A web page viewer is a program. Browsers are programs for navigating and viewing Web pages. Introduction to global networks. Basic concepts and definitions

Second, what you need to have an idea about to start working on the Internet is browser(from English browse – view), i.e. a program designed to view web documents (sometimes these programs are called “navigators” or “viewers” ​​or “browsers”).

Currently, the most widely used browser is Internet Explorer, or IE for short, which is part of the Windows operating system. It is estimated that more than 85 percent of users use it to navigate the World Wide Web. Less common browsers are Netscape Navigator, Opera, Mozilla, and others.

All browsers have their advantages and disadvantages, which consist of speed, ability to open certain applications, compliance with security requirements when working on the Internet, etc.

All modern browsers are characterized by a simple interface combined with great opportunities that they provide to users. The programs are equipped with many service functions, such as the ability to bookmarks to important pages, automatically track your route across the Internet with the ability to return. With their help, the user can simultaneously work with several different sources at once, send the pages he likes by email, and save the files he likes on his computer.

So, a browser running in a Windows environment has a standard window interface (with a window title, controls, toolbars and menus, a status bar, and a window in which the document is displayed - see Fig. 1)

The main difference between a browser window and the window of another program, for example, MS Word, is that it has additional line for entering the ADDRESS of the requested server.

In order to load the main page of a web server, you need to launch Internet Explorer, then type the corresponding address in the address window and press ENTER, after which you can watch the page gradually load (at the bottom, in the status bar, information about the progress of this process is displayed ). In Fig. As an example, Figure 1 shows the main page of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta web server.

Note that now it is usually not necessary to type the http:// prefix before the address, indicating the exchange protocol - modern browsers can independently determine the type of resource and use the desired protocol.

Third an element that you need to be familiar with to start working on the Internet is HYPERLINK.

Hypertext inventor Vannevar Bush, a science adviser to President Roosevelt, proposed the idea back in 1945. In 1965, Ted Nelson coined the term "hypertext", defining it as "non-linear text", and implemented the main ideas - namely, the ability to view document pages in any order, and not just in the "previous-next" mode. As mentioned above, the use of hypertext on the Internet led to a revolution - instead of entering complex server addresses, it became enough to simply “click” on a hyperlink, and the desired document will be opened in the same (or new) program window.

Any web page contains many hyperlinks. You can distinguish a hyperlink by changing the appearance of the cursor - as soon as the mouse cursor is over the hyperlink, it takes on the appearance of a hand with an outstretched index finger, as if inviting you to move in the indicated direction.

Thus we met addressing virtual space of the Internet, with programs for web browsing, and finally with the concept hyperlinks. This information is enough to get started.

Additional materials

Basic Internet services

Services refer to individual capabilities or ways of using global networks. In practical work, most of them are harmoniously intertwined into a single whole, flowing from one to another. At the same time, a novice user sometimes does not even always notice such a transition. However, at the stage of initial familiarization with the Internet, these services should be considered separately.

E -mail- Email. The first and most used Internet service. Allows you to exchange text messages, which are easily attached to any type of file, including graphics, tables, sound and video files. It is the main means of personal communication on the Internet. The World Wide Web offers a large number of free email services, the use of which does not require special programs on the user’s computer.

Usenet- a generalized name for an Internet service that provides communication for an online community united by common interests. There are several names for this form of communication: conferences, teleconferences, discussion groups, news groups, news groups of special interests. The service is built on the principle of a bulletin board with the ability to respond to published messages. Each visitor, logging onto the server, sees a list of previously sent messages indicating the sender and the topic of the statement. Any visitor has the right to send his own message or reply to an existing one. This often sparks lively discussions, sometimes involving hundreds of people from different parts of the world.

Usenet was widely popular in the first half of the 1990s. Nowadays this service has lost its former recognition, being replaced forums on websites that, while performing the same functions, do not require dedicated servers and are much easier to use and manage.

Listserv or Mailing lists- mailing lists - an Internet service that also performs the function of communication on a specific issue. Technically, Listserv is designed differently: to gain access to a specific list, you must first subscribe to it. After this, all correspondence sent to the address of this list will automatically arrive in the email inbox of each subscriber.

ICQ(the so-called “ICQ”) is a service that serves for personal interactive communication in real time. Each participant has his own identification number, which is communicated to everyone with whom he wants to communicate. The dialogue is usually conducted between two or more users and its content is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)- File Transfer Protocol – a service used to transfer large files. Using FTP, you can either “download” a file from a remote computer or send your own file to a remote machine. In this case, the type of file being sent does not matter.

World Wide Web- currently a basic Internet service that provides access to a huge amount of information in all possible forms: text, graphics, animation, sound, video. The World Wide Web is based on hypertext technology. Invented in the early 1990s, the hypertext markup language - HTML (HyperText Markup Language) allows you to easily include a variety of types of objects in HTML documents, which basically make up the WWW, and make links to other files, regardless of where they are are located. The unit of hypertext is a web page - the minimum document that can be downloaded and read in one go. A collection of web pages makes up a website. Data transmission on the World Wide Web is carried out using the hypertext transmission protocol - HTTP (HyperText Transmission Protocol).

Features of displaying national (non-English) characters

For historical reasons, there is only one standard for encoding English characters. But the display of characters from national alphabets (including Russian) is encoded in several different ways. A well-written web page always contains a special directive that tells the browser what language encoding method was used to compose the page. Having detected this directive, the browser activates the appropriate font so that the page is displayed correctly.

Unfortunately, many page authors ignore this simple rule and do not indicate the encoding method for the Russian language. In this case, the browser cannot independently determine which font to use to display the page and substitutes the one that is used by default. If the default font does not match the encoding used when creating the page, the user sees textual “abracadabra” on the screen and cannot read anything.

