What is the difference between dock and dox. doc and docx formats - how they differ

It is clear that the easiest way is to use modern Microsoft Office, there is a Word program there. For example, Word 2010 (however, in Word 2007 it is also possible to open a file with the docx extension). However, not everyone has access to a modern office. In addition, a number of users (including us) simply do not want to switch to a new office. Firstly, you need to buy it (well, or get it somewhere, but we won’t talk about that; because we ourselves try to use either free ones, or self-written ones, or licensed programs).

Secondly, it is necessary to rebuild, because there are still some things done differently; this takes effort, time, and also introduces an element of destabilization into the process of working on a computer. Why, if you are COMPLETELY happy with the old office, except for the inability to open docx files?

Thirdly, some macros, as well as programs written to automate routine operations in VBA (and we need this like air, because the flow of orders for diplomas, term papers, dissertations and similar works is very large and therefore doing routine operations on texts manually is a completely unacceptable waste of time), may not earn money, i.e. you will need to rewrite them for the new office. Which will lead to loss of effort and time, which, undoubtedly, would be better spent on more useful things, for example, speeding up the completion of work for our customers.

Fourthly, the office needs to be installed (which, again, will take time, albeit a little).

Thus, if there is no special need to use the new office (for example, to gain access to new VBA functions that were missing in the old office, if these functions were urgently needed), switching to it only to try out the “new” is not the best practice. Agree, something new should somehow improve life, and not, on the contrary, introduce complexity and imbalance into it. This is why, by the way, we are in no hurry to use the LINUX system professionally (without any doubt an excellent operating system, but still unfinished, take at least , even Fedora or even Linux XP).

So what to do if you need to open Word file type docx, but the existing office does not allow this (or does not open at all, or performs an unacceptable operation and closes abnormally)?

As an alternative to Word, there is, of course, the well-known OpenOffice, aimed at OS LINUX. True, this method has disadvantages. Note that, of course, you can open a file with the extension docx, for example, in Linux (by running it in virtual machine, if your main system is Windows or something other than LINUX) and then transfer the text into Word of the version that is installed on your computer. However, this, firstly, is not very convenient, because, at a minimum, it requires unnecessary actions. Secondly, not all text elements will be transferred correctly in this case (and in a number of Linux systems, work will also be required to configure the clipboard; we repeat, these systems are unfinished - each in its own way, so to speak). In addition, we have observed cases when, after opening a Word file on a Linux system (using the appropriate editor), the latter stopped opening correctly in Word.

However, you can install OpenOffice under Windows (at least in Windows 7 it installs and works without problems). If installed enough latest version, files with the .docx extension will open without problems. True, working directly in OpenOffice is somewhat less convenient than in Word. In addition, compared to the latter, OpenOffice lacks a number of special features. Therefore, if, after opening a file, you save it in the old Word format (in .doc or .rtf format), then in the future this file can be opened in Word. However, when saving in this way, some of the capabilities may be lost, so the resulting file should be carefully reviewed. In principle, this method is one of the simplest. The only thing is that you need to install OpenOffice on your computer.

docx to doc converter

By the way, this file converter docx works great not only in Word 2003, but even in Word97 (which, oddly enough, is not guaranteed even by the manufacturer itself). Volume of the converter installation file from docx in doc is 37.1 MB ( as of June 10, 2015).

Although, oddly enough, this converter works... better in Word97. Because it can even open files with the .docx extension that, for example, cannot be opened in Word2003, causing an error.

Installing the converter is simple. After making sure that Microsoft Office of one version or another is already installed on the computer, run the converter installation file FileFormatConverters.exe.

We agree to the license agreement - and after a short time the converter will be installed on your computer. docx Next, if there is a need to open a file with the extension , proceed as usual: double-click on it with the mouse (or press the Enter key). After the file opens after conversion, you can save it in in the required format . For example, you can save it as a regular Word document. To do this, select save as, specify the file type: word document, and click save. In this case, the file will be saved with the same name and doc extension - in the format of exactly that

Microsoft versions docx Word, which is installed on your computer. By the way, after installing the converter, the opposite option will appear - save a doc or rtf file in docx format. By clicking on the Browse button, we look for a file on our computer with the extension, which needs to be converted into a doc form, then click the Send button.

True, if the file is large, then the conversion will take

certain time docx. Big time.

Google Docs, Office Web Apps Google Docs and Microsoft Web Apps are able to work with a file in the format. docx.

After uploading the file to Google Docs or Office Web Apps, you will be able to work with it on the Internet. At the same time, you can edit it and save it in other formats you need. True, for this you need to have accounts with Google or Microsoft Live ID, having previously registered there. But it’s not difficult and won’t take much time. However, the problem is that the speed of outgoing traffic (i.e. sending a file) is usually much lower than the download speed. docx Therefore, sending the file may take longer. In addition, the time of the conversion itself will also have an impact. In connection with this online services, equal, at the very minimum, 500 GB, or even more, this is probably not so significant. By the way, this converter will give you the opportunity to save the file not only in the native format of your Word, but also as Word document 2007, including macro support. True, we don’t know whether macros written for the old Microsoft Office will work there. But this can be checked.

You can also use OpenOffice.

With respect to you.

