The USB device is write protected. How to remove write protection from a flash drive. Using third party utilities

The development of storage media has led to the emergence of write protection functions. When you turn it on, it will be impossible to write any information to the flash drive. If you encounter a similar problem, then you need to disable the write ban. This can be done in hardware, through standard Windows functions, or through specialized software. Each of these methods will be discussed below.

Hardware button

For the convenience of users, some manufacturers include a write prohibit switch on the body of the gadget. Carefully examine the flash drive for the presence of a small switch. Next to it there may be closed and open lock icons or the word Lock. If you find a toggle switch, simply switch it to the opposite state, and then try to insert the drive into the computer again. Writing must be enabled.

Blocking by system processes

In rare cases, a record is blocked due to individual system or user processes. If you know which user process is blocking the flash drive, you can disable it through the Task Manager. It is strongly not recommended to terminate system processes, as operating system files may be damaged. In this case, we recommend performing a safe removal and rebooting the system. If the problem with the recording restriction is not resolved, move on to other solutions.

Via command line

A fairly quick and functional method to remove the ban on writing data is to use the command line. It may seem complicated to some users, but if you strictly follow the sequence, you will achieve the desired result. The user needs to enable the command line console (by typing cmd in the Run field). After that, follow the steps of the following instructions:

The method allows you to remove protection even without a hardware button. Please note that using the console you can format a flash drive that is write-protected, but all data will be permanently deleted. For the system utility to work correctly, run cmd as an administrator.

Through the Windows Group Policy Editor

If the previous method seems too complicated or the console does not start for some reason, try using the Windows Group Policy Editor. This editor is a special section of the operating system that changes access settings for various objects. To unlock the flash drive, you need to do the following:

This method is more understandable, as it allows you to deactivate the lock via the standard Windows interface. However, it is not always effective; accordingly, in some cases it is not possible to remove the restriction on writing files for a specific flash drive.

Using the Registry

Many operating system problems can be resolved by changing certain settings in the system registry. Only experienced users can work with it, and according to clear instructions, since there is a high risk of damaging OS system files through the registry. To remove the write ban on a flash card, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Run window (+R) and then type regedit. It starts editing the registry.
  2. Next, you need to go to a specific subdirectory. “Expand” folders to the following path.
  3. Next, find the WriteProtect parameter on the right side of the editor window. If it is equal to 1, then you need to double-click on the line with the mouse, and then replace the current one with zero. Save the settings and restart the system. The defense must disappear.
  4. If there is neither a directory nor a control, then you need to create it yourself. In the Control folder, right-click on the name and click create partition. Name it StorageDevicePolicies.
  5. Create a WriteProtect binary parameter. Specify the DWORD type (on 64-bit systems, you may need to specify the WORD type to work). Set it to 0. Restart the system.

When creating a directory or setting, be sure to ensure that it has the correct path in the registry, as shown in the screenshot above.

Via Total Commander

A specialized file manager will help you remove write protection. One of the most effective programs is Total Commander. It's free and easy to find online. This software takes up little space on your hard drive. "Total Commander" can remove a restriction from a specific file or directory:

A quick and simple method, but it does not always lead to the desired result, even if you run the program as an administrator.

If this does not help, then try opening the “Configuration” section in Total Commander, the “Settings” subsection -> “File Operations”. After this, select the “Automatic selection of copy method” item.

Formatting a flash drive

In some cases, a ban on copying may be caused by failures in the file system of the flash drive itself. There is only one solution - formatting. This is an extreme option when all other methods have proven ineffective. Don't forget to copy important data from the drive first. To start the formatting process, right-click on the flash drive icon in Explorer and select “Format”.

Virus check

There is a huge amount of malware out there. Some viruses steal or encrypt files, others may prevent data from being written to a flash drive. We recommend using an antivirus to scan for unwanted programs. You can use a desktop antivirus (Eset, NOD32, Kaspersky or any other). Effective software can be called the development from Doctor Web (Dr.Web CureIt utility). It's portable, so be sure to load it directly onto your flash drive.

You can download the software for free from the official website. After that, launch Cureit and follow these steps:

The utility will begin scanning the entire flash drive. The duration of the process depends on the number of files on the drive. Please note that when a new version of the utility is released, the old one becomes inoperative. If the continue button in CureIt is not lit, this means that you need to download the current version of the software from the official website.

