A hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly increases the speed of the Internet. How to Monitor Internet Connection Speed ​​in Real Time on Android Download and Install Touchscreen Calibration


Just like computers smartphones over time they start to slow down.

But there are some simple ways to increase the speed of your iOS or Android device.

Here are these simple tips:

How to speed up a smartphone

1. Update your operating system.

If your smartphone is running slower than before, then the operating system on it may not be the latest version. Newer versions of iOS or Android will allow your smartphones to improve their performance in terms of speed.

But before updating, you should connect your phone to WiFi and save all data. In addition, make sure that your smartphone supports the new version of the operating system, as too old devices, as well as ultra-budget smartphones, cannot be optimized.

For iPhone

"Settings" (Settings) - "General" (General) - "System Update" (Software Update).

For Android devices

"Settings" - "About Phone" - "System Updates" or "Software Updates" to check for updates.

2. Disable or limit animations on your phone.

The animation of windows on the phone (when you move from one screen to another or from one application to another) certainly looks beautiful and spectacular, but these details can slow down the smartphone, as they require additional system resources.

For Android devices:

Option 1: "Settings" - "Screen" - "Animation", then select "No animation".

Option 2: "Settings" - "For developers", find the items that are responsible for the animation and select "Disable animation" or "No animation".

For iOS devices:

"Settings" - "General" - "Universal access" - "Reduce motion". After that, try turning on or closing any application and then go to the multitasking panel. The animation did not turn off, but it became different.

3. Try to install only the most necessary applications.

You can find a huge number of programs and tools in the app stores, and it seems that you need many of them. But it is worth considering whether you should install this or that application, and whether you will really use it often.

Any application uses the resources of your smartphone, and the less they are, the faster your device works.

How to speed up your phone

4. Get rid of unused apps.

Uninstall apps you don't need or rarely use. This can be done by opening the application list. Any application can be restored if you still decide to return it. Programs and games take up the memory of the device, therefore, the fewer of them, the faster the device works.

5. Get rid of widgets on your smartphone screen.

The programs you install on your home screen may be useful, but they can seriously slow down your phone. Many widgets run regularly in the background in search of new information or updates. If this or that widget on the phone's home screen is not very important to you, just delete it.

6. Don't use "Live Wallpaper".

This is a nice feature, but just like widgets on a smartphone screen, it eats up not only the device's RAM, but also its battery. Over time, "live wallpapers" will seriously slow down your smartphone. You should also refrain from using bright, multi-colored pictures on the screen - ideally, the screen should be black.

How to speed up an Android smartphone

7. Disable autorun of unnecessary programs.

For Android: "Settings" - "Applications" - "Running Services" or "Settings" - "Manage Applications" - "Running". See which programs you don't want to automatically start - stop them and restart your phone. You can use one of the process managers in the app store to stop various services on your phone.

After disabling the autorun of unnecessary programs, the overall performance of your smartphone will increase.

8. Automatically clear your messengers after 30 days.

Most smartphone users don't even think about cleaning up junk in various messaging apps. If you have more than 1 gigabyte of text messages that are slowing down your phone, then you should think about clearing the messenger.

Fortunately for iPhone owners in the iMessage app, you can turn on the function to clear messages every 30 days (Settings - Messages - Keep Messages). But if you want to save all messages, then it is better to store them in an archived form in the cloud (iCloud).

On Android devices, you will have to delete messages manually. However, there is a feature in the phone settings that allows you to get rid of old messages when there is little space left on the phone.

9. Turn off automatic app updates.

For devices onAndroid

Google Play has a mechanism that automatically checks the versions of installed applications. If it finds a newer version, it automatically (in the background) updates this or that application to the new version. Such an update service needs some RAM resources.

You can turn off auto-update and update all or specific applications manually. To do this, you need to: go to Google Play - "Settings" and uncheck "Notifications" and "Update automatically".

For devices oniOS

"Settings" - "General" - "Update content".

