We create a second page on VKontakte - instructions, profile design. How to unpin a number in VK to create a new page? How to create a 2nd page in contact

How to create a second page in VK for one number: is it possible to make 2 pages for 1 number?

To communicate with friends, an ordinary user, as a rule, only needs one page on any social network. However, to promote your own services or products, one profile, unfortunately, will definitely not be enough. What to do if you only use one SIM card? Find out here - https://vk-guide.ru/kak-sozdat-vtoruyu-stranitsu-v-vk how to create a second page in VK for one phone number? Are there any such options at all?

How to create two VK pages for one phone number?

  • Owners of old profiles that registered on the social network before 2011 can rejoice. After all, five years ago VKontakte profiles were linked exclusively to email. Thus, if your main page was created in those years, then you definitely won’t have to think about how to create a second profile.
  • Register according to the standard scheme, simply linking the page to a valid phone number.
  • Of course, you will need to indicate your real first and last name. In this case, the new account can be restored without problems in case of hacking. Simply contact the site administration and provide a photo of your documents online.

True, not everyone is so lucky. Many people have already managed to enter their main number into the system. Don't despair if you are one of them. Let's try to deceive a popular social network. How can you create another page? To do this, you will need a page that is already linked to your mobile phone. So, your next steps:

  • Go to your profile settings.
  • In the specified telephone number, change the last or first digit.
  • Save your settings.
  • Register the second page to the old phone number.

Registration of two VK accounts for one phone number, unfortunately, does not always work. Some are lucky, others are not. What to do if you still have no luck?

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

To use the following method, you will need to install a special application that significantly expands the functionality of the most popular site. For example, using such an application you can read other people's messages, unsubscribe from dozens of groups with one click and, of course, register two accounts for one phone number.

After installing the program, log in and select the “Create a new profile” button. A registration page will appear on the display with various fields to fill out. So, all you have to do is come up with a username and password, and enter the necessary information. The last stage is entering the phone number.

The application easily bypasses the social network's algorithms, making it possible to link a second account to the mobile number that you have already used to register before.

It is worth noting that many applications for creating a second VK account without a phone number are actually viruses. The main task of such a program is to steal your data. Before using such an application, make sure that it actually works. Be sure to read various user reviews on the Internet.

To create a page on Odnoklassniki, you do not need to spend a lot of time or pay for this service; in this article we will try to understand all the details and nuances of this process. Now this procedure takes literally a couple of minutes and will not require any costs from you. Let's get started?

Create a page on Odnoklassniki: instructions

  • First of all, in order to create an account, go to the social networking site ok.ru. You can also find it in a search engine or enter it in the address bar.
  • We will immediately find ourselves on the main page of the site, where we will find the “ ” button on the right side. This is exactly what we need - we press it.
  • Here you need to enter your phone number and click the “Next” button. Provide accurate information! The fact is that you should receive a registration confirmation code to this number.

Tip: For the sake of the security of your personal data, do not use a password that is too simple (for example, your date of birth or phone number), and also change the combination of characters periodically. This seems obvious, but many people neglect such a simple rule.

  • Next we see a small questionnaire form that must be filled out honestly and reliably (this is in our own interests). The ease of using the social network will depend on the accuracy of the entered data - if everything was entered honestly, then your relatives and friends will be able to quickly find you.

Good news - your Odnoklassniki page has been created! What's next?

Basic profile settings

Of course, you will agree that there is no point in creating a page on Odnoklassniki and leaving the profile empty. In this regard, let's look at what basic settings are available in Odnoklassniki.

  • Click "Change Photo" and select a photo to serve as your avatar.

  • Click on the photo in the upper right corner of the screen and find the “Change Settings” option. Here you can enter information about yourself - name, date of birth, gender and city. You can also link your email, set up privacy, notifications, etc. In other words, the social network provides a wide range of opportunities to make using your profile as comfortable as possible for you. Be sure to create a page and try it yourself!

Creating a profile on Odnoklassniki - what could go wrong?

It happens that you strictly follow the instructions, but you don’t get the expected result. What can be wrong?

This may happen due to a network failure. We advise you to wait a while (at least 5 minutes) and click “Request code again” and then you will definitely be able to create your profile.

I guess that's all. We hope you now understand how to create a new page in Odnoklassniki. This is a fairly simple and quick procedure that does not take much time even for those who are not very good at working with a computer.

Creating a page


Various reasons force users to create new accounts on social networks where they are already registered. Someone to a page or mailbox, someone wants to change their circle of acquaintances or create different pages for friends and official conversations, someone just wants to be on the Internet, but remain in solitude. Unfortunately, attackers who use additional pages for illegal purposes also have free access to the capabilities of social networks. To stop this, site administrations are creating new methods of protection.

If you are already registered in the system of any social network, your mailbox, from which the registration confirmation took place, remains recorded in the site system, and re-creating an account from this address is impossible. For a new page, you will also need a new email address.

Make sure your mailbox is active. Log in and proceed to registration. Open the site where you want to create an account, for example, the social network VKontakte. If this automatically opens your first page, log out of it by clicking on the “Log Out” button in the upper right corner of the site. An authorization form will appear in front of you. Since you cannot enter the old page details, click the "New User Registration" button.

Fill out the new user registration form. Write your first and last name, click the “Register” button. The next step is to indicate your gender and click on the “Register” button again. To start searching for friends, answer the following system requests: provide information about your education and look for desk friends. However, you can skip this step.

In the “Complete registration” section, you need to enter your mobile phone number to link your account to it. Your personal information will remain confidential, but the security of your page will increase. In a few seconds, you will receive a free SMS with a code on your phone, which you will need to enter in a special field on the website. Now you can link your new page to your mailbox if you need notification letters about what is happening on the site.

