Make a reflection in Photoshop. How to mirror in Photoshop. Detailed instructions for beginners on how to mirror a photo in Photoshop

Mirror image in graphic editor Adobe Photoshop classified as a special case of arbitrary transformation. However, in several sections of the editor menu there are two separate lines with commands for mirroring the image in two planes (horizontal and vertical). There are several ways to access these commands.

You will need

  • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop


Expand the “Image” section in the graphics editor menu if you want to mirror the entire document, including all graphic, text layers, masks, etc. In this section, go to the “Image Rotation” subsection, where you will find two mirroring commands - “Flip Canvas Horizontally” and “Flip Canvas Vertically”. Select one of them, and Photoshop will carry out the necessary transformations on all layers of the document.

Photoshop" class="lightbx" data-lightbox="article-image">

Click the layer you want in the layers palette if you want to mirror only its contents, and not the entire document. Then expand the “Editing” section in the menu and go to the “Transform” subsection. It contains more transformation tools than were listed in the corresponding subsection in the “Image” section, and the “Flip Horizontal” and “Flip Vertical” commands you need are placed at the very end of the list. Click the desired one and the image in the selected layer will be reflected in the corresponding plane.

You can use an alternative to the action described in the previous step. To do this, you must first select the layer that you want to mirror by clicking the mouse. Then you need to press the M button on your keyboard to turn on the Rectangular Marquee tool. This can also be done by clicking on the corresponding icon on the toolbar. Then right-click the image and in the drop-down context menu select "Free Transform". A frame with anchor points will appear around the outline of the image of this layer, but you do not need to do anything with it, but just right-click the image again. This time, the drop-down menu will contain all those items that you saw in the “Transform” section in the previous step, including the desired “Flip Horizontal” and “Flip Vertical”. Select the command with the desired mirroring direction.

Photoshop" class="lightbx" data-lightbox="article-image">

When working in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor, you often need to mirror an image. Depending on the properties of the document being processed, as well as the type of transformation required (vertical or horizontal), the actions that need to be performed to solve this problem will vary.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop- - original image.


Load the image you want to flip into Adobe Photoshop. Press Ctrl+O on your keyboard or click on the "Open..." item in the File section of the application's main menu. A dialog will be displayed. Go to the directory with the required file and select it. Click the "Open" button. You can also simply drag a file from an Explorer window, folder, or file manager V work area Adobe Photoshop.

Analyze the uploaded image. From the Layers panel, find out whether it consists of one or more layers. If there are several layers, view their contents. To do this, first turn off the visibility of all elements by unchecking the checkboxes in the Layers panel, and then, alternately switching between them, temporarily make them visible. Decide whether you need to flip the image in some specific layers without affecting others, or whether you need to rotate the entire image. In the first case, go to the fourth, and in the second, go to the third step.

Flip the entire image. Expand the Image section of the main application menu, select the Rotate Canvas item. Next, select Flip Canvas Horizontal if you want to flip it horizontally and Flip Canvas Vertical if you want to flip the image vertically.

Flip the image on one or more layers. In the Layers panel, set the visibility checkboxes and select the elements corresponding to the layers on which the image should be reflected. Several elements can be selected at once by clicking on them with the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key. Expand the Transform section of the Edit section of the main menu. Select Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical to flip horizontally and vertically, respectively.

Save the reflected image. In the File section of the application's main menu, select "Save As...". You can also press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+S. In the dialog that appears, specify the required format, as well as the file name and the directory where it will be placed. Click the "Save" button.

Related article

Creating mirror images on various surfaces is a fairly widely used technique in Photoshop. Using a relatively simple technique, you can create beautiful mirror reflections of letters on a surface, objects, people and landscape objects in water or on glass. All this contributes to the widespread use of the mirror image effect in areas related to printing, photo processing and web design.

How to create mirror reflection in Photoshop
Let's look at a simple example of how you can quickly mirror an image in Photoshop.
  1. Open the editable image in Photoshop.

  2. Select the area of ​​the image that will serve as a mirror image. There are no strict requirements here. Therefore, you can use any tools suitable for selecting an area. For example, magnetic or straight Lasso. For the example image, the rectangular selection tool is sufficient.

  3. Copy the selected area through the menu items “Edit->Copy” and immediately insert it back through “Edit->Insert”. It is most convenient to carry out these operations using “hot keys” using combinations Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V respectively. The result should appear new layer A containing the copied selection area.

  4. Move the pasted area to approximately where you want it to be as a mirror image.

  5. The next step is to invert this area. This can be done through the menu items “Edit->Transform->Flip Vertical”. As a result specified action the copied image fragment will actually resemble a mirror image.