In this case, the user can manually specify the encoding method. You have to do this (at least at first) at random, sequentially going through all possible Russian encodings. Fortunately, there are not many of them, and this operation does not take much time. Currently, two Russian encodings are mainly used: WIN1251 And KOI8-R. Using the IE menu command [View -> Encoding], you can switch the current encoding, achieving a “readable” view of the page.

1.3 Exercises for independent work on the topic “Practical techniques for working with the Internet”

UPR. 1. Introducing the first methods of navigation. Launch Internet Explorer browser. Enter WWW.RG.RU into the address bar (navigation by address). Once on the page, go to other pages (sites) using hyperlinks (link navigation).

UPR. 2. Using the “Forward”, “Back”, “Home”, “History” buttons to navigate through the pages.

Explanation: The processes of moving between documents and “downloading” can be controlled using the buttons on the toolbar: “ Forward", « Back", « Stop", « Update", « Home", « Story".

UPR. 3. Save the current web page to a floppy disk or disk. Please note that the graphics used on the page are stored as separate files in a separate folder. Adding a page to the Favorites folder.

Explanation: A document "downloaded to your computer" can be saved (on a floppy disk, or in a folder on your hard drive), after which it becomes available for later viewing. At the same time, at the time of viewing, the computer may no longer be connected to the Internet (in the case of a session connection). When you save a document, all the pictures it contains are automatically saved.

In addition to saving the document (page), it is possible to save a link to the page you like (its URL) in a folder Favorites, so that it would be easy to return to it later (i.e., make bookmark). When saving, you can make this page available for offline work, i.e. without network connection.

UPR. 4. Load the web page you are interested in. Try printing this page using the menu option File - Preview - Print.

EXECUTIVE 5. Search for the desired piece of text on the page (using the CTRL+F combination, a window for entering a keyword for search is called up).

EXERCISE 6. Change the font size on the page for more comfortable viewing (find the corresponding option in the “View” menu).

Explanation: you can use the found text as the basis for a new document, for which it is most convenient to use the ability to copy a selected (using the mouse) fragment of text to the clipboard, and then paste it from the clipboard into a Word document.

EXERCISE 8. Opening a new document (using a hyperlink) in a new window.

Explanation: It is often convenient to keep multiple web pages open at the same time. To do this, the following technique is usually used - if you press and hold the “SHIFT” key while “clicking” on a hyperlink, the web page corresponding to this hyperlink will be opened in a new window.

EXECUTIVE 9. Compiling a list of required addresses (URLs) in a Word document.

Explanation: Sometimes you need to print or mail a list of useful website addresses or web pages to a colleague. To do this, you can use the following technique - copying the hyperlink (or address) to a clipboard, then pasting it into a Word document with the necessary explanations. Explore this feature by selecting the desired link, pointing at it with the mouse cursor and right-clicking to bring up the context menu (with the options “Copy” and “Copy link”)

1.4 Test questions for self-control on the topic “Practical techniques for working with the Internet”

Note: Below are only the wording of the questions, while the answer options in the printed version of the instructions are omitted. Multiple choice questions are included in the electronic self-test on the CD-ROM and on the program website.

1. What was the name of the first telecommunications network?

2. Which definition most fully reflects the essence of the Internet? (further in the test - definition options)

3. World Wide Web (WWW) is...?

4. Work on the creation of the Internet was started thanks to...?

5. What is a browser?

6. What was the name of the first browser with a graphical interface?

7. What number can most likely be used to estimate the number of Internet users in the world?

8. What is a domain?

9. What is the purpose of the DNS system?

10. A list of web addresses is provided - find among them those that are incorrect in terms of the rules for forming domain addresses

Programs for viewing web pages

Browsers are programs for viewing Web pages.

Lecture No. 6

One of the basic tasks of the Internet is to store and provide (on request) extremely important information to users. To find the necessary information on the Internet, it is extremely important to know the address of the Web page (site) on which this information is located, to have at least one of the Web browsing applications installed on your PC, and to have access to the global network.

A program for navigation (searching for information on the Internet) and viewing Web pages is usually called browser(browser). The word browser is derived from the English " Web browser"There are many browsers today.

The most popular are graphical browsers(two-dimensional):

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

· Flock (Firefox and Flock are based on Netscape code)

Netscape Navigator

· Google Chrome and others.

Internet Explorer browser page

The Safari browser for Windows is gaining popularity. The first graphical browser, Viola, appeared in 1992. Currently, three-dimensional browsers are being developed, for example the Clara browser

Popular text browsers(console browsers):

· Links (supports graphics).

Lynx and Links can be used on various platforms: Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other operating systems. These browsers are suitable for use on weak PCs and low-speed Internet connections.

At the same time, these browsers can be used for powerful PCs and high-speed lines for navigation or Internet surfing (for quick access to the required information on sites), and to view the required Web pages, it is advisable to use browsers with a graphical interface.

To work in DOS, you can use a graphical WWW browser Arachne is a graphical browser that supports the basic elements of modern Web design. To work in Linux, you can use the following browsers: Lynx, Links (Elinks, Links2, Links Hacked), Opera, Netscape, and so on.

Browsers are the client World Wide Web, that is, an application program that, upon request, receives documents from Web servers, interprets the data from Web pages and displays them on the screen.

Using a browser, you can easily search for the desired web page on the Internet by typing one or more words in the address bar (search bar) of the browser and pressing Enter to begin the search. Browsers provide access not only to Web servers, but also to other Internet servers (FTP servers, Gopher servers and UseNet teleconferencing servers).

One of the most popular browsers is Internet Explorer, since the Internet Explorer application is included in the Windows operating system.

