Preventive work of a psychologist at school. Preventive work of a psychologist at school Take the test using the Schulte table

The involuntariness of mental processes, characteristic of preschoolers, will cause many difficulties in learning for younger schoolchildren if work is not done in time to improve attention, memory, and thinking. Elementary school teachers complain that students often cannot concentrate on the material being studied in time, distribute their attention when they need to listen to the teacher and at the same time write, solve problems and remember the rules. That is why it is necessary to help a small schoolchild master the skills without which successful learning is impossible. One of these skills is the management of voluntary attention, which requires goal setting and volitional effort. To properly teach a child this skill, you need to know what level of development of his attention is, what exercises should be used to train the skill. Perhaps they will be simple with a small number of actions, or, conversely, the student can be offered quite complex solutions to move on. Schulte tables for children are intended to diagnose the expected level of attention. At school, a psychologist diagnoses the mental properties of younger schoolchildren, but parents can also conduct a preliminary examination of their beloved child using simple exercises.

What do parents need to know about the Schulte technique?

Schulte tables are a classic, time-tested, psychodiagnostic technique designed to study the stability of attention, its volume, and distribution between objects. With its help, you can also determine the effectiveness of children’s independent work and train peripheral vision, which is very important for mastering quick reading. We can say that the tables serve as material not only for examining children, but also as a simulator for a necessary property, for example, attention. For elementary school students, systematic and ongoing training using tables will help:

  • quickly and firmly master learning tasks;
  • adequately evaluate acquired knowledge;
  • perceive educational material productively;
  • concentrate attention on any object or action.

The stimulus material of the technique includes five cards measuring 60 by 60 cm, which are made of thick cardboard. The card is lined into 25 squares, each containing numbers from 1 to 25 (an individual version for different tables). The student is required to read all the numbers in forward or reverse order. When finding numbers, you can rely on auxiliary means: pointing with a pointer, underlining with a pencil.

The level of completion depends on the age and preparedness of the student. Parents can buy such tables or draw them themselves, as they are quite easy to make.

Important: The arrangement of numbers in the tables needs to be changed periodically, since the child can quickly learn where each of them is located.

How to use tables when working with children?

In order to clearly carry out the test, and then, it is necessary to correctly prepare the stimulus material presented above. Psychologists advise placing the tables at a distance of no more than 35 cm from the subject. If this is an older preschooler or first-grader who is unfamiliar with the technique, for the first test you need to prepare tables of only 16 cells.

In the future, the number of cells gradually increases, since the more there are, the more difficult the task. Then the adult gives the child instructions:

  1. look carefully at the table without distraction (about 10 seconds);
  2. turn it over, focus on the material you viewed;
  3. take a pencil, turn the table with the front side facing you;
  4. without hesitation, draw a continuous line to connect numbers from 1 to 16 (25) in order;
  5. All numbers must be said out loud.

Important: For testing, it is necessary to prepare several tables at once that the child must work with. No mathematical calculations are required, so the test is quick and the results are as objective as possible. All indicators are strictly recorded.

Interpretation of test results

The main thing is that when interpreting the results obtained, it is necessary to take into account the time spent on completing the test and the number of errors made. Even without special knowledge, any parent will understand that the longer the child takes to complete the task and the more mistakes he makes when finding numbers, the worse the results obtained. The more intense the work on the simulators should be. And, conversely, a quick and error-free test solution is a good sign that the junior student has successfully passed the test.

It is important for a parent to know how to correctly interpret test results. The methodology has developed special tools that will help you do this. This includes average indicators: calculation formula efficiency of ER operation and formula workability(inclusion in the test) VR .

ER (in seconds) = (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5) / 5

t1…t5 – amount of time for the next card;

5 – number of tables used.

Important: The calculation takes into account the total time (in seconds) spent working with all tables.

Performance Assessment ER correlates with the child’s age, measured in points, a high score is a good result, a low score is a bad result:

The height of the workability level is found using the formula:

VR = t1 / ER

Important: The time is calculated using the first table.

In order to determine the resulting level VR child, we need to consider the indicator:

  • if he less than one- high level,
  • more than one- the level is low, that is, it will be difficult for a younger student to get involved in work.

In addition to these indicators, you can also consider sustainability, the student’s ability to concentrate on a task - PU , which is calculated by the formula:

PU = t4 / ER

Important: The time of the fourth table (t4) is taken as the countdown. The indicator characterizing a student with strong mental stability should be less than one. Significant evidence suggests a low ability to concentrate one's attention on the task at hand.