After that, you will see all the applications that are updated in the background. View the list of applications and disable those programs that you do not need. This step will not only speed up the phone, but save some battery power.

How to speed up your smartphone

10. Turn off GPS and geolocation.

For devices on iOS

There are applications that can only work if they continuously track the location of the owner of the phone, even when he is not using them. They can slow down your smartphone a lot, and to turn them off, go to "Settings" - "Privacy" - "Location Services". This will open a list of all applications that are associated with location sensors. In the desired applications, activate the option "When used" or "Never".

For Android devices

If you do not want to use your phone as a navigator, then it is better to disable GPS. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Coordinates" (or "Location") and uncheck all items.

To speed up your iPhone, you can also do a hard reset (hard reset) of the device. Such a reboot rids the phone of temporary and cached files. To start such a reboot, press and hold the Home button for a while (until the Apple logo appears). On iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models, use the volume button to do this.

How to speed up your phone on Android and iOS

12. Task manager.

In every smartphone you can find a built-in Task Manager, which allows you to close any running applications that you do not need at that moment. Closing the application means that it is being unloaded from the RAM, which means that the smartphone will work faster. But you can download a separate Task Manager created by a third party developer.

13. Cleaning the cache of applications and the browser.

For Android devices

To clear the cache, go to "Settings" - "Applications" - "Manage applications". Once you've clicked on the app, go to its properties and look for "Clear Cache". In this way, you get rid of obsolete data, which in turn speeds up applications.

Google Play has a large number of task managers with which you can manage your applications, disable unused programs and clear the cache. You can download the Clean Master application - it is convenient, since it has Russian, it is understandable and it can perform many different functions, just like a Swiss knife.

For iOS devices

The iPhone does not have a cache clearing feature in certain programs, which means it would be better to download and install a third-party application. A great option is the Battery Doctor app (also available on Google Play), which is free, by the way. After downloading and installing this application, open the icon on the smartphone screen and you can start cleaning.

Go to the tab that contains the cache and confirm the deletion. It's also worth noting that Battery Doctor allows you to enter the smartphone's memory and you can watch how the free space fills up. In addition, you can delete applications that have not been used for a long time.

You should not run this application too often, as iOS itself is able to cope with most active processes.

How to speed up your phone

14. Do a hard reset to factory settings.

If you have tried all the methods, and nothing has given significant results, you will have to return the device to the factory settings. This will allow the phone to return to its original state (when it left the factory). But be aware that such a reboot will erase all data from the phone, so save all photos, music, contacts, applications and important files in advance. But this method will also save the phone from unnecessary garbage.

For iOS devices

"Settings" (Settings) - "General" (General) - "Reset settings" (Reset). Click "Erase All Content and Settings" and confirm your password. You can also reset the settings to factory settings through iTunes: "Settings" - "General" - scroll to the "Reset" tab. Then either "Reset settings" (delete all data except files), or "Reset content and settings" (delete all information).

For Android devices

"Menu" - "Settings" - "Backup and reset" - scroll to the very bottom to the item "Reset settings" (in some smartphones it is called "Reset phone settings" or "General reset" or "Erase all data").

At first glance, Android may seem like an extremely simple operating system, but it (especially in the latest versions) has a lot of hidden features and settings that can make your life a lot easier. So before you run to get root and install tons of software on your smartphone, it would be better to get acquainted with this functionality.

Android has a so-called safe mode. Working in this mode, the operating system disables all applications installed by the user, so it can save you if you suddenly infected your smartphone with a screen lock. To activate, just press the power button until the "Power off" button appears, and then hold your finger on it. The smartphone will go into reboot.

Number blacklists have always been a stumbling block for Android users. The system itself does not provide such opportunities, and applications available in the market block numbers through dirty hacks and not always correctly (most of these applications simply pretend to be a third-party dialer who picks up the phone and immediately hangs it up).

