iPhone 6 plus won't turn on. What to do if your iPhone won't turn on? Faulty Lightning cable

When using Apple technology, an unpleasant situation often occurs when your iPhone turned off and won't turn on. This scenario applies not only to iPhone smartphones, but also to the popular line iPad tablets. In these cases, you should not sound the alarm in advance, get upset, worry, and especially not take your Apple gadget to a special service center. First, calm down, carefully consider your actions and follow the instructions below.

In the vast majority of cases, a number of similar situations are not even a breakdown; the device simply stops responding to button presses and does not turn on. Use two universal methods that will make your device work.

The main two reasons why and refuses to work, is either low charge batteries in a smartphone, or a banal system freeze, which in Lately This is increasingly happening with Apple technology.

These problems do not relate to hardware or, especially, software errors, for the solution of which it is necessary to take the device to specialists or repairmen.

You can solve the problem yourself by connecting the phone to the charger and leaving it in a quiet state on charge for 10 - 15 minutes. The battery icon should light up on the black screen of the gadget. This means that the device's battery is completely discharged and you need to wait a bit. After the specified time, try turning on the smartphone without unplugging the device from the outlet.

If the reason is that your iPhone or iPad is frozen, you need to force reboot the system.

The screen is dark and the iPhone does not turn on - does not respond to button presses

The option when the iPhone does not turn on, much less respond to button actions, has recently become a fairly common occurrence in Apple phones and tablets.

The standard situation goes like this: iPhone devices or the iPad was not used for a long time, while the device was fully charged. At one point, for reasons unknown to you, the gadget turned off and no longer wants to turn on. At the same time, pressing the start key of a smartphone or tablet, the screen does not light up. What to do and what to do if your iPhone or tablet does not turn on?

The main thing is not to panic. There is nothing scary or dangerous in this, since mobile devices from time to time they can go into “save mode”, which is similar to the indicated symptoms, especially when the gadget is rarely rebooted and used.

A universal method for “reanimating” an iPhone or iPad tablet

If your iPhone or iPad tablet is charging but won't turn on, use a simple sequence of actions that is suitable for most models of the manufacturer and will help “reanimate” a frozen device: press and hold the “Power” key and the “Home” button at the same time for 10 to 20 seconds. As a result, the apple logo should light up on the gadget’s screen, and the device will continue to load.

These instructions apply to the following manufacturer gadgets:

  • iPhone 2G;
  • iPhone 3G;
  • iPhone 3Gs;
  • iPhone 4;
  • iPhone 4s;
  • iPhone 5;
  • iPhone 5c;
  • iPhone 5s;
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus;
  • iPhone 6s/6s Plus;
  • iPhone SE;
  • Any version of the iPad.

If the iPhone still does not turn on, the apple lights up and the screen goes blank, most likely the error is more serious, hardware or software. In this case, you need to either change the charger or the phone battery. This can be done at a company service center.

Method for new versions of iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus smartphones

The option for turning on Apple's new smartphones, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, is not much different from the universal method. This is due to the fact that the “sevens” have a built-in touch “Home” key instead of a mechanical button. By simultaneously pressing and holding the “Power” button and the volume down key for 10–20 seconds, the user activates a special wake-up mode for the phone. The company logo will appear on the display and the device will boot into normal mode.

Quite often, a mobile gadget may freeze while one of the programs is running, which caused the iOS system to malfunction. In this case, the buttons do not work, and it is necessary to start the process by analogy with the previous situation forced reboot phone.

The above examples constantly arise with most of the manufacturer’s devices. A list of guidelines solves the vast majority of them, but if you're unlucky and your device still won't boot, then it looks like you might be experiencing one of the following issues.

An iPhone is a thing that shows the status of the owner and is simply one of the most convenient smartphones on the market. Accordingly, losing such a device is much more unpleasant than a regular phone.

But then the day came when the iPhone 6 turned off and did not want to start up again. Button presses have no effect, and the 6 shows less life than a regular stone. At this moment, most owners begin to panic and are ready to pay any money to repair the device or even buy a new one. But why shouldn’t you lose your head and what to do if the iPhone 6’s screen has gone dark and won’t turn on?

Causes of breakdowns

Any repair begins with diagnosis, because it is impossible to solve a problem without knowing the reasons for its occurrence. So think about why iPhone 6 won't start. If you manage to drown your device in wine or drop it from a height, internal damage is possible.

Software failure

If the smartphone received an update before the problems began or pirated firmware was installed, but the phone itself does not start or charge, then there was a software failure and the software is to blame.