Download file in .doc format”, “download file in .docx format”, “save in...”, “open with...”. A difference of one letter can sometimes cause a lot of headaches if the Internet service only accepts a certain format text file or it is created on one computer and opened on another. Today, both files with the name extension .doc and files with the name extension .docx are relevant, but due to gradual software updates, the former are becoming less and less common.

Concept of doc and docx

DOC— text file name extension used by the word processor Microsoft Word, which later became the designation for a series of proprietary formats.
DOCX (Office Open XML) - file formats used for storing electronic documents, created by the package office applications from Microsoft.

Difference between doc and docx

The difference between doc and docx lies, first of all, in the ability of software packages to work with them. The doc format obeys everyone text editors from Microsoft by default, without requiring add-ons, the docx format of Microsoft Word in version 2003 and earlier is not accepted, its support begins in version Word 2007. The issue is resolved with the help of an additional converter.
The discrepancy between docx Word 2003 is explained by the fact that this file format involves compression, and is itself a zip archive, which contains the actual text document in the form of XML, graphics and files that define the properties of the document and the relationships between the contents of the container. Version 2003 cannot unpack it. Compression also determines one of the main differences between the doc and docx formats - the file size in the latter case is slightly smaller.
In third-party word processors, docx is supported optionally, but the most popular of them, OpenOffice, has such support. The doc format without dancing with tambourines is not compatible with third-party editors. Docx does not work with right-to-left languages. In addition, in some cases, the docx format supports only Microsoft’s own formats, ignoring standards: for example, instead of SVG - WMF.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between doc and docx is as follows:

A doc file can be opened by any version word processor from Microsoft, docx file- only Word versions starting from 2007.
Docx is a zip container for XML files.
Doc does not support compression.
Doc is not compatible with third party editors.


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1.General overview of the Office 2007 Open XML Format

1.1 Container

1.2 Parts of the document

1.3 Relational elements

1.4 Typed elements

1.5 Built-in objects

2.File content

2.2 Software interfaces

2.3 Scenarios for using documents in XML format

3.Programs that can be used to open the .DOCX file


A file with the extension .DOCX is a document created by Microsoft Word, a word processing program. Contains document text, images, formatting, styles, drawn objects, and other document parameters.

Unlike .DOC files<#"justify">1.An overview of the Office 2007 Open XML Format

Let's begin our discussion of the Office 2007 Open XML Format by looking at the general characteristics of this format. Then in the next section we'll look in more detail at the details of storing the documents created by such Microsoft application Office 2007, like Word 2007.

1 Container

The format used in Microsoft Office 2007 is a ZIP archive, a container called a package that contains various document components called parts and items. Parts are fragments of a document and are responsible for its content, elements are metadata that describes how the parts should be put together and displayed. Elements can be divided into two types: relational items, which describe the relationships between parts, and content-type items, whose task is to describe the content of each part of the document. Relational elements, in turn, are divided into elements that describe the relationships between containers and elements that define the relationships between parts of the document.

2 Parts of a document

Each document contains a so-called main part - all other elements are either located inside this main part or are somehow tied to it. Depending on the type of file (text document, spreadsheet, presentation), the main part may be called differently. For example:

Not all parts of the document are saved in XML format. For example, graphic images (*.png, *.jpg, *.tiff) are stored in the original format, which makes it more convenient to access them and perform appropriate manipulations. In addition, VBA projects and OLE objects embedded in documents are stored in binary form. Parts of a document saved in XML format correspond to schemas defined for a particular document fragment.

3 Relational elements

As we saw above, for each document type the main part is located in the corresponding container folder and has its own name.

A relational element named officeDocument (schema<#"justify">· Id - string identifier of the relationship, which must have a unique name within the file;

· Type - describes the type of relationship, points to a schema that defines the type for of this format

· Target - points to the folder and file in which the described fragment of the document is located.

The _rels folder is key to the entire saving process office documents V XML format. The relationships between parts of the document are always specified in this folder. The officeDocument relationship mentioned above is a container-level relationship - in other words, it describes the entire container and is therefore stored in the _rels folder at the root of the container. If you need to find a description of the relationships between parts of a document, then in the case of Microsoft Word 2007 you should look for it in the document.xml file - it will be located in the word subdirectory of the _rels directory. Iterating through the contents of this file will reveal all the parts of the document and the relationships between them.

4 Typed elements

Typed elements are stored together in a single element called .xml in the root folder of the container. The default typed element is usually associated with a file name extension, such as *.xml or *.jpg. A typed override element can indicate that a given fragment is of the specified type, regardless of the filename extension.

5 Built-in objects

office document file

The Office Open XML format can include any number of built-in objects, which can be of any type. This feature replaces the inefficient Base64 encoding used in previous versions product, made files more flexible and easy to process.

For example, inserting a graphic into a Word 2007 document will result in the following elements appearing in the container:

· to file "en":["gRCQallj5Do","gRCQallj5Do","gRCQallj5Do","gRCQallj5Do","2YLKmQNfJSU"],"es":["3XREw5nEAAc","3XREw5nEAAc","3XREw5nEAAc"],"pt" :["f9yQApDbDN0"],"ro":["Q9vwFBGeMFA"])