  • - Web documents

    In Web document mode, the screen representation does not match the printed one. This is a departure from the WYSIWYG principle, but it is typical for electronic publications on the World Wide Web, since it is not known in advance which viewer and on what equipment the document will be displayed.... [read more]

  • - Device and operating principle of the web camera

    Connected installation of a web camera Web cameras are connected to the Internet via the 10Base/100BaseTX/1000BaseTX Ethernet port or to an additional modem via the serial port. After a physical connection to the web camera, IP addresses are assigned. The most common IP addresses used... [read more]

  • - Creation of Web sites using HTML language

    Web design terminology A web browser is an application program designed to interpret HTML document codes and display a hypertext document on a computer screen. The most commonly used browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer and NetScape Navigator.... [read more]

  • - Internet-campaign is a kind of Web-showcase, a form of work of a company on the Internet, a real presentation of high-profile business in the global arena.

    For goods and services that you most often want to get through the border, there are books, software, computer equipment, airline tickets, miscellaneous tours, etc.

  • The form for the buyer to select a product, region, method of delivery, method of payment is indicated in... [read more]

    - The process (algorithm) of creating a website for a website.

  • First of all, you need to be mindful of the goals that you set for yourself when creating a new project. The choice of goals depends on the methods of achieving them, including the design itself.

    If you decide to create a non-commercial information site, then you need to find out why... [read more]

  • - The main reasons that encourage people to create Web sites.

    What is Web design?

  • Lecture No. 6.


    Nutrition: 1. Theoretical foundations of Web design.

    1.1. What is Web design?

    1.2. The main reasons that encourage people to create websites.

    2. Basic rules (“postulates”)...

    - Basic rules (“postulates”) for web design

    It seems that any technology, any creative process in any field is subject to ancient rules and laws, the failure of which inevitably results in unacceptable consequences. The website, as a complex of engineering and artistic solutions, also deserves respect...

    1.4.3. uKit................................................... .......................... 10

    2. Create a web page using HTML.................................... 12

    2.1. HTML document structure.................................................... 12

    2.2. Algorithm for creating an HTML document using
    Notepad........................................................ ............................ 13

    2.4. Meta tags........................................................ ............................. 15

    2.5. Font formatting commands.................................................... 16

    2.6. Inserting pictures into an HTML document.................................... 16

    2.7. Algorithm for editing an HTML document using Notepad

    2.8. Tag attributes ...................................................... 17

    2.9. URL........................................................ .................................... 18

    2.12. Referring to specific sections of other documents 20

    2.16. Lists........................................................ ........................... 22

    2.16.1. Unnumbered lists................................................... 22

    2.16.2. Numbered lists......................................................... 22

    2.16.3. Lists of definitions................................................... 22

    2.16.4. Nested lists........................................................ 22

    Conclusion................................................. ........................................... 24

    Bibliography................................................ ................................... 27


    A web page is a document whose content is suitable for processing, manipulation and viewing via a web browser. Web pages can be located locally (on the user’s personal hardware device) or on network devices (servers) in local and global networks.

    A typical web page is an HTML text file that may contain links to files in other formats (text, graphics, video, audio, multimedia, applets, applications, databases, web services, etc.), as well as hyperlinks to quickly navigate to other web pages or access referenced files. Many modern browsers allow you to view the contents of referenced files directly on the web page containing the link to the file. Modern browsers also allow direct viewing of the contents of certain file formats, away from the web page that links to them.

    Website is a collection of several web pages united by a common design, a common theme or a common goal. That is, “Simply and Clearly” is a site that combines many pages with articles. The design is made in the same style, that is, everything is decorated similarly. Therefore, not only the commonality of the topic (learning to use a computer), but also the appearance itself indicates that the pages are related. But at the same time, the separately open main prosto-ponyatno.ru is a web page.

    There are also one-page sites, but most of them include several pages: main and internal, on which various information is located.

    Each site has Domain name, that is, your name on the Internet.

    A dynamic page is a web page generated programmatically, as opposed to a static page, which is simply a file on the server. The server generates the HTML code of the dynamic page for processing by the browser or other user agent.

    Dynamic pages typically process and display information from a database. The most popular technologies for generating dynamic pages at the moment:

    · PHP - For Apache and other servers running GNU/Linux, other UNIX-like, and other operating systems.

    · JSP and Java Servlet - For Apache, JBoss, Tomcat servers running various OS.

    · ASP.NET - For Microsoft Windows servers running IIS.


    HTML language

    Web pages can exist in any format, but the standard is Hyper Text Markup Language, a hypertext markup language designed to create rich text rich in images, sound, animation, video clips and hypertext links to other documents scattered throughout the Web. space, and located on the same server or being an integral part of the same Web project.

    You can work on the Web without knowing the HTML language, since HTML texts can be created by various special editors and converters. But writing directly in HTML is not difficult. It may even be easier than learning an HTML editor or converter, which are often limited in their capabilities, buggy, or produce poor HTML that doesn't work across platforms. The HTML language comes in several flavors and continues to evolve, but HTML constructs will likely continue to be used in the future. By learning about HTML and understanding it more deeply, creating a document at the beginning of learning HTML and expanding it as much as possible, we are able to create Web pages that can be viewed by many Web browsers, both now and in the future.

    This does not exclude the possibility of using other methods, such as the advanced method provided by Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, or some other programs. Working with HTML is a way to learn the ins and outs of creating documents in a standardized language, using extensions only when really necessary. HTML has been ratified by the World Wide Web Consortium. It is supported by several widely used browsers, and will probably form the basis of almost all software that has to do with the Web.

    Web browsing programs

    Simple pages will most likely look the same in all browsers. However, the more complex the page, the greater the differences in its perception by different viewing programs. When creating a web page, it's useful to view it in different browsers and adjust the code according to what you see. It can often happen that a page that looks very nice in one browser will simply be unreadable in another.

