WoW druid - class guide. WoW druid – class guide Colloquial names of abilities


This guide is intended for players who want to master the PvP restaurant druid to perfection. The guide will cover everything from talent selection, artifacts, gameplay and rotation, as well as useful racial bonuses. This is most applicable to Arena content, but most talents and racial bonuses will work in Ranked Battles and Battles.

1. Spec overview / place in current meta

Druids-healing are the best healers today and continue to dominate other healers in the Arena. With high mobility, strong single target and healing spread, and powerful defenses, they are unmatched. With all these tools, they are also the most difficult healers. This is not a specialty that can be learned in one day.

2. Priority of Characteristics

Haste > Mastery > Versatility > Crit > = Bonus Armor

Primary stats such as stamina and intelligence are not a priority, as it is difficult to determine their value by analyzing data from PvP leaderboards. However, knowing the meaning of secondary stats is very useful since most enchantments, gems, consumables focus on secondary stats.

With that said, Intelligence is very powerful and unmatched or beats the value of Speed ​​in PvP.

For Restoration Druid, speed is the best choice - it increases your healing, damage and of course cast time for DoT and HoT, and reduces GCD.

This is the most useful skill for a healing druid.

Almost the most relevant stat on all classes increases your damage resistance, increases your damage and healing.

Critical Strike increases the chance for your spells and attacks to critically hit for extra damage and healing.

Intelligence increases the damage and healing done by your spells.

Stamina increases your health

3. Equipment

In terms of gear, the biggest change to Legion is that there is no longer PvP gear. Your strength in PvP will be determined based on the average level of your gear.

The implication is that it doesn't matter where your gear comes from and all that matters is the item level. Items from quest or PvE content are only as good as the gear you get as rewards from PvP (which will essentially be very similar to PvE gear, no more PvP stats on transfer).

Practically, you'll just be looking at how to build gear with the highest possible item levels, and the distribution of stats on the gear won't matter.

4. Sockets and Enchantment


Neck Enchantment

Cloak of Enchanting

Enchanting Rings

These are the top 2-3 enchantments based on starting priority based on the PvP Ranking Board in this guide.

Restaurant Druid PvP talent build - 7.3

Artifact Talents

Below we'll explain what is recommended for artifact attributes if you want to maximize your PvP potential. It is possible that your artifact path (while reading this guide) is different from our suggestions. If so, don't worry and use the information below to help you understand your traits and guide your future choices.

At the moment, there is no longer a need to pump up the artifact talents for the druid, as well as other classes, on a special basis. Since from rewards for arenas or battlegrounds you can almost completely upgrade your artifact. Therefore, there is no point in describing anything.

Class Talents

This talent build is considered universal, but do not forget to include the head. Some of the talents will be very effective and others, on the contrary, less so. Depending on the combination you are against.

Talents of Honor

The universal peak of talent is absolutely represented here. But only you can analyze and make the right decisions depending on your opponents.

9. Rotation

Super Heal (Burst)

Use this if the enemy team is using their cooldowns to try and kill a teammate.

It's important to note that if you're using Abundance and Nature's Affair, you should use Healing Touch instead of Restoration.

  • Use Incarnation: Tree of Life if it is not on cooldown. At that time, you should use Calm on yourself and use instant recovery.
  • Use Ironbark. With a relatively short cooldown, this should be the first ability you use when the enemy team is putting all their damage on you.
  • Use Wild Nature. This should keep your teammate alive. However, it is not recommended to stack cooldowns. If Nature's Wild is on cooldown or you just don't want to use it when you use it

Mira. Having slept for several generations, they awoke from sleep to meet face to face with
The Burning Legion, which recently began its invasion. After Archimonde's defeat, the Druids decided to remain in
awakening world and help revive their destroyed lands. The legion's attacks caused serious wounds to nature, and
Druids are looking for a way to cure them.

Druid offers players several playstyles at once. In his standard body, a druid is a regular spellcaster who can fight with both spells and weapons. In the body of a bear, the druid turns into a first-class warrior who can fall into. When he takes the form of a cat, he becomes a thief with Energy and the ability to hide well. Besides,
The druid can transform into two more special animal forms. Due to his ability to heal himself and those around him, a druid can also take on the role of a priest. True, here he is not as versatile as a real priest, since he lacks the spells “Power Word: Shield” and “Rebirth?” (Resurrection).


