Online translator from Russian to German accurate translation. German-Russian online translators

Any economic activity of enterprises and doing business presupposes the opportunity at a certain stage to cooperate with partners from abroad. Many German investors invest money in Russian markets. That is why translators from German into Russian are in great demand today.

The German language has a number of translation features. Therefore, when translating documentation from it, when you urgently and at the same time need to carefully read the contract, read the instructions, etc., it turns out that very few specialists speak this language at a sufficient level. And as often happens, there is not one at the company. Finding a specialist, highly qualified translator, and quickly, can be very difficult. It is in such a situation, when time is running out, that services will come in very handy free translator online.

The German language has a number of features that should be taken into account during translation. It contains many complex terms that consist of several nouns. And in the Russian language, a noun and an adjective are used. A striking example would be the word “time pressure”, not everyone knows, but it came from German. It consists of two nouns: Zeit - time and Not - need. Thus, the literal translation would be “need of time.” When performing machine translation, one should not forget about this peculiarity of constructing phrases in German.

Considerable difficulty lies in choosing the correct meaning of a polysemantic word during electronic German-Russian translation. Often, even the stem of the same word has a number of different meanings that depend on the context and sentence.

The main thing in German-Russian translation is the meaning of the translated phrases and sentences. And to be more precise, a special order of arrangement of words in a sentence, which provides for the placement of the conjugated predicate in last place. Thus, the main meaning “sounds” only at the end of the sentence. Precisely because when it is produced automatic translation From German it is important to remember this feature.

When translating a text or phrase, you should remember that its essence is in understanding the meaning, and not in literal translation and searching for the meaning of each word in the dictionary. Although online translator The good thing is that it doesn’t require dictionaries. It will help you quickly understand the meaning of both words and phrases in German. Absolutely free, in just a few seconds, you will receive translated text.

In order for the text to be logical and complete, words should be rearranged and prepositions added in a number of verbal constructions, but this is a fairly simple task. The main thing is that you will immediately understand the meaning of the text, which means you can effectively communicate with your German partners. An online translator from German into Russian will help you maintain business connections with business partners from Germany.

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on German you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for German-Russian translation, you need to enter text in German in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu German, on Russian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Russian text.

Specialized German dictionaries

If original text for a translation related to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized German dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. The default dictionary is for general German vocabulary.

Virtual keyboard for German layout

If German keyboard not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the German alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from German.

As in any other language, the first difficulty for a translator when translating from German into Russian is choosing the correct meaning of a polysemantic word. Even the stem of a word in German can have very different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
German word order places the conjugated part of the predicate last in the subordinate clause. This means that its “semantic core” will be voiced only at the end of the phrase. This should be taken into account when translating sentences from German into similar sentences in Russian.
As with any other language, when translating German text Remember that your task is to convey the meaning, and not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, rather than choosing words from the dictionary.

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on German you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for German-Russian translation, you need to enter text in German in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu German, on Russian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Russian text.

Specialized German dictionaries

If the source text to be translated relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized German dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. The default dictionary is for general German vocabulary.

Virtual keyboard for German layout

If German keyboard not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the German alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from German.

As in any other language, the first difficulty for a translator when translating from German into Russian is choosing the correct meaning of a polysemantic word. Even the stem of a word in German can have very different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
German word order places the conjugated part of the predicate last in the subordinate clause. This means that its “semantic core” will be voiced only at the end of the phrase. This should be taken into account when translating sentences from German into similar sentences in Russian.
As with any other language, when translating German text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, rather than choosing words from the dictionary. If you need to type something in your native language, but on a computer or laptop English layout– you need a virtual German keyboard on your computer screen. It is very simple and convenient to use. If you don’t like something, something doesn’t work or doesn’t work correctly, please let us know. For us it is very important. On the website using our virtual keyboard you can absolutely free and online:

Typing on the virtual keyboard is easy and free

We have been testing the site interface and keyboard layouts for your convenience for a long time. And now we are confident in your comfort when typing on our keyboard online on your monitor screen. Here online you can use a standard keyboard (qwerty), phonetic keyboard and others. A German keyboard in the form of an alphabet will be added soon. It's easy to type letters, translate them, print and save them, and stay in touch with friends using Facebook and Twitter. And of course – what would the Internet be without Google search and YouTube videos? All these actions are done on our website in 1 click - try it! You can also save your printed documents (to do this, you need to log in using Facebook, Twitter or Google) so that you can continue them later.

German keyboard online on your website - how to get it and use it

You can also install our link, button, or the entire online virtual German keyboard on your website - to do this you need to copy the code and paste it into your website or blog. We are also open to suggestions for the features you need - just write to us and describe what is missing (the more details, the better) - we will do what you need!

German keyboard and English translation online

In order to translate text typed on your keyboard online, simply click the “Translate” button and the world’s most popular online translator from Google will open in a new window. By default, the translation is set to English, but you can choose any other language at your discretion.

To translate text into Russian, just paste the German text into the left window and click Translate. In the menu you can select translation options into other languages; in addition to Russian, you can translate into English, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages ​​(32 languages ​​in total). It is also possible to translate from another language or when you do not know what language the text is written in. The translator automatically detects the language.

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Free German-Russian translation

German translator absolutely free service. This translation service is provided by a world famous company. The quality of text translation for a free translator is quite good, which is comparable to manual text translation. Free translation carried out almost instantly and, as stated above, not only from German. The translator translates texts in German and English languages. It is worth considering that the meaning of a sentence in German is at the end of the phrase, so enter better offer entirely, and not that part of the phrase whose translation is unknown to you. As in any translation (from any language), what is important is not the translation of words, but the translation of the meaning of the phrase.