When using the phone for the first time, battery. How to properly charge the batteries of smartphones and laptops so that they last longer. Proper Battery Setting

There are thousands of instructions on the Internet on how to charge the battery of a new smartphone. Needless to say, most of them are based on mythical and sometimes simply made-up facts about batteries. We suggest you abandon amateurish journalistic investigations and turn to the storehouse of knowledge of the Swiss educational portalBattery University .

Scientists have created this resource for engineers, teachers, students and ordinary users of modern gadgets. All the facts given below are scientifically proven.

A guide on how to properly charge your phone battery for the first time

1. After unpacking your smartphone (or tablet) use it a little to consume 2-5% of the charge after long-term storage in the warehouse.

2. Under no circumstances do not reset the device to zero as advised on the Internet - low charge harmful to Li-Ion and Li-Poly batteries (explain why it is harmful).

3. Execute Charging your phone to 100% for the first time from the original charger to configure the controller (if you interrupt the process, it’s okay, connect the charger again).

4. Use only original charger with a connection to an outlet (it won’t work with an old phone, and you shouldn’t borrow from your parents/wife/friends either).

5. Do not do it charge your phone battery for the first time from a computer, USB outlet, or wireless charging Qi.

6. After filling the container to 100% unplug the charger(you don’t need to leave it like that for several hours, even if you have fast charging technologies like Qualcomm Quick Charge, as recommended on the Internet).

7. Try to be supportive charge level between 30% and 80% When using a new phone, give up the idea of ​​always bringing it to 100% and discharging it to zero.

8. In case sharp "jumps" in percentage charge (from 100% to 92%, for example) or if the phone suddenly turns off If the battery is partially charged, then calibrate the controller according to the instructions.

How to extend the life of a new phone battery?

You already know how to charge a new phone battery. Following these additional recommendations will help you extend your battery life. Keep in mind that Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries do not have a fixed service life (it cannot be said that they all work for 2 years before requiring replacement). Moreover, the battery in a smartphone does not die suddenly - it loses its resource gradually depending on operating conditions, temperature regime work, load intensity and frequency of discharge cycles.

You can extend battery life:
protecting yourself from ultra-fast discharges (with overloads),
working at moderate temperatures (not in the cold or in the sun),
avoiding full charging to 100% (it is better to charge to 75% and charge more often),
removing too powerful applications (Pokemon GO, Snapchat, Facebook - full list contact email(email: );
by toll-free (for residents of Russia) phone number: 8 800 555-86-57 (24 hours a day);
join our VKontakte community.

Unfortunately, even modern technologies do not allow you to “keep the life” of your favorite gadget without recharging for too long, so it is important to take care of the battery. To do this, you need to know how to properly charge the battery immediately after purchasing the device, as well as during its operation.

How to properly charge a new phone?

The question of how to properly charge a new mobile phone worries many smartphone owners. But not everyone knows that the method of charging the phone and the need to “overclock” the battery depends on the battery itself. Today, three types are used:

Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer

Such batteries are the most common in modern devices. This is due to their ease of use, as well as greater energy efficiency. They don't require complete discharge and charging at the beginning of operation, but still some rules in their use must be followed:

  • When purchasing a new phone with lithium battery no need to immediately connect it to the network. You should wait until the battery charge level drops to 10-12% and only then plug it into a power outlet.
  • This cycle must be repeated 2-3 times.

As a rule, the charge indicator will show after 2-3 hours that the phone is 100% charged, but this is not the case. In fact, the battery is only 70-80% charged, so you should leave the phone in the socket for another couple of hours.

Nickel metal hydride

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are quite rare today. If you become the owner of a smartphone with such a battery, remember that it requires a more careful and careful attitude towards itself. There are 3 basic rules for their operation:

  • Do not overheat.
  • Do not recharge.
  • Do not overdischarge.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries, unlike lithium batteries, must be “discharged” after purchasing the device. For this, 3-4 cycles of full charging and discharging will be enough. It is worth remembering that it is better not to interrupt the charging process before the indicator shows 100%. This may reduce the battery's performance and energy capacity.

How to properly charge your phone while it is in use?

