 200, and Push notifications are available in unlimited quantities.
  • Also, in the full version, synchronization of mail with a Google account has become available, where you can save copies of important emails and download media files from the cloud for sending. In addition, it became possible to link external mailboxes in the amount 15 pieces. This way, you will be able to fully control all your mailboxes and instantly respond to incoming emails.
  • There are also features such as managing contacts, synchronizing them with contacts on your phone, message filter settings, a calendar with a reminder function, and notes.
  • A unique feature of the advanced version is Push Notifications, which pop up when a new email is received. This function is good because it will save you from constantly cleaning SMS messages with alerts.

Connecting and disconnecting the Megafon Mail service

How to connect and deactivate the Megafon Mail service?

We have already found out that the light version of the service is provided free of charge and is connected automatically when you purchase and activate a SIM card, but you can connect the full version of the service in several ways:

  • The first way to connect is to send an empty SMS messages to the number 5656 .
  • You can also activate the service using USSD commands. *656# and press " Call».
  • Call Megafon customer support at the contact number 0500 and ask your operator to connect you to the Megafon Mail service. You can also get from the operator Additional information for this service.

There are also several ways to disable the Megafon Mail service:

  • To number 5656 send SMS message with the text " stop L" - to disable the light version, " stop P"—to disable the full version.
  • To disable the full version of the service within your means USSD commands dial on your device *656*0*1# and press " Call»
    To disable the light version of the service within your means USSD commands dial on your device *656*0*2# and press " Call»
  • Call customer support at 0500 and ask your operator to disable the Megafon Mail service for you. The operator will ask you to provide your passport data and secret word (if any).
  • You can also contact the nearest Megafon office with a request to disable the service. You must have your passport and mobile phone with you.

VIDEO: How to disable Megafon paid services?