However, blocking can also be obtained in stock Android, for this it is enough just to send objectionable subscribers to voice mail. To do this, tap on the desired contact, then press the edit icon (“pencil”), then the menu and select “Voice only. mail". In the same place, by the way, you can set a separate ringtone for the subscriber.

The so-called quick replies is a feature that allows you to quickly send SMS in response to a call. By default, four responses are available, such as "Can't speak", "I'll call you back". But it's pretty boring and mundane. If you want something more creative, you can edit the response templates: “Phone -> menu -> Settings -> Quick replies”.

Disabling third-party apps in safe mode, blacklisting a contact, and editing quick replies on Android.

To change the case of letters or make words or sentences already capitalized in an already entered message, just select the message and press the Shift button until the desired result is obtained.
In Android 5/6, quick settings can be accessed by pulling out the shutter with two fingers.
You can quickly enable vibration mode in Android 5/6 by pressing the volume key and then tapping on the icon on the left side of the slider that appears.
Android has a screen magnifier. To enable it, go to "Settings -> Special. options -> Gestures to zoom". Now any part of the screen can be enlarged by tapping it three times.
To disable the automatic creation of icons on the desktop, launch the Play Store, go to settings and uncheck "Add icons".

Android has a completely invisible and unknown to most users settings section with additional Wi-Fi options. To get to it, you need to go to "Settings -> Wi-Fi", then press the menu key and select "Additional functions". Here you can turn off notifications about detected networks, turn off Wi-Fi in sleep mode (I do not recommend: working in passive mode, the Wi-Fi module eats up less battery than when you turn it on / off), prohibit the use of Wi-Fi networks with a bad signal and configure Wi-Fi Direct (direct pairing of devices without using an access point).

By default, Android enables auto-sync (push notifications) with all services added under Settings -> Accounts. First of all, this is a Google account, as well as Skype and
other services. You may not need most types of synchronization (for example, Google+ synchronization), so it’s better to turn them off, you can do it all at once by clicking on the three dots at the top and unchecking the Auto-sync data item. And only some types of data are possible: we poke on one of the accounts, select an account and remove (or put) checkmarks.

Have you always dreamed of removing junk preinstalled by the manufacturer that can run in the background or just annoying with an unnecessary shortcut to launch in the application list? Fortunately, many pre-installed apps can be disabled on Android. Go to "Settings -> Applications" and open the "All" tab. Now we need to go through the list. Select the desired application, and then "Disable". Now I recommend clicking on "Erase data". Frozen apps have a separate "Disabled" tab. Unfortunately, not all applications can be frozen. Which one depends on the manufacturer.

WIFI Advanced Settings Menu, Disable Sync and List of Disabled Apps.

In Android, without third-party programs, you can monitor Internet traffic. To do this, in the settings there is a special item "Data transfer". There you can set a traffic limit, upon reaching which a notification will appear, as well as a limit, after which data transfer will be automatically turned off. For each application, separate statistics are kept on data in the background and active modes, a graph is built. Starting with Android 5.0, this interface is also available in the quick settings (curtain), by tapping on the mobile network icon.

A PIN code is a good means of protecting information on a smartphone from prying eyes. But constantly entering a PIN code is quite tedious, especially at home, where it is not really needed. Therefore, Android has a mechanism to automatically disable the PIN code in the so-called safe places. To activate it, go to Settings -> Security -> Trust Agents and enable Smart Lock. We return to the "Security" section, press Smart Lock, enter the PIN code. Next, select the "Safe Places" item and add any place you like.

Android 5.0 has a new Do Not Disturb mode (available in the fifth version by adjusting the volume, in the sixth version through the icon in the quick settings), which makes the smartphone completely silent for a certain time (or until the alarm goes off). Everything would be fine, but by default, the smartphone will still wake you up with calls. Fortunately, this behavior can be changed.

Open quick settings, click on the "Do not disturb" item, in the menu that opens, click "Settings", select the "Only important" section. On the screen, among other settings, you will see two items: “Messages” and “Calls”. By default, they indicate "Only from contacts", which means that calls and messages will be accepted from everyone who is in the contacts. The best choice would be “Only from Starred Contacts”, that is, those whom you marked with an asterisk in the dialer. You can also select "None".