Using third party programs

Problems with information drives are quite common. Many large companies and third-party developers have created specialized software that helps with formatting, allowing recording, and much more. Below is a list of the most popular utilities that are used to work with flash drives.

JetFlash Recovery Tool

The software is mainly intended for repairing and restoring drives from Transcend and A-Data, but is also perfectly compatible with other flash drives. The standard functionality also includes a menu for removing the recording ban. Also, using JetFlash Recovery Tool, you can start formatting with preliminary saving of data, fix file system failures and much more.

The software can be downloaded from the official website. Please note that if you use USB 3.0 standard connectors on your computer, the program may not see the flash drive. To do this, change the drive to USB 2.0.

Apacer Repair

The software is compatible only with Apacer brand products. You can download the program from the company's official website. The software has quite advanced functionality and can deactivate the ban on writing files. The disadvantage is that the program is entirely in English, and some words are highly specialized. It is strongly recommended not to use it without knowledge of a foreign language.

Kingston Format Utility

The Kingston company is known for the production of flash drives and SSD drives, so the brand has developed its own proprietary software. With its help you can work with products from the DTX 30 model (up to USB Datatraveler HyperX devices). The software weighs less than one megabyte and can be downloaded for free from the official website.

The downside is its limited functionality, since Kingston Format Utility, as its name suggests, can only format the drive. To do this, there are only two lines in the program menu: selecting a flash drive and file system type. After this, you just need to click the Format button. The data will be permanently deleted.

USB Flash Drive Recovery

Specialized software in English for flash drive recovery from Silicon Power. There is no specific function for removing the recording restriction, but the recovery procedure can get rid of the failures and errors that caused the ban. One of the main advantages is that all steps occur automatically, from scanning the drive to recovery. All you have to do is watch the process. Additional features include formatting.


Another highly targeted software that is designed for Alcor storage media. Using the program, you can remove protection, restore functionality and reflash the controller. The user will also be able to create their own protected sections. The software is in English, but requires various settings that depend on the specific flash drive. If you have a model from Alcor, we recommend that you try universal programs first, and after a negative result, move on to this software.

Other Possible Problems

Please note that the problem is not always software. There are a huge number of Chinese-made flash drives, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Such “fakes” are extremely unstable during operation and, accordingly, may prohibit recording information. There is also a chance of failure due to physical damage:

  • exposure to high temperatures and controller overheating;
  • input voltage surges;
  • falling or falling into water;
  • exhaustion of all write-read cycles.

The FAT32 file system, which is found on many flash drives, does not support files larger than 4 gigabytes. Accordingly, if you want to download a 5 GB movie onto a storage device, the recording will not be available. There are several options: download a file smaller than 4 GB or split it into several smaller ones.

Rare problems with the USB input itself. A loose contact can result in an unstable connection. We recommend trying to insert the flash drive into a different USB port. Also remember that specific USB ports may simply be disabled by hardware or software. You can enable them in Device Manager, through the registry or BIOS.

Any user may one day encounter a situation where, when trying to copy information to a flash drive, the system will display a message stating that such an operation is prohibited. How to remove the write protection of a USB storage device?

What is write protection for a flash drive?

Write protection, installed using various programs and methods, allows you to protect the flash drive from getting information unnecessary to the user, unauthorized copying or deleting any files. The flash drive is blocked, and as a result, all functions except reading become unavailable.

For example, you store a computer performance analysis program on a flash drive and do not want to add unnecessary files to the media, much less lose existing ones. In such cases, you need to enable write protection.

When write protection is enabled, the system will display a message stating that it is impossible to copy a file from a flash drive.

Reasons for the blocking message

A flash drive can be locked automatically as a result of improper use of the device (failure to follow the included instructions), problems with the Windows system, or external virus attacks. There are also USB drives with a special mechanical switch that allows you to manually turn the protection on and off. In some cases, the user can configure access restrictions himself to protect important information.

Thus, the main reasons for the blocking message to appear are:

  • improper use of a flash drive;
  • Windows system problems;
  • virus attacks;
  • mechanical activation of the lock using a switch;
  • enabling protection programmatically.