  6. Make a more precise adjustment to the reflected area by moving around the drawing area.
  7. The reflection is almost ready. All that remains is to create the effect of its smooth “fading” as it moves away from the main picture. To do this, add a vector layer mask by clicking the corresponding button in the layer management and apply the tool to the mask "Gradient". After this, specify the direction vector for the gradient. To do this, place the cursor at the starting point, which will be located between the original object and its reflection, hold down left button mouse and without releasing the button, draw the cursor down a vertical line. After this, release the button. The result will be a gradient with a transition from the main image to the background. The starting point and the length of the vector can be used to adjust the amount of effect applied.

  8. If desired, you can adjust the transparency of the mirror reflection area from the layers control panel. As a result of the described actions, the following image was obtained with a reflection of the lower part.
The example we considered of creating a mirrored area of ​​an image is, of course, maximally simplified for educational purposes. When processing real digital materials, a number of factors can occur that make the task somewhat more complicated. But it is not possible to talk about all the nuances in one article. All the subtleties, as a rule, are learned in the process of work and experience. The main thing is to understand the basic principle, which was discussed above step by step.

Children often consider a mirror to be some kind of mystical and mysterious object. “What if it’s not my reflection, but another person who looks exactly like me!?” The idea that a mirror is a window into an alternate reality sounds funny. In this tutorial we will try to translate this idea into a fun project that children and adults can participate in together!

This lesson is designed for children and parents to work together. Start by planning the project together, explain the idea to your child, and encourage them to come up with an interesting concept to reflect on. My daughter wanted an adventurer in her reflection! We liked this idea. In “reality” she will adjust her glasses with her hand, and in the fantasy reflection she will hold binoculars.

This is a fairly simple tutorial, but can be a lot of fun and will allow you and your kids to create a creative photo collage. Perhaps, after seeing the final result, your child will have new ideas. But the main goal of the lesson is to have fun!

1. Photo preparation

The hardest part of this lesson is finding the right place to take the photo! Typically, the largest mirrors hang in bathrooms, but these rooms are too small to set the right lighting or find the right shooting angle.

Using a tripod can make it easier to combine multiple photos, but this is hardly possible since the room is too small for such a luxury. If you have the same problem, you will have to hold the camera in your hands. Try to ensure that each photo is taken from the same angle.

Step 1

Find a good location to shoot the reflection. Finding the right angle is very important. The reflection in the mirror should be clearly visible, but part of the “real” world should also be present in the photo. Take a few test shots first before testing your child's patience!

Step 2

My daughter has a favorite, so that's what we decided to use for the reflection shot. The critical point is that the reflection is clearly visible and that no part of it is overlapped. You may need to practice posing a bit, so be patient. If your child gets tired while working on a project, it will show in the photo!

Step 3

The next step is to change your costume and take a few more pictures. Help your child pretend to react as if he were surprised by what he saw in the reflection. The most difficult thing for me was to achieve such an angle that the position in the “real” world coincided with the position in the reflection, while the audience could see the girl’s facial expression.

2. Preparing files

Now it's time to move into Photoshop and prepare the photos to create a collage. For the most part, all the preparation will involve opening two files in Photoshop, doing a little retouching, and setting up the necessary lighting.

Step 1

Open the “reaction” photo. This will be the basic picture of our project. Remember that the work will be much easier if you choose a photo in which the entire surface of the reflection in the mirror is not blocked by anything.

Step 2

It's best to start by correcting the lighting. To do this we go Image-Adjustments-Curves(Image - Correction - Curves) and adjust the curve so that one anchor point touches the top border of the histogram, and the central one is slightly higher and to the left to increase the brightness of the midtones.

Step 3

We use CropTool(C) (Crop) to crop the document and leave only the most interesting part of the picture. This will remove unnecessary details that may distract attention.

Step 4

Open the image with reflection and use Curves(Curves) to adjust the lighting balance. Now we are ready to create the collage, but before that, save both files so that you can return to them if necessary.

3. Hello guys!

Are you excited about the opportunity to work on your own project? Isn't it fun to create pictures like this? I'm sure you will succeed! Let's start!

Step 1

Closer to the edge of the screen you will find two bookmarks. These are two different images that are already open in Photoshop. Click on each tab to see how to switch between them.

Step 2

Let's switch to a photo of your child in a reflection suit. We need to make a copy of the area with the reflection. On the left side we activate a tool that looks like a lasso with sharp corners. This PolygonalLassoTool(L) (Polygonal Lasso). Using this tool, click on each corner of the reflection in the mirror to create a selection.

