Russian-Polish dictionary with pronunciation. Polish-Russian online translators. Our translator is developing

 Today you can translate any texts from Polish into Russian completely free of charge: Polish news, Polish blogs, documentation in Polish - anything you want. To do this, you don't even need to contact to a qualified translator. It is enough to use one of the free Polish-Russian online translators posted on this page.

James Joyce, Julio Cortazar, Marcel Proust or Umberto Eco. Regardless of their language of expression, the world's greatest writers seem to be, in some way, fractal builders. However, statistical analysis carried out at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences shows something even more intriguing. The composition of works in a certain genre - internal monologue - is characterized by the exceptional dynamics of a cascading narrative structure. This type of storytelling turns out to be multifractal.

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That is, fractal fractals are created. Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences carried out a detailed statistical analysis of more than a hundred works of universal literature, written in several languages ​​and representing various literary genres.

Have you ever used an online translator? Try it, it's very simple. Insert the text in Polish into the online translator, select the direction of translation, and click the "Translate" button. It only takes a few seconds to translate from Polish to Russian. The finished translation can be edited immediately in the translator.

Books that were examined for correlations in sentence length variations were found to be influenced by cascade dynamics. This means that the pattern of these books is actually a fractal. In the case of several works, their mathematical complexity turned out to be exceptional, comparable to the structure of complex mathematical objects that are considered multifractals.

Fractals are self-similar mathematical objects. When we begin to expand one or more fragments, a structure finally emerges that resembles the original object. Typical fractals, especially those commonly known as the Sierpinski triangle and Mandelbrot set, are monofractals, meaning that the rate of increase in any fractal is the same, linear.

Polish-Russian online translator Google Translate

New language in Google translator Translate - Polish. Fast translation speed and acceptable quality results. Maximum 500 characters at a time. The translation result opens in a new window.

Polish-Russian online translator

To translate texts from Polish to Russian, you can also use this online translator. You can influence the quality of translation results from Polish into Russian by choosing the most appropriate translation topic. Choosing the right topic allows the translator to correctly identify and translate difficult words. If you find it difficult to determine the topic of the Polish text before translating, you can not select it, but simply leave the topic “General”.

Polish-Russian online translator

Translator of texts from Polish to Russian from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Polish-Russian online translator ImTranslator

If you need to quickly translate text from Polish into Russian, a great solution would be to use this free online translator. It doesn’t matter what topic of text you are going to translate, the translator will cope with the task in a few seconds. For convenience, the translator also includes a Polish dictionary and a Polish virtual keyboard.

If the test for translation from Polish is very large, it must be divided into several parts. The fact is that this free Polish-Russian translator has a limit on the length of the text - you can translate from Polish into Russian a text of no more than 1000 characters at a time. After translation, you will be able to combine parts of the text together again.

Multifractals are highly developed mathematical structures: fractal fractals. They arise from fractals that “intertwine” with each other in appropriate ways and in correct proportions. They are not simply the sum of fractals and cannot be separated back into their original components, due to the way they are woven fractal in nature. As a result, in order to see a similar structure to the original, different parts of the multifractal need to be expanded with at different speeds. Therefore, a multifractal is nonlinear in nature.

Multiscale analysis using fractals allows us to capture information about correlations between data at different levels of complexity of the systems under test. As a result, they indicate a hierarchical organization of phenomena and structures in nature. Therefore, natural language, which represents an important evolutionary leap in the natural world, can also expect such correlations. However, its existence in literary works has not yet been convincingly documented. when we look at these works from the right point of view, these correlations not only seem ordinary, but in some works they acquire particularly complex mathematical complexity, says Professor Stanislav Drozd.

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Free translation from Polish to Russian

Machine translation systems have been around on the Internet for a long time. They are mainly intended for translating texts from the most common languages. Online translators that allow you to translate from Polish into Russian for free have appeared on the Internet quite recently.

Polish, like Russian, is a Slavic language. Despite the fact that many Polish words can be understood by native Russian speakers, in most cases you cannot do without a translator. In any case, you can use free Polish-Russian translators available on the Internet.

To convert texts into number sequences, sentence length is measured by the number of words. The researchers then looked for relationships in the data that started at the simplest, which is linear. However, the correlations were obvious, and therefore these texts built a fractal, says Dr. Pavel Oswiecimka, who also noted that the fractal nature of a literary text in practice will never be as perfect as in the world of mathematics.

It is possible to expand mathematical fractals to infinity, whereas the number of sentences in each book is finite, and at some stage of expansion there will always be a final cut of the data set. Things took a particularly interesting turn when physicists began to track a nonlinear relationship, which was present to a mild to moderate extent in most of the papers examined. However, more than a dozen works show a very clear multifractal structure, and almost all of them turned out to be representative of the genre: internal monologue.

The quality of free Polish-Russian translation is constantly improving. Technologies and online translators are developing. It is quite possible that tomorrow you will be able to receive translations from Polish into Russian of ideal quality.

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Online translator Transёr

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages ​​are added. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

Main advantage online translator and are ease of use, speed automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to carry out high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team professional translators and linguists.