How to remove protection

When it becomes necessary to remove a write lock, two methods are used:

  • hardware;
  • program.

Hardware method

To remove the hardware write lock, simply move the mechanical switch, usually located on the side of the flash drive, towards the icon with the image of an open lock or the inscription UnLock. This method is used only on flash drives with the switch installed.

It is very easy to install and remove write protection on a flash drive with a switch

Software method

When the lock is removed using the software method, the flash drive controller, which is responsible for recording information, interacts directly with the Windows OS.

The software method includes different unlocking methods:

  • through the Windows registry;
  • using the Diskpart utility;
  • through the Local Group Policy Editor;
  • using external programs.

Removing a lock in the Windows Registry Editor

Removing the write lock on a flash drive using the registry editor - video

Via Diskpart

Using the Local Group Policy Editor

Through external programs

There are both general programs for removing write blocking from a flash drive, designed for various removable media, and proprietary ones (for specific models).

Features and nuances

Open all programs that work with flash drives as an administrator.

You must run programs that work with flash drives as an administrator

If none of the methods for removing the write lock worked, then there is a high probability that the flash drive has failed or has simply reached the end of its working life. If this situation occurs, the USB drive needs to be replaced.

How to remove protection from a flash drive - video

Removing write protection from a flash drive is not difficult. Just remember that you may accidentally delete information from the storage device in the future. When the lock is turned on, the system will definitely remind you of this.

Having a problem with a write-protected flash drive? Don't know how to unlock a flash drive and make it readable? You are trying to write some file to a USB drive or SD card, and in response you receive a message: “The flash drive is write-protected.” If you urgently need to copy files to a disk or flash drive, I will show you how to remove protection and format (or clean) the storage medium - for further work, familiar and correct.

We use programs to format memory cards and USB flash drives

Some flash drives come with proprietary software. It works better than standard Windows formatting tools. These programs - not always, but nevertheless - will help remove protection. The downside of this approach is that you lose all the data on the media. So if this is unacceptable to you, move on to the next chapter.

2. A more universal way to force format a USB flash drive / SD card is to use formatting utilities like the Hp Disk Format Tool. You can select the file system and formatting type.

Restoring access to a flash drive through the Registry

The method of removing write protection is quite simple, but requires minimal skill and careful handling of the registry editor. If you are not 100% sure of your actions, make a backup copy of the Windows Registry using the RegOrganizer program.

1. Open the Registry Editor (Start – regedit).

2. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ directory. If there is no StorageDevicePolicies folder inside this directory, create it. For this:

3. Right-click on the current directory Control

4. From the menu, select New - Partition and name it StorageDevicePolicies.

5. Right-click on StorageDevicePolicies and select a new value for the DWORD(32-bit) parameter for a 32-bit OS or DWORD(64-bit) for a 64-bit OS, respectively.

6. Rename the dword parameter to WriteProtect, double-click on the line, specify the value 0 (HEX).

7. Safely remove the flash drive and restart your computer.

8. Connect the USB flash drive. If necessary, format it.

Video version of the instructions:

Another solution to remove protection from a disk: use the diskpart utility

diskpart is a console utility included in Windows XP and higher, which allows you to flexibly manage hard drives, file volumes and partitions at an advanced access level.

We will try to access the problematic flash drive via the console, and then format the write-protected flash drive.

1. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe). Type "diskpart" to open the utility.

2. Type "list disk" to display a list of available disks on the system.

3. Determine where your USB drive is in the list. Enter "SELECT DISK n", where n is your USB flash drive with a write-protected disk.

Be very careful! Selecting the wrong media will result in you losing all data on the selected drive.

4. Type "clean" (you may have to repeat this command twice or three times). If nothing works, try other ways to unlock the flash drive.

5. Enter "create partition primary" to create a new partition on the USB flash drive.

6. Enter "select partition" to select a partition on the disk

7. Type "active" to make the drive active

8. Enter "format fs=ntfs" to format to NTFS (before formatting the flash drive, make sure you have selected the correct storage medium!).

By the way, the diskpart option is one of the best methods to format a write-protected flash drive without resorting to third-party tools.