Application traffic control, Smart Lock settings window and Do Not Disturb settings

Many apps like to spam notifications, games in particular suffer from this, but there can be quite ordinary apps as well. Luckily, notifications can be turned off. To do this, open "Settings -> Applications -> All", find the culprit and select "Notifications". Here you can either turn off all notifications at once (“Block All”), or allow only “swipe” notifications (“Short notifications”).

Google Play Store notification settings

Android has always had
problem with the expansion of the internal space of the smartphone. The connected SD card did not allow this, becoming just "external" storage. The function of transferring applications to a memory card, which appeared in Android 2.2, also did not really save the situation. Finally, in Android 6.0, Google finally decided to fix everything. Now, after connecting a flash drive or SD card, the system offers two options:

use it as removable media (normal mode, as in previous versions);
make it an internal storage. In this case, the device will format the flash drive to ext4 using 128-bit AES encryption and mount it as a system partition. Next, a read and write speed test will be carried out. Now, unfortunately, all memory cards are significantly inferior in speed to the memory built into the device, which in theory can lead to brakes in the operation of the device. Fortunately, only the time of opening a particular application or loading a part of it (game location, for example) depends on the performance of the disk subsystem. And all calculations are carried out outside the disk. So the FPS in your favorite game will not sag.

When it becomes necessary to give a smartphone to a stranger, there is always a danger that he will want to delve into your messages and other confidential information. To prevent this, you can use the App Lock feature, available since Android 5.0. An open application cannot be minimized using the Home and Browse buttons, even turning off and on the screen will not help.

To activate this feature, you need to open the “Security” item in the settings, click on “App Lock” and turn on the switch at the top of the page. Next, to lock the screen on the selected application, you must click the "Browse" button, then the paperclip icon next to the screen of the selected application. To unpin, press and hold the Back and Browse buttons at the same time.

Enable in-app blocking and developer options

In the settings, click on the item "About phone" and there we find "Build number". We tap on it seven times. Now we return back to the settings and see the new section "For Developers".

USB debugging. This is what allows your phone to communicate with your computer using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). Used in the Android development environment or to execute ADB commands.
Pointer location. It will help to check the number of simultaneous touches of the screen, test the touchscreen. Shows touch coordinates and motion path.
Window Animation: Scale, Transition Animation - allows you to adjust the animation speed. The lower the value, the faster. By the way, the settings only work in relation to the system, without affecting the applications.
GPU acceleration. In modern versions, it doesn't actually change anything.
Do not turn off data transfer - even after connecting to a Wi-Fi network, data transfer over mobile networks will not be stopped (but the data itself will not be transferred). This is done to quickly switch to a mobile network when the Wi-Fi signal is lost. Energy consumption increases slightly.
Background process limit. The maximum number of processes running in the background. By the way, these settings do not affect system applications.
Show CPU usage. In the upper right corner, on top of all windows, the names of processes using the processor in real time and the processor load scale will be displayed.

Android 6.0 introduced a set of options for tweaking the interface, but like the developer options, it's hidden by default. To see them, pull out the shutter and hold your finger on the gear at the top of the screen (it should start spinning) until you see a message on the screen. Now the System UI Tuner item should appear in the settings, with which you can change the location and set
buttons in the quick settings, turn on the display of battery percentages and set the display of icons in the status bar.

Multi-window mode

Another hidden but very useful feature of Android 6.0 is the multi-window mode. In theory, it should be activated using the switch in those very options for the developer, but it is only available in custom builds of Android from source or custom firmware. To enable this mode in stock firmware, you need to get root rights, add the line ro.build.type=userdebug to the /system/build.prop file and reboot. The easiest way to do this is using any terminal available in the market:
mount -o remount,rw /system
echo ro.build.type=userdebug » /system/build.prop

Now, after activating the multi-window mode, any two applications can be launched on the same screen (vertically split) by pressing the "Browse" button and tapping on the open square icon on the desired application.

