Download professional cfg. The most important config settings

For those who follow the professional cs 1.6 scene, this set of configs will be simply golden, because for you we have collected configs about cs 1.6 players who show themselves most beautifully and effectively in tournaments. Why don't we post these cfg separately? It’s easier to immediately download cfg for cs 1.6 from professionals in the amount of 10 pieces and test them consistently in order to settle on one, than to forever search, download and install them one by one.

This build includes the following configs of professional players:

  • Markeloff, aka the world's top AWP from Ukraine. This configuration is preferable to all snipers and those seeking better sniper shooting. Markelov, like no one else, can shoot beautifully from an elephant.
  • Edward And Starix- Markelov’s party members and also one of the best “riflers”, that is, those who are excellent with machine guns. Here you will be pleased with the cool setting for burst shooting and improved bullet spread.
  • GeT_RiGhT And forest– different in style, but equal in role in the pro team. Their main task is to play alone on the edge of the map. Therefore, their configs are tailored for powerful strafes combined with good close-range shooting.
  • Spawn, Delpan, NEO And CYX– excellent players with balanced skills from each path. We recommend that you test these configs, as they are the most optimal.
  • 400kg– a Counter-Strike legend, rightfully the best AWP, which has phenomenal reactions and speed.

Installing the config

  1. Unpack the archive to any location
  2. Move .cfg files to folder cstrike (most often: config.cfg / userconfig.cfg)
  3. Ready. You can join the server!
  4. If the config is not activated automatically, write in the console: exec config.cfg

Since the launch of Counter-Strike 1.6 to the masses to this day, the fuss around various CFGs for it has not subsided. Is the importance of this kind of files for a correct and comfortable game so serious? Now we will sort it out for you.

First of all, it’s worth mentioning that if you use a config that is not configured specifically for you, then at a minimum you will encounter inconvenience during battles. This may be due to an unusual arrangement of control keys, an unconfigured mouse and sight, or even graphics that are unpleasant to the eye. For this reason alone, any player should debug CS 1.6 for themselves before entering the server.

Many players are either simply too lazy to do this themselves, or they don’t want to figure it out, since cfg in cs 1.6 can contain more than a hundred lines with parameters. Then ready-made configs from pro-gamers who care about their fans or people who specially create configuration files that are in wide demand come to the rescue. Our site strives to put everything together, systematize it and give our users the opportunity to download configs for CS 1.6 of the required nature.

A correctly configured CS 1.6 config is the key to a successful game

Also, using CFG, it is necessary to correctly select the mouse sensitivity. In shooters, this parameter is the most important, since the player needs to feel the cursor and predict in advance - how much will his next hand movement move the crosshair in the game? Professionals, as they say, have already gotten the hang of this, and they understand perfectly well: how much “sense” they need to set in order to turn around behind their back when the enemy stomps.

Let's summarize what the config allows you to do:

  • Adjusting mouse and crosshair sensitivity
  • Adjusting graphics settings
  • Control key assignments
  • Using scripts

Regarding the latter, in KS 1.6 it is possible to use alias scripts, in which scripts for automatic purchasing, jumping (bhop) or even hard aimbot are written. All this can be loaded during the game using configs, which is punishable by bans on many servers and is equivalent to the use of cheats.

Is it worth using third-party configs for CS 1.6 - pros and cons

Downloading CFGs for CS 1.6 and their subsequent use has both advantages and dubious aspects. Firstly, the most obvious disadvantage is the continued discomfort when playing due to the control settings not being too inappropriate for you. Unfortunately, each person is individual, so it is impossible to create some kind of universal config that will be good for everyone to play with. The exception is, perhaps, cheating configs for CS 1.6 or configs for increasing FPS.