    Creating a complex page that looks almost the same in different browsers is not an easy task: Therefore, we would recommend focusing on one browser, and maintaining compatibility with others only at a minimum level. You can also create copies of pages for different browsers, but there is also a small problem here, which we will discuss below.

    The simplest solution: having created a page, write at the beginning of it something like: “Looks best in such and such a browser” and place a link next to it by clicking on which the user could download the desired viewer program. However, we must keep in mind that not all users will most likely want to do this, and not only because not all browsers are free. Firstly, not everyone has the opportunity) to download large amounts of data from the Internet, and secondly, many are already accustomed to using some kind of viewing program, and advice to urgently install another one will cause them, at best, bewilderment.

    Internet Explorer browser

    Today, the most popular web browsing program is Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is used by approximately half of all Internet users.

    Almost all the cardinal innovations have appeared in MS Internet Explorer since version 4. Some aspects, mainly related to the reaction to user actions and the interpretation of code written in JavaScript, have changed significantly in the fifth version. Therefore, do not be surprised if a page written for Internet Explorer version 5, when viewed in version 4, displays, for example, messages about a “script error.” By the way, the fifth version of Internet Explorer is capable of automatically correcting minor inaccuracies. Other browsers do not do this, and for them these inaccuracies will result in error messages.

    Internet Explorer supports JavaScript as a scripting language. The VBScript language introduced some interesting features that were missing in JavaScript 1.0, such as the function of automatically ignoring errors in a loop

    The third version uses a rather unique implementation of JavaScript, and some functions written for later versions or for Netscape browsers do not work quite correctly in Internet Explorer 3. The HTML 4.0 project was still in its infancy; Internet Explorer 3 lacks functions for responding to user actions, the ability to arbitrarily arrange design elements, etc. There is also no support for cascading style sheets. In some cases, there are problems with navigation between frames.

    1.4. Website builders

    A solid foreign project, quite possibly the best website builder today. It provides a wealth of tools for creating truly beautiful and functional websites, be it an online store, a business card website or a blog. The interface is powerful and convenient, you can immediately see the professionalism of the development team, which inspires confidence in the resource.

    Benefits include:

    · A huge number of high-quality and varied templates (more than 1000);

    · Ability to create your own unique template;

    · Powerful website editor;

    · Along with HTML5, it is possible to create websites in flash;

    · Supports Drag & Drop function;

    · Very flexible and varied settings;

    · Websites on Wix are well indexed by search engines;

    · Russified, clear and pleasant-looking interface;

    · The ability to create a mobile version of the resource and pages for the social network Facebook (there is a wide selection of templates);

    · Quite responsive technical support;

    · In the "Vacancies" section you can find a job for an experienced designer or programmer;

    · Quite favorable price/quality ratio when switching to a paid package.

    · Possibility of transferring the site to your hosting, but subject to the purchase of a Premium account.


    · The page address in the free version is not memorable enough, it looks like yourwixlogin.wix.com/site name;


    An excellent designer that is suitable for creating websites for small businesses (portfolio, business card, store). Quite easy to learn. According to the developers, creating a website on the portal is no more difficult than filling out a page on Odnoklassniki.


    · The finished website can be linked to your domain;

    · Unlimited disk space;

    · Free access to the main part of the portal’s capabilities;

    · User-friendly interface, beautiful templates;

    · Possibility of implementing a system for accepting electronic payments;

    · Ability to customize pages for SEO.

    · 100 rubles in your account to try paid services.

    · Decent technical support.


    · It is not possible to insert HTML code or banners;

    · No forum.

    A very promising and functional website builder. It was created by developers who had recently worked on the uCoz service. Currently, the uKit website builder has left the beta testing stage and all its functionality is available to everyone for a nominal fee per month comparable to the cost of simple shared hosting.


    · Extensive functionality;

    · Intuitive user interface;

    · Ability to create attractive, fully functional websites without technical knowledge;

    · Quite wide opportunities for subsequent SEO promotion of the created site;

    · Instant access to extensive statistics and analytics of the created site.


    · Some shortcomings in functionality and user interface.


    As mentioned above, web pages are encoded in hypertext markup language - HTML. Generally speaking, to write an HTML file, it is enough to have any text editor, as long as it knows how not to add its own special characters to the text. The simplest option is the Notepad editor, which comes standard with Windows. Strictly speaking, this is exactly what you need - a simple program that saves the written text exactly in the form in which it was entered, and nothing extra.

    A web page is an electronic document in .htm or .html format that has hyperlinks to other documents. A web page is an electronic document created using a special hypertext markup language, HTML, possibly using scripts written in the JavaScript programming language or using the Perl, PHP programming languages.

    A tag is a set of characters that begins with the symbol< и заканчивается символом >(angle brackets between which the keyword is written):<………>

    HTML Document Structure

    The web page consists of three parts:

    1. HTML version information,

    2. The header of the web page, which contains technical information ( ),

    3. Body of the web page ( ).

    All HTML documents have a strictly defined structure, which is created using tags such as

    …- This pair of tags tells the browser that this is indeed an HTML document.

    …- The headers section, which contains information about the document as a whole, in particular it should contain the following tag:

    - A tag containing the title of the document, which will be displayed in the title bar of the browser window.

    …- The body of the document, i.e. The text itself, the contents of the document, will be located here.

    Internet Browser Review

    Browser(or browser) is something that no Internet user can do without. The word browser is derived from the English " Web browser".

    This word refers to software for processing and displaying various components of a web page and providing an interface between the website and its visitor.

    Almost all popular browsers are distributed free of charge or “bundled” with another application.

