Additional procedures for processing BP 3.0 data are being performed. Data processing. What to do if the updater says pending update handlers failed

Today we want to tell you about the use of additional reports and processing, and especially configuration extensions in the service model. Technologies do not stand still; servicing 1C databases in the cloud is becoming an increasingly attractive service. What you need to know in order for the functionality required for your company to be implemented in a rented database, and how this process looks from the service provider’s side - you can find out about this under the cut.

What are external reports and processing

1C treatments are different, but in any case they expand the functionality of the configuration and allow you to quickly access information stored in the database without changing the configuration and without removing support. They can be built directly into the configuration, added as a configuration extension, or be external files.

Based on functionality, processing is divided into those that can change data and those that simply analyze information and display the result in a user-friendly form (reports). In order not to change standard document printing layouts, external printing forms are developed. Also, external processing can be performed according to a given schedule on the 1C application server - these are routine tasks.

Several dozen processing solutions have been developed in Button that allow our accountants to use “practical magic.” For example, to analyze the correctness of accounting in the Button, the external report “Database Auto Audit” is used. Easy-to-read tables provide an analysis of 120 criteria for account balances and turnover, compliance of data from tax returns and accounting information, analysis of fixed assets, etc.

An example of an external printed form “loan agreement” according to the form developed by our lawyers. There are cases when an entrepreneur takes out an interest-free loan from his company as an individual, or vice versa, transfers his own funds to the company, then it is possible to immediately print out the agreement.

A form opens to fill in the necessary details:

And the printed form of the contract is displayed:

We use scheduled processing (routine tasks), for example, to correct statements. Buttons have set up integrations with major banks and special robots load statements directly into 1C. Thanks to machine learning technology, the percentage of errors during discharge was reduced to 3%. But, as always, there are exceptions, for example, clients who use an agency scheme for selling goods; in this case, the rules for conducting a bank statement are individual. In order not to reprogram the robot for a particular case, before the advent of configuration extensions, a routine task was used to correct the robot’s statement every 10 minutes.

What are configuration extensions

An extension is a mini configuration that inherits objects from the main database configuration and contains code with additions or corrections to objects and modules. In this case, the main configuration remains supported; there is no need to enable editing, which greatly simplifies the update process.

The mechanism assumes three types of use, which, in fact, are indicated in the “Purpose” field when creating an extension:

The central component of the technology is Service Manager, it stores all information about subscribers, users, applications, information bases and connections between them, and with its help external processing and configuration extensions are managed.

All files with processing are uploaded to a special directory of the service manager. But before you upload a file to a directory, in other words, “publish it to the service,” it must be prepared in a special way.

Preparing external reports and processing for publication in the service model

An additional report or processing is created in the 1C: Enterprise 8 configurator as standard external reports and processing and saved in a file with the extension - .epf (for additional processing) or .erf (for additional reports).

The object module must have procedures and functions to define registration parameters.

Please note that the important parameter is “Version”. If you made changes to a processing that was previously uploaded to the service manager directory, be sure to change the version number, otherwise the service manager will refuse to load the file. When developing a report or processing, you need to take into account that users work in a service model through a web client (good article on the 1C blog). If the processing contains forms, then they must work in the web client under all web browsers that are supported by the 1C: Enterprise 8 technology platform.

According to the standards of the service, an additional report or processing must be fully functional when executed in safe mode, that is, work without accessing objects external to the configuration.

An additional report or processing must be prepared for uploading to the service as a delivery kit. The delivery set is an archive (zip file) containing:

  • additional report or processing file;
  • xml manifest file, which contains additional metainformation necessary for the service manager to publish an additional report or process it in the service.
Preparation is performed in a locally deployed infobase of the configuration for which the additional report or processing is intended. We use a special assistant for creating a delivery set, external processing Preparation of Additional Reports and Processing of Publications in the Service Model.epf. You can read more in the documentation on the Technology for publishing 1C Fresh solutions.

Installing additional reports and processing in the service model

A distinctive feature of 1C Fresh technology is that an external report or processing cannot be loaded directly into the data area. Adding can only be done by the service administrator through the service manager. After the zip archive with the processing file is prepared, it must be uploaded to the service manager directory and installed for a specific service subscriber.