1. *#06#* - IMEI display.
2. *#*#4636#*#* is one of the most useful codes. Divided into four items: device information (IMEI, phone number, operator name, signal quality in decibels and a lot of other interesting information, at the end of the list there is a choice of the preferred network type: 4G (LTE only), 3G (WCDMA only), 2G and so on, works only until reboot), battery information (charge level, temperature, voltage, technology and many other useful data), usage statistics (time of all applications since the device was turned on and the time they were last startup), Wi-Fi information.
3. *#*#759#*#* - Rlz Debug UI. Unique Device ID, PID, ACAP and other data related to app installation. Here you can enable OEM Mode and view information about Client IDs.
4. *#*#426#*#* - displays various device information related to Google Play services. For example: Device ID, port and address of the current connection to these services, date of the last synchronization, and so on.
5. *#*#225#*#* - information about the number of events stored in the calendar. There is sorting by type.

As you can see, stock Android is very functional and does not require the installation of many programs that simply duplicate the standard features of the OS. Sometimes they are more convenient, but often such programs hang in the background and eat

Keeping your finger on the pulse of your internet connection can sometimes be very helpful. For example, this way you can clearly demonstrate to users far from technology that any surfing on the Web consumes traffic, and not just downloading the latest episode of Just Mary. Luckily, visualizing download or upload speeds is an easy task for any Android user. All you need is to go to Google Play and install on your device.

Of course, an experienced user can solve such a simple task as displaying the connection speed in the status bar in another way - for example, get root access and install the Xposed module. But for the vast majority, this is not only unnecessary actions, but also something vague, which also promises a loss of warranty. Another thing is a simple installation of an application from the Market, which eliminates unnecessary trouble.

So, all that is required is to follow the link and install and run the Internet Speed ​​Meter application. After that, your download speed will be displayed in real time in your status bar. In addition, the application will take into account all the traffic used. In the settings, you can also specify the units for measuring the connection speed and set a limit for mobile data.

We also note that the Pro version, available for 125 rubles, has an expanded set of functions (including a widget) and a much prettier appearance with elements

Actions that relate to the wording - android screen calibration include setting up a touch-type display in order to appropriately execute commands by the device by touching the sensor with a stylus or fingers. Without such a setting, the device will work, but there will be a number of undesirable consequences during the operation of the gadget.

Individual owners of devices on the Android operating system that are equipped with touch screens may sometimes encounter the undesirable problem of screen “disobedience”. In other words, when touching with a stylus or a finger at a certain point on the touchscreen, the gadget perceives it as a completely different command.

Or there are situations when the sensor executes commands only after the third or fourth attempt. As a rule, the cause of these problems is the incorrect operation of the screen itself, for which it is necessary to calibrate the touchscreen of the device.

Urgent and correct calibration of the touchscreen on Android may be required in almost all cases, if the smartphone fell from any height, and after the device accidentally enters the aquatic environment, this procedure is mandatory.

Also, sensor calibration on android will be required after repair work on replacing the screen, the appearance of a water spot under the glass of the screen, and after suffering other, at first glance, minor damage.

To check the need for this procedure, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the special film protecting the screen (to ensure the most correct operation of the sensor);
  2. Enter any letter or number;
  3. If there is a discrepancy between the button pressed on the gadget screen and the information entered, setting the touchscreen is necessary.

Basic Calibration Methods

Two methods are used to bring the sensor-sensor knocked down from its normal position into conformity.

These main methods include:

  • Using special programs for the android system;
  • Self-correction.

It should be noted that for many brands (Samsung, HTC, Nokia and other Android devices), the calibration steps are practically the same and identical.

Android device manufacturers typically use two types of sensor:

  • Resistive (all sorts of problems very often arise with a screen made using this technology, so the setting is more in demand here, but such screens are practically not used today - these systems can only be seen in budget or outdated models);
  • Capacitive (used in most gadgets, is more reliable and of high quality).