Step 3

Now let's move on Edit- Copy(Edit - Copy) (Ctrl+C). As a result, we copied the selected area into the program memory. Then we switch to the bookmark with a photo of the child with a reaction to the reflection. Let's move on Edit- Paste(Editing - Paste) (Ctrl+V) to paste the copied selection onto the current working document.

Step 4

Please note that on the right side of the program there is a panel called Layers(Layers). There should be two layers there now. Think of layers as invisible sheets of paper that sit on top of each other.

On the top layer there is a reflection. We need to convert this layer into a smart object. On the mouse, under the second finger, there is a right button. Click it, hovering the cursor over the layer with the reflection, and in the menu that appears, select ConverttoSmartObject(Convert to Smart Object).

Step 5

Now let's move on Edit- Transform- Distort(Edit - Transform - Distort) to activate the image distortion function. It will appear as a frame around the image with anchor points. We grab the corners of the frame one by one with the mouse and move them so that the reflection coincides with the frame for the mirror.

Once you've finished placing the corners, click the bird button at the top of the screen to apply the changes.

Now you have your own photo with an unusual reflection in the mirror! Impressive, isn't it? You can stop there if you want. Or continue with the tutorial to add more cool effects.

4. We work together

In this section we will add additional effects to make the work look more interesting. The next steps are intended for parents and children to work together.

Step 1

I think that this work It will look better if we add rays of light. The main idea is to make "reality" gray and dull, and the reflection bright and exciting.

Go to the reflection layer and apply Filter- CameraRawFilter(Filter - Camera Raw). Set the following parameters to make the reflection brighter and clearer:

  • Shadows(Shadows): +60
  • Blacks(Blackout): +18
  • Clarity(Clarity): +45
  • Vibrance(Colorfulness): +33

Note: if among your filters Camera Raw, it means you have an earlier version of photoshop and Camera Raw need to be called via Adobe Bridge.

Step 2

The "real" world shot should be dull and slightly blurry to contrast with the clarity of the reflection shot. Convert the photo with glasses into a smart object and apply Filter- Blur-GaussianBlur(Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur) using Radius(Radius) 1.5 pixels.

Step 3

Add an adjustment layer above the photo with glasses Hue/Saturation(Hue/Saturation) by clicking on the button Addlayermaskoradjustmentslayer(Add Layer Mask or Adjustment Layer) at the bottom of the Layers panel. Reduce Saturation(Saturation) to -30 and Brightness(Brightness) to -5 to make the image grayer. This way, the lighter and clearer reflection will become even brighter.

5. Effects

All effects from this section are optional and you don’t have to add them, but they will add a fantastic look to the picture. Any mirror that is a window into a parallel reality should look mysterious to one degree or another, so now we will add rays of light emanating from the reflection.

Step 1

Double-click on the reflection layer to open the window LayerStyle(Layer Style). Activate InnerGlow(Inner glow) with the following parameters:

  • Opacity(Opacity): 35%
  • Color(Color): #fffec5
  • Size(Size): 24 px

Activate OuterGlow(External glow) with the following parameters:

  • Opacity(Opacity): 35%
  • Color(Color): #fffec5
  • Size(Size): 44 px

Step 2

Now let's create luminous rays emanating from the mirror. Create a new layer and, while holding down the key A.L.T. select from the menu Layer > Merge Visible(Layer - Merge visible ones) or press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to merge all visible layers on a new one. Transform this layer into a smart object.

Step 3

Let's move on Filter- Blur- RadialBlur(Filter - Blur - Radial Blur) and set BlurMethod(Method) on Zoom(Linear), Amount(Quantity) - 75. Move the center of the blur approximately to the area where the face is located in the reflection.

Step 4

Set the blending mode of the merged layer to Screen(Lighten) and reduce the opacity to about 50%. The advantage of applying a filter to a smart object is that you can always adjust the filter settings. This will come in handy if you have difficulty with correct location blur center.

Step 5

Add a layer mask to the merged layer and brush(B) draw black color over the mask to remove radial blur on the faces. Our task is to create a soft, neat effect that does not overload the picture. Encourage your child to help edit the mask and personally control the intensity of the effect.

Step 6

Add a new layer and fill it with a pale yellow radial gradient from color to transparency (#fffec5). We draw a gradient from the center of the reflection to the edge of the document. Set the blending mode of the gradient layer to Overlay(Overlay) and reduce the opacity to 70%.

Step 7

Add a layer mask to the gradient layer and use the brush again to remove the fill on the faces.

