Glonass trackers for cars. GPS trackers. Video: comparison of bookmark beacons

Every car owner cares about how to keep his car safe and sound. He installs an alarm system and an immobilizer in the car, issues CASCO insurance, and does everything possible to protect the car from theft. But it is impossible to protect your car 100% from thieves. If a car thief has chosen a victim, nothing will stop him. One reliable way is to purchase and install best GPS- tracker. Let us further understand what a tracker is, which models protect the car most reliably, and what is best to choose in 2016 - 2017.

How tracking helps in logistics

With Brazil's continental dimension and the more than 1.7 million kilometers of roads that the country has, tracking cargo shipments is a basic need for a carrier or logistics company. 24-hour monitoring serves to both improve the efficiency of moving loads and ensure safety for workers.

It should be remembered that nowadays more and more companies are investing in monitoring the entire production chain. The idea is that through tracking, the consumer can see the history of the product, from where it was created to the point of sale. In the case of logistics companies, tracking also serves to inform the consumer about the delivery status of the product. With the ease of shopping online, the customer wants to know more and more about the progress of a business transaction in order to feel more confident about the purchase.

What is a GSM tracker for a car?

A GPS tracker, or otherwise called a GPS beacon, is a device that allows you to determine the location of a car by receiving data from GPS satellites and sending it to the owner’s smartphone or computer. The lighthouse is hidden in the car so that no one except the owner knows about it. Using the tracker, you can always track the route and location of the car. According to statistics, most often those stolen cars are found that were equipped with a GPS beacon. This device installed not only on cars, but also on other vehicles, even on ATMs, containers that are of interest to fraudsters and car thieves. The advantage of the tracker is its compactness and small size. It is easy to install a GPS beacon, for example, in a door or seat trim, under a wheel arch or other inconspicuous place.

Be careful when installing the crawler tractor

The car has an electrical system developed after several tests by the automaker. Therefore, the installation of accessories must be carried out by qualified specialists who understand the design of the vehicle and thus meet the requirements for proper functioning installed device. So when you buy a tracking system, ask how the company will install the tracker. Know that proper device placement will be critical if monitoring is to be successful.

The main element of the tracker is modules that receive and transmit information using satellite communications. There are GPS modules for determining coordinates, as well as GPS modules that provide data transmission via SMS, voice communication or GPRS.

GPS beacons are much more effective than alarms. The alarm may be triggered falsely, it can be easily turned off using special programs, this is not a hindrance for car thieves. But trackers are difficult to recognize even for an experienced attacker; in addition, they constantly transmit data about the location of the car, regardless of the distance to the owner.

Therefore, choose companies that have experience in the market and accumulated knowledge to ensure best service. With the rise in crime in several Brazilian cities, vehicle tracking and monitoring has become important to protect both the vehicle's occupants and the vehicle itself. Advances in technology such as the use of satellites for real-time localization have made it possible to monitor an entire fleet or just a car or motorcycle with greater and greater precision. Understand, further, the importance of vehicle tracking and monitoring for the safety of various audiences as well as for the preservation of assets.

As a rule, car thieves operate according to the following scheme: they choose a car, steal it and take it to a quiet place where there are not many people. For example, in the yard, in garages, hidden in the forest. After this, they wait several days to make sure that the search for the car has not begun. These are the days when the owner needs to act. After all, the car is standing still, and with using GPS The location of the lighthouse can be easily determined.

Technologies at the service of protection

On the one hand, there has been an increase in the number of crimes related to motor vehicles, on the other hand, there has been an intensive development of technologies to combat this practice. Whether in a theft situation where the vehicle is driven without the driver or victim present, or in a theft or robbery where the driver of the vehicle is present, tracking and monitoring can be the key to recovering the vehicle moments after the crime.

It is important to remember that in the event of an attack, it is not recommended that the driver react to avoid damage to his own life and to other passengers in the vehicle. Then, when accessing the vehicle monitoring center, the driver can determine the exact location of the vehicle and call the police. Even in the event of a possible theft, the victim's relative can visualize the location of the vehicle on the exchange, thanks to satellite tracking. At the same time, the work of the security authorities becomes easier, since there is no time to waste searching for the location of the car.