Different gaming styles.
- The ability to transform into cool looking animals, which certainly impresses the other characters and adds a little joy and laughter to the world.
- Several weapon options.
- Fast movement in the form of sea animals and "travel" animals.
- The most powerful buffs of all classes.
- Can revive others in battle.


Can only wear leather and cloth armor.
- the forms they take are not as versatile as the classes they copied, but they can still be considered strong.
- You cannot use spells or various objects in the animal’s body.


The druid has three potential roles in the group. In his normal bipedal body, he does an excellent job as a healer, and can also provide assistance with his buffs and debuffs. In addition, he can control dragons a little. In the body of a bear, the druid gains enough offensive and defensive power to be able to attack the monster and hold off its blows. In the body of a cat, the druid becomes a damage dealer. Thanks to these three roles, players who choose the Druid will never get bored, since almost each of them is always needed in the group. We won't tell you how to play, since the most interesting thing in our game is the experiments that you will do every day.


Determine when to take which form.
- Learn to use each form correctly.

Available races: Dark Elf, Tauren.

Standard indicators: health/mana (in the body of a druid/sea animal), health/rage (in the body of a bear), health/energy (in the body of a cat).

Available equipment: cloth and leather armor.
Available weapons: staves, maces (with training), daggers, melee (training required).

Other information.


Healing touch - heals X to Y damage to a friendly target. This is the Druid's primary healing spell. Can only be used in the body of a Druid. Sometimes you may need to set two levels of this spell on your hot buttons at once in order to heal in turn, depending on how damaged an ally is. You don't want to waste mana by casting a stronger spell than required.

Health restoration (Rejuvenation) - heals the target for X for Y seconds. This is an excellent spell during battle. That is, when an enemy inflicts damage on you, part of it is instantly healed by the spell. If you or your ally are slightly injured during
During combat, you can cast this spell to help heal. In addition, a very useful spell for tanks that lure out monsters.

Regrowth - heals a friendly target from X to Y, and then another for A seconds. This spell is a mixture of normal healing and "continuous" healing. It will take you some time to cast it, so we do not recommend using it on yourself when you are being attacked by opponents. A great spell after a battle or for party members who haven't suffered too much.

Tranquility - Restores the health of all nearby party members by X every X seconds for X seconds. The druid must be attuned to maintain this spell. If a monster attacks the druid, the spell will be interrupted. It is ideal in cases where several allies need healing at once.

(Rebirth) - returns the spirit to the body, reviving the target with X health and Y mana. The spell requires a reagent.

Mark of the Wild (powerful buff!) - increases the armor of all friendly characters by X. At high levels, this spell also increases characteristics. At higher levels it also increases resistances. This is one of the most powerful spells in the entire game, making the Druid desirable in all groups.

Gift of the Wild - increases the armor of one group member by X, all of his characteristics by Y and resistance by Z, lasts 1 hour.

Cure Poison - removes one poison from the target.

Abolish Poison - attempts to remove one poison effect from the target at once, then repeats the attempt every X seconds.

Remove Curse - removes X curses from the target. An excellent ability, since few people enjoy being cursed.

The magic of nature.

Moonfire (DoT) - burns the enemy, causing X to Y damage immediately and additional X damage over X seconds. This spell first heavily damages the enemy and then continues to cause damage over a long period of time. It is recommended to use this ability if you expect to fight a monster
long time. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your mana. The spell also works well against enemies running away for help. You can cast this spell continuously, with the goal of dealing only initial damage. Very useful in PvP.

Starfire - deals X to Y damage to the target. As soon as the spell becomes available to players, they usually ask the same question: - how is it different from Wrath - Starfire has a larger cast, but it does a lot more damage. In addition, this spell deals damage with arcane magic, while Wrath? the magic of nature. If
The enemy has resistance to the magic of nature, it is wiser to use the spell “starfire”.

Wrath (damage to target) - inflicts damage on targets from X to Y using nature magic. This will be your first offensive spell. It is useful if you need to instantly damage the enemy, “finish off” or prevent the enemy from running away for help.

Shields (Thorns) (offensive buff) - shields grow around a friendly target, causing damage from nature magic
to everyone who touches them. Recommended for use on a tanking ally.

Faerie Fire (curse) - reduces the target's armor by X for X seconds. While under this effect, the target cannot hide or become invisible. This spell is almost mandatory to use if you are in hand-to-hand combat with a monster. If you are standing far away, then there is no urgent need for it.