Step 8

To focus attention on the mirror, add a vignette using a filter Filter- Distort- LensCorrection(Filter - Distortion - Distortion Correction), on the tab Custom(Custom) install Amount(Quantity) by -50.

We're done!

Great job! I hope you have learned how to create an unusual reflection in the mirror. I'd love to see your work in the comments below.

I hope you and your child have as much fun as I did with my daughter! You can watch my other lessons from the Photoshop for Kids! series, dedicated to photo manipulation, working with brushes, etc.

Adding a simple image reflection is a great little trick that can be done using the .

Although this technique requires several steps, it is worth the effort. In addition to adding depth to a seemingly flat photo, a reflection can make a subject look like it was photographed on another surface, such as a table.

Here's how to create a simple reflection of an image in Photoshop:

1. Open your photo and duplicate the layer the image is on (most likely the background layer).

Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl+J. At the same time, double-click on the original background layer to make it editable if you haven't already. Name the copy "Reflection".

You can duplicate an element during the transformation process by clicking Alt key when selecting the menu command Edit => Transform or Edit => Free Transform. In this case, the duplicate element on the layer copy will be transformed.

2. Add some canvas space.

To make room for reflection at the bottom of the document, you need to. Press C to select , draw a frame around the image, and then drag the bottom frame handle down about 2 inches. Press Enter to crop.

3. Flip the duplicate layer.

With the duplicate layer selected, press Ctrl+T to open the Free Transform command. Right-click (Ctrl-click) inside the bounding box and select Flip Vertical from the context menu that appears. Once the layer is flipped, press Enter or double-click inside the bounding box to perform the transformation.

4. Move the reflection under another photo.

Press V to select the Move tool, and then hold Shift key, drag the reflection to the bottom of the document. The two layers should almost touch.

Pressing the Shift key while moving a layer locks the layer in place horizontally or vertically, depending on the direction you dragged. In this case, holding down the Shift key ensures that the reflection is perfectly aligned with the original photo.

5. Add a gradient mask to make the reflection fade out.

To the duplicate layer (at the bottom of the layers palette it looks like a rectangle with a small white circle), and then press the G key to select the Gradient tool. In the Options Bar, click the tiny downward-facing triangle next to Window preview to open the Gradient Presets palette. From the drop-down list, select the option Black to White (Black to White), and then select the gradient type Linear (Linear).

6. Draw a gradient.

Back in your document, press and hold the Shift key as you drag your mouse pointer from the bottom edge of the image up about as far as you want to add the reflection. By pressing the Shift key, you anchor the gradient vertically as you drag so that it doesn't move from side to side. If you're not happy with the results of your drag and drop, try again. Photoshop updates the mask as you drag.

7. Using the slider, you can lower the opacity of the reflection layer to make it less noticeable. But here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste.

Now you have your own professional-looking reflection image without all the hassle of creating a reflection table.

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

In this Photoshop lesson we will look at how you can create a realistic reflection from complex objects.

Final result

Let's start the Photoshop lesson

Original image. ↓

1. Open the original image ( File > Open(File > Open / Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+O")) and copy each object from which it will be reflected to a separate layer. Select the object (for example using → Polygonal Lasso Tool(Polygonal Lasso Tool / "L" Key)) and press Ctrl+J. These layers will then become reflections.

2. Let's move the layer with the original image to the very top, because reflections should be under the objects and flip all layers with reflections to 180 degrees:

3. Let's start with the body. Rotate the canvas Image > Rotate Canvas > 90˚ CCW(Image > Rotate canvas > 90˚ counterclockwise). Select the body and apply Filter > Distort > Shear(Filter > Distort > Warp) with the following parameters: ↓

We combine the bottom of the body and the corresponding point of its reflection. The result is something like this (here the transparency of the layer has already been changed. See below.): ↓

4. We repeat the same sequence with the film, because reflection should begin over the entire contact area.

Filter > Distort > Shear(Filter > Distort > Warp): ↓

We have: ↓

5. You can do the same with the lid, but you can do it more cunningly, because... the object is quite simple and only the edge will be reflected (the inside will not be visible). Let's move the lid down (one seems to lie on top of the other):

Call → Image > Adjustments > Curves(Image > Adjustments > Curves / Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+M") and move the markers so that the shadows on the object match the shadows on the reflection: ↓

Let's lighten it using → Image > Adjustments > Levels(Image > Adjustments > Levels / Keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+L"): ↓

5.1. And for the trick to be completely successful, we use Edit > Transform > Perspective(Edit > Transform > Perspective). Now the reflection will match the object: ↓

6. Now let's change the transparency of the reflection layers Opacity(Opacity): 50% .