So, the first test of the battery has already been completed, and you are entering the operating mode of using your smartphone. What are the rules for charging it? at this stage? Let's consider them further:

  • Charge your device regularly. Studies have shown that a battery that is regularly discharged by more than half begins to lose its energy efficiency after 1500 charging cycles, and with a discharge rate of 25% - after 2400 cycles. Therefore, try to recharge your phone as often as possible. It is most effective to keep its charge between 60% and above.
  • Once a month, discharge and charge to 100%. It would seem that such a procedure may contradict the rules described above. In fact, it is carried out not in order to increase the efficiency of the battery, but in order to calibrate the charge indicator. As you use your phone, it may show some errors and display false information. After complete charging and discharging, this problem is eliminated.
  • Try to prevent your phone from overheating. A large number of running “complex” applications, direct exposure to high temperatures, etc. – all this negatively affects the performance of the battery. Various covers made of foam materials provide excellent protection from overheating. Also keep an eye on the quantity open applications and do not leave the device in the sun.

You will also learn about the rules for charging a Li-ion battery in the following video:

No matter how carefully you treat your phone, its battery will lose its efficiency over time, so it is recommended to replace it every 1-2 years.

Current parameters for charging a mobile battery

Any USB connectors are designed to transmit current with a voltage of 5 Volts, so they can be connected to any devices via a USB cable without any fear. The second, but more important issue is the current strength that the charging unit provides. It is measured in Amperes and the charging speed depends on this indicator. Standard charging units are usually configured to provide the required amperage at which the battery will be “charged” most efficiently.

To make this question more clear, let's look at a small example. As a rule, the required current for Android tablets is 2A, for smartphones – 1A. If you connect the laptop to a phone charger, it will charge more slowly than with the original unit. In the case of a smartphone, on the contrary, the charging speed will increase slightly. However, this does not affect the quality of the battery.

If we talk about charging a phone from a laptop, then this also has its own characteristics. As a rule, a standard USB socket is designed for a current of 0.5A, despite the fact that even the simplest smartphones today require 0.8A. This will not negatively affect battery performance, but charging will be much slower.

Myths about charging phones

There are a huge number of different myths and statements among users that are not always true and effective. Let's look at the most basic misconceptions that occur today:

  • Any battery requires several discharge-charge cycles. In fact, this is not true. As mentioned above, almost every modern gadget or mobile device uses lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. They do not depend on the charging-discharging cycle.
  • Do not leave the device connected to the network for a long time. This myth is only partly true. Most devices are equipped with special controllers that prevent the battery from being “overcharged,” but some do not have such functions.
  • Installing special applications can extend battery life. In fact, the vast majority third party applications, which are installed by users, do not have any impact on the quality of the battery, much less its duration. You can increase the “survival” of a gadget only using preset means – reducing brightness, turning off mobile internet, enable energy saving mode.

For more information about the myths associated with charging batteries, watch the video:

Modern batteries mobile phones not as demanding as before, but still need special care and maintenance. Given that their service life is already relatively short, if you do not adhere to the rules described above, you can reduce it even further. Therefore, treat your battery with care and it will last you longer.

In contact with

Over the past twenty years, smartphones have become an integral part of life. If people used to get along quite well without a phone, today, if you forget it at home, you feel like you have no hands. The main problem of many devices remains short battery life. Sometimes this is a consequence of poor quality, but more often the reason is improper operation. The battery will live longer if you know the charging rules. Let's figure out how to properly charge your phone.

How to properly charge the battery?

The charging process is simple - just plug the cord into the phone connector. charger and wait from one to three hours. But the catch is that it is during charging that people, without knowing it, damage the smartphone’s battery. What do you need to consider so you don't have to buy a new battery every three months?

Keep it regular

Don't wait for the phone to die. Frequently discharging to zero reduces the overall capacity of a lithium-ion battery. It is better to regularly charge your smartphone when there is 10–20% charge left.

There is a direct relationship between the battery life and the percentage of energy that remained in it at the time of recharging. Pay attention to the table below. It shows that the ideal solution is to recharge the phone as soon as the charge drops below 90%, but in practice no one does this.

Disconnect the charger promptly

This applies to cheap Chinese chargers and some original ones. It’s difficult to know which one stops supplying power after reaching 100%, so it’s better to play it safe.

Continuing to charge an already charged battery means gradually killing it. To avoid this, unplug the cord immediately or use special outlets that stop supplying power after a specified time.