Tables as attention trainers

The Schulte technique is original in that it can be used as attention simulators when working with primary schoolchildren. She is also a godsend in home teaching, since her stimulus material is easy to implement and does not require special parental training. However, you need to know about the essential points of conducting such trainings.

Psychologists advise that in the first lessons with a child, use, as training material, a table with partially highlighted numbers, for example, all odd numbers are highlighted in bold. When a younger student learns to quickly navigate cards with numbers, the stimulus material needs to be made more complex. For example, increase the number of cells by making a larger square.

Considering that play still occupies a lot of space in the lives of primary schoolchildren, experts recommend introducing game elements into training for children. Then regular training exercises can look like games.

Exercise “Show and name correctly”

An adult and a child perform actions together, but in different directions. First, the student names the numbers in direct order (ascending), and the adult at the same time in reverse order (descending). Then the players change.

Exercise "Even-odd"

An adult and a child also perform simultaneous actions, one reads even numbers, the other reads odd ones. After several actions, players change roles. This is quite difficult for a child, since focus and concentration must occur in the presence of bright external interference.

Exercise "Red-Black"

For the exercise, the table is made in red and black, 7 by 7 in size, that is, 49 cells. Two sets of numbers fit into them, one in red (for example, from 1 to 25), the other in black (from 1 to 24). The child names all the red numbers first, then all the black ones.

As an option, when calling all red numbers, use direct counting, while calling all black numbers, use reverse counting.

Since many game variations can be invented, simulators do not tire the children. Parents can also use competitive elements, prizes and rewards to keep students interested in exercise classes.

Schulte tables are considered one of the most effective simulators for improving peripheral vision, attention, and memory. Accordingly, they help to learn to read quickly, easily find the necessary information in the text and develop mental resistance to external stimuli during work. They are a plate in which numbers or letters are randomly arranged, in one or more colors, depending on the level of difficulty.

The most common version of the table: 5 columns and 5 rows, and the cells contain numbers from 1 to 25.

The essence of the exercise

When working with Schulte tables, two points play the most important role: the speed of finding all the numbers in ascending order (or descending depending on the task) and the correctness of the exercise. Only in this case will there be a positive effect from training, and peripheral vision will improve.

Schulte tables are successfully used both individually and en masse, for example, in collective trainings. Such training gives the fastest and most noticeable effect to a developing organism, that is, to children, for whom special modified tablets have been developed.

What can you expect when working with tables?

Human vision works in such a way that its most accurate concentration falls on the central zone of the retina. Peripheral zones work much less efficiently, which is why a person’s viewing angle and width are somewhat limited.

With the help of Schulte tables, a person develops several skills:

  • Peripheral vision (due to which the volume of the fragment that a person perceives when reading increases);
  • Parallelism of perception (with the help of tables we learn to simultaneously evaluate all cells, selecting the right one, due to which, subsequently, a person will not perceive information sequentially - one part after another, but several fragments at the same time);
  • Stress resistance (training with tables, especially if carried out in a noisy place or with any distracting sounds, such as music, can improve under stressful conditions, which significantly increases working capacity);
  • (due to increased peripheral vision, a person increases the amount of text he sees, which allows him to read much faster);
  • Quick search for information (working with tables teaches you to look at a large amount of text at one point, making it much easier to find the necessary information in a huge block).

Taking the test also allows you to evaluate your current skills to see if they need improvement.

Of particular importance is working with Schulte tables during general training in neurolinguistic programming. Due to exercises, the working capacity of workers increases, as well as their ability and speed of performing sequential actions. That is, the tables teach a person to turn off his critical perception of reality and go into a somewhat apathetic state, which is ideal for working with logically sequential operations.

Methodology for completing the exercise

When working with tables, the main aspect is the correctness of the training. Since the emphasis is on improving peripheral vision, the training begins by focusing the gaze on the central cell of the table, and the rest are assessed only in the periphery.

Correct work with the table looks like this:

The speed of passage is also an important aspect, but it cannot be achieved by moving the gaze across all cells, since the effect of the training will be lost. Therefore, the following image shows how to do the exercise.

You should search for numbers in ascending order from 1 to 25, mentally noting those found. The distance from the eyes to the table should be equal to the distance at which a person is used to reading. The table should be clearly and completely visible - usually the interval is 35 - 40 cm.

If the task is performed correctly, at first it will seem that it is going very slowly, since the eyes are not used to working effectively in the periphery. However, after one to two weeks you will feel a positive result. In addition, at first it is quite difficult to keep your gaze on the central cell - it will constantly slide in order to habitually find the desired cell with central vision. It is important to keep it in one place, that is, in the center of the table.

