Russian Vietnamese translator online. Accurate Vietnamese online text translator

IN Russian-speaking segment Internet is in quite high demand enjoystranslation from Russian to Vietnamese language . As we know, Russian- Vietnamese translation included inthe twenty most popular translation directions.

Russian-Vietnamese online translator (dictionary) is the result of many years of work by our specialists. The development of this area of ​​online translation has greatly simplified the work not only of translators, but also of people without knowledge of the language. And although on this moment The Russian-Vietnamese online translator (dictionary) is still far from perfect, but we are working on its quality, and now you can see for yourself.

On the quality of work Russian-Vietnamese online translator several factors influence. First of all, the result of the translation depends on the operation of the Opentran service itself. No less important factor is a text that requires translation.

  • Try to keep sentences in Russian simple, without using complicating phrases.
  • Before translating from Russian, it is worth checking the text for errors, the location of all punctuation marks, and the correct use of cases.
  • If you are not satisfied with the result, we recommend re-translating using the service Google Translate having enough high quality translated text.
  • Also, after completing the translation, it is advisable to correct the result manually.

Vietnamese language in modern society quite popular. Thailand, Laos and Germany are just a few of the countries whose representatives make up the 75,000,000 Vietnamese-speaking audience. Such prevalence, however, does not represent the simplicity and ease of learning a language. If we take into account the fact that there are eight first-person pronouns alone, and even more twenty terms of kinship, the information obtained speaks for itself. Therefore, everyone who decides to learn the Vietnamese language should definitely know where they can use a Russian-Vietnamese translator online.

The online Vietnamese translator presented on our website is an example of what a user in need of translation wants to see. We tried to bring together all the factors that influence the final result. A translator from Russian into Vietnamese working online for free from the “site” is the efficiency of providing services, a carefully designed translation program, a free basis and a high-quality result. Having achieved some success in the field of machine translation technologies, we nevertheless continue to improve and delight our users with the innovations we introduce.

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Free Russian-Vietnamese translator for translating words, phrases, sentences. To start a Russian-Vietnamese translation, enter text in the upper editing window, which will be automatically copied to the lower window. Next, to use the Vietnamese online translator, click on the gray button below and the text will be translated.

Alternative Russian-Vietnamese translator online

Additional Russian-Vietnamese translator for translating small texts. This translator from Russian to Vietnamese can translate no more than 1000 characters per translation.

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Vietnamese language the national language of the Vietnamese and the official language of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Vietnamese is the native language of 86% of the Vietnamese population. Vietnamese is also spoken in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, France, Germany, the USA and Canada. Total number There are about 80 million people who speak Vietnamese in the world. Since 1910, writing on a Latin graphic basis began to be used.

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The Vietnamese language is spoken by Vietnamese living in places of settlement in, etc. In total, there are more than 80 million native speakers of the Vietnamese language in the world, only 3 million live outside of Vietnam. The largest number of Vietnamese immigrated to the United States (1.2 million), with large communities settling in Cambodia, France and Australia.

History of the Vietnamese language

The official language of Vietnam, formerly called Annamese, belongs to the Australasian language family. Vietnamese received the status of an official language after gaining independence in 1954, before which Vietnam was a French colony. During the colonial period national culture came under strong Western influence. Catholicism became the predominant religion of Vietnam; the traditional alphabet was replaced by Latin letters. The modern Vietnamese alphabet is called Cuoc Nguy, and only it has adopted the Latin alphabet; the rest of the countries of Indochina have retained their national script.

Vietnamese was originally used Chinese characters and this letter was called tyn-nom. Vietnamese literature of the initial period of development repeated the vocabulary and structural structure Chinese language. Later, the Vietnamese literary style itself was developed, but the vocabulary still retained many Chinese borrowings. The most significant literary monument is Nguyen Du's work “The Poem of Kieu,” created in 1765–1820. Tyy-nom was in use until the beginning of the last century; now there are courses of this language at the university, writing is taught in higher education. educational institutions.

Catholic missionaries who appeared in Vietnam in the 17th century developed an alphabet for the Vietnamese language based on the Latin alphabet, and the Cuoc Ngu script began to be used on a par with Tin Nh. In modern Vietnamese, Cuoc Ngu is used.

There are three groups of dialects of the Vietnamese language: northern, central and southern. Dialects differ in vocabulary and phonetics. The basis for the formation of the literary language and tone system was the northern dialect, the written language is based on the sounds of the central dialect. Vietnamese differs from its related languages ​​in its simple structure and richness of tones. Borrowings from account for about two-thirds of the lexical composition.

  • The European hearing system is poorly adapted to perceive multi-tone Vietnamese speech. People with an ideal ear for music who can distinguish half-tones well can master an exotic language. The tonality when pronouncing phrases in Vietnamese changes the meaning of what is said.
  • In Vietnamese, nouns do not have the categories of case, gender, number and person.
  • The familiar pronoun “I” in the Vietnamese language has eight correspondences, which are used depending on the attitude towards the interlocutor. The system of pronouns to designate the interlocutor is also complex. Typically one of 20 kinship terms is used.
  • The Vietnamese are very sensitive when handling concepts of status, age and social status. Thus, in close relationships between a man and an unmarried woman, the designations “older brother” and “younger sister” are accepted.
  • The meaning of the word depends on the tone of each syllable. It has long been noted that in countries where one of the tonal languages ​​is spoken, there are many people with absolute pitch.
  • Ruan is the most popular Vietnamese name. For seven out of ten Vietnamese people, Ruan is their first or last name. Almost half of the country's residents have the surname Nguyen.
  • Six intonations, without which it is impossible to master the Vietnamese language, make learning problematic for those who have “a bear stepping on their ears.”

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology