On which tab can you add a new counterparty? Directory of counterparties. If the counterparty is an individual

How can I correctly enter the details (TIN, KPP, etc.) of Russian and foreign counterparties in the 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) program?

In “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0) it is possible to specify the country of registration of the counterparty. The country of registration is the country in which the head office of the counterparty is registered. The country of registration in the configuration can only be specified if in the infobase in the section Program functionality included Controlled transactions(for CORP version) or Imported goods(bookmark Reserves) - see fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Section "Program functionality"

After enabling one of the specified options, the country of registration can be indicated in the counterparty card. For legal entities and individuals registered in the Russian Federation, the country of registration is indicated - “Russia”. When entering Russian counterparties for legal entities, the following codes are indicated:

  • OGRN.

Rice. 2. Entering details of Russian organizations

When entering individual entrepreneurs registered in the Russian Federation, the following codes are indicated:


Rice. 3. Entering details of Russian entrepreneurs

For Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the correctness of the TIN and KPP is monitored according to the npchk.nalog.ru service. If the counterparty is registered outside the Russian Federation, then the following codes are indicated for individuals and legal entities:

  • Tax number;
  • Registration;

Rice. 4. Entering details of foreign counterparties

A tax number is a tax number assigned to a taxpayer in the country of registration, an analogue of an INN for Russian organizations.

Registration number is a registration number assigned to the taxpayer in the country of registration, an analogue of OGRN/OGRNIP for Russian organizations.

In the case when a foreign organization is registered with the tax office in the Russian Federation, it is assigned a TIN. There may be several reasons for registration: opening a branch, purchasing property in the Russian Federation, opening a current account in a Russian bank. The TIN of a foreign organization is assigned once and does not change during the entire period of activity of the foreign organization. In the case where a foreign organization has received a TIN for any of the reasons, this TIN must be indicated in the counterparty’s card.

For foreign counterparties, verification by the npchk.nalog.ru service is not performed.

To create a counterparty in 1C, you need to fill out a card in the counterparties directory. You can make all the entries manually, but part of this work can be done by the program itself.


1. Select the “Directory” item in the main menu, and the “Counterparties” item in the submenu. Click the Add icon on the toolbar. The symbol pops up when you move the cursor over the icons. The counterparty's card will open. Fill out all fields of the card, click OK in the lower right corner. With such careful work, the likelihood of data distortion is extremely high. It is better to use the probabilities of the 1C program to load the counterparty’s data.

2. If an organization has received payment from a new client to its current account, the 1C program will offer to create a new counterparty when downloading bank statement data. When entering a counterparty in this way, the following data from the payment order will be loaded into the program: INN (personal taxpayer number), KPP (code for reasons for placing under control) and bank details of the new counterparty.

3. Add the missing data to the counterparty card. Check the required “supplier/buyer” box. The likelihood of entering into contracts with the counterparty depends on this. The 1C program will not allow you to enter a purchase agreement into the card of a counterparty that is checked only in the “Contractor” field. One counterparty can be both a contractor and a client for an organization at the same time.

4. Fill out the “Agreements” tab in the counterparty card made by the 1C program when exporting a bank statement. Each type of agreement in the 1C program corresponds to a set of standard accounting entries.

5. Fill in the “Contacts” tab with the counterparty’s address, telephone numbers and information about contact persons.

6. If an organization has received services or inventory items from a new contractor, then the new counterparty can be added to the directory when an invoice or work completion certificate is entered into the 1C program database.

7. One counterparty may have several checkpoints, several different agreements and bank accounts. When loading new data, the 1C program identifies the counterparty by TIN. Subsequent settings depend on user requirements. If you need separate accounting for separate divisions of the customer, make several accounts in the program for one counterparty. When loading data after checking the TIN, the 1C program will continue checking at the counterparty’s checkpoint. It is permissible to maintain separate control over several settlement accounts of a counterparty, if this is important for the distribution of settlements among various types of services.

Often, an experienced accountant serves not one, but several organizations. If the type of taxation and trading activity are similar, it will not be difficult for an experienced accountant to maintain documentation for several companies at once. Many will agree that it is more comfortable for everyone to conduct accounting reports in the 1C program, however, one session of the program supports working with only one organization, and the document database for the entire enterprise must be created separately.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet;
  • – 1C program.