Completely discharge and charge the battery once a month

This is necessary to calibrate the charge level indicators. The fact is that if you frequently charge your phone battery, the sensor will eventually display incorrect information on the screen. Therefore, a smartphone that just showed 70% charge may suddenly die.

Don't overheat the battery

Do not place your phone in direct sunlight. High temperatures reduce battery capacity. At an average storage temperature of +25 degrees and correct conditions of use, the battery will lose 4% of its capacity in a year.

If a smartphone is frequently overheated above 60 degrees, its battery capacity will decrease by 25% over 12 months.

How to charge your phone without charging?

You often encounter a problem: an important call is about to take place, you are in the city center, and your smartphone has 5% charge left. What to do in such a situation if you don’t have a phone charger at hand?

Ask for help

Go to a large supermarket and do some shopping. Some of them have special lockers with chargers for customers. Put your phone on charge and walk between the rows for 10–15 minutes. The resulting energy should be enough for a 20-minute conversation.

Another way to revive your battery is to contact your carrier's office. They shouldn't refuse. And if they do take a fee, it will be a small one.

Use special terminals

Battery charging terminals are appearing in some supermarkets, waiting rooms and train stations. Unfortunately, there are still not as many of them as we would like. But it's worth looking. You will have to pay a certain amount for an hour of charging.

A laptop will help

The phone can be charged via a laptop by connecting it via a USB port. A data cable will work for this. Such charging will require more time, but, as they say, for lack of fish and cancer, fish.

What to do in a critical situation?

When there is neither a charger nor special terminals, you need to take extreme measures. It's not certain that it will work, but it's worth a try. Remove the battery and place it on a metal surface in direct sunlight, such as a can.

Heating will speed up the movement of molecules, causing the charge to increase slightly. Half an hour of sunbathing for the battery is equivalent to about five minutes of much-needed communication. However, you should understand that this trick is harmful to the battery, and, of course, the procedure cannot be repeated several times.

Battery saving tips

If you see that your phone has 30% of the energy left and you won’t get home soon, turn off unnecessary functions and programs on your smartphone. The Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS communication modules consume more power than others. Put your device in Airplane (or In-flight) mode and lower the screen brightness.

Staying connected is extremely important in modern world. A phone battery that runs out at the wrong time can seriously ruin your mood. To make this happen less often, follow the rules for using the battery and charge it properly. new phone. How long does your smartphone battery last?

Photo: It’s better to charge your smartphone a little every day than to charge it from zero to 100% every two days

By following simple rules for charging your new phone, you can significantly extend the battery life in the future.

From how to charge correctly new smartphone, the efficiency of the further operation of the device’s battery depends. Technology has moved forward, and modern smartphones of any brand charge faster than the vast majority of regular mobile phones. However, charging a new gadget for the first time requires special attention.

How to properly charge a new phone battery

When purchasing new mobile device you should listen to the opinion of the sales consultant. Usually a qualified specialist himself mentions the charging rules specific model smartphone. Most recommendations are as follows:

The smartphone must be operated until the battery is completely discharged;

It is necessary to carry out 3 cycles of completely discharging and charging the gadget;

The phone must be completely discharged within 12 hours after purchase.

You can read about how to properly charge your gadget in the relevant documentation. As a rule, it comes complete with the device. If you decide to purchase a used gadget, it is strongly recommended that you read information about the model on the Internet. There are enough descriptions for each model of popular phones in blogs and online instructions.

Photo: Keep your smartphone's charge between 40 and 80 percent

Myth or reality: how to properly charge your phone battery

There are many myths surrounding the methods and rules for charging a smartphone battery. For example, there is an opinion that if you completely discharge the device and fully charge it, the battery life will increase significantly. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries that power modern mobile devices have specifications, which completely refute this myth.

Particularly cautious people have an erroneous opinion about how to charge a battery. Many people believe that leaving a fully charged smartphone connected to a charger for a long time will harm the battery. IN modern smartphones and laptops have a built-in controller that stops the current flowing from the power supply to the battery when the gadget is fully charged. This makes the charging process completely safe in terms of battery wear.

A common misconception among fans of Android mobile gadgets is that task killer programs significantly prolong battery life. Often they just clutter RAM devices and reduce the charge.