Registration on the Facebook and Odnoklassniki sites does not require entering a phone number, but during registration you must provide a new email address that is not associated with these sites. To do this, also exit your first page and click the “Register on the site” button. Enter the information the site asks for and continue with registration. In the last step, a letter will be automatically sent to the specified e-mail. Open it and follow the link to confirm your registration.

Some torrent sites do not allow re-registration for no apparent reason. They ask for a unique user ID, not an email. Therefore, you will need a second computer to create the second page.


How to create a second VKontakte page? How to register two pages?

July 5, 2015

Today we will talk to you about how to create a second VKontakte page. This is a rather interesting question that is beginning to worry users more and more. Especially those who prefer to work through social networks. So let's start studying it.

Why and when is this needed?

But before that, let’s try to figure out one more very interesting thing with you. More precisely, we will try to understand when a new VKontakte page is really needed.

Such “spare” questionnaires are necessary for store clerks. We are talking about online stores that make their main profit by attracting users from social networks. So, a person can not “clutter up” his profile, but simply use a working profile. After all, the new VKontakte page, as a rule, serves precisely this purpose.

But sometimes ordinary users also create second pages. They are called "fakes". Quite often, such pages are used to deceive users and hack real profiles. Let's find out how to create a second VKontakte page.

If the page is out of date

The first scenario is when the user already has a profile, only it is very, very old. About 5 years ago. At that time, it was customary to link all profiles to the user’s email.

Owners of old pages are very lucky. After all, they won’t have to find a way to create a second VKontakte page. It is enough just to register it according to the new scheme. That is, link directly to your mobile phone. That's all the problems. Enter your login, password, your first/last name, and then your mobile number. VKontakte pages created in this way are usually very easy to restore after being hacked.

True, there are other options for the development of events. For example, what should users do whose pages are already linked to their mobile phone? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Option "zapara"

Let's try to use one interesting technique that, unfortunately, does not always work. For it you need to have a page linked to your phone. It is with such a questionnaire that we will work.

First of all, go to “VKontakte” (“Login” - “My Page”). By the way, if you link a second profile, your login will remain the same, but the password will be the one you set. After you log in, all you need to do is go to “My Settings” and see how your mobile phone number is indicated. Change its first digit, and then register your profile using the same mobile number.

As already mentioned, this option does not always work. So to speak, it is based purely on the luck of the users. Thus, if you want to know how to create a second VKontakte page, then another scenario will suit you.


So, now we will try to register a new profile using specialized applications. Now this method is considered quite popular among most users.

For it, you will have to find a special program for VKontakte, which expands the standard functions of the social network. This includes reading other people’s messages, exiting all public pages “in one fell swoop,” and creating a second profile.

You just need to log in to the application and then select the function to create a new profile. Next, you will see the familiar registration page, where you will need to come up with a password, first/last name and fill out some personal information. The final stage is to enter your mobile phone number in the appropriate field to link your profile. That's it. When you do everything, you will have two pages linked to one number.

However, it is worth remembering that this option is very risky. After all, most of these types of programs are nothing more than the most common and real viruses. They simply steal data from your current work profiles. Aren't you afraid? Then feel free to download this application. If common sense takes precedence over desires, then it is worth trying the only logical way out of the current situation.

New SIM card

Users who do not want to be deceived while wondering how to create a second VKontakte page can use one very interesting and logical approach. Since we are linking the account to the phone, we will have to buy a new SIM card and then register a profile for it.

Agree, this is a very simple and quick scenario for work. Go to any cellular store, buy any SIM card, and then just use it once. After registration, of course, it is better to make a call from your mobile phone once a month so that the number is not blocked and transferred to someone else. That's all. Now you are familiar with all the available ways to register a new profile on the VKontakte social network.

It seems impossible to do without social networks now. Even if a person prefers to keep personal information secret and communicate in person, on social networks you can listen to music, watch movies, find out news and even earn money. Therefore, find out how to create a VKontakte page, it will be useful, without exaggeration, for everyone. The registration procedure is not difficult. Just go to the website, fill out the fields with your first and last name, indicate your country of residence and mobile number. Having received an SMS with a code, you need to enter it in a special field and come up with a password. The VKontakte page has been created. Now you can fill it out as you wish. And our VKontakte page or group will help you promote service .

How to create a VKontakte page without a phone

The question arises: but ascreate a VKontakte page without a phone and in general - is this possible? Certainly. On the one hand, when registering without reference to a number, some functions become unavailable (for example, creating groups). On the other hand, this can be convenient if the user does not want to be noticed by other visitors to the social network. Of course, indicating a cell phone number in some cases is still more advisable, because this will always allow you to restore access to the page and avoid fraudulent activities. How to unlink a number from a VKontakte page, read this article .

How to create a VKontakte page without a number

And yet we'll figure it out Howcreate a VKontakte page without a number, because circumstances can turn out differently. First, on your mobile phone, you can enter your landline phone number and click “let the robot call.” In this case, the code will be sent to a landline phone, and you can register any number of pages in this way. Secondly, you can use an anonymizer - this will create the illusion that the user is in another country and create an account through Facebook. You can make friends on a new VKontakte page in this section site.

How to create a new VKontakte page

Many people are interested to know how to create a new VKontakte page. This can be done in various ways. You may need a second email (it’s easy to create one). It is also possible to link an already used number to a new page (note that the number of links is limited). If the old page was deleted for some reason, the algorithm of actions is the same: the previous number or any other, at the user’s choice (in this case, you can how to restore the VKontkte page). Working with the VKontakte page will not be difficult, and the advantages of using this social network are obvious. You can add likes to your VKontakte posts or photos.