When choosing a pro, get ready to deal with its personal settings, which you will have to get used to for several days. However, these efforts will be paid off by the fact that pro-players in CS 1.6 became pro-players for a reason. They have thoroughly studied the game and understand perfectly what numbers need to be entered into the configuration and where. This gives a tangible plus to the opinion that third-party game settings are good. In addition, ready-made cfg for CS 1.6 will not take you much time to adjust each parameter. as if you were doing everything yourself and from scratch. This should also prompt you to download the config for CS 1.6.

Types of configs in CS 1.6

CFGs can differ not only in content, but also in purpose, since the game engine can use a dozen different CFGs simultaneously.

There are 3 main types of configs:

  • config.cfg– the most basic type of config, containing primary settings - key bindings, your nickname, mouse, sight, interface parameters and many other variables for the local server. “config.cfg” must have exactly this name so that the game itself can see it and launch it. At the end of this file, you can write the command “exec name.cfg” to automatically apply the settings from the config called name.
  • autoexec.cfg– from the name of this cfg it becomes clear that it will automatically load (exec = execute) a number of scripts and settings written in it immediately when cs 1.6 is launched. All settings from autoexec apply to the cfg downloaded further, that is, you can write there what you do not want to paste into other files a hundred times.
  • userconfing.cfg– a user config with the settings of a player. This is how you will most often see cfg of pro players. This type of config itself is not loaded; to use it, you need to insert the command “exec userconfing.cfg” at the end of the “config.cfg” file.

We are glad to welcome you to the most exclusive section of our website, where you will find a whole range of proven, and most importantly working configs for cs 1.6. A config is the usual (standard) client settings, but they can contain a number of other nice additions. Each of them performs a different function.

However, our favorite game does not stand still and every day new configurations are released for the client, which significantly gives an advantage over other players. Why you ask? It’s so simple, because in the original (by default) our game has a standard .cfg installed, without any additions. However, if your enemy downloads config for cs 1.6 for accurate headshots, he certainly gains a lot of advantage over you. Because the configuration settings are assembled in such a way that bullets fly straight to the head.

We are sure that you have heard more than once about the configs of PRO players or YouTubers, who are very popular and for good reason. After all, they spend enough time setting it up, and then make it publicly available. In this section we have collected a whole range of configs that will suit absolutely every style of play. And a whole list of configs will help you make sure of the usefulness of third-party configs. We wish you a pleasant and eventful game.

Our website also contains a whole range of best configs 2018. We carefully selected each file in order to immerse you as much as possible in the atmosphere of working configs, which can be downloaded completely free of charge, and most importantly, without viruses!

One of the advantages of Counter-Strike is that the game can be modified in a variety of ways. One of the most popular solutions that allows you to do this is the use of configuration files, which are also often called configs.

Some people believe that for a better game you should use the standard configs that are available in the original version of CS. This approach has its advantages, however, there are a large number of configuration files that can significantly improve the standard capabilities of Counter-Strike, for example, improve shooting or movement, change the amount of health and much more.

Configuration files from well-known CS players are very popular; you can always download them, like many other configs, from our website.

Download configs

Our website presents configuration files from both CS fans and professional players, you can always find a suitable option for yourself here. From us you can always download the following configs:

Aim cfg CS 1.6

The main distinguishing feature of this configuration file is that it is configured to clearly hit the head. Therefore, if you like to watch beautiful headshots, you should definitely download this config.

Indeed, with its help you will become a real master of aimed headshots, since this configuration file was developed by real professionals who are well versed in CS.

It is important to note that this config is not a cheat, but with its help you can greatly improve your own performance, so you can safely download and install it, enjoying beautiful headshots afterwards.

KFG Kote

Kote is one of the most popular players in the CS, and right now you have a great opportunity to download the configuration file that this player uses. Some gamers call this config the most powerful of all existing ones, in any case, the settings presented in this config are among the most powerful and allow you to significantly diversify the standard game.

Config from the butcher

If you are a fan of Counter-Old Man, then you have 100% heard about such a player as the Russian Butcher, who is rightfully considered one of the best players in CS. The Russian butcher is not only a player, but also an active blogger on YouTube, his reviews receive a large number of views, and his channel has tens of thousands of subscribers.

