iPhone 5s turns off by itself. Why does the iPhone turn off by itself - how to fix it? Battery indicator error

Many iPhone owners are familiar with the problem of spontaneous shutdown of the gadget. Moreover, often the iPhone turns off even in cases where the gadget charge indicator shows an almost full battery. There may be several possible reasons for such an unpleasant behavior of your favorite smartphone. Let's look at three main ones.

Reasons why iPhone turns off by itself

  1. battery failure.
  2. bugs in iOS.
  3. battery indicator error.

Battery failure

In the event of a battery failure, the iPhone can turn off and on both with and without the charger connected. It will not be possible to solve the problem on your own, since the issue is to replace the battery. In this case, you will need the help of a service center specialist. The cost of the service is about $100. But before you rush to apply for iphone repair, it is worth considering two other possible options for the problem that has arisen.

Bugs in iOS

If the reason lies in the system update, then it is possible to state and resolve it yourself. True, this process is very laborious. You will need a clean installation of the system. Why the iphone turns off due to updates is a complicated question, but when you update to the latest versions, a kind of baggage of unnecessary garbage accumulates in the system. And it is also the main reason for the rapid discharge of the battery.

So, the "treatment" of the problem consists in the following actions:

  • connecting iPhone to iTunes;
  • full local backup of all available files and other goodness located on the gadget;
  • pressing the "Restore" button;
  • backup recovery.

After these manipulations, the iphone will not need to be repaired, and you will be able to enjoy the trouble-free operation of your favorite gadget again.

Battery indicator error

Sometimes the battery indicator can also give incorrect data. Troubleshooting this problem is easy. You will need to completely discharge your gadget (to zero), wait a few more hours to be sure, and then charge (not including) the iPhone to 100%. Do not interrupt the charging process! As a rule, after such actions, the indicator again shows the correct percentage of charge and expensive iPhone repairs are unnecessary.

Greetings! iPhone, like any other technically complex device, is prone to breakdowns. Yes, there are no perfect gadgets, and Apple's smartphone is no exception to this rule. One of the most common ailments is iPhone turning off on its own for no reason. That is, there seems to be charging, in general it works fine, and sometimes it will take it and turn off. And this happens from time to time and quite often!

We will now find out about the reasons for such a breakdown, as well as whether this is inherently a defect at all (and in some cases it is logical and more or less normal). And of course, we will find out what can be done with a constantly turning off iPhone at home, without visiting a service center (we will always have time there!). Let's start!

Why does the situation arise when the iPhone turns off by itself:

  • Spontaneous reboots may be due to software issues. For example, if you have a beta version of the iOS operating system installed or its jailbreak, then periodic shutdowns should not be surprised. Although such options do not only occur in these cases.
  • If this happens on the street during the cold season, then this is just the case when turning off the iPhone (even if there is still charging) is a completely logical phenomenon. Read more about how to help the battery in the cold.
  • Iron problems. In 95% of cases, this is either a battery or a power controller. For starters, it would be nice to find out more information about the battery - find out how many recharge cycles have already been, the actual capacity, etc. We check the battery of our iPhone and if it is completely bad, then replacement is inevitable.

In fact, this is all because of which the iPhone can upset you with a periodic cessation of work. And now let's analyze the actions that need to be performed in order to fix this ailment and the iPhone stopped, for no reason, turning off itself:

  1. The best way to deal with various software errors that lead to reboots is to use iTunes restore. As a result, we get a “clean” device with the latest current firmware at the moment. If you have important data on your smartphone, don't forget to back it up in iTunes or save it to iCloud.
  2. It is possible that the iPhone simply cannot turn on, the screen lights up and the device itself immediately turns off. Know that simply plugging into a power outlet will not save him. Read here about what to do in such cases.
  3. A hard reset might help! At the same time, we hold down two buttons - Home (round under the screen) and Power (turn on) and hold them for 10-15 seconds before the screen lights up. Updated! This combination does not work for all models - here is an article with up-to-date information on ways to force restart any iPhone. There is no need to worry about your data, with this manipulation they will not be lost.
  4. As I said, if the problem is “iron”, then in most cases either the battery or the cable is to blame and they need to be changed. If there are no sufficient skills and experience in repair, we turn to the service.
  5. By the way, if a few more problems are added to the shutdown - a blue screen, various stripes on the display, then the problem can be somewhat more difficult than a simple battery replacement. Microcracks on the board and other terrible things are possible. This is exactly what needs to be diagnosed. Although. read about the blue screen of death of the iPhone, there are some sensible ideas for dealing with this and other ailments.

Summing up or instead of afterword.

As we found out, there are only two reasons why the iPhone turns off by itself (we will not consider a special case with use in the cold season) - these are either software failures or problems inside the gadget.

And if you can and should fight the first ones on your own, then in case of any breakdowns, it is better to turn to professionals. Especially if you know for sure that warranty service is available for your device and its period has not expired.

Apple products are very reliable in the workflow and are of high quality during operation. But, the most frequent visits to service centers are when the iPhone turns off by itself, and also turns on.

There are times when the iPhone turns off and on with no sign that the battery is dead even during the conversation. Frequent turning off and on randomly may be caused by a software error, as well as a defect in the device. This might be the reason when iPhone 5s keeps restarting.