Another way to remove protection from a memory card/flash drive. Diskmgmt.msc utility

The protection removal method is suitable for both SD memory cards and USB flash drives. To implement it, we will need a standard Windows component for disk management - diskmgmt.msc.

  1. Start – Run. Type diskmgmt.msc into the text line and press Enter
  2. Right button on the partition you want to format (the letter and partition will help you determine)
  3. Select "Delete volume..." and confirm the operation
  4. In the context menu, select the "Create Volume" command
  5. Select primary partition
  6. Leave all parameters as default
  7. Click ok

Removing protection from a flash drive through the Windows Group Policy Editor

In some cases, access to a flash drive is limited by local Windows Group Policy rights. We tell you how to remove protection in such a situation:

  1. Start – Run – .
  2. In the panel that opens, go to the following section: “Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Access to Removable Storage Devices.”
  3. Next, you need to deactivate the “Removable drives: Deny read” option by switching to the “Disable” state.

Other working methods for removing file write protection

If none of the above recipes helped, well, other methods on how to remove protection from a flash drive will probably work (the list will grow over time).

  1. Check your flash drive for viruses. Some malicious applications establish their own control over files; as a result, the flash drive is protected from writing data belonging to viruses. How to remove protection in this case? We recommend using the best antivirus software for scanning.
  2. Check if the flash drive has a hardware button that allows you to physically unlock it (there is a switch on the side that needs to be moved towards the open lock). However, today such USB flash drives and SD cards are very rare - these are mostly old device models.
  3. Update the firmware of the flash drive, you can find the exact model on Google by chip vendor and chip vendor model, see Device Manager.

Conclusion. Although it is not always possible to determine why a flash drive is write-protected, of the many methods described, at least one works. If none of the methods for removing protection from a flash drive helped you, all that remains is to replace the USB drive - in other words, buy a new one.

However, ask questions on the topic - you can do this through the sidebar on our website. We'll try to help.

The media is write protected: what to do? Questions and Answers

32 GB flash drive WANSENDA when formatted. When you try to delete a file, it asks you to remove write protection from the disk or use another one. What to do, how to remove write protection? I can’t delete or transfer files to a flash drive.

Answer. Try removing protection from your flash drive through the Registry, using the diskpart or diskmgmt.msc utilities (included in Windows). Format the flash drive with special programs - Low level format or Disk format tool (see the beginning of the guide).

All my formatting attempts produce the same result: remove the protection, the card is write-protected. I removed the protection in every possible way, but it comes back, I can’t do anything. The phone displays information about a card malfunction and cannot format it in any way. The computer and laptop accept it, but formatting fails.

Can you tell me what to do, how to remove protection from the SD card? Other phones and a digital camera did not help.

Answer. Try resetting the protection using the methods described in the article and immediately format the memory card to FAT32. Check if there is a switch on the SD card (it may be set in the wrong position, so the memory card is write protected).

I can’t format a SONY 64GB flash drive, copy or delete files to it. The system says that the disk is write protected. What to do? I tried everything you have. Does not help. I bought Flash from Mvideo about 3 months ago, it worked fine before.

Answer. Some users can remove protection using the proprietary JetFlash Recovery utility. It allows you to format a flash drive at a low access level. If that doesn't help, try removing write protection from the disk through the registry or command line. After this, restart your computer.

I have a Samsung S3600 phone, it has stopped writing files to the card. The most interesting thing is that there are two photos and one video left on the card - there is NO way to delete them at all. They are deleted from the computer, but then they appear again on the map. I can’t write anything on the card - at first it’s as if everything is there, but on the phone there’s nothing... like nothing. I didn’t drop the phone, I didn’t drown it, the card just suddenly stopped working, and in such a weird way. He sees the card, but does not write anything to it and does not delete anything from it... How to remove write protection on a flash drive?

Answer. You can remove write protection on a flash drive through forced formatting. This can be done through the console utility diskpart for Windows or various graphical utilities like SDFormatter or Hp disk format tool.

The files may not be deleted due to errors in reading the sectors on which the files that cannot be deleted are written. You can check the flash drive for errors via Properties - Tools - Check in Explorer.

After navigating with ADRplayer, I can’t delete files (including write-protected ones) from the SD card. In Windows it is recognized as a 118 MB disk with the ADRplayer program on it. The files are all played by this program. Formatting is not possible in Windows.