Config from 400kg

Evgeniy 400kg Gapcheno is considered one of the best snipers among Counter-Strike players. Indeed, recordings of his playing are very popular on YouTube; to some extent, this player can be called the standard of accuracy and sharpness in the game.

If you want to not only find out what configuration files this player uses, but also try them yourself, you should definitely download 400kg cfg, which can always be done on our website.

By downloading this config, you will improve your own performance in CS and become much sharper and more accurate. Therefore, do not miss this great opportunity that is available to you right now.

Aim config 2018

If you like to hit the head while playing CS, that is, make beautiful and bright headshots, then the 2018 aim config is a great choice for you, since it is tailored specifically for a targeted hit to the head. By downloading and installing it, you can enjoy magnificent headshots that will decorate any of your games.

Config from Sahara

Sugar is one of the most popular CS streamers on YouTube. His channel has quite a lot of subscribers, so this player is very famous among Counter-Strike fans. If you want to use the same configuration file that Sahar uses, then you can always download it from our website.

Config from GeT_RiGhT

Swedish CS players are rightfully considered one of the best, since many gamers from this country have won various CS competitions more than once and are distinguished by very good games. GeT_RiGhT is a famous Swedish gamer who has repeatedly participated in various CS tournaments, where he took prizes.

When playing in tournaments, he used a config that worked well and helped him get a lot of frags, defeating very strong opponents. If you want to try this config on your own, you can always download it using our website.

Crazy Style CFG

The Crazy Style CFG config is perfect for all those Contra fans who like to play online, as it is optimized specifically for these purposes. This config allows you to significantly increase game performance, reduce ping, and turn your favorite CS into an incredible stream of meat. Therefore, if you want to install a really crazy config in a good sense of the word, then Crazy Style CFG is what you need.


This config was previously paid, however, now it is available to absolutely everyone. It is considered one of the best configs, since everything is selected here in the best possible way, so you can count on a very large reduction in ping and high performance that this config can offer. If you want to take advantage of all these benefits, you should definitely download it, which you can do right now.

Each of the configs presented above can add serious variety to your favorite game.

In this topic I will tell you what configs are in CS and how to use them.

Config(config) – a configuration file used to store settings for various programs.

In CS this is the same file, with the following game parameters.

1) Client (what we change by downloading and installing any CS):
- control parameters in the game (key assignments).
- mouse settings.
- video processing (graphics) settings in the game.
- sound settings in the game.

2) regarding the server (configs server.cfg, amx.cfg, etc.)
- server settings

3) regarding the gameplay
- scripts (aliases)

In CS, aliases are a different set of actions that are performed automatically when a certain key is pressed (for example: a weapon purchase script, a jumping script, various prohibited combinations, etc.)

All configs are files of the form "name.cfg",
Where: Name– config name. Cfg– config extensions.

Where are the configs stored in cs?

For non-steam(pirates) D:\CS\cstrike_russian or D:\CS\cstrike where D:\ is your hard drive.

For steam after the 2013 update D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\cstrike

For steam before update D:\Steam\steamapps\STEAM ACCOUNT NAME\counter-strike\cstrike or, if Russian KS, then the last folder changes from cstrike to cstrike_russian

Configs for Counter Strike can be open, view and edit using any text editor, for example "Notebook" or "World pad". By opening the config you will see various parameters in it. All config commands are identical to the commands that you can write in the console by directly launching the CS itself.

Types of configs.

Let's figure out what they are kinds configs in CS 1.6, how they are launched and what to do with them:

- autoexec.cfg– always, automatically starts when the game is loaded first. When writing scripts and your config, it is recommended to write aliases (and any other settings that you will no longer change) here, because they will apply to all configs launched later and there will be no need to duplicate them if you want to create several different configs. If this cogfig is not in the cstrike folder, then you can create it yourself, but be sure to have the name "autoexec.cfg", only in this way and in no other way will it be the first to start automatically.