A service subscriber is a group of users united according to some principle. Accordingly, information bases available to a certain group of users are called subscriber applications.

Applications can have different 1C configurations (Enterprise Accounting, Salary and Personnel Management, Management of our company, etc.), for which it is possible to use it in the service model. Additional reporting or processing can only be installed in the subscriber's applications that are specified when downloading the file.

This is what the properties form for an additional report with versions looks like. Using the “Install/Remove” hyperlink, we get to the list of applications and select the required databases.

After the processing is loaded and the application is selected, the service manager contacts the application address and gives the command to install it in the information base.

We launch processing according to schedule

When working with a large number of accounting databases, some processing must be performed periodically. For example, once a month or once every few minutes. It is also important to automate manual and routine user operations. To do this, we actively use routine tasks.

Processing that will be performed according to the schedule does not have a form. All logic is written in the object module and looks like this.

When preparing the delivery set, we set a schedule. Now our processing will be performed every hour.

More about configuration extensions

In parallel with external reports and processing that need to be prepared and administered “the old fashioned way,” we began to actively use the configuration extension mechanism. Starting with the 1C Enterprise platform 8.3.10, this mechanism has made our life quite easy and has made it possible to simplify the adaptation of configurations to the features of the Button.

For example, we wrote above about routine operations for correcting documents by robots that were launched once every 10 minutes. Now you can use the extension to redefine the operation of modules. Thus, we can immediately perform the necessary actions when recording or posting a document. This is much more optimal, because the task queue in the database is not clogged with actions performed every 10 minutes, and it is more efficient, since changes are made immediately.

It's quite easy to prepare a new extension. Let's look at the process of creating extensions using specific examples.
Based on work experience, the leader in requests for adjustments is the TORG-12 printed form. For example, we need to make an extension to be able to print a delivery note in foreign currency (by default it can only be generated in rubles).
Open Menu → Configuration → Configuration extensions
We create a new extension with the purpose “Adaptation”.

The extension looks like a familiar configuration tree, but without objects yet. First of all, let's add a new layout TORG-12, into which we inserted columns with amounts in currency.

Since the invoice is printed from the “Sales of goods and services” document, we will add this document to our extension from the main configuration and make the changes we need to the manager module. To do this, select “add to extension” in the context menu of the implementation.

Now you can modify the implementation manager module. We need to add a new form to the list of printable forms and fill in the currency amounts.

To change standard procedures, we use the &After annotation; we also need a couple of our own functions and a procedure.

Let's take a closer look at the annotations. In extensions you can use: &Before, &After, &Instead (very carefully). The operating principle is simple: we want our algorithms from the extension to be executed first, put the &Before annotation and in parentheses indicate the name of the procedure from the standard configuration. If a standard module is processed first, and then ours, we use &After.

The &Before and &After annotations cannot be used for functions. Therefore, if we need to change the algorithm of a function from the main configuration, we use the annotation &Instead.

The &Instead annotation should be used as rarely as possible, since it completely replaces the execution of a procedure and function from the main configuration with an extension procedure/function. With this interception method, the procedure/function from the main configuration will cease to be executed at all while the extension is installed, even updating versions will not help.


There are many different opinions about the use of extensions and external reports/processing. Based on our experience, we are both in favor of expansion. This is a modern and more adaptive technology, it has many more capabilities, and publishing them is much easier. Only the necessary part of the code is placed in the extension; there is also no need to additionally write procedures and functions to determine registration parameters, track versions and create a delivery kit.

You can use multiple extensions for one data area.
For the specifics of 1C Fresh working in data separation mode (one configuration, many independent areas), the extension method is an excellent solution.


What kind of handlers are we talking about?

After each update of the database, updates are launched in it in order to perform the manipulations with the database data that are necessary in connection with the changed configuration.

There are 2 types of such handlers: basic And postponed.

Their essence is the same, but deferred handlers, unlike the main ones, can be executed after all updates, in the background, as the user works.

By default, the updater executes both handlers in its update cycle at once.

And this is correct, since several updates are often applied. And if you don’t execute the update handlers right away, it can be very problematic to do so later (errors will occur).