Mechanical failure

If the device turns off by itself and the source of trouble is a mechanical breakdown, then without special education you will not be able to fix it. You need to bring your smartphone to the service center. But when the gadget does not turn on or charge due to firmware or viruses, you can try to fix the problem yourself. And only then, if it doesn’t work out, spend money on specialists.

The next stage is checking for signs of life. It’s one thing when the phone turns off and doesn’t turn on and doesn’t respond to charging. Even in this condition it is possible to restore it. And if the charge indicator lights up, the chances increase.

But more often the iPhone turns off and does not turn on, does not respond to charging, and the screen generally ignores any key presses. At the same time, if it turns off and does not turn on, what you should not do is try to open the case and inspect the insides. Such actions automatically render the warranty for the newly purchased “six” useless. The “opening” should be done very carefully; delicate cables and microcircuits can easily be damaged.

Battery failure

The reason that the iPhone turns off without your intervention is often a “dead” battery or a system error. In the first case, the charge of the device at the moment is not even so important last launch. It may turn off even at 100 percent or while connected to power.

If it does not respond to the power cable, and the indicators are silent, then the most likely outcome is a dead battery. There is no longer any way to do the usual replacement. charger, most likely you will have to change the battery.

In order not to waste money, check the signs given by the device in this case. So, if the smartphone charges, but does not work as it should, then the problem is most likely with iOS.

Possible causes of breakdowns and their solutions

Frostbite of the device

If you live far in the north or the winter in your city is particularly cold, this may cause your phone to break down. Moreover, iPhones are in no way protected from cold up to “eight”.

Therefore, the six frozen to death is a common practice in our country. The device will not respond in any way to pressing and will temporarily seem like a brick, but correcting the situation is very simple. First of all, put the device in a warm and dry place, then connect the charger to it and wait for at least 15 minutes. All other things being equal and a timely reaction, the gadget will quickly come to life and become functional again, but often warming up is not enough.

You have no choice but to check the device for any signs of life. After half an hour of charging, without removing the device from the power, hold down the “Home” and the power button for about 20 seconds. An apple will appear on the display and the keys can be released. After which, for about another minute, the Apple device will conduct self-diagnosis and a complete system restart.

If this turns out to be useless, you can try to start and disable the silence mode with an interval of 2-3 seconds between presses. Did not help? Then the board may oxidize due to condensation, battery frostbite, and other unpleasant hardware failures.

Stuck loading screen

There are also situations when the iPhone does not start, but the Apple logo manages to light up for a few seconds. This is a good sign - the accessory is alive at the hardware level, but does not start due to a system error. In this case, the software does not work, but you can revive the gadget on your own.

An iPhone with these symptoms does not work due to an incorrectly installed update or virus program and you need to start from these very reasons for the breakdown.

Problems with device hacking

There are cases when a gadget turns off due to improper hacking by the owner and crooked pirated firmware. The guarantees immediately disappear and here you can only rely on yourself. So what should you do if your smartphone stops turning on due to software?

Does your phone show charging but won't start? Try to go into Recovery, and if you succeed, most of the recovery task can be considered completed.

This should be done only after complete discharge and reconnecting the power.

After complete discharge, the “brick” may show signs of life again, so try not to touch it for several days and let the battery discharge. Do not try to get into the inside of the smartphone, as after disassembling everything can only get worse.

Connected to your computer and the device was recognized? This means you have correctly identified the reason why the screen went dark. The problem is clearly not that the battery has suddenly discharged or the power supply has died.

What to do if the device was not recognized

What to do if the device was recognized, but incorrectly? It's okay, it happens and your next steps are the same in any case. You should launch iTunes and go to Recovery. After this, the program itself will recognize the device and offer several actions to choose from.

Make sure to transfer all valuable information, then click the “Restore” button, which will erase all data and reset the phone to factory settings.


The device can turn into a “brick” if the system is installed incorrectly or an unsuccessful update from the developers. The main thing is not to panic, because any software errors can be fixed on your own! We tried to analyze each of them in detail. possible breakdowns and picked up the best ways their decisions.

If your iPhone 6 turns off and won’t turn on, what should you do to save this device? Why does this even happen that the said device starts to fail? When iPhone 6 turns off and won't turn on, instructions and DIY repairs possible with the recommendation of our service.

Instructions: In such a situation, there may be several different types of malfunctions and, accordingly, different options for eliminating them.