    The history of browsers dates back to 1990. It was then that the first mass web browser was created.

    The creator of the first browser was the developer of hypertext markup, the “father” of World Wide Web technology, Tim Berners-Lee. The browser was called WorldWideWeb.

    Later, in order not to confuse the “World Wide Web” with the name of the program, Berners-Lee renamed the browser Nexus.

    WorldWideWeb allowed you to view web pages, as well as edit and update them on sites.

    It was a text browser capable of displaying only letters and numbers. The first popular browser

    with a graphical interface was NCSA Mosaic.

    The source code of this browser was open source and several other browsers (Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer) took it as a basis. This browser had its shortcomings, but almost all of them were eliminated in the Netscape Navigator browser (some Netscape employees were from the NSCA and participated in the development of Mosaic)..

    Netscape released Netscape Navigator for various operating systems (UNIX, Windows, Mac OS) and achieved notable success, including commercial success. This prompted Microsoft to release its

    Internet Explorer browser

    If we take the Russian-language part of the World Wide Web, the so-called Runet, then the browsers are located in a slightly different sequence: Internet Explorer - 51%, Firefox - 24%, Opera - 16%, Opera Mini - 4%, Safari and Chrome - 2%. The main difference with global trends is the greater popularity of the Opera web browser. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Opera presented itself to domestic users as the first real alternative to Internet Explorer..

    In any case, regardless of the language segment of the network, Internet Explorer is still

    the most popular web browsing program

    From the point of view of vulnerability, the most common browsers were considered - Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer. The Google Chrome browser, by the way, is not mentioned in this report.

    According to Cenzic, 8% of all security problems on the world wide web are related to browsers. Based on the results of the first half of 2009, Mozilla Firefox turned out to be the most vulnerable - 44% of all threats found were detected in it.

    Internet Explorer 1.0 was released in August 1995, based on the Spyglass, Inc Mosaic browser.

    Microsoft licensed the browser for quarterly payments plus a percentage of sales. Internet Explorer developed gradually: from the first version 1.0 to the latest version 8.0, almost 13 years passed. During this time browser

    has become increasingly integrated with operating systems and support for various website builders.

    The appearance changed dynamically, features were gradually added: multimedia panel, integration with Windows Messenger, automatic image size correction, download manager, page tab system, search bar, blocking pop-up windows and banners, and so on. Some of the new features in the latest version of Internet Explorer 8:

    Mozilla Firefox 3.6

    The browser that has it all
    An open source Internet browser designed For web browsing

    and searching for information on the Internet.:

    New browser features

    support 48 languages;

    2-3 times faster page loading than in the previous version;

    complete protection against malicious sites;

    integration with your antivirus;

    a full-fledged system for working with bookmarks meets the most sophisticated requirements;

    multi-window operating mode;

    the ability to drag buttons in the toolbar;

    selection of topics;

    obtain information about the site with one click; Firefox web browser is safe

    , is fast and has many new features that will change the way you experience the Internet.
    Developers website: http://www.mozilla-europe.org/ru/firefox/
    Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
    Interface: Multilingual (Russian language available)

    Download Mozilla Firefox 3.6 browser for free

    and also a very useful article

    Introducing Internet Explorer

    Client-server technology is used to exchange data on the Internet, and access to certain resources is carried out using the appropriate client program. There are a large number of programs for viewing Web pages, among which the most popular is Internet Explorer.

    This assignment will help you become familiar with the most useful features of Internet Explorer, learn how to navigate the Web, how to get to the Web pages you need, and how to make Internet Explorer load Web pages faster.

    After Internet Explorer is installed, its icon appears on the Desktop. This icon can be used to launch Internet Explorer in Explorer or Explorer mode, and configure Internet properties.


    Internet Explorer, like any other Windows program, can be launched from the menu Start.

    To launch Internet Explorer in browser mode, double-click the Internet Explorer icon. After starting the browser, its main window opens and the home Web page loads.

    Browser window

    The Internet Explorer window contains:

    · Menu bar

    · Toolbars: Regular buttons, Address bar, Links

    · Status bar

    Panel Regular buttons contains all the main browser control buttons. Panels Address and Links are used to specify the address of the web page to be loaded.

    In the upper right corner of the window there is a program logo that rotates as the Web page loads. The status bar, located at the bottom of the window, contains messages about the status of the Web page. The progress bar on the right side of the status bar shows the progress of the file being downloaded. The status bar also contains an indicator showing the set security level of loaded Web pages. If necessary, you can set the mode in which the browser window will occupy the entire screen. To switch to this mode, you can use one of the following methods:

    ·Press a button Full screen on the toolbar

    · Press key

    · Select a team Full screen from the menu View

    This closes the taskbar and browser toolbar, and displays the menu and address bar as a single line. To return to normal operation, move the cursor to the bottom of the screen. A taskbar will appear, on which you need to find the browser window icon and right-click. In the context menu that opens, select the command Restore. To switch from full-screen mode to normal mode, you can also press the key .

    Main toolbar

    Main toolbar Regular buttons located at the top of the Internet Explorer window. Purpose of the buttons on this panel:



    Key combination


    + < ← >

    Go to the previous Web page (previously viewed). When you click on the arrow, a list of Web pages opens to which you can go.

    +< → >

    Moves to the next Web page previously viewed. When you click on the arrow, a list of Web pages opens to which you can go.


    Stop loading a web page


    Update current page information

    Go to home page

    When you click this button, the Search panel appears in the browser window


    Open your Favorites folder, which contains Web pages you've selected

    Open a menu for reading mail, news, creating a new message, or sending a message containing the current page or a link selected on this page


    Changing the text encoding type

    Full screen

    Internet Explorer window expands to full screen

    Changing the font size

    Opening a program to edit the current Web page


    Search for Web pages similar to the one you are currently viewing

    By default, after installing Internet Explorer, the main toolbar displays only the most frequently used buttons. To add or remove buttons from the toolbar, select the command Toolbars menu View, and then the option Setup. A dialog box will open Customizing the Toolbar.