What should I do if the updater says that pending update handlers have not completed?

In this menu, expand the "Processing" section:

And in it, find and open the sub-item “Program update results”:

In this processing, you can see information about the executed handlers and possible problems with them:

And if not all handlers have been executed, this will be reflected in this window. Then they can be opened via a link and run again (usually through the right-click context menu).

Performing a delayed information security update

In some cases, it may be necessary to force the launch of the scheduled task "Delayed information security update".

To do this, in user mode, go to the menu again ( it may be hidden from the menu, read about how to show it):

In the dialog that opens, expand the “Processing” section. Find and open the following item there:

In the routine tasks window, find “Delayed information security update”, select it and click the “Run now” button:

A special case is when you are unable to execute problematic handlers even in manual mode. Typically this means that:

  • or the update developers made an error in the code of the problematic handler
  • or there are problems in the database at the data level (filling out directories, registers and documents) that require specialist intervention

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer

Data creation, as a processing process, involves its formation as a result of the execution of some algorithm and further use for transformations at a higher level. Data modification is associated with reflecting changes in the real subject area, carried out by including new data and removing unnecessary ones.

Control, security and integrity are aimed at adequately reflecting the real state of the subject area in the information model and ensure the protection of information from unauthorized access (security) and from failures and damage to hardware and software. Searching for information stored in computer memory is carried out as an independent action when responding to various queries and as an auxiliary operation when processing information. Decision support is the most important activity performed during information processing. A wide variety of decisions made leads to the need to use a variety of mathematical models.

Creating documents, summaries, and reports involves converting information into forms that can be read by both humans and computers. Operations such as processing, reading, scanning and sorting documents are also associated with this action.

When transforming information, it is transferred from one form of representation or existence to another, which is determined by the needs that arise in the process of implementing information technologies. The implementation of all actions performed in the process of information processing is carried out using a variety of software tools. The most common area of ​​application of the technological operation of information processing is decision making. Making decisions under conditions of certainty. In this problem, the models of the object and the control system are considered given, and the influence of the external environment is considered insignificant. Therefore, there is an unambiguous connection between the chosen strategy for using resources and the final result, which means that under conditions of certainty it is enough to use a decision rule to assess the usefulness of decision options, taking as optimal the one that leads to the greatest effect. If there are several such strategies, then they are all considered equivalent. To find solutions under conditions of certainty, mathematical programming methods are used.

Decision making under risk conditions. Unlike the previous case, in order to make decisions under risk conditions, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the external environment, which cannot be accurately predicted, and only the probabilistic distribution of its states is known. Under these conditions, the use of the same strategy can lead to different outcomes, the probabilities of which are considered given or can be determined. The evaluation and selection of strategies is carried out using a decision rule that takes into account the probability of achieving the final result. Decision making under conditions of uncertainty. As in the previous task, there is no clear connection between the choice of strategy and the final result. In addition, the values ​​of the probabilities of the occurrence of final results, which either cannot be determined or do not have meaningful meaning in the context, are also unknown. Each pair “strategy - final result” corresponds to some external assessment in the form of a gain. The most common is to use the criterion of obtaining the maximum guaranteed win.

Decision making under multi-criteria conditions. In any of the tasks listed above, multicriteria arises in the case of the presence of several independent goals that are not reducible to one another. The presence of a large number of solutions makes it difficult to evaluate and select the optimal strategy. One possible solution is to use modeling methods. Solving problems with the help of artificial intelligence consists of reducing the search for options when searching for a solution, while the programs implement the same principles that a person uses in the thinking process.

An expert system uses the knowledge it has in its narrow field to limit the search on the way to solving a problem by gradually narrowing the range of options.

To solve problems in expert systems use:

a method of logical inference based on a proof technique called resolution and using refutation of denial (proof by contradiction);

method of structural induction, based on constructing a decision tree to determine objects from a large number of input data;

method of heuristic rules based on the use of expert experience, rather than on abstract rules of formal logic;

a machine analogy method based on presenting information about compared objects in a convenient form, for example, in the form of data structures called frames.