Touchscreen calibration using android

In the absence of access to the Google Play assortment, the display of an android device can be configured in another way without any special problems.

The step-by-step instruction in this case may look like this:

  1. Go to the gadget in the "Settings" menu;
  2. Select the item “Phone settings;
  3. Find the inscription “Calibration, press the button;
  4. A cross-target will appear on the screen, which has a dot inside;
  5. Click on the center of the appeared target at least three times.

After the actions taken, the device will automatically memorize the touches. Thus, the calibration will be considered completed. After completing the setup procedure, it is necessary to check the operation of the touchscreen by the result of pressing a certain character on the screen, which should appear after its introduction.

Android screen calibration apps

You can configure the sensor using special software. In free and free access on the Internet, there is the necessary software in order to successfully carry out this process.

The software is fairly easy to install and operate. But the most important thing is that practically from the use of any of them you can get a positive and effective result. In the Google Play Store, you can find free apps like Bubble and many more.

This program has an excellent interface, also has some additional special features. Application advantages:

  • Bubble is free software;
  • Works great with tablets and smartphones;
  • Advertising is disabled in the settings, or it can be left to encourage developers;
  • Excellent graphics;
  • The presence in the application of a special display that displays the angle of inclination with the highest accuracy in fractions of a degree;
  • Ease of use;
  • The ability to fix the angle with a gesture or a click;
  • The presence of a sound signal at the zero position of the angle;
  • If necessary, the ability to lock the screen orientation (horizontal or vertical);
  • Ability to reinstall the application on the SD card;
  • Disabling, if necessary, the "sleep" mode during the operation of the program;
  • Using full screen mode.

Using the program is completely easy. To do this, after the initial launch, select the type of device screen orientation in the settings (or set the “Auto” mode) and calibrate by level.
For this purpose, the phone is installed horizontally and the calibration button located on the left of the screen is pressed for a short time. On the touchscreen should appear - "Calidbration", and then - "Wait". The application will be ready for operation when the zero degree value is viewed on the screen.

The application is a program that allows you to adjust the screen settings of a touch device, while increasing its sensitivity and efficiency. Advantages:

  • When using a protective film on the touchscreen, this application can significantly improve the sensitivity of the sensor;
  • The slowing down effect from the use of a protective film is eliminated;
  • When using such a device as a stylus, a kind of gadget tuning becomes simply necessary with the help of this program. Using this application, you can turn on the complete ignoring of even a touch from the palm of your hand (after setting, the hand can rest on the screen when using the stylus);
  • If you need to use different settings, you can create separate shortcuts for quick launch of the application;
  • The application has a free version.

The program is a professional tool for fine-tuning the level in the iPhone or iPod Touch. The application is used for solving common tasks or in more complex applications where the tilt of the device needs to be measured quite accurately. Advantages:

  • The possibility of full-screen mode, which allows you to switch by clicking on the lower and upper arrows located in the middle of the gadget screen;
  • Advanced two-way calibration, allowing adjustments to be made on surfaces that are far from flat. Any direction is calibrated separately in order to obtain the required accuracy;
  • Possibility of free download;

Possible Calibration Issues

In the event that, nevertheless, the device is not calibrated in the way chosen for this purpose, or the application used does not give the necessary positive changes, then experts recommend trying another program, since there are quite a lot of them, the software in this direction is very diverse. You can also try "Hard reboot" or in other words reboot the device.

The last option for calibration can be considered an appeal to a service center. A similar problem with the screen of the device may be not only in incorrect settings, but also in more serious reasons. In particular, in the hardware failure of the device elements or the presence of a factory defect. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist to fix the problem.

It should also be noted that, together with screen calibration, the gadget may need to check and adjust the screen sensitivity parameters for its subsequent high-quality work.