The development of peripheral vision takes time, so you should not expect results the very next day after training. To achieve maximum effect, you need to do the exercises systematically, with a certain frequency. You should do 3-4 workouts a week, but it is not recommended to do the exercise more than 10 times during one session. The duration of the training is selected individually, but its visible effect appears a few weeks after the start.

Schulte tables online

The most convenient way to work with tables is online. The mini-simulator will give the user a random version of the table and allow the user to record the time required to complete the task by simply pressing a key.

The online tester presents standard versions of tables, but more complex levels or certain types of tables can either be downloaded or with a detailed interpretation of the results.

For those who like particularly complex and interesting tasks, an unusual version of the table is presented:

How to interpret the result?

After going through the table, it is possible to display certain results. The following operating status indicators are calculated:

  • Efficiency;
  • Workability;
  • Sustainability.

With their help, you can evaluate not only static, but also dynamic results of working with the table. When calculating the results with their further interpretation, the speed of finding all numbers (at least 4 indicators) is taken into account.

Results on all scales can be assessed as good or requiring training. For each age, the norm indicators are different, as well as for each version of the table. You can read more about the interpretation of the results here.

Download Schulte tables

If you don’t have the Internet or want to have tables always at hand in printed form, you can download them in various formats. In addition, printed exercises will allow you to conduct mass training at work or, for example, in children's groups.

Types of tables

In addition to the standard 5x5 options, there are simpler tables for beginners 3x3 cells and 4x4. The following table options were also created separately:

· Children's tables

Smaller versions of the tables, which are simpler due to fewer numbers, are great for teaching children. For the youngest children, exercises with numbers from 1 to 9 are suitable, and for older children there are tables with 12, 16 and 20 cells. Schulte children's tables allow you to train peripheral vision from early school age. You can find out more about them here.

· Letter tables

This modified version of the tables is suitable for those who remember the alphabet well, preferably at the level of automaticity, like numbers. At first, completing them will cause certain difficulties due to problems with quickly determining which letter to look for next, but the effect of such training is much higher than from digital analogues. They also come in different sizes and variations, which you can read more about in the corresponding section on Schulte letter tables.

· Colored tables

An interesting and complicated analogue is Schulte’s red-black tables, which provide for a block of numbers from 1 to 25. With their help, you can significantly diversify the training, since there can be several options for completing such an exercise, for example, searching alternately for red and black numbers or finding all numbers of only one color and so on. You can learn more about the rules of training with red-black tables in the section on Gorbov-Schulte tables.

Working with these tables will help you quickly and effortlessly develop several useful skills at work, which will significantly increase your ability to work and your intellectual load. Regular training with Schulte tables is the most effective training for speed reading and concentration.

It has been proven that when performing the test, blood flow in the area of ​​the frontal lobes of the brain is activated. These areas are “responsible” for intellectual processes, for coordinating thoughts and actions in achieving set goals.

Constant training with Schulte tables develops three-dimensional attention when images in the field of view are read simultaneously. This improves memory and increases its volume.

Also, regular execution of exercises with table squares activates memory, thought processes, and promotes the development of operational decision-making skills. The speed of search movements is growing rapidly, which is actively used in speed reading techniques. Schulte's table "squares" are used in various trainings on neurolinguistic programming.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.

My site is called one of the 6 steps to Eternal Youth "Fitness for the brain"- regular training to develop and restore intelligence and memory. Of course I would like it in a tablet. Like I threw it in my mouth, washed it down with clean spring water and - voila! You practically Spinoza did not receive the Nobel Prize for your discoveries only due to an oversight or due to the machinations of competitors. Who also found out about the pills.

But, unfortunately or fortunately, when God invented man, he created our body balanced and harmonious. And if we try to suddenly overload ourselves in one place, it turns off the system in another. If suddenly, in the midst of complete health, a pill for Spinoza invented by bad people redirects all the resources of our body to the explosive growth of intelligence and memory, then the built-in fuses will limit the supply of resources to the reproductive system, for example. Like, why do you need this if you’re suddenly so smart?

Hence the conclusion: Any changes and improvements in your own body must be made gradually and, preferably, comprehensively

Same with brains. Calm, regular exercise and training of memory and intelligence will give much more significant results than any pill. And without side effects such as diarrhea and impotence.

Main and peripheral vision.

The flow of information into our brain is carried out largely through vision, which is divided into two types - main and peripheral

Primary vision a person perceives information in front of his eyes. This is what vision perceives clearly, in all details and details. Here you are, now, reading these lines, and you clearly see a certain word in front of you. This is our main vision.

And, all those words that are before and after, above or below are perceived a little differently, less clearly. The surrounding environment, monitor, table, furniture in the room are also less clearly perceived. This ability of our vision has been called peripheral vision.