1. Find through “My Computer” the folder that contains the document database of the organization being processed. If you do not remember correctly where on the hard drive it is located, launch the 1C program by double-clicking on the icon. In the “Launch 1C” window, select a closely connected database that is suitable as a prototype for copying. Click the "Change" button and look at the path to the database. Cancel metamorphosis and close the previous window.

2. Copy the entire contents of the prototype database to a new folder. Name the folder in an accessible language so that in the future there will be no questions about which organization it belongs to. Launch the 1C program again and this time click the “Add” button. Give the name of the database, again, fairly identifying the database being created. Set the path to the new database by clicking on the button called “Add”. Confirm your selection and wait for the program to load.

3. Go to the menu section “Service”, “Organization Information”, and change the details and other registration data to the information of the connected enterprise. This method is very primitive and eliminates any fuss with the settings and the program configurator. However, the new enterprise inherits all documentation along with the database. You can remove unnecessary items by marking documents for deletion. Directories of contractors and employees (if the organizations are related) will still be useful to you.

4. Taken together, we can say that creating new databases using 1C software on a personal computer is not so difficult. There are also various videos on the Internet that clearly show how to use this software. You can use similar materials for a more clear and rapid comprehension of the 1C program.

The 1C-Enterprise program, like other versions of 1C-Accounting, supports working with several databases. This may be required if you are processing documentation from more than one organization, which is quite common among experienced accountants. You have a chance to work in the same program, but with different document databases at the same time.


1. Launch the “My Computer” shortcut on the desktop and find the folder in which documents from the organization closely connected to the program are located. If you are not sure where this folder is located, look at the path to it through the 1C program menu. Launch the main menu of the program via a shortcut on the desktop and, having preferred the organization in the list, click on the “Change” button. The bottom line will indicate the full path to the database.

2. Make a copy of the existing database to a new folder. Copy all the files and name the new folder similar to the name of the organization, so as not to accidentally delete it later. It is worth keeping the databases in a special place. Launch the 1C program menu to add the completed base. Click on the "Add" button located to the right of the list. In the window that opens, give the name of the organization to connect and write the path to the folder.

3. Load the program with the new database. It will look like the documentation of the organization from which you copied it. Change the organization information in the “Service” menu and delete unnecessary documents. This method of creating a database does not require special knowledge of 1C and can be applied by anyone, even an accountant inexperienced in 1C programming. In addition, the new database will inherit directories from the old organization - that is, information about contractors in your city will be entered, which is very convenient.

4. It is also worth noting that all databases must be stored in the right place and additional copies created, because when infected with virus software, all files become infected and must be deleted. There may be snags in the operating system, which will require formatting of each information.

Directory Contractors in the 1C program it is used to account for settlements with suppliers and customers, as well as any other debtors and creditors, who are generally called counterparties and can be legal entities or individuals.

In fact, these are suppliers and buyers, banks, tax inspectorates, individual entrepreneurs and other organizations that need to be included in the information base for accounting or for drawing up primary documents.

The counterparties directory is hierarchical, which means that you can create groups and subgroups in the directory, and enter counterparties into them. This makes it convenient to keep track of settlements with suppliers and buyers for different functional groups of counterparties.

An important point when entering a new entry in the Counterparties directory is the “name” attribute. The program provides two name fields. The first field is the short name of the counterparty, and the second field is the full name. Many organizations have long names that include a variety of abbreviations and may have multiple spellings. Using such ambiguous names, it will be inconvenient to search by counterparty in the information base in the future.

Therefore, in the “name” field, it is best to enter a short and understandable key name of the counterparty, by which it is easy to find this counterparty in the list. And in the “full name” field you should enter the full name of the counterparty, which will appear in the documents.

Features and configuration of the 1C Contractors directory

A feature of accounting for settlements with counterparties in 1C programs is accounting under contracts. The counterparty agreement is a mandatory requisite for the analytical accounting of counterparties for accounts 60, 62, 66, 67, 76.

Therefore, when entering a new entry in the counterparties directory, you need to go to the “Accounts and Agreements” tab and enter the counterparty agreement in the “Counterparty Agreements” tabular section. If accounting for settlements with a counterparty does not require detailed settlements by agreement, it is enough for the counterparty to enter one “main agreement” and use it in all 1C documents.

If necessary, in the “Bank Accounts” tabular section, enter the bank accounts of the counterparty, which will be used in payment documents.