Key features for reliable operation

To ensure proper reliability in 2016-2017, a GPS tracker must have the following functions:

  1. Accuracy of obtaining coordinates from GPS satellites and Glonass. The error should be no more than 2.5 meters;
  2. Availability of GPS and GPRS modules that allow you to monitor the location of the car regardless of the time of day and distance. There is even a special smartphone application that helps track the location of the car in real time;
  3. Compactness. This device should take up as little space as possible so that it can be installed discreetly anywhere in the car. The smaller the beacon, the better;
  4. Duration of work. There are two ways to power beacons: autonomous, from built-in power sources, and allowing power from the machine’s electrical network. And that other method is excellent, but it is better to choose autonomous power supply. After all, in this case there is no dependence on the wiring of the machine. Also, autonomous power supply will allow you to install the beacon on objects that do not have wiring. The duration and reliability of operation depends on the battery capacity;
  5. Waterproof housing. This will allow you to install a GPS tracker under the bottom of the car or from the outside of the body;
  6. Presence of a motion sensor and interval operating mode. These functions allow the beacon to turn on only when the vehicle begins to move. And data transmission at a certain time interval will allow the car owner to constantly be aware of the location of the car. The accelerometer will save battery charge for a long time.

Rating of the best models

The production and release of GPS beacons is carried out not only abroad, but also in our country. And among the variety, you need to try to choose the best model of 2016 - 2017. The choice lies precisely among autonomous trackers, since they are installed in the car as discreetly as possible. average price domestic models are approximately from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. There are models that are twice as expensive. The following manufacturers have proven themselves best on the market: Naxivy, X-Keeper, Starline, Avtofon, FindMe.

The Importance of Family Safety Tracking

Vehicle tracking is a technology available to different audiences, from households to businesses. For family use, car monitoring provides greater security, for example for parents who want to know where their children are. Since this type of service is available 24 hours a day and is accessible via the Internet, the location of the vehicle can be checked on multiple devices at any time. In the event of a failure, for example, the exact location can be sent to the winch.

So, top 5 best models GPS trackers 2016 - 2017:

  1. Starline M17;
  2. Autophone beacon;
  3. X-Keeper Invis DUOS;
  4. FindMe.

Below we will take a closer look at each model.

Starline M17

Together with Autofon, the Starline model is the best and most reliable on the market. These beacons have earned such popularity due to their low price and significant advantages compared to other models. Starline M7 has the ability to transmit data using GPS and Glonass, there is an accelerator, a microphone, and an application for smartphones. The housing is sealed and small in size. However, unlike the previous tracker, there is no RF tag. But, as practice shows, this is not important for many car owners. But the price is significantly lower - 5800 rubles.

Car tracking via satellite is also an add-on for those purchasing car insurance. This is because with the use of this technology, the chances of total loss of the vehicle in case of theft or robbery are greatly reduced. If there is a crime, the driver can provide the location of the vehicle to the police and thereby facilitate recovery. Therefore, as a rule, insurance for a car that has a crawler tends to have more low prices than those who do not have this service.

Cases when tracking should be a priority

Owning a crawl car is synonymous with overall safety, however, in some vehicles, scanning should be a priority for the driver. For example, if you have a car high class or simply purchased a hot new car, but it is financed by several parties, then tracking the car is a necessary action to maintain your investment in the well.

Autophone beacon

This small tracker can be placed anywhere in the car. But standard model there is no sealed housing, probably because the manufacturer decided that it was best to place the beacon inside the car. However, by paying extra money, you can buy a sealed case and change it.

Satellite monitoring is also highly recommended for high-theft vehicles such as white, silver and black cars. To find out if your model is one of the most wanted by criminals, we suggest checking out the Stolen Vehicle Index issued by the Private Insurance Authority, an autarky affiliated with the Treasury Department.