The reasons when the iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPhone 6s can spontaneously turn off and turn on may be in the following points:

  • The iPhone turns off when there is a problem with the battery, for example, if the device is accidentally dropped, the contact nodes or the battery itself may be damaged. In these cases, the iPhone itself can turn off and on at any time, and it can also happen when it is shaken. After removing the battery and putting it in place, the battery charge will differ from zero;
  • The machine may turn off if any third-party application is installed. When you run such a program, the iPhone may turn off. This happens due to possible inconsistencies in the content of applications with the ios program, as a result of which, during the launch of the application, the program will crash;
  • probable wear of the communication sensor, during long operation it may fail, due to which the signal will be received at an insignificant level. As a result, due to the constant search for high-quality signals, the load on this node increases, with a rapid discharge of the battery. With significant wear, due to the discharge of the battery, the device turns off;
  • stopping the device from working in automatic mode (going into sleep mode).
  • Apps stop functioning and the iPhone may freeze or go into power saving mode. This process is very easy to check, for example, the functions of the device are disabled, while the device itself continues to work. In such cases, the functions can be enabled only if the screen is activated or the desired functions are pressed. If the timer is set incorrectly, the machine may turn itself off. To disable this function, you should go to the “timer” mode, and then to the settings, with the shutdown;
  • if the iPhone reboots itself, the software may be the reason for this, for example, when installing the beta version of the ios system, this may also cause the iPhone to turn off;
  • The iPhone itself turns on or off when the device is in the cold for a long time (in the cold). In this case, the iPhone itself may turn off;
  • possible problems with the hardware. In 90% of cases of these problems, it is the battery or the power controller. In this case, it is advisable to replace the battery or controller.

Troubleshooting steps

In cases where the iPhone 4s or iPhone 5s constantly reboots, you should reset the operating system, with a high-quality cleaning of the iPhone using the phone (the reset is in the main menu):

1 If the iPhone 4 turns off by itself, and also if the iPhone 5 reboots itself, you need to perform a hard reset, resetting the time indicators. To perform this operation, you must press the function - "home" and hold until a message appears about the process of loading the battery. 2 Connect the adapter to the iPhone. The device will turn off while charging the battery. If after some time the iPhone 4s, iPhone 6 or 5s turns on and off by itself, you should replace the battery. This is especially effective if the iPhone 4s is rebooting. 3 The occurrence of software errors may cause the machine to reboot or hang on reboot. To prevent this factor, you should carry out the recovery process through itunes (flashing). 4 Use a more powerful iPad adapter (which is also recommended by the manufacturer if these problems occur). 5 Entering the device into DFU - mode, leaving the device on boot for a while. Since in this state the system is not loaded (the screen is off), which means that the energy goes to charge the battery. A very effective method, especially if the iPhone is hanging on an apple, is to connect the wire to the device for 3 seconds, while you should not wait for it to turn off, but immediately pull it out. The algorithm of the actions performed is as follows: connect for 3 seconds, then pull out for 3 seconds. Thus, the process of connecting (3 seconds) and disconnecting (3 seconds) is carried out within 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, the reboot issue will be resolved. At the same time, the iPhone will reboot every few minutes. This method is able to solve the problem associated with the arbitrary switching on and off of the device.

If all of the above steps did not help, you should contact a specialized service center for the repair of this equipment, where qualified specialists will help in solving problems associated with the spontaneous turning on and off of the iPhone, as well as rebooting every few minutes.

If your iPhone is behaving strangely turning off on its own, even with 15% or 30% remaining battery, then you should know that this is not news and you are not the only one experiencing this problem. Users have been reporting this issue all over the place since the release of iOS 9. And even now in 2016, many of us are still facing this issue.
If your iPhone suddenly turns off even though there is sufficient battery power, try the following troubleshooting tips:

1. Perform a hard hard reset

Usually a hard reset solves this problem. A hard reset is similar to the procedure: “did you try turning the device off and on again”, but at a deeper level of the operating system. Usually reset occurs to factory values.

To hard reset your iPhone with a physical home button (any iPhone model prior to iPhone 7), press and hold both " Sleep/Wake" And " Home” within 5 seconds. The iPhone will restart, you will see the Apple logo flashing and the iPhone will come to life.

Alexander Grishin

Owners of "apple" gadgets may face a common problem: spontaneous shutdown of the device. In this article, we will try to figure out why the iPhone turns on and immediately turns off while charging, and what to do about it. There may be several reasons:

1.Battery misuse

Spontaneous shutdown of the iPhone while charging can occur due to a “dying” battery. If your device is several years old, then this is quite normal and the solution to the problem is to replace the battery with a new one. But if you have been using a phone for less than a year, such as an iPhone 6, then there is a chance that you are not charging it correctly. Read our recommendations for and, perhaps, you will understand that all this time the battery has been used incorrectly, which led to its early failure, and, as a result, the shutdown of the iPhone.

In addition, many users of Apple devices very often neglect the rules for using gadgets, using iPad chargers for iPhone. Despite the similarity of the connectors, the current is supplied in different ways. This can adversely affect the functionality of both devices.

2. Weak and unstable charging source

The battery can be charged not only at home, but also in a car, garage or country house. Charging in such places may harm your device due to unstable power supply. In addition, it may simply be ineffective. We recommend that you charge your iPhone only in places with a stable current, and then there will most likely be no problems with it turning on immediately and turning off.

3. Hardware failure

The reason for spontaneous shutdown may lie in the breakdown of any component of the device. For example, if the gadget was subjected to some kind of mechanical impact (shock, water ingress under the case, etc.), then the board may be damaged or the contact responsible for the “connection” of the battery with the smartphone comes off.

In rare cases, problems with the operation of the board may occur due to a software glitch. As a rule, they occur after attempts to install applications bypassing the iStore or activating dubious software.

In the case of a hardware malfunction, it is not recommended to fix the problem on your own, but to take the smartphone to a specialized service. In case of problems with the software, you need to update iOS and reinstall the software. If that doesn't help, try doing a factory reset.

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