    The list of buttons not located on the toolbar is given in the list Available buttons and the list of posted ones is in the list Toolbar. To add a new button to a toolbar, select it from the list of available buttons and click or click Add. Removing a button is done in the same way, but in this case it should be selected from the list Toolbar and press the button Delete. To restore the toolbar to its original state, click the button Reset. Using buttons Up and down you can change the relative position of the buttons. The type of display of buttons (with captions, optionally with captions or without captions) is selected from the drop-down list Button text. Using a list Icon size you can set the size of the buttons (small or large).

    Go to web page

    To go to web pages you can use:

    · Panel Address, where you enter the address of the Web page you are interested in

    Using hyperlinks

    Almost every Web page contains links to other pages. The easiest way to move from one Web page to another is to find the hyperlink of interest on the page and click on it (text hyperlinks are underlined, the text of links to pages that have already been visited changes color). There are also graphical hyperlinks that are not clearly highlighted on the screen and one image can contain several links. For example, individual parts of a person's image may be used to link to sections of hats, clothing, and shoes. When you move the mouse cursor to a graphical link, the arrow takes the form of a palm with a pointing finger (in addition, the status bar displays the addresses of the Web page to which the selected hyperlink points).

    When using graphic links, Web page designers strive to make them stand out. To do this, the image with the link may contain explanatory text. Quite often, an explanation of this link is provided next to the image.

    When you click on a link, the Web page specified in it opens by default in the current browser window. It can also be opened in a new window. To do this, place the cursor on the link, right-click and select the command from the context menu that appears Open in new window.

    Using the Web Page Address

    The most universal way to navigate to a Web page is to use its address. The Web site address (URL - Universal Resource Locator) usually begins with the name of the protocol. This is followed by the domain name and the location of the file relative to the domain. If you specify only the domain name, the main page of the Web site will load. For example, the Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius has the following address: http://www. *****. Here http- the protocol that your Web program uses to communicate with a Web site and retrieve a Web page from it. The next part of the address, www, indicates that the site is a World Wide Web site. Suffix ru means that the node is located in Russia, and the address section indicated before it km clarifies whose node this is.

    Default panel Address located under the main browser toolbar. When you enter an address in the drop-down list in this panel and press the key or button Transition The browser opens the Web page whose address you specified. All the addresses that you previously entered into the panel Address, are in the drop down list and you can select them.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image019_16.jpg" width="468" height="87 src=">

    You don't have to enter the initial part of the address http://www, because the browser will add it itself. If you don't enter com, org, etc., the browser will begin searching for Web sites with all valid suffixes.

    Go to Web pages open in the current session

    To go to pages loaded in the current session, use the buttons Back and Forward. By clicking these buttons, you sequentially go to previously loaded pages. To go directly to the page, click the arrow next to the button Back or Forward. A list of pages will open. By selecting the required page from the list, you will immediately go to it.

    Navigating a Web Page

    If the Web page fits on the screen, then you don't need to navigate around it. But in most cases, a Web page is large enough that you can use your mouse and keyboard shortcuts to navigate it.

    Keys and key combinations

    Action to be performed



    Scrolls a Web page to the beginning

    Scrolls to the end of a Web page

    Scrolls a Web page to the beginning in larger increments

    <Раде Down>

    Scrolls to the end of a Web page in large increments

    Goes to the top of a Web page

    Moves to the bottom of a Web page

    As with any Windows window, you can use scroll bars to move around a Web page. It's common for Web page designers to place bookmarks on large navigation pages. Typically, in this case, at the beginning of the Web page there is its table of contents, each section of which has its own bookmark. When you click on a table of contents line, you go to the specified section located on that page.

    Searching for information on the current Web page

    If the Web page is large, then you may need a means of finding the information you need located somewhere on the page. To conduct a search, follow these steps:

    1. In the menu Edit select team Find on this page or press the key combination + . A dialog box will open Search.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image022_20.gif" width="14" height="16"> However, even in this mode you can view individual pictures. To do this, move the pointer on the picture icon, right-click, and then select the command from the context menu Show picture.

    Internet Explorer stores all the Web pages you visit in temporary files on your hard drive. Internet Explorer typically loads each Web page once per session. For example, when you open a page for the first time in a session www. , Explorer saves it, including all page objects, in temporary files. If you then open other pages and then return to the previously selected page, Internet Explorer will load it from your hard drive rather than from the Internet.

    You can configure the mode for using temporary files. To do this, open the dialog box Internet Options and in the region Temporary Internet files tabs Are common click the button Options (Settings).

    A dialog box of the same name will open, using the switch Checking for updates to saved pages you can select the update mode. Selecting a value automatically significantly speeds up viewing recently visited pages. In this case, when you return to a page you've already visited, Internet Explorer won't check to see if the page has changed since you last viewed it. The check will only occur when you return to a page visited during a previous session or on the previous day.

    Russian language" href="/text/category/russkij_yazik/" rel="bookmark">Russian-language text are Cyrillic (KOI8) and Cyrillic (Windows). The first of them is mainly used when working with UNIX computers, and the second - when using Windows.

    Many Russian Web sites have several versions of Web pages with different encodings. In this case, you can select a link to a page with your encoding.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image026_12.jpg" width="550" height="725 src=">

    In addition to choosing the type of text encoding, you can change the size of the font displayed on your screen. To do this, run the command Font size menu View or click the button Size on the toolbar. A drop-down menu will appear containing a list of all possible sizes. Select the appropriate one from this list.