Entangling Roots - Stops the target and deals X damage with nature magic for X seconds.
Can only be used outdoors. This spell can be used in several ways. For example, you can use it to split a group of monsters. Or “confuse” a strong monster, thereby protecting it from battle, deal with the weaker ones, and then proceed to it. Besides this, is the spell useful in a single battle? you will attack the enemy, and he will not even be able to respond. Another use of this spell is the ability to stop monsters running away for help.

Hibernate - Causes the enemy to fall asleep for approximately X seconds. If the target is attacked, the effect will disappear. You can only put one enemy to sleep at a time. Only affects animals and dragon-like creatures. There is a chance to be released from the spell earlier than expected.

Barkskin - the druid's skin becomes like bark. Physical damage taken is reduced by X%. With this protection, spells will take Y seconds longer to cast, and melee attacks will be slowed down by Z%. Lasts A seconds.

Soothe Animal - Calms the animal, reducing the distance from which it is ready to attack by X yards. At the highest rank, you can calm animals level 70 and below. This ability will allow you to avoid battles with animals. Very useful when traveling.

Body change (Shapeshifting).

Dryud can take the form of a bear or a cat, as well as a form for travel? or sea animal. The only penalty for such a transformation is the inability to cast spells, use items, or talk to NPCs.
In addition, you will have to learn how to use "other people's bodies" correctly. You'll probably have to switch back to your druid body after the fight to heal, apply buffs, cast other spells, and only then switch back to your cat or bear form. In addition, you will have to remember which form is best for which type of battle. The druid will continue to restore mana to the other person's body. When you change form, you will get rid of the restraining and freezing effects, get out of
traps, remove the effect of polymorphy. Also, body switching prevents slowing and cold-based effects (ice arrow, cone of cold, etc.).

Druids in someone else's body can still collect herbs and
animal skins.
- in the forms of a bear, a cat, a sea animal and a form for
The travel druid is considered an animal.
- Druids can change their body even while staying in the country.

Druid's body.

This is a fairly useful form for playing solo until the cat's body appears. If you were accepted into a group as a healer, you will have to remain in it at all times in order to be ready to heal an ally at any time.

The body of a bear.

In the body of a bear, you are akin to a warrior. So you should do some reading about the warrior? to understand how to play them. In this body, your hit points and armor increase, and you will also be able to use some of the bear's abilities. Druid in bear form? an excellent tank, as it can taunt opponents and also interrupt enemy spells, stunning casters.

These abilities are available to the druid only in the body of a bear:

Swipe - You hit X nearby enemies hard.

Growl - scares the target. This is a kind of opportunity to force the enemy to attack you, and not, for example, a weak magician. Does not affect enemies immune to magical attacks.

Demoralizing Roar - Reduces the attack power of nearby enemies by X.

Hammer (Maul) - increases the next attack by X damage.

Enrage - generates X rage for X seconds, but will reduce armor by X%.

Bash - hits the target, stunning it for X seconds. Especially useful against spellcasters.

Challenging Roar - “taunts” all nearby enemies. The effect lasts for X seconds. Not
affects opponents who are immune to physical attacks.

Frenzied Regeneration - Converts up to X rage per second into health over Y seconds. Each point of rage is converted into Z health.

The body of a sea animal.

In this form, the druid's swimming speed increases and he also gains the ability to breathe underwater. In this body the druid becomes like an evil seal. Useful for exploring the underwater world, as well as for quickly moving through the water. Tip: If you are fighting underwater and are about to run out of air, switch to the seal to replenish your oxygen supply, and then back again.
Sure, you can try to fight in this body for fun, but you won't be able to use any special abilities or cast spells.

The higher your level, the more mana you will have to spend to turn into a seal.

Cat's body.

Taking the form of a cat significantly increases the druid's attack speed, and also gives the ability to use a variety of cat abilities. In this body you are akin to a thief. So you should do some reading about this class? to understand how to play them. Most of the cat's abilities are similar to those of a thief. In addition, Feline Swiftness increases the speed of your movement from indoors to outdoors.

Prowl - allows the druid to move stealthily, but reduces movement speed by X%.

Claw - scratches the enemy, causing X additional damage. Gives 1 combo point.

Rip is a finishing move that deals damage over time. The more combo points, the higher the damage done.