A useful feature of the directory is setting up accounts for settlements with counterparties. To do this, click on the " Go» select the item “Accounts for settlements with counterparties” and fill in the information register of the same name. It is possible to set up accounting accounts both for directory groups, which is very convenient, and for individual suppliers and buyers personally, if necessary.

On the page you can download a video tutorial on setting up settlement accounts in the Counterparties directory.

A useful feature of the directory is also the ability to sort directory elements by name and TIN of counterparties. When working with the 1C program for a long time, it is possible to enter one counterparty several times under different similar names or re-enter a supplier into a buyer group and vice versa, especially when there are several users working in the accounting department.

In this case, accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers becomes noticeably more complicated, because in all reports one counterparty will appear on several different lines of reports, possibly even under the same names, which sometimes causes confusion for novice accountants.

Then sorting the directory by TIN with the hierarchy of groups of suppliers and buyers disabled helps to unambiguously identify doubles and trebles, because the counterparty’s TIN cannot differ and duplicated records will be nearby.

To create a counterparty in 1C, you need to fill out a card in the counterparties directory. You can make all the entries manually, but the program itself can do some of this work.


  • Select the “Directories” item in the main menu, and the “Counterparties” item in the submenu. Click the Add icon on the toolbar. The symbol pops up when you move the cursor over the icons. The counterparty's card will open. Fill out all fields of the card, click OK in the lower right corner. With such painstaking work, the likelihood of data distortion is very high. It is better to use the capabilities of the 1C program to download counterparty data.
  • If an organization has received payment from a new buyer to its current account, the 1C program will offer to create a new counterparty when loading bank statement data. When entering a counterparty in this way, the following data from the payment order will be loaded into the program: TIN (individual taxpayer number), KPP (reason code for registration) and bank details of the new counterparty.
  • Add the missing information to the counterparty card. Check the appropriate “supplier/buyer” box. The possibility of entering contracts with the counterparty depends on this. The 1C program will not allow you to enter a purchase agreement into the card of a counterparty that is checked only in the “Supplier” field. One counterparty can simultaneously be a supplier and a buyer for an organization.
  • Fill out the “Agreements” tab in the counterparty card created by the 1C program when exporting a bank statement. Each type of agreement in the 1C program corresponds to a set of standard accounting entries.
  • Fill in the “Contacts” tab with the counterparty’s address, telephone numbers and information about contact persons.
  • If an organization has received services or inventory items from a new supplier, then the new counterparty can be added to the directory when an invoice or work completion certificate is entered into the 1C program database.
  • One counterparty may have several checkpoints, several different contracts and bank accounts. When loading new data, the 1C program identifies the counterparty by TIN. Further settings depend on the user's requirements. If you need separate accounting for separate divisions of the client, create several accounts in the program for one counterparty. When loading data after checking the TIN, the 1C program will continue checking according to the counterparty’s checkpoint. It is possible to maintain separate accounting for several settlement accounts of a counterparty, if this is important for separating settlements for different types of services.
  • Directory “Counterparties” in 1C: Enterprise version 8.2

    The “Counterparties” directory is intended to store information about individuals and legal entities with whom your organization interacts, as well as about recipients of the listed taxes. For the convenience of storing such diverse data, groups can be created in the directory: Suppliers, Recipients, Banks, Tax Authorities, etc.
    We will have two groups: Suppliers and Recipients.
    In Suppliers – KAVKAZ LLC
    Buyers include Snegurochka LLC and Ded Moroz LLC

    Adding groups to the “Counterparties” directory in 1C: Enterprise version 8.2

    When filling out counterparties, pay attention to the contractor agreements area.

    Account and agreement tab in the “Counterparties” directory in 1C: Enterprise version 8.2

    Please note that the tabular part of the Accounts and agreements tab consists of two parts: Bank accounts and Contracts of counterparties. Using the Add buttons, enter the data. Be sure to fill out both of these fields.

    When entering a new contract, it is necessary to set the price type for this contract if we want to ensure that the default price is set when entering documents. In this case, the “sales” price, since the agreement is with the buyer. Very often an error occurs when an incorrect Contract Type is entered. If the counterparty is a Supplier, then the type of contract with the Supplier, for the buyer - With the buyer.

    Similarly, let’s fill in the data about Ded Moroz LLC and for the Supplier KAVKAZ LLC, but its price type is: purchase, and the type of contract with the Supplier.

    As a result we get