Easy monitoring

Although satellite vehicle tracking technology is somewhat complex as it involves calculations of latitude, longitude and altitude, in addition to time, visualizing the resulting data is quite simple. Another advantage of web monitoring is that the location can also be viewed using mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Thanks to the login and password, the user of the tracking system can control the movement of the vehicle itself. It may seem like a joke, but this functionality can help even some of the most forgotten drivers who can't remember which street cars are parked, especially in major city centers.

Also, the advantages of this model include support for GPS and Glonass satellites, the presence of a microphone, a motion sensor, and the ability to install an application on a smartphone, which is very useful in 2016-2017. If there is a special tag next to the car intended for the car owner, then the beacon will not work.

The price for the Autophone model is 7,700 rubles.

When driving, the higher the safety, the better driver. Therefore, in addition to vehicle tracking, it is also recommended to protect safe and 24/7 assistance in case of electrical or mechanical damage, tire replacement, etc. The best thing is that when tracking, the insurance value becomes lower.

What to consider when hiring monitoring

Now that you understand the importance of vehicle tracking and tracing, it is worth remembering what you need to consider when hiring this service. First, evaluate the company's experience in the industry as well as the technological capabilities it has. An important point before closing a contract is to find out whether the service provider has coverage throughout the country.

X-Keeper Invis DUOS

Despite the fact that this tracker model does not have a sealed case, it has an additional Glonass module, microphone and SIM cards. This beacon is popular among car owners due to its compactness compared to other models. But there is a main drawback - the lack of a motion sensor. The price of the device is from 5500 to 6500 rubles.

You will find that hiring tracking has very affordable rates compared to some insurance plans. However, evaluate the package that best suits your needs, for example if you want to use it for a family or business. Nowadays, monitoring companies have progressive plans that add other services such as car insurance itself and repair of mechanical problems.

Keep in mind that satellite vehicle tracking does not replace automatic insurance, but actually complements that protection. This is because if the driver is involved in a collision, insurance will pay for the repairs. Already tracking is fundamental to the recovery of the vehicle in cases of theft or theft. Imagine the trouble a family would be in if they had to wait several weeks for a car found by police to be found by police. Undoubtedly, some actions will be missed, and in some cases the damage can be great, especially for those who use the car for work.

The highest place is occupied by a tracker from Navixy. This model has a waterproof body, which allows it to be installed on external body parts. There is also the ability to continuously and long work. The built-in accelerometer reports when the car starts moving. The case allows you to attach it to the body using a magnet, which adds reliability.

On the other hand, having only insurance is also not so profitable. After all, if your car was stolen and it was not found by police, you will have to wait at least 30 days to receive payment from your insurer. You have to agree that staying a month without a car will cost you more than a monthly tracking service, right? For example, a parent who uses a car to pick up their children at school would have to think about immediate alternatives so as not to disrupt the family routine.

Technical support and central notification

The situation will be even worse for self-employed professionals who own a car as a work tool. When you hire satellite tracking behind your car, please know technical support, which is offered by the company, as well as the monitoring center of the service provider. After all, it should be ready when you need it. Find out if it has 24 hour service and if the call in exchange is free, it's because no one knows how you'll get robbed, right?

But a significant drawback of this lighthouse is high price. You need to spend 13,500 rubles on Navixy M7, which is quite expensive. Besides, this model The device is not small in size, and also lacks a built-in microphone and support for Glonass satellites.


This brand produces two models of GPS beacon – F1 and F2. They are distinguished by their location accuracy and simple design. But at the same time, these beacons do not operate autonomously for long, about 1 year, and you also need to install an additional SIM card, and you can only use the device for free for the first two years. These trackers are sealed, have a built-in microphone, and work from on-board network. But no 24/7 support and response services, it is necessary to change batteries frequently; malfunctions may occur. The price for a FindMe tracker is approximately 6000-7000 rubles.

As you may have realized, the cost of purchasing a vehicle tracking service is an investment in the safety of people and the protection of property. While a good one, like a car, can somehow be recovered by purchasing a new one, the situation with life is different. It is enough to know the stories of people who were rescued from kidnappings or who escaped unharmed. Therefore, vehicle monitoring is of great importance to ensure well-being and peace of mind for both family and company.