The sources of “intelligence” exhibited in solving a problem may be useless or useful or economical, depending on certain properties of the domain in which the problem is posed. Based on this, a choice can be made of a method for constructing an expert system or using a ready-made software product. The process of developing a solution based on primary data can be divided into two stages: developing acceptable solution options through mathematical formalization using a variety of models and choosing the optimal solution based on subjective factors.

The information needs of decision makers are in many cases focused on integral technical and economic indicators, which can be obtained as a result of processing primary data reflecting the current activities of the enterprise. By analyzing the functional relationships between final and primary data, it is possible to build a so-called information diagram, which reflects the processes of information aggregation. Primary data, as a rule, are extremely diverse, the intensity of their receipt is high, and the total volume over the interval of interest is large. On the other hand, the composition of integral indicators is relatively small, and the required period for their updating can be significantly shorter than the period of change in the primary data - arguments.

To support decision making, the following components are required:

  • *generalizing analysis;
  • *forecasting;
  • *situational modeling.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish two types of decision support information systems. Decision support systems DSS (Decision Support System) select and analyze data according to various characteristics and include tools:

  • *access to databases;
  • *extracting data from diverse sources;
  • *modeling the rules and strategies of business activities;
  • *business graphics to present analysis results;
  • * “if anything” analysis;
  • *artificial intelligence at the level of expert systems.

OLAP (OnLine Analysis Processing) systems for decision making use the following tools:

  • *powerful multiprocessor computing technology in the form of special OLAP servers;
  • *special methods of multivariate analysis;
  • *special data warehouses Data Warehouse.

The implementation of the decision-making process consists of building information applications. Let us highlight in the information application typical functional components sufficient to form any application based on the database.

PS (Presentation Services) - presentation tools. Provided by devices that accept input from the user and display what the PL presentation logic component tells him, plus associated software support. Can be a text terminal or an X terminal, as well as a personal computer or workstation in software terminal or X terminal emulation mode.

PL (Presentation Logic) - presentation logic. Manages the interaction between the user and the computer. Processes user actions for selecting a menu alternative, clicking a button, or selecting an item from a list.

BL (Business or Application Logic) - applied logic. A set of rules for making decisions, calculations, and operations that an application must perform.

DL (Data Logic) - data management logic. Database operations (SQL statements SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT) that must be performed to implement application logic for data management.

DS (Data Services) - database operations. DBMS actions called to perform data management logic, such as data manipulation, data definitions, committing or rolling back transactions, etc. A DBMS typically compiles SQL applications.

FS (File Services) - file operations. Disk read and write operations for DBMS and other components. Usually they are OS functions.

Among the tools for developing information applications, the following main groups can be distinguished:

  • *traditional programming systems;
  • *tools for creating file server applications;
  • *client-server application development tools;
  • * office automation and document management tools;
  • *development tools for Internet/Internet applications;
  • *Application design automation tools. (4. Antopolsky A.B. - Information resources of Russia: Scientific and methodological manual.)

transport coding road railway



New release dated 04/17/2018 is available for download for users of the software product "Ailant: Housing and Public Utilities Management". We remind you that users of editions 2.0 and 3.0 of the software product must ensure that they have purchased the 3.1 Upgrade Kit before installing this release. Otherwise, activation of the software product will not be possible.

Update files are intended for updating from releases

NOTE:Before updating for release of the Ailant: Housing and Public Utilities Management program, you need to check whether the update procedures for the previous release have been completed, and, if necessary, perform them.

To do this, under Administrator, go to Menu/Administration/Maintenance/Program update results/Update results and additional data processing. If the link shows that not all procedures have been completed, that is, there is no message “All update procedures were completed successfully,” then you must:

1. Create at least one employee in the “Employees” directory.

2. Restart additional data processing procedures. To do this, under Administrator, go to Menu/Administration/Maintenance/Program update results/Update results and additional data processing. Click on the link indicating the number of update procedures performed.

The "Advanced Data Processing Procedures" window opens. At the bottom of the window, click the "Run" button.

After closing the “Additional data processing procedures” window, close the “Program update results” window. Click on the link “Update results and additional data processing” again. You should see a link that says "All update procedures completed successfully." After this, you can update to the next release

Basic version