- config.cfg– standard config that always runs automatically second after "autoexec.cfg". By default, it contains standard control settings for the game (contains bound buttons) and all other settings (graphics, sound, etc.).

- userconfig.cfg– user config containing settings for a specific user. This config may not be in the game by default, you can create it, and you can write any name, for example “myconfig.cfg”, “ru.cfg”, “bot.cfg”, etc., it doesn’t matter, because it can be launched in 2 ways, see below:

1st– You can write at the end of the settings in "config.cfg" such a command "exec userconfig.cfg"(extract userconfig.cfg) in this case your config will be automatically launched in the game.
2nd– You can write a command directly in the game "exec userconfig.cfg" in the console. In this case, your config will run only in this game, and when you restart the CS you will need to repeat the procedure. Also in this case, to launch the config correctly, we recommend that after the command “exec userconfig.cfg” you write the command "reconnect"(rejoin) all in the same console.

Note 1: userconfig.cfg is the name of the config, so if your config is called differently, you must enter exactly OWN Name!

Note 2: team "exec" directed to the /cstrike or /cstrike-russian folder so your config should be located there. You can also create a separate folder for configs in the /cstrike or /cstrike-russian directory, then in the “exec” command you should write the path to the config, for example, your folder is called myconfig, and the config in it is spawn.cfg, then you should write – exec myconfig/spawncfg.

Note 3: in most cases, config.cfg already contains the launch line exec "userconfig.cfg" at the end. In this case, you can simply create your config with the name userconfig.cfg and it will start automatically.

Setting up the config.

We open any ready-made config, you can use a standard one, and see:

A good config starts with a command unbindall- this is deleting the meaning of all keys, and after that other binds are assigned to the keys. This is necessary to unbind some old, unnecessary settings.
After this you can enter clear- This is a complete clearing of the console. And then write your nickname under which you will play, name "Your nickname". Quotes need to be written only when there are spaces in your nickname, i.e. nickname consists of several words. Otherwise, if you don’t put quotation marks, your nickname will only have the first word before the space.

Now you need to set the mouse sensitivity sensitivity "3.000000"– this is the default sensor. The higher the sense, the more difficult it is to kill you from behind, i.e. you can always turn around sharply at the sound and give a headshot, if, of course, the level of the game allows it. Usually the sense is set so that with one swing to the left or right, you can turn 180 degrees. Also, do not forget to disable mouse acceleration, you can read how to do this in this topic.

zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2”– mouse sensitivity when the sniper scope is on (the default is 1.2.

hud_fastswitch "1"– the command enables a quick change of weapon, that is, when you press 1, 2 or 3, you do not need to confirm the choice of weapon by clicking on mouse1.

_cl_autowepswitch "0"- do not pick up a weapon you have just picked up! Many level players, knowing that their opponent uses the setting of this command 1, do the following trick: during close combat, when the cartridges run out, he throws the cannon right at the feet of his enemy, naturally he immediately turns it on, but there are no cartridges in it cut.

_cl_minmodels "0"- display all player skins, if you set “1”, then all players will have one skin for terrorists and one for counters. If you have a weak computer, a value of 1 will slightly increase your fps!

cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"- dynamic sight is on (if you squat, the sight decreases, if you jump, it expands), you can set it to “0” - the sight will always be the same size.

setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"- purchase menu without photos and descriptions.

Binds for quick car purchases!

bind "F1" "autobuy"- auto purchase (M4A1/AK-47), + armor, + all cartridges, + tweezers for neutralization if you have enough money.

bind "F2" "rebuy"- repurchase (weapons and equipment that were purchased in the previous round).

bind "F3" "vesthelm;primammo;secammo"- buy ALL cartridges, with helmet and armor.

bind "F4" "hegren;flash;flash;sgren"- buy ALL grenades.

setinfo "_ah" "0"- disable automatic hints during the game.