Removing icloud account without password. How to unlink iPhone from iCloud: Step-by-step guide. Recovering iCloud password via email

The need to change your iCloud account to iPad devices and iPhone problems can occur due to the loss of the password for the old profile (old iCloud) or the absence of one at all (this sometimes happens when buying a used iPhone). And sometimes the user, regardless of third-party circumstances, independently decides to change his profile to iCloud (for the purpose of doing business, for professional activities, etc.).

This guide will help you remove iCloud profile from Apple i-devices (iPhone, iPad), and also make backup copy information stored in it (photos, files, contacts and other data that is valuable to the user).

Saving data before changing account

1. Transfer photos and images from your iCloud account to albums and photo galleries on your iPhone.

2. Data (documents, presentations, texts) created in iWork, music - to the iTunes directory (this procedure can also be performed by connecting a computer).

3. Saved dates and reminders can be restored through a new iCloud profile directly on your device or computer.

Standard procedure for deleting a profile

1. Tap the “Settings” icon on the gadget’s display.

2. Select "iCloud" from the list.

3. At the bottom of the options panel, click “Delete Account”.

4. In the panel asking you to confirm the activated operation, tap “Delete from iPhone.”

5. Enter the password for the “old” account and click “Turn off”.

Note. Along with the iCloud profile, all data stored in it (files, songs, contacts, etc.) is deleted.

What to do if there is no password?

Note. This method only works on iOS versions 7.0 – 7.0.6.

To delete an iCloud account without a password, follow these steps:

1. Open: Settings → iCloud.

2. In the application panel, tap “Delete account” → Delete → Delete from.

3. In the password entry window, select “Cancel.”

4. At the top of the list of options, tap “Account”.

6. Tap “Done”. The device will display a message stating that the password is incorrect (as it should be; click “ok” and then “Cancel”).

7. Again, try to get rid of your iCloud account (button at the bottom of the list of options). Again, in the password input panel, select “Cancel.”

The need to delete an account on iPhone 4, 5 or more advanced models may arise if you need to sell the phone, change your account, or create a new profile with a valid email. Worth it anyway take a closer look How to deactivate an account on an iPhone.

Complete removal of Apple ID

Unfortunately, you can completely remove the Apple id yourself impossible. The only way is to contact support. To do this, you need to send a request and wait for a response from Apple. Previously, you could ask to delete your account by letter. After updating the site, Apple improved this option. Now, in order to send a request, you need to:

  • Go to the official website
  • Open the “Support” section and click on the line “Contact support”.
  • Scroll down the page a little and you'll see the Apple Experts section. Click on the blue “Get Help” line.
  • Select the Apple ID icon - Other Apple ID problems - No subject specified.
  • You will then be asked to briefly explain your request. It is advisable to write in English or use an online translator.
  • Next, you have two options to choose from: contact now or later.

All you have to do is wait for a call from a specialist who will need to explain the current situation.

Replacing email

If you don’t need to completely delete your account on your iPhone, you can simply replace the current one email. This will give you the opportunity to link another account to your email. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Via the official website.
  2. Via iTunes.

Please note that you must have access to the new mailbox. Previously, it was possible to specify a non-existent address, but now confirmation from the mail is required.

Via the official website

To change your email via the Apple website, follow these steps:

  • Open Apple's website and scroll down to "Manage your Apple ID."
  • By following the link, enter your details and log in to the site. After this, answer the two security questions that you specified during registration.
  • Click on the "Change" button next to your details.
  • Select Change Apple ID and enter your new email. Answer your security questions. If you have forgotten them, click "Reset".
  • After this, open the confirmation email sent to you. Mailbox.

Ready. Your account is no longer linked to your email and you can register new Apple id.

Via iTunes

The second way is to free up your mail through iTunes.

  • Open the program and click on the “Account” button located at the top of the window.
  • Sign in. Skip this step if you've already signed in through iTunes before.
  • In the same context menu click "View".
  • On the right side of the window there is a line “Edit on appleid."
  • You will be redirected to the official website, where you will have to select your country of residence.
  • After this, you need to repeat the last three steps indicated above in the instructions on the official website.

This method is not popular because if there is a valid mailbox, users prefer to register new account on it, rather than messing around with old mail.

Changing account

On an iPhone, changing an account is much easier than deleting it completely. You don’t need a computer for this; all actions are performed directly in the device itself.

  1. First, go to the settings of your device.
  2. In iOS 11, simply click on the first line that shows your first and last name. In earlier versions, open " iTunes store, App Store».
  3. Users latest version system, you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Exit”. IN previous versions Click on your Apple ID and log out.
  4. After you log out of your account, you can connect a new one.