Answer. Since the SD card's disk is write-protected, you need to format it to NTFS via the command line (using the diskpart utility) or using the diskmgmt.msc system utility. In addition, there is a wonderful program for SD cards called SDFormatter - it removes write protection.

It’s not clear what happened to the flash card, when you connect the card to the computer it says “To use the disk in drive J, first format it.” You start formatting in fat32 format without quick cleaning and tried with quick cleaning, it says the disk is write protected. I tried the described ones the options didn't help.

The method via diskmgmt.msc after right-clicking on the flash drive does not allow “delete volume” and other actions are simply not active. The file system of the flash card is Raw, and the system says that it is working. What should I do, how can I remove write protection from a flash drive and revive it?

Answer. In addition to diskmgmt.msc, try removing write protection on the flash drive through the Registry or using the diskpart console utility. For formatting, use not standard Windows tools, but, for example, Low level format. If after these manipulations the disk is still write-protected, try opening the flash drive in another operating system, use third-party software to manage disks on the flash drive - say, Acronis Disk Director.

I bought a mini sd for a 128gig SanDisk phone. I insert it into my Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016), it works for a while and then it blocks recording to it. No matter what I did: I formatted it via a PC, and via a phone - it was all to no avail, it would work for a while and then it would block the recording again. How to format a protected flash drive?

Answer. The file table on the memory card may be damaged, making it impossible to write new data. In such cases, it is recommended to check the disk for errors using the standard chkdsk tool (Start - Run - chkdsk). If that doesn't help, format the SD card using the sd formatter desktop application. Judging by the reviews, the utility has helped many users when formatting a flash drive. You can also format the SD card through the Recovery menu by rebooting the phone in the appropriate mode and selecting the Wipe cache partition option.

I ordered a USB flash memory from the Internet. I initially formatted it, but I didn’t like that she didn’t read or see all the formats. I decided to format it completely, without a check mark, just (table of contents). Now a laptop with Windows 10 OS sees it, but requires formatting it. I format it, but the flash drive is not formatted - the disk is write-protected. I have already tried to do something (download programs), but I don’t understand, I’m still far from it.

Answer. In your case, it is advisable to format a USB flash drive not using standard Windows tools, but using specialized software - fortunately, the choice is wide. First of all, look for programs specifically for your flash drive on the manufacturer’s website. If not found, use HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool or any disk manager like Acronis Disk Director. Specify NTFS or exFAT as the file system.

1) Sandisk ultra USB 3.0 flash drive 16 GB. I tried everything, from renaming the letter to cleaning the registry. As soon as you start formatting (including through partition management), a message pops up that Windows cannot do this and the flash drive disappears from view. I also tried HDD Low Level Format Tool v4.40 Final - the same thing happens as described above. How to format a write-protected flash drive?

2) I can't format the micro SD card. Writes: “Windows was unable to complete the formatting.” I’ve already tried with different programs and the command line. It still doesn’t format. I can’t even delete the files. I click “delete,” removed the flash drive and put it back. The file that was deleted is there again I can’t delete or format.

Answer. Try other formatting programs: SDFormatter or software available on the developer’s website (sometimes you can use them to format a flash drive to bypass system errors). In addition to Disk Management, you can use any disk manager like Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director.

You can also assume that the problem is related to Windows or the computer configuration. Try formatting the flash drive on another computer or in a different OS environment (Windows/Mac OS/Linux).

Guide to removing write protection from a USB flash drive.


USB flash drives and microSD memory cards are widely used for temporary storage of data. The files stored on them are easy to delete, but they often leave behind a lot of invisible garbage, which clogs the memory and slows down the reading of information on the USB drive. To deep clean memory, users resort to formatting flash drives. But quite often, while formatting a flash drive, a notification pops up informing you that it is write-protected.
In our article we will try to figure out how to bypass the protection of a locked flash drive or memory card.

A similar message about disk security can pop up for various reasons, and not only when trying to format a flash drive. It happens that a USB drive has served you faithfully for a long time, but one fine day, when you try to transfer files to it or, conversely, take them from it, such a notification appears. Let's look at the main reasons why such a nuisance can happen:

Physical blocking

  • Many USB flash drives and memory cards have a small fuse on their case. It is a standard slider switch that is easy to miss. If you move the switch to a certain position, it will act as a fuse and will not allow you to accidentally delete data from the flash drive. Carefully inspect the body of the flash drive for the presence of a switch slider. If there is one, move it to a different position and try to repeat the procedure for deleting files from the USB drive.