And it turns out to be quite an interesting relationship. What we see clearly takes up much less space in the overall picture compared to a blurry image. This means that the bulk of information comes to us through peripheral vision. And, if we want to increase the amount of perception, we need to learn to work on this very lateral vision.

And one of the basic exercises for training lateral vision is working with Schulte tables.

Schulte tables

These are ordinary tables with numbers from 1 to 25. The task of the exercise is simple - you need to find all the numbers from one to twenty-five. It seems simple and elementary, you don’t have to count anything or strain yourself. But the essence of this exercise is that you need to learn how to do this while looking exactly at the center of the table. And, if possible, make as little eye movements as possible.

That's the whole trick. And to control, you need to measure the time during which you found all the numbers.

If you have found all the numbers in 20-30 seconds, this is a good result, but it makes sense to practice more.

If your result about a minute, or more, then this is the very case when you need to work more closely on your ability to perceive information and the ability to process it. You will see for yourself that after a few days of training, the speed and quality of perception will begin to improve.

The desired result is 10 seconds. This is the milestone that clearly shows that your peripheral vision is in good, working shape.

The effect of working with Schulte tables

It would seem that the simplest task is to look for numbers in the table. It’s not easy to solve equations with three unknowns. Yeah, the simplest one

It is quite difficult to keep your gaze on the central square. The eyes automatically move in different directions to find the desired number.
This is the main difficulty, and the main value of this exercise.

It is not the eyes that should guide our consciousness, but consciousness that should be able to influence the work of the eyes

If you have already decided to learn how to control your head, then there should be one “command post” - your consciousness.

So, the main difficulty is the ability to keep your gaze on the central cell. The habit of moving our eyes chaotically is so firmly established in our heads that sometimes it begins to seem like there is no number at all. And to make sure of this, you “necessarily” need to look at all the cells with a direct glance.

This is a kind of trick, a test for lice. This issue is resolved quite quickly - there are 25 cells and 25 numbers, so everything is in place, no doubt.

And one more thing.

When you learn to look at all the cells at once, your gaze becomes defocus. It’s one thing to look at an object and clearly see part of it, and a completely different thing to look as if through the object. See him and everything around him.

Defocusing takes the perception of information to a completely different level. The number increases significantly. With the right approach, you can learn to perceive an entire page of text in about 2 - 3 seconds. Information seems to flow into our heads.

But this is a higher, but not at all unattainable skill, if there is a desire. In about a year or a year and a half of training, you can accustom your consciousness to this regime. But, I repeat, this is for those who decided to work on this issue. We are still mastering ordinary mental gymnastics.

The quality of perception changes, and the quality of assimilation automatically changes. These are interconnected processes. And this is a direct road to good memory, good memorization.

How to work with Schulte tables

  1. It is advisable to do this twice a day, for about ten minutes. You shouldn’t overexert yourself, it won’t give the right dynamics.
  2. Let's sit back and relax. It is advisable to turn on either pleasant music or a good, correct mood.
  3. We direct our gaze to the center of the table, and, as if fixing this position, we give ourselves the command to make minimal movements.
  4. We turn on the stopwatch and begin searching for numbers from 1 to 25. The eyes should make minimal movements. All work takes place in the blurred spectrum of vision.
  5. There is no need to make a cult out of this, and it is imperative, right now, no matter what, to achieve the maximum result. Everything should happen gradually. After working out for three weeks, achieving a certain stable result, take a break. In a week or two, try again.

Gradually, you will see the effect yourself. You will see for yourself how much your ability to perceive information, memory, and thinking will improve.

When you need to think up, create, write something, work with the tables, and the process will proceed at a higher level of concentration, a higher creative level.

You will create the right training regimen for yourself. And don’t forget that this is just a basic exercise, a kind of gymnastics, exercise for the head, maintaining good, working shape.

Schulte tables online

There are enough services on the Internet where you can train with Schulte tables. With timers and difficulty selection. I'll give you a few links. You can find your own.

Choose what you like best and go ahead. Remember that the main thing is regularity. It makes sense to keep a diary of results and monitor your own progress. Maybe the day will come when you will be able to pass such a table


Purpose of the test

Definition stability of attention and performance dynamics. Used to examine people of different ages.

Test Description

The subject is alternately offered five tables on which numbers from 1 to 25 are arranged in random order. The subject finds, shows and names the numbers in ascending order. The test is repeated with five different tables.