And in your case in particular, how important is it to track and trace your vehicle? In your opinion, what are the main advantages that this type of service offers? Leave your comment here on the blog. The journey can be tiring for the driver as the road may be narrow or poorly paved, not backed up and even muddy, which requires large quantity both the driver and the vehicle used for stretching. These factors can also jeopardize the safety of the route, the driver, passengers and the vehicle itself.

GPS trackers are electronic devices to capture a signal from a satellite, accurately determine your own geographic coordinates and transmit them via telephone networks GSM and/or GPRS Internet. The GPS tracker determines its coordinates using signals from the GPS and/or GLONASS satellite global positioning network.

GPS tracker capabilities

Do you want to know where your child is at all times? Do you need to track the movement of a courier or a truck with cargo? Sending an important package and don't want it to get lost? GPS tracker is what you need! On any device convenient for you, at any time, you can see where the object you are interested in is located.

And that is not all! Personal GPS trackers are equipped with a “panic button”, after pressing which an alarm SMS will be sent. Car GPS tracker tracking the movement of cars can notify about engine starting, alarm activation, speeding and other events. Also, a GPS beacon can report a deviation from the route or exit from a certain zone.

A GPS tracker can work both in real time and remember the movement of an object. In this case, even the absence of a signal from the satellite is not critical - the GPS tracker can be positioned using GSM network signals.

Getting started with a GPS tracker

Before setting up, we recommend that you carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions and use their recommendations. Installation and configuration methods depend on the device model and its functions. But generally speaking, setting up a GPS tracker consists of the following steps:

  • Installing a SIM card in the tracker. Remove back cover, remove the battery (if necessary) and insert the SIM card.
  • Turn on the device. The GPS beacon automatically searches for a navigation satellite, as evidenced by its light indication.
  • Registration in the online location monitoring service, entering all the necessary data. The service can be either universal or “proprietary”, i.e. created by the GPS beacon manufacturer for its own devices. The latter option is more preferable, as it ensures more efficient use of trackers. Examples of services:,
  • Entering through a computer or SMS commands the necessary parameters for the operation of the device - phone numbers from which the operation will be carried out mobile access, frequency of switching on, etc.
  • Installation of a GPS tracker in a car or other tracking object in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Typical recommendations include placing it with the antenna up and the absence of overhanging metal elements.

After all the actions taken, you will be able to track the movement of the object in the selected online service, as well as receive SMS about events occurring with it.

Selecting a GPS tracker

When choosing a GPS tracker, you first need to decide on the type of device - personal or for vehicle tracking, as well as your budget. Personal ones are smaller in size and are designed for monitoring people. They have dispatcher call buttons and a backup battery, but do not have the ability to connect additional sensors. Term battery life is about 9 hours. Car GPS trackers are installed permanently and connected to the vehicle's power supply system. These trackers allow you to obtain information about the location of the car, its speed, mileage, and also have the ability to connect additional sensors.

The cost of the device largely depends on its sensitivity and, accordingly, on the accuracy of the data and the performance of the system. An accuracy of 2.5 meters has been adopted as an unspoken standard; with an error in open areas of more than 5 meters, we can safely say that the tracker uses old technologies. When choosing car GPS tracker Be sure to check the cold and hot start times. Cold (from the moment the car is started) should be no more than 35-40 s., hot (from the moment of short-term parking) - from 5 to 15 s.

Also, the price may increase as the range of tracker capabilities increases:

  • Panic button - sending an alarm signal from a personal tracker.
  • Two-way communication- SMS location request, etc.
  • Energy saving sensor.
  • Setting up a geo-fence with an alarm signal when the device leaves pre-defined boundaries.
  • Vibration or fall sensor - useful for caring for the elderly.
  • Telephone functions (possibly calls to 2-3 numbers), etc.

But the main thing is to choose a high-quality device from a leading manufacturer that can serve you for a long period of time. And it is best to trust reliable sellers.