New flash drive

  • If you purchased a new USB flash drive or microSD card, and while writing files to it you receive a message about the security of the disk, then it is most likely that your device was previously formatted in an ancient file system FAT32. To restore order in the file system, it will need to be formatted in the format NTFS. We'll talk about this a little later.
  • Another possible reason for this error to occur when using a new flash drive is a virus. Before you, the store clerks where you bought the flash drive could have used the drive and placed a malicious program on it. Just in case, scan your computer and flash drive for viruses with any available antivirus program.

Physical damage

  • Quite often the reason for the notification is “ The disc is write protected» is associated with physical damage to the drive. Perhaps, due to a strong impact of the device on the floor, the contact fell off or microcracks appeared. The worst case scenario is damage to the memory chip from impact or natural wear and tear. If, in the case of a fallen contact, you can recover data from a flash drive using special equipment, then if the chip is damaged, you can say goodbye to it.

How to format a write-protected flash drive using standard Windows operating system tools?

Before resorting to using third-party software, you must try to break the write protection using Windows tricks. Do the following one by one:

  • Step 1. Expand menu " StartExecute" In the window that opens, enter “ cmd" and press " Enter" to activate the command line.

  • Step 2. In the window that opens, you will need to write the command “ diskpart" and press " Enter» to start a service that works with computer disks.

  • Step 3. A new window will open where you will need to write the command “ list disk" and press " Enter» to display existing hard drive partitions and USB drives. Your flash drive must first be connected to the computer.

  • Step 4. A list of hard drive partitions and connected storage devices will appear on the monitor, each of which is assigned its own number. In the same window, write the command “ select disk H", where instead of " H“You need to put the number under which your flash drive is located. Click " Enter».

  • Step 5. Once the flash drive is selected, enter the command " attributes disk clear readonly» to clear its attributes. Remember that all files from it will be erased. Click " Enter».
  • Step 6. Next, enter the command “ clean" and press " Enter» to clean up the disk.
  • Step 7. Since the flash drive has a file system format FAT32, we need to reformat it into the format NTFS. To do this, write the command “ format fs=ntfs" and press " Enter».
  • Step 8. The flash drive is formatted and now all that remains is to assign it a letter under which it will be displayed on the computer. To do this, write the command “ assign letter=K" and press " Enter" Instead of " K» You can set any other letter.

If this procedure does not lead to a positive result, then there is a possibility that the USB flash drive has a slightly different write protection system, which can be removed through the Group Policy Editor. To do this, do the following:

  • Step 1. Expand menu " Start" and left-click on the item " Execute" In the window that opens, write “ gpedit.msc" and press " Enter».

  • Step 2. In the window that opens, go to “ Computer configuration", then " Administrative Templates", then " System" and further in " Access to removable storage devices" In the window on the right, find the line “ Removable drives: Disable write"and look carefully at her condition. If recording prohibition is activated, double-click on the line to bring up the menu and set the status to “ Disabled" To finish, click the " OK».

  • Unfortunately, standard Windows tools cannot always solve this problem. Sometimes you have to resort to third-party utilities designed to recover and format USB drives. It is best to use the utilities, the disk with which is sold complete with the flash drive. But if you don’t have it, you can use the program HUDS Format Tool which is possible.

  • To format a flash drive using this program, connect the flash drive to your computer, download and run the program. In the window that opens, select your device from the list, set the file system format " NTFS", check the box next to the line " Quick formatting" and click the " Begin" After completing the formatting process, the flash drive should again be usable.
  • If none of the above methods helped you, then most likely the problem lies in physical damage to the device and the only way out of this situation is to purchase a new USB flash drive or memory card.

VIDEO: How to remove write protection from a flash drive?

There are often cases when, when it is necessary to enter some information onto a flash drive, suddenly the message “disk is write protected” appears on the computer screen. There is no need to panic in such a situation. There are special programs for removing protection from a flash drive. But first, let’s clarify a little the question of why such protection is installed at all and why it needs to be installed.