Test instructions

The subject is presented with the first table: “On this table, the numbers from 1 to 25 are not in order.” Then they close the table and continue: “Show and name all the numbers in order from 1 to 25. Try to do this as quickly as possible and without mistakes.” The table is opened and the stopwatch is turned on at the same time as the task begins. The second, third and subsequent tables are presented without any instructions.


Processing and interpretation of test results

The main indicator is the execution time, as well as the number of errors separately for each table. Based on the results of each table, an “exhaustion (fatigue) curve” can be constructed, reflecting stability of attention and performance over time.

Using this test, you can also calculate such indicators as (by A.Yu.Kozyreva):

    operating efficiency (ER),

    degree of workability (VR),

    mental stability (PU).

Work efficiency(ER) is calculated by the formula:

ER = (T 1 + T 2 + T 3 + T 4 + T 5 ) / 5 , Where

    T i– time of working with the i-th table.

Estimation of ER (in seconds) is made taking into account the age of the subject.

Degree of workability(BP) is calculated by the formula:

BP= T 1 / ER

A result less than 1.0 is an indicator of good workability; accordingly, the higher this indicator is 1.0, the more preparation the subject needs for the main job.

Mental Stability(endurance) is calculated by the formula:

PU= T 4 / ER

A result indicator less than 1.0 indicates good mental stability; accordingly, the higher this indicator, the worse the test subject’s mental stability to perform tasks.


    Methodology “Schulte Tables”/ Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, pp. 112-116.


With the help of tables, the angle of view expands, concentration and speed of movement of the pupil increases. To do this, you need to move the tables to a clear visibility distance and, looking at the center, look for all the numbers in direct order, as well as in reverse. Do not follow the numbers with your vision (eyes)! The eyes are relaxed and look clearly at the center, you just need to fix the numbers, but the eyes look at the center.

The most important thing when working withSchulte tables at a glance, cover all the numbers, both on the top line and on the bottom line, rather than counting numbers. Listing numbers is given to train attention, and not as a goal.

Again, it is important to cover the entire field first, not to find all the numbers as quickly as possible.


Or see File: SCHULTE TABLE.xls


    “SECOND” WATCH: a simple watch with a second hand, look at the edge of the second hand without looking up or getting distracted. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time to 20 minutes (up to an hour).

    CLOCK “MINUTE”: everything is the same, but we follow the minute hand. Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time to 45 minutes (up to an hour is possible).

    CLOCK “HOUR”: everything is the same, but we follow the hour hand. Start with 30 minutes and gradually increase the time to an hour or more.

The essence of the exercise: no matter what happens to consciousness, you need to follow the edge of the arrow. Unusual states of consciousness must be learned to be retained for as long as possible.

Schulte tables and speed reading

Question aboutSchulte tables

I am interested in the technology of expanding the field of view using Schulte tables to master a skill speed reading. I was researching the information on the mailing list site and I had the following questions:

1. The first part of the questions relates to the physical characteristics of tables: * their size * number of elements * size of elements (numbers) * table shape (square or rectangle) * table reading order (directly 1..25, or 25..1, or other ) * distance between the table and the eyes.

2. Part refers to content Schulte tables. The fact is that, as far as I understand, the essence of the training is to simultaneously scan the information located on the table, but in the case when it is known within several moves what the element will be, the novelty is lost. The solution to this problem is possible by establishing different rules for passing the table: in reverse order, only even ones, etc. The second problem is that one element is still perceived per unit of time, although the physical field of vision expands; the mental field of vision does not expand.

I came up with a suggestion: place the numbers in the table in pairs, scattered across the field, and carry out the search by finding two elements, respectively.

Reply regardingSchulte tables:

This is what is said about the Schulte table in the book by O.A. Andreeva and L.N. Khromov "Fast Reading Technique":

When moving the gaze, the greatest visual acuity occurs only in the central zone of the retina, the so-called zone of clear vision. Everything that lies outside this zone, on the periphery, is seen as if in a fog.

    The maximum field of vision for a person is 35 degrees.

    The clear vision zone occupies 15 degrees.

    The area of ​​best vision is 1.5 degrees.

A wide field of view reduces the time it takes to search for informative text fragments. The field from which information is retrieved, as studies have shown, can be expanded, for example, with regular use Schulte tables.

The Schulte table is a piece of paper on which a square is drawn with sides of 20 (25) cm. The square is divided into 25 cells, into which numbers from 1 to 25 fit in disorder. The gaze should be concentrated in the center of the square and with peripheral vision try to find all the numbers from units to twenty-five. The distance from the table to the eyes should be 30-33 cm. To avoid getting used to one table, you should make several tables.

The main thing is not to find the numbers, the main thing is that when you look at the center of the table, you see the upper left and right, lower left and right numbers simultaneously with the central number.