Photo: Use only “original” chargers

How to charge a mobile gadget if there is no charger

Charging a smartphone is a prerequisite for its operation. But what to do in a situation when your mobile gadget will soon be completely discharged, but you don’t have a device to charge it? Of course, this is not a reason to panic. There are always ways and little tricks that will allow you to recharge your device a little and not lose contact with remote partners.

If you are near a large supermarket or shopping center, do not be lazy to go there. There will definitely be mobile goods shops in the building. If you politely ask the sellers in these establishments, they will not refuse. Fully charging your phone is a lengthy process. You can simply charge it to a certain point, giving you time to get to your charger.

New phone battery: how to charge correctly?

After purchasing a phone from a mobile electronics store or receiving an order from an online store, we immediately begin to study the new device. I would like to explore all its capabilities at once, personalize it with the help of melodies, wallpaper, and other “tricks”. After the first impulse subsides, the owner of the gadget thinks about how to properly operate his device. The most important part of using your phone is charging it. Its service life depends on how correctly you charge your phone. It is also important to know how to properly charge a new phone battery. This will be discussed in this material.

To properly operate your phone, you need to have an idea of ​​what batteries it uses. In the majority modern phones are used . Over the past decade, they have become the dominant type of battery in smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Among them there are such varieties as batteries. They differ in electrolyte composition. Otherwise they are very similar.

The advantages of lithium batteries include high energy capacity, low self-discharge, no memory effect and good discharge current. True, such batteries cannot work in devices with a discharge current of 10-20C (C is the capacity). Their place is still occupied there. An example of such a scope can be called mobile power tools, warehouse equipment, etc. The disadvantages of lithium batteries include a short service life and a fairly high cost.

The service life is about 500 charge-discharge cycles. The time frame ranges from 1 to 4 years, depending on the intensity of use. Lithium batteries irreversibly lose capacity not only during operation, but also during storage. It is worth adding that at low temperatures, lithium batteries lose their ability to deliver current.

I would like to say about such types of batteries as . These batteries were used in mobile electronics (phones, laptops, players) before mass production of commercial lithium batteries was established.

Nickel-cadmium batteries are different long term operation (up to 1 thousand cycles), low price and operation in a wide temperature range. Their advantages include easy restoration of capacity after long-term storage or deep discharge. Naturally, there are also disadvantages. This is harmful cadmium in their composition, high self-discharge and “memory effect”.

All these disadvantages forced specialists to develop a replacement for them in the field of mobile electronics. Such a replacement should have been nickel-metal hydride batteries. They have a significantly smaller “memory effect”, low self-discharge and can deliver a high discharge current. But they have a fairly high cost, a service life comparable to lithium, and the specific energy intensity is much lower. Therefore, they could not become a full-fledged replacement for cadmium.

How to properly charge a new phone battery Now directly about how to charge a new smartphone battery. After purchasing the device, wait until it is completely discharged. Now you will say that you have seen recommendations about the absence of the need to fully discharge lithium batteries. That's right, this should be done only 2-3 times on a new phone battery, as well as during periodic calibration, which will be discussed below. That is, we first discharge the new battery before turning it off. Lithium batteries have a controller that monitors the discharge and charge of the battery. When the voltage is critically low, a signal appears phone and the device turns off. Thus, deep discharge of the battery is prevented.

After your phone battery is dead, you need to fully charge it. Before doing this, we recommend that you read the manual of your mobile device and find out the exact time to fully charge the battery. After this, you should charge the phone with it turned off for the specified time until it is fully charged. Usually, fast charge passes in 2-3 hours. In this case, the battery is charged to 80-90% of its nominal capacity. This charge is quite suitable during operation and is even recommended, but not for a new battery.

To fully charge a smartphone battery it will take from 10 hours to a day. Exact time depends on the battery parameters (voltage, capacity) and the characteristics of the charger. The phone is kept turned off. So, the new battery will concentrate on accumulating charge and will not give it to power the phone’s microcircuits. After charging the smartphone, use it until it is completely discharged and charge it again using the specified method. So, 2-3 times. Later, during operation, you can safely charge the battery incompletely or discharge it incompletely. But more on that below.

If you still have an ancient gadget with an alkaline battery, then it is necessary to “build up” it. And not only the new battery, but also during further use. If this is not done, then Ni-Cd or Ni-MH batteries will lose capacity as a result of the “memory effect”.

What if you only have a battery and no phone? How to charge it? We recommend reading the material about.