    Home page selection

    When you start Internet Explorer, the same Web page (home) always opens, which you may not need. In this case, in order not to waste extra time opening it, you can change the home page address using the window Internet Options.

    In this window, you can specify the address of your home Web page as follows:

    · Click the button With the current located in the region Homepage. In the input field Address The address of the current Web page appears. When using this approach, you must first load the required page and before opening the window Internet Options go to it.

    ·You can directly enter your chosen address into the field Address.

    · If you do not need to load the home page, click the button With empty. In this case, when you start Internet Explorer, the browser window will be blank.

    How to print a Web page

    Internet Explorer allows you to print the entire page as it appears on your screen, or select portions of it to print. When printing a Web page, you can include additional information in the printout: window title, page address, date and time.

    To print a Web page, you need to configure print settings. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Using the command Page settings from the File menu, open the dialog box Page settings.

    2. Set the parameters: page size, margins, paper orientation when printing.

    3. To print headers and footers, go to the area Headers and footers and enter in the fields Header and Footer text displayed at the top and bottom of the page. You can use the templates provided to format your text to include system information.


    Used for withdrawal

    Window title

    Page addresses

    Dates in short format

    Dates in full format

    Time in the format specified in the Language and Standards window in Control Panel

    Time in 24-hour format

    Current page number

    Number of pages

    Rich text: centered text after the first &b, right-aligned text after the second &b

    To print a Web page after configuring the settings in the dialog box Page settings run the command Seal from the menu File. The web page will be printed.

    Saving a Web page and its fragments

    The Web page displayed on the screen consists of an HTML document and many associated files used to design the page. Using Internet Explorer, you can save the entire page or its individual fragments.

    Saving a Web Page

    To save a Web page, follow these steps:

    2. Select a folder and specify the name of the file to be created.

    3. In the field File type specify the type of data to be saved::

    · To save the entire page, including graphics, frames, and style sheets, select Full web page.

    · When selecting a value Web archive, one file the entire Web page will be saved as a single MIME-encoded file.

    · To save only the HTML document, select Web page, HTML only. Selecting this file type will not save pictures, sound effects, or other files used to display the page.

    Saving pictures and text fragments of a Web page

    The entire Web page, as well as its individual text fragments or pictures, may be of interest.

    To save a piece of text, select it and right-click. A context menu will open from which select the command Copy. The snippet is now on the Windows temporary clipboard, and you can paste it into another application, such as Microsoft Word.

    To copy a picture, place the cursor on the picture contained on the page and click the right mouse button. Then from the context menu select the command Copy.

    You can save the drawing as a separate file. To do this, from the context menu of the picture, run the command Save drawing as. When you save a picture, you can choose a file type that matches the picture type (for example, JPG or GIF), or save the picture in BMP format.

    Using your browser history

    Internet Explorer stores a list of visited Web pages in the browser history in chronological order. Log information is displayed on the panel Magazine.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image031_8.jpg" width="160" height="73 src=">

    To open Web pages recorded in the log, place the cursor on the link of the required page and press the left mouse button.

    Searching for information on the Internet

    Search panel

    You can find the information you need in Internet Explorer using the Search. In addition, you can use the panel for quick search Address, by entering the search command go, find or? into the input field. . On Windows, you can also search the Internet using the command Find from the menu Start, opening the next level menu. When you select the options from this menu In the Internet the search begins on Web pages when you select a value Of people- search for email addresses of people and organizations.

    Panel Search opens when you press a button Search on the toolbar. It is located, like other panels, on the left side of the browser window. Using the panel Search you can set a search phrase, select the most popular international and Russian information retrieval services, configure the search mode and return to previous search tasks. Panel Search can be opened in a separate browser window. To do this, right-click on the panel title and select the command from the menu that opens Open in a separate window.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image033_7.jpg" width="586" height="440 src=">

    You can customize different search options or choose the default search engine. To select search engines, select the checkbox for each search engine you intend to use. The selected systems will appear in the list at the top of the dialog box. The topmost one will be the main one and the primary search will be carried out on it. Using the arrows, you can set the order in which the search is used by clicking the up arrow button below the list until the selected search engine is at the top of the list. To save the results of previous searches, select the checkbox Previous search.

    Using the Address panel to search

    To organize a search using the panel Address, enter the command go, find or? in the input field. and a search phrase separated by a space. For example, to search for information about the city of London, enter find London and press the key .

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image035_5.jpg" width="550" height="453 src=">

    Formation of search criteria

    In the examples above, only one keyword was used for the search. When specifying such a search criterion, it is very difficult to find the required data, since there may be too many Web pages containing it. Sequentially browsing not only Web pages, but even a list of them will take too much time. Therefore, to set a more precise criterion, it is advisable to use the capabilities of search services. Search guidelines may vary between services, but you can always find help information on the main page for each service. As an example, let's look at organizing a search using the Yandex search engine.

    The easiest and most intuitive way to set a search condition is to enter the words that interest you in the search bar. In this case, the search engine will select Web pages that contain all the specified words.

    For example, if you are going on vacation at sea and want to get a variety of information on this issue using the Internet, enter in the search field holiday at sea and press the button Search. The search engine will select a list of Web pages that contain all of these words. At the beginning of the list will be the documents in which the query words occur the greatest number of times and are as close to each other as possible.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image037_4.jpg" width="550" height="574 src=">

    Search for email addresses

    There are special services on the Internet designed to search for email addresses of organizations and individuals. On Windows, you use a dialog box to select a search service and specify the search criteria you want to perform. Search people. To open it, select the command Find from the main menu button Start, and then the option Of people.