Write protection - why is it?

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without the Internet. Its benefits to society are undeniable. However, there was a fly in the ointment. The World Wide Web is teeming with a variety of viruses that penetrate literally any crevice. USB drives are no exception; the information on them must be protected. And in order to protect the flash drive from copying virus files, manufacturers install write protection on it. But this is not the only explanation. Your flash drive can react not only to viruses, but also be full, for example. Or it could be a glitch in the flash drive itself.

Now let’s move on directly to how to remove write protection from a flash drive. There are three main ways to remove protection: software, hardware, and using internal Windows tools.

Hardware method for removing write protection from a USB drive

This method is very simple. Take a good look at your flash drive or micro sd. There should be a small toggle switch on the side. Above it is an open lock or the inscription lock. That's what it is switch to disable write protection. To unlock the flash drive, move the toggle switch and you're done. The protection has been removed. Unfortunately, such a toggle switch is not available on all flash memory and micro sd models.

Removing write protection using programs

Removing protection using programs allows you to save all the information available there on the drive. Let's look at several programs.

  • HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

Can work with almost any USB flash drive. Just download the program from the Internet and run the exe file. The program does not require installation. Then you insert your flash drive into the USB port and the program itself determines all its parameters. All you have to do is choose between file system types and click the “start” button. This program allows you to remove write protection from micro sd flash drives.

  • JetFlash Recovery Tool

This program only works with USB flash drives from certain companies. These are Jet Flash, A-DATA and Transcend. After going through several installation steps, you can start working with the program.

  • Apacer Repair Program

This software recognizes only Apacer flash drives.

If your flash drive is from this company, download the program and use it.

One of the simplest and most effective programs for eliminating this type of problem. It is downloaded as an archive, which will need to be unpacked first. In the unpacked archive, select the exe file and install the program on your computer. True, this program does not recognize all flash drives, but only running on Alcor MP controller. Pay attention to the name of the flash drive in the line. If it is black, everything is in order, you can start working. If the inscription is red, alas, nothing will happen.

When running all these programs, you need administrator rights. To get them, click once on the software shortcut. A context menu will appear. There, find “Run as administrator” and select it.

Before using the above programs, try some preliminary steps.

  1. The reason that your drive does not want to write information may be its virus infection. Scan the flash drive with an antivirus program. If viruses are found, remove them.
  2. If you have two usb ports, move the flash drive to another port. Sometimes this helps and all information is written perfectly from the second port.
  3. Try it to restart a computer. Sometimes the cause of problems with a USB drive can be system failures.

If all the described actions did not have any result, you should resort to the help of programs. But remember, all information recorded on your flash drive will be deleted.

Removing protection from a flash drive using internal computer resources

How to remove protection in regedit

To open the registry editor, in the Start menu, in the search bar, type regedit in Latin letters. When the regedit icon appears in the search field, right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Run as administrator.”

Then we find a folder called StorageDevicePolicies. It is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control.

If one does not exist, you will have to create it manually. To do this, right-click on the Control folder and select “New”, then “Partition”. Name the new section StorageDevicePolicies. Right-click on the newly created section. You need to select “New” and “DWORD Value (32 bits)”. Name the selected option WriteProtect. Right-click on WriteProtect and click on “Edit”. In the window that appears, enter 0 in the value line and press “Enter.”

After restarting your computer, the write protection issue will be resolved.

Removing protection using the Discpart utility

Go to the Start menu and type cmd in the search engine. Right-click and run as administrator. Recruiting teams discpart and list disk. After entering each command, press Enter. A list will appear in which you should determine the number of your USB drive. After selecting the desired disk with the select button, delete the attributes that allow read only “attributes disk clear readonly”.

The measure is radical, because after the flash drive is formatted, everything the data will be deleted from it. So think carefully before formatting your flash drive. Formatting a USB flash drive is very easy. Go to “My Computer” and look for the icon of your flash drive there. Click on the right mouse button and select “Format” in the menu that opens. In the window that opens, click “Start formatting.” The problem will be fixed, there will be no need to do anything else. You can format micro sd in the same way.

Removing write protection from a flash drive is not difficult at all. The main thing to remember is that this may delete the information you need.