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Smartphones and tablets based on Android OS have one similar problem for many users.…

Mobile device sensor calibration is one of the priority items in the setup. It is clear, after all, that the incorrect operation of the screen when calling a command or procedure, pressing buttons or links, at best, causes irritation and waste of time, so it is better to spend a few minutes initially to set up the screen depending on your needs. This is done quite simply.

When and why is sensor calibration required?

There are two types of screens in Android devices today - resistive and capacitive. The first type is used in outdated devices, and the second type is used on all modern gadgets, since it is more reliable in operation.

Based on this, it is easy to conclude that resistive screens require sensor calibration adjustments more frequently (about once every 2-3 months).

Nevertheless, you can give a list of situations when the question of how to calibrate the sensor on Android will have to be addressed in the very first place. There may be several reasons. Among them are the following:

  • mechanical damage to the screen;
  • ingress of moisture and dust;
  • sticker or removal of protective glass and film coating;
  • buying a used device from hand, etc.

How to calibrate the sensor on Android: basic methods

As for the calibration itself, this can be done in several ways:

  • make the necessary settings yourself using the tools of the Android operating system;
  • calibrate the sensor using specialized utilities;
  • return the device to a service center.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Manual calibration using Android

In the simplest case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on a tablet or smartphone is solved elementarily.

To conduct a preliminary test on the device, you need to use the settings menu, where the tilt sensitivity section is selected. The new menu has a special test button, which you need to press.

The calibration setting is located in the phone (tablet) settings section, where there is a corresponding line. When you enter this menu, a cross with a red dot inside will be displayed on the screen, which you should press as accurately as possible (3-4 times is enough), then save the settings changes and check the gadget for operability. If you notice that some controls do not function correctly, the setting should be repeated.

In addition, you can adjust not only the pressing force or the accuracy of hitting a point on the screen, but also fully customize any sequence of actions (image stretching, single or double taps, dragging the screen, etc.).

Please note at that moment that the built-in program for the sensor of Android devices, depending on the version of the operating system itself, may be located in a different menu, for example, in the display settings. In addition, setting the pointer speed parameters in most cases is done in the language and input section, so be careful.

Using specialized utilities

If the sensor calibration program is not found in the system menu or causes some difficulties in use, you can use the installation of additional utilities, among which the following are the most popular:

  • bubble;
  • TOPON;
  • GPS Status & Toolbox;
  • Clinometer and the like.

In any case, you can go to the official Google Play service to search for the desired utility there. If the programs for Android found there do not suit the user, something similar can be found on the Internet, only then they will have to be installed manually, allowing the use of installation from unknown sources. In addition, you can even install special utilities for the same Windows systems (together with the Android emulator) and configure using them.

Contacting a service center

Programs for Android systems are good. But what if none of the above methods gives the desired result? Apparently, the problem is that a serious breakdown has occurred in the device itself, due to which the application of software methods does not work.

In this case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on Android is solved only by handing over the gadget to an authorized or private service center. Naturally, this will entail monetary costs, but specialists will be able to identify and eliminate the cause of the problem. Besides, it all depends on what exactly is broken. In this case, as is already clear, internal intervention in the components of the device itself will be used.

What is the result?

That, in fact, is all that concerns how to calibrate the sensor on Android. As for the preferred method, in the simplest case it is best to use the built-in tools of mobile devices. If their use does not give results or accurate calibration cannot be performed for some reason, you should try to use third-party applications.

Do not forget that not everything and not always depends on the software. As already mentioned, the impossibility of using such methods may be associated precisely with the breakdown of the device, and here one cannot do without the intervention of specialists. In addition, the device may still be under warranty, and you should not disassemble it yourself (you can lose it that way). Finally, if the owner of the gadget does not have the knowledge necessary for repair or maintenance, you should not try to experiment with the device either.

Otherwise, provided that everything is in order with the device itself, we recommend that you turn to third-party utilities, since most of them allow for more fine-tuning, and some also have built-in testing modules, allowing the user to set the recommended parameters upon completion of the test.