Changing your account takes literally a few minutes. This is the easiest and quick way quickly delete an account on an iPhone.

Removing iCloud

Your iCloud account stores a lot of your data:

  • Photo.
  • Video.
  • Music.
  • Documentation.
  • Notes.

When you delete iCloud, this information will disappear from your iPhone. Therefore, think carefully about whether you really need to delete cloud storage.

  1. In your iPhone settings, go to the iCloud section.
  2. Select the “Delete account” line located at the bottom of the page.
  3. Confirm deletion.
  4. The phone will ask you whether to save contacts and safari data on the phone or delete them. The choice is yours.
  5. Next, enter your password and turn off Find My iPhone.

After these steps, iCloud will be completely removed from your phone.

Consequences of account deletion

Many iPhone users wonder what will happen if they delete their Apple ID. In fact, You won’t have any problems after deleting your account.. You will be blocked from accessing the App Store and some other apps because they require you to sign in to your account. If you need to access these programs again, please log in to your existing or new account.

When selling your phone, be sure to log out of all your accounts. This is necessary in order to New user phone did not gain access to your files. It is quite difficult to completely remove an Apple id, but it is usually not necessary.

At the moment, iCloud is one of the popular and most important Apple services. Cupertino were the first to show how it should work cloud service, what necessary functionality it should have and this set the vector for the entire cloud sphere. Everyone has learned to use iCloud, but how to correctly change or completely remove iCloud from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch few know.

In practice, deleting an iCloud account takes only a few seconds. It is only important to follow the following path: Settings -> iCloud -> Delete account -> Delete. And it seems like the job is done, but you need to understand that each device stores a lot of information that is synchronized with iCloud.

What data needs to be saved before deleting iCloud

1. Pictures from photo stream. To make it clear, every photo that ends up in the gadget’s library is first copied to the photo stream. Therefore, if your photo stream contains photos from other devices (for example, saved on a MacBook), they must be transferred to your gadget’s library, otherwise they will be lost. Before you decide to delete your account, it is important to clarify this point: it is better to check several times than to regret later.

2. When deleted or changed account iCloud, all documents will be erased from the device. We are talking about iWork applications. Therefore, if you need these documents, it is better to send them by email to iTunes or copy them in any other way. Also get ready to say goodbye to your game saves - they are stored in iCloud and will be deleted along with your account.

Other data: contacts, videos, SMS messages will remain unharmed. After deleting an account, information about calendars, contacts, reminders, etc. is not lost forever: you can go to the Internet version of and get everything you need there. But all information will be erased from your gadget in order to create a clean iCloud account with new information. If you suddenly decide to restore your old account, all information will return to its place.

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Restore iCloud password on an iPhone is necessary in order to access the device.

An iCloud service account gives iPhone users the right to access their device.

Thus, everyone who has an Apple smartphone has an account in the service.

The procedure for recovering a password from a service is quite labor-intensive, so first, if you forgot your password, try to enter all possible options.

Perhaps this way you will remember earlier forgotten password from your personal account.

What should you do first?

There are several basic ways to reset your account password:

  • Send a link to the user to indicate a new password;
  • Use the service to restore access to your account;
  • Reflash the phone. In this case, you will need to create a new iCloud account to sign in to the new phone operating system.

Recovery by mail

Apple with the release of the new seventh version operating system I decided to radically improve the security system for my smartphones.

Thus, all phone users are obliged to register their personal identifier in the ICloud system.

In a letter to the operator, describe the entire situation as much as possible and provide at least some data for recovery: your phone number, the answer to the security question and other information.

The operator will contact you within a few days to clarify the details.

You may be asked to prove that you are the owner of the phone.

To do this, you need to send a photo of the spread of your passport and your photo along with the phone box, so that the image shows serial number devices.

Other ways to restore access

Complete reset of phone settings. By returning your smartphone to factory settings, you can remove its link to the user’s personal ID in the system.

However, after rebooting, you will get a phone that will not have any user data.

All of them will be deleted during the recovery process.

To reset your phone, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the phone menu, and then to the settings panel;

  • Now go to the main settings tab and click on the “Reset” field;

  • Resetting parameters and returning to factory settings may take several minutes. In some cases, the smartphone may reboot several times.
    To completely remove user identification, select “Erase content and all user device settings” in the proposed menu.

Is it possible to log into my phone without an icloud password?

You can, in this case the restoration will be carried out using your iTunes account.

In addition to an account in, the user can identify himself by going to his personal page in the iTunes service.

This way you can restore access to your phone.