Self-diagnosis of psychopathy. Test for schizoid psychopathy Am I a psychopath test

Individuals with schizoid personality disorder may have particular difficulty expressing anger, even in response to direct provocation, giving the impression of a lack of emotion. Their lives sometimes seem aimless and they may "drift" in their goals. Such people often react passively to adverse circumstances and have difficulty responding adequately to important life events.

This test is for schizoid psychopathy personality shows any symptoms of a schizoid disorder or if a person near you may be suffering from such a mental condition.

Schizoid psychopathy (schizoid personality disorder) is a disorder characterized by isolation, unsociability, emotional coldness, poor ability to sympathize and establish warm, trusting relationships, low need for social contacts, immersion in the inner world and a tendency to autistic fantasy. There may be persistent unusual hobbies that the patient rarely shares with other people. Schizoid psychopathy manifests itself at an early age and persists throughout life. The diagnosis is established based on the life history and conversation with the patient. Treatment – ​​psychotherapy, social rehabilitation.

Psychopathy is an abnormal personality disorder, a pathology of the higher nervous system, which leads to mental disability. These people are mentally ill in the sense that they do not feel love or compassion, but have high level intelligence and do not control the processes of excitation and inhibition.


Psychopathy can be congenital or acquired at an early age under the negative influence of society. The insufficiency of the nervous system, interacting with negative external conditions, creates fertile ground for its development. The first signs of psychopathy are already noticeable at the age of 3, but can also clearly manifest themselves only in adolescence.

  1. Disharmony of the volitional and emotional spheres;
  2. Difficult adaptation in society;
  3. Abnormal behavior;
  4. Suggestibility, infantility;
  5. Antisocial actions;
  6. Personal distress.

The imbalance of nervous processes makes it difficult to adapt and interact with the outside world. An immature psyche and suspiciousness push one to abnormal behavior; a person seems to walk on the edge of normal relationships with people, but often breaks down. Problematic situations intensify psychopathic characteristics and lead to conflicts, aggression and internal maladjustment. Psychopaths are prone to sudden, causeless changes in mood, which pushes them to rash actions, violence and crime.


Signs of psychopathy are visible at an early age.

We are born with genetically determined characteristics that give us individuality. Unfortunately, failures occur in genetics, which leads to abnormal phenomena. It is important to notice this at the very beginning and create conditions under which the disease will manifest itself less. Not noticing obvious things will lead to irreversible consequences in the future.

How to determine psychopathy in a child:

  • Indifference, lack of guilt;
  • Constant fights, protests;
  • Cold attitude towards others;
  • Apparent fearlessness;
  • Does not respond to threats;
  • High self-worth.

A child with a psychopathic character is characterized by cruelty towards peers, animals, and parents. He doesn't care about the feelings of others, only his own satisfaction. Callous and unemotional children do not repent for their bad behavior and are not afraid of punishment. They can understand the feelings of others, but they are absolutely indifferent, they are indifferent to empathy and sympathy. There may be outbursts of anger and aggression that are difficult to control, leading to risky actions. They show emotions when they need it.


Diagnosing and treating psychopathy is quite difficult; psychological and medical knowledge is needed, which can be provided by an experienced specialist. When making a diagnosis, a specialist is guided by 3 factors:

  1. How much adaptation is impaired;
  2. Features of a psychopathic nature;
  3. Stability and dynamics of deviations.

There are several types of psychopathy, they have similarities and differences. Knowing their characteristics, it will be easier for you to recognize psychopathy yourself.

  • Psychasthenic type - self-doubt, separation of dreams from reality, self-examination and obsessions;
  • Excitable type – high irritability, tension, outbursts of anger, egocentrism and high demands on people;
  • Hysterical – demonstration of superiority, pretense, deceit, excessive emotionality in achieving one’s goals;
  • Paranoid - conflicting and suspicious, overly valuable ideas take over their mind - symptoms are similar to those of paranoia;
  • Schizoid - emotional limitation and severe hostility to the environment - symptoms similar to those of schizophrenia.

Accentuation of character

Psychopathy can be considered as a pronounced accentuation of character. Only accentuation has peaks of its development, when the character is most clearly sharpened at a certain age. Over time, it smooths out, and only some character traits remain. With psychopathy everything is different; it has the most total relation and permeates all life activity. To confirm or deny this pathology, you can take a psychopathy test on the Internet, quickly and informatively.

Pathology criteria:

  • Stability over time;
  • Total manifestation in any circumstances;
  • Life difficulties cause social maladjustment.

If all 3 signs are present, we can talk about psychopathic characteristics of higher nervous activity. If there are a couple of signs or their absence, we can talk about character accentuation. You can find out the accentuation of a character using the Lichko or Leonhard test.

Accentuation is a normal criterion for personality development. This is a kind of sharpening of individual character traits that can have a positive and negative effect. You can also diagnose accentuation using a test on the Internet.

Robert Hare's Psychopathy Checklist

A diagnostic tool for identifying a person’s antisocial tendencies and the presence of psychopathy. It was designed for criminals who commit abnormal acts. This test can reveal the tendencies and traits that a psychopath exhibits. This is a manipulator who uses people as a means to achieve his goals. They use charm and deception as a trap for potential victims. You can take a psychopathy test on the Internet and find out if you belong to this type.

Interpretation of test results:

Your score is less than 12.5% ​​– Congratulations! You don't have psychopathy

From 12.5% ​​to 55% - You have a tendency towards psychopathy, but it is too early to talk about the presence of the disease. Consult your doctor.

55%-75% - initial degree or incipient psychopathy.

75% to 95% – This result indicates that you most likely have psychopathy.

From 95% to 100% - Congratulations, you are a psychopath :)

Psychiatrist Hair formulated 20 criteria by which the severity of psychopathy can be determined. Questions have elements reflecting interpersonal relationships, affective or emotional involvement, reactions to people and situations, social deviations and lifestyle. The interview is revealing in different areas: life background, family, work, friends, education, past deeds. Robert Hare's psychopathy test is very informative and accurate to the smallest detail.

All negative aspects can be smoothed out by meeting with a psychotherapist, who will help you cope with your character and be more socialized. Timely treatment will make it possible to avoid problems in the future and improve the present.