  1. Try rebooting the device in question first. To do this, hold down the power and home buttons at the same time, hold for a few seconds and then quickly release. If this does not help, then you need to look for the cause of the malfunction in something else;
  2. The battery is broken, so the cellular communication device does not turn on. You will have to replace the battery;
  3. Inspect the power connector for chips and corrosion. If it is faulty, we will replace it with a new original analogue;
  4. It is also recommended to replace a damaged power controller (it deteriorates due to voltage surges);
  5. If your iPhone 6 does not respond to charging, but the connector is functional, then such glitches may be caused by a non-functioning harness, printed circuit board or liquid that penetrates the device. There may have been mechanical damage. Computer diagnostics will help to accurately identify the provocateur of incorrect phone behavior.

Result: The 1st, 2nd and 3rd options can be done at home yourself, but if you have the 4th or 5th option, then only professionals at the service center will help.

You were offered 2 options to choose from: either you repair your iPhone 6 yourself, or you entrust this task to our specialists.

Repair at our Apple Telemama service center

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We sell only high-quality, factory-made spare parts.
  2. Price. We buy parts in bulk to give you the lowest prices.
  3. Repair time. Installation to replace displays, speakers, connectors, etc. takes about 20 minutes. If a complex breakdown is detected, then diagnostics will take an additional 20 minutes.
  4. 1 year warranty.

If the iPhone 6 does not function correctly, our technicians will be able to fix it. Such problems cannot be fixed at home.

The courier service will help with the delivery of equipment or come to us personally at the Telemama service center.

We perform initial diagnostics absolutely free of charge, and after discussing the cost of repairs, we begin to carry out the repair.

We use only original factory spare parts for replacement. Rescue operations are carried out by experienced professional craftsmen. We definitely provide a 1 year warranty.

Carry out computer diagnostics, buy the right part and save on installation costs by connecting the component at home.

Regular customers do not expect discounts, since minimum rates are always offered to them. Under the terms of the promotion, you can repair your mobile phone iPhone 6.

And it happened! Finally, the decision was made to buy an iPhone 6s, and it’s already in its packaging on the table at home. Before you start using it, you need to activate and configure your phone.

First steps

First you need to insert a SIM card. On the phone removed from the package, you need to find the connector on the right side surface and insert the prepared SIM card there. To open this connector, you should use a special device called an i-clip. If you have not yet purchased a SIM card, you can skip this step. But it’s still better to start working fully, so that after activating the iPhone, you can check whether the phone already has ready-made settings for the US operator, and how efficient the radio module is.

After the SIM card is installed, you need to turn on the phone. On the iPhone 6s, the button for this is located on the right side surface, in its upper part. The phone will turn on if you press and hold this button for a few seconds. The fact that it has turned on will be indicated by a welcome message appearing on the screen. Then, according to the instructions, you need to select your country of residence and language.

iPhone activation

Now you can start activating your phone. To do this, you need to connect it to a computer or Wi-Fi. It is also possible to use a 3G/LTE network. If there wireless network, then connecting to it is the most convenient option. If it is not available, then you need to select “use Mobile Internet» from the mobile operator of the installed SIM card.
It would seem that you can use Wi-Fi network from a tablet or other smartphone, but this will not work with an iPhone.

After this, a request to enable geolocation will appear on the phone screen. You can enable this feature after activation, or immediately upon request. Experts recommend the second option.

Then three options for activating the phone will appear on the screen:

  • The first sentence “use as” will suit the vast majority of users, especially those who are using an iPhone for the first time. As a result, only standard settings will be installed on the smartphone.
  • If you refer to "restore from iCloud copies", then all the settings that were on the user's previous iPhone will be recreated on the new phone. All folders containing applications will also be restored, and all notes and tabs will be saved in the browser.
  • The third option is “restore from iTunes copies"suitable for those users whose iPhones did not support iCloud, and for saving backup copy iTunes function was used.

For those who choose the first activation option, the device will offer to create account to log into Apple services – Apple ID. Then you need to go into the phone using your created data and agree to the “Terms and Conditions” by tapping at the end of the text.

You will have to wait until the device finishes activating and setting up. Upon completion, a corresponding message will be displayed on the screen, and the smartphone will offer to connect various services and protect the device from unauthorized access. Almost all of the services offered are free and can be activated immediately. Various questions from the “diagnostics” and “display enlargement” sections will also be asked. After this, the phone will be ready to use.


Judging by the reviews, simplicity using iPhone 6s and him specifications evoke only positive emotions among owners. However, the Apple store is always happy to make its customers happy with high-quality goods from the world of technology. Lately a lot positive feedback sounds about another Yabloko product - macbook pro. However, this laptop is worth talking about separately.