Tear to Shreds () - shreds the target, dealing 225% damage plus additional X damage. The druid should be behind the target. Gives 1 combo point. You don't have to be in stealth mode to use this ability.

Tiger's Fury - increases damage dealt by X for X seconds.

Rake - deals X damage to the enemy and additional X damage over X seconds.
It is recommended to use this ability if you expect to fight the monster for quite a long time.

Rapid movement (Dash) - increases movement speed for X seconds. Can be used in conjunction with the Prowl skill.

Cower - this skill does not cause any damage, but removes aggro from you. Can be used against opponents who are immune to physical attacks.

Track Humanoid - shows the location of all nearby humanoids on the minimap for X minutes.

Pounce - Pounces on an enemy, stunning them for X seconds and dealing X damage over X seconds. To use this ability, the druid must be behind the target and in stealth mode. Gives 1 combo point.

Feline Grace - reduces damage received when falling. You can use this ability to jump safely from high cliffs and hills.

Ferocious Bite is a finishing move that deals damage per combo point and also converts each point of energy into additional damage.

A body for travel.

In this form, the druid's movement speed increases significantly. In this body, the druid becomes like a cool cheetah. The higher your level, the more mana you will have to spend to turn into this animal. Cannot be used underwater or indoors.

Standard battle in the body of a druid:

Hit your opponent with Wrath or Starfire.
- Cast Moonfire on the enemy.
- cast Faerie Fire.
- engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Alternative method of fighting in the body of a druid:

Cast Entangling Roots on your opponent.
- Hit the enemy with Wrath or Starfire.
- cast Moonfire.
- Hit again or cast Faerie Fire as soon as the enemy is freed from the effects of the roots.

You can also look at information on the warrior and thief classes to understand how to play in the bodies of a bear and a cat.


Here your choice is not limited, but maybe one of the following will seem most attractive to you for a druid:

Leatherworking, leather processing (Skinning and Leatherworking) ? A druid can create leather armor for himself or others.
- Enchanting? Druids can enchant their equipment, which makes them even more powerful.
- Alchemy and herbalism (Herbalism and Alchemy) ? Druid
can create healing and buff potions.

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"Power of the Beast" is a druid who has chosen the role of a melee fighter. It uses two equivalent resources and deals damage using damage over time effects, incl. bleeding. In terms of single target damage, Feral Druid is extremely powerful. In terms of multi-target damage, it's not bad, but there are specs that do a much better job of it.

List of changes to the guide as of January 29, 2018:

  • Artifact: Updated relic ratings.
  • Characteristics: Section updated for Moment of Clarity and Shred builds.
  • Netherlight Crucible: The section has been updated to focus on the Moment of Clarity build.
  • Equipment: Updated to reflect the release of the new raid.

The guide to the druid with the "Power of the Beast" specialization is relevant for World of Warcraft Legion 7.3. Here's everything you need to know to effectively complete Mythic Expanded raids and dungeons.

This guide was written by Wordup player, an active theorycrafter and an expert on most classes. He has been actively raiding since Sunwell Plateau and is currently a member of the Echoes guild. It can be found in Twitter.

Changes in 7.3

  • In patch 7.3, the Feral specialization has changed significantly. The mechanics have been simplified so that new players do not feel disadvantaged.
  • All outgoing damage has been increased by 33%.
  • All changes to talents are described in the corresponding section.
  • Predator's Swiftness is no longer required to read Rebirth.
  • Revival is applied instantly and in any form.
  • The cost of Swing and Thrash has decreased by 5 units. energy. Thrash now restores one combo point.

Changes in 7.2.5

  • T20 bonuses open up new opportunities for selecting equipment.
  • Ferocious Bite deals more damage and can be used as a finishing move.
  • Soul of the Forest increases your finishing moves' damage by 5%, but generates less energy per combo point spent.
  • New legendary items have appeared in the game - Face of the Monster (helmet) and Soul of the Archdruid (ring).

Changes in 7.2

In patch 7.2, the artifact for druids with the Strength of the Beast specialization received new talents, including the gold talent Weakening Bleeding. In addition, the specialization has been slightly strengthened (compared to patch 7.1.5, the total damage has increased by 4%).

Changes in 7.1.5

In patch 7.1.5, the "Power of the Beast" specialization has changed slightly. The main change is related to the Omen of Clarity talent. Its effect now only applies to Slash, Swipe, and Thrash, rather than all abilities used in Cat Form. In addition, some talents were changed, but this did not affect the final choice.