    Drop-down list Search location dialog box contains a list of the most popular services designed to search for people's email addresses.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image039_6.jpg" width="483" height="256 src=">

    Let's consider an example of searching for email addresses of people with the last name Smirnov. When searching for email addresses, the information that subscribers provide when registering with the postal service is used. Since the English transcription of the surname is most often used, we will search by the surname Smirnov.

    1. Select from the list Search location one of the email address search services. To view information about the selected search service, click Web site. The browser will start and the main Web page of the selected search service will open.

    2. In the field Name tabs People enter your search term.

    3. Click the button Find. The entered information will be transferred to the selected service and the search for email addresses will begin. To stop searching, click the button Stop.

    If the recipient provided the provider with more detailed information during registration, you will be able to view this as well. To do this, click the button Properties.

    Advanced tab dialog box Search people used to specify complex search conditions. Region Set conditions contains two drop-down lists and a field for entering a value. The first list specifies the address element used for comparison, the second list specifies the comparison criterion, and the input field specifies the value to be searched for.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image041_4.jpg" width="300" height="150 src=">

    For example, when searching for people with the last name Smirnov, you can specify only part of the last name. In this case, the list obtained as a result of the search will be longer, and it will include information about people not only with the surname Smirnov, but also Smirnoff. In this list you will also find information about the Smirnoff Vodka organization. Using a button Add you can specify multiple search criteria.

    To use all the search capabilities provided by the selected service, click the button Web site. The search service's Web page will open, which contains fields for entering search terms.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image043_5.jpg" width="422" height="135">

    View a list of favorite pages

    List of links to Web pages added to the folder Favorites, you can see when selecting menu Favorites. When you create a nested folder structure, the menu that opens will be hierarchical.

    To select Web pages located in a folder Favorites, you can also use the browser panel of the same name. To open this panel, do any of the following:

    · Click the button Favorites on the toolbar.

    · Select a team Browser Panels menu View and then the option Favorites.

    · Press the key combination +< I>.

    Organize your favorite pages

    While working with the Favorites folder, you may need to manage the Web pages stored in it: add new folders, move links from one folder to another, delete unnecessary links or folders. In this case, run the command Organize favorites from the menu Favorites. Internet Explorer will open a dialog box of the same name.

    Using the dialog box buttons as well as the context menu commands, you can create, delete, rename and move folders.


    Storing links to your most frequently used Web pages

    You can also use the panel to place links to your most frequently used Web pages for quick access in Internet Explorer. Links. By default it is on the same line as the panel Address. If necessary, it can be placed on a separate line.

    When you install Internet Explorer on your computer, by default, the links bar adds links to the Web pages you use most frequently when you get started: Windows, Free Hotmail, Setting up links and some others. You can add new links to this panel, remove default ones, and change the order in which they appear on the panel.

    · Drag the icon of the selected page from the address bar to the panel Links

    · Open the panel Favorites and move the link from the selected folder to the folder Links

    You can delete or rename a link directly on the panel. Links, using the context menu commands of the selected link. To move, select its icon, click the mouse button and, without releasing it, move the link to another location.

    To download Web pages that you frequently access, you can create shortcuts to Desktop. To create a shortcut, open the selected Web page, place the cursor where there are no links or images, right-click and select the command from the context menu that appears Create a shortcut. The browser will ask for confirmation to create the shortcut.

    You can create shortcuts to Desktop not only for Web pages, but also for the links available on it. For this:

    2. Right-click and select the command from the context menu Copy shortcut.

    3. Place the cursor on the Windows Desktop and execute the context menu command Insert shortcut.

    Saving Web pages for offline use

    To save a Web page for later offline use, you must in the dialog box Add to favorites, that opens when adding a page to the list of favorite pages, check the box Make it available offline. After selecting the checkbox, the button will be available Setup. To configure the offline mode, click this button and follow the instructions of the offline viewing wizard:

    1. The first window is informational and contains a brief description of the wizard’s work. Read the information presented to your attention and click the button Further.

    2. In the second dialog box, select whether to download only the specified Web page or (in addition) Web pages associated with the specified page. When choosing the second mode, you must specify the link depth. There is a compromise to be made here. If you select a shallow link depth, it is likely that you will not be able to access the pages you need when browsing offline. With a large depth, loaded pages will take up a lot of space on your hard drive and, most importantly, the synchronization process, i.e. updating information on them, will be long. Having set the necessary parameters, click the button Further to go to the next step of the wizard.

    3. In the next wizard window, you must specify the type of synchronization of the Web page. For manual synchronization, select Only when you select the "Synchronize" command in the "Tools" menu.

    To create a page refresh schedule, select the option Using the new schedule. In this case, after pressing the button Further A wizard window opens, in which you specify the schedule name, synchronization time, and the number of days after which the update occurs. The schedule you specify will appear in the drop-down list the next time you select a schedule, and you can use it to set the refresh rate not only for this, but also for other Web pages.

    4. At the last step, the wizard asks whether a password is required to access the Web site where the selected page is located. If required, enter your username and password. To complete the setup, click the button Ready.

    Refresh Web pages selected for offline viewing

    To set the manual refresh mode for Web pages selected for offline viewing, run the command Synchronize from the menu Service. A dialog box will open on the screen Synchronized objects, which contains a list of Web pages selected for offline viewing. To update the page selected in the list, select the checkbox located to the left of the list item and click the button Synchronization.

    https://pandia.ru/text/78/184/images/image051_3.jpg" width="390" height="453">

    To change general synchronization settings, use the dialog box that opens when you click the button Installation.

    View a Web page offline

    To view Web pages offline, first select the File menu command Work autonomously. After that, using the menu or panel Favorites, Select any of the Web pages saved for offline viewing. This page will load from your hard drive and will look the same as when viewed in normal browser mode.