1. Advantages and disadvantages


  • Good damage to one target
  • Very high mobility and flexibility in raid conditions
  • Incredibly strong explosive AoE due to Brutal Claw Strike
  • High damage to multiple (few) targets, achieved through damage over time effects
  • Large selection of viable talents to adapt to different types of fights


  • Overclocking is required to deal heavy damage to priority targets.
  • The play style is based on smart resource management, mistakes can be very costly
  • Heavily depends on the cooldown of Incarnation: King of the Jungle.

2. Viability in the current patch

After changes from patch 7.3, the Feral specialization received additional damage options - Incarnation: King of the Jungle against one target and Brutal Claw Strike for AoE. The Predator effect works great in Mythic dungeons. Overall, the combination of the above benefits, mobility, and raid-wide abilities makes Feral a great spec in Antorus (as opposed to Tomb of Sargeras).

3. Brief guide

This section is intended for those who are just starting to play as a Druid, do not have the goal of attending Mythic raids, or are simply looking to simplify their playstyle as much as possible and do not want to constantly have to remember priorities and monitor various effects.


At first glance, the Feral specialization seems complex, because the player has to manage two resources at once and maintain several positive and negative effects on both the target and himself. However, these difficulties are neutralized by talents. In this section, we'll look at a build that eliminates the need for perfect resource management and allows newbies to make mistakes from time to time.

The bulk of the damage comes from bleed effects, which must be carefully monitored and updated based on your available energy and combo points. In general, it is worth remembering that the Feral specialization is very sensitive to errors, and try to reduce their number to a minimum.

Talent Selection

The talents below are easy to use and greatly reduce rotation. In most situations, this build is not optimal and does not contribute to the most effective operation of key mechanics. It is intended for beginners who want to get acquainted with the specialization, we advise more experienced players to switch to the advanced build at the first opportunity.

  • Level 15: Smell of Blood
  • Level 30: Astral Surge
  • Level 45: Balance Affinity
  • Level 60: Powerful Stun
  • Level 75: Soul of the Forest
  • Level 90: Brutal Claw Strike
  • Level 100: Moment of Clarity


When using this build, the stat priority for a Feral Druid is as follows:

  1. Dexterity
  2. Critical hit
  3. Mastery
  4. Versatility
  5. Speed

Mastery and Critical Strike are roughly equal in price. Critical Strike smooths out rotations, and Mastery increases the effectiveness of bleeds. Versatility and speed are significantly inferior to mastery and critical strike, but they cannot be completely written off.

Basic Rotation

  • Use Berserk if you plan to be near the target in the near future.
  • Use Tiger's Fury when you have 30 or less units. energy to enhance damage and energy generation, as well as during Berserk.
  • Use Ashhide's Frenzy, combining it with Tiger's Fury whenever possible.
  • Channel Deep Wound on the target, renewing the effect in 4 seconds or less. before dissipation.
  • In battles with 3 or more targets, maintain the Thrash effect on them.
  • Use Break when you have 5 combo points if the target does not have this effect.
  • Use Ferocious Bite at 5 combo points if the target has Rip to refresh it.
  • In battles with 4 or more targets, use Swipe to gain combo points.
  • Use Stripe to accumulate combo points.

The playstyle of a Feral Druid is very dynamic and based on the management of two resources, so there is no strict order in which abilities can be used. The selected talents minimize the number of active effects and simplify rotation, and also provide the ability to deal AoE damage with Brutal Claw Strike. Always maintain on the Deep Cut target as much as possible.

4. Abilities

Since Warlords of Draenor, the Feral specialization has remained virtually unchanged. In this section, we'll look at the spells and abilities available to her. If you already have experience playing in this specialization and feel confident in combat, you can move on to reading other sections. Otherwise, we do not recommend skipping important basic information.

Feral Druids spend most of their time in Cat Form, which increases movement speed by 30%, grants immunity to polymorph effects, reduces fall damage, and grants melee abilities.

4.1. Key Resources

Druids with the "Power of the Beast" specialization use two equivalent resources - energy and combo points. Energy is consumed when using abilities that replenish combo points (such as Shred) or consume them (such as Rip). By default, the maximum energy reserve is 100 units. (changes with some talents and spells) and is restored at a speed of 10 units. per second The maximum supply of combo points is 5. When using finishing techniques, combo points are consumed all at once, the amount of damage depends on the number of points spent.

4.2. Artifact Ability

Cinderpelt Frenzy Tiger's Fury and Bloody Claws.

4.3. Basic Abilities

Below are the main abilities that every Druid with the Feral specialization has, regardless of the presence of an artifact and the choice of talents. They are the basis of the game.

4.3.1. Bleeding

A Feral Druid relies heavily on damage over time bleed effects that affect the target over a period of time. The presence of bleeds on a target also enhances some of the druid's other abilities. To successfully play in the Feral specialization, you must learn to manage the effects of bleeds.

Tier 3 talents (level 45)

  • Balance Affinity grants the passive ability Astral Affinity, which increases the range of all abilities by 5m. In addition, you gain access to some spells from the Balance specialization (Moonkin Form, Starsurge, Lunar Strike, Solar Wrath, and Solar Fire).
  • Being related to a guard gives you the ability to use the passive effect Thick Hide, which reduces damage taken by 6%. In addition, you gain some spells from the Guardian specialization (Mangle, Ironfur, and Frenzied Regeneration).
  • Healing Affinity grants the passive ability Ysera's Gift, which heals you (or a nearby ally if your health is full) for 3% of your maximum health per second. within 5 sec. In addition, you gain some spells from the Restoration specialization - Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, and Flash Heal.

In terms of outgoing damage, the only useful talent in the tier is Affinity with balance, because... it simplifies the process of applying damage over time effects. Of course, you can use Moonkin form for a short time if the target cannot be attacked otherwise, but it is unlikely to compare in effectiveness to Cat form.

Representatives of the "Power of the Beast" specialization need to develop the artifact so that the return on each invested point is maximum. As a result, they have to neglect new talents in favor of the fourth rank of the most powerful old talents.

  1. Rank Four Torn Flesh
  2. Fourth rank Razor-sharp fangs
  3. Fourth rank Energy Ashhide
  4. Fourth rank Animal Instinct
  5. Fourth Rank Wild Beast Strength
  6. Fourth rank Powerful bite
  7. Rank Four Sharpened Claws
  8. Harmony of Nature and Sharpened Instincts (in any order)

Artifact Ability

The artifact ability of a Druid with the Power of the Beast specialization is called Ashhide Frenzy. It deals heavy physical damage over 3 seconds. and leaves a heavy bleeding effect that lasts 6 seconds. Cinderpelt's frenzy does not require any resources and increases the number of combo points by 3. The cooldown is 75 seconds. Cinderpelt's Frenzy allows you to deal heavy damage to a single target and pairs well with short-term buffs such as Tiger's Fury and Bloody Claws.

Relic Selection

Unlike many other specializations, Power of the Beast does not rely on relics with the highest item level. This happens because the characteristics of the artifact for this specialization do not scale well with the level of the items, but the bonuses to talents are quite noticeable. For example, a relic that enhances Torn Flesh can outperform a relic whose level is as much as 11 points higher. The best talents to enhance are listed below. The value of the talents listed below was determined relative to options that do not affect outgoing damage.

Perfect Relics

Since bleed builds have lost their relevance, the number of relics from Antorus suitable for a druid has increased sharply. You can still use the Razor Fang and Tear Flesh relics, but now they have additional options in the form of Animal Instinct and Feral Strength. These additional options are especially good if you have a build with Incarnation: King of the Jungle and Moment of Clarity, as they buff Shred.

Other Acceptable Options

11.2. Combo points and energy

Most of the Feral Druid's offensive abilities require Energy. Maximum energy reserve is 100 units, replenishment speed is 10 units. per second. The replenishment rate increases as you gain equipment at a faster rate.

Some abilities (such as Slash, Rake, Swipe, and Thrash along with the artifact ability Ashhide Frenzy) are designed to accumulate combo points. Other abilities, called finishers, eat up combo points. The more points absorbed, the stronger (or longer) the effect will be. Combo point generation rate is increased with Primal Fury (two points instead of one on a critical hit).

11.3. Rotation for one target in detail

The rotation of a druid with the Strength of the Beast specialization depends on the effects of periodic damage and Wild Roar, as well as the constant generation of combo points.

11.3.1. Bleeds and damage over time effects

Always keep Deep Wound and Rip on the target. These effects deal most of the damage, so you should use them to their maximum effect.

In addition, points can be gained using Rake (gives slightly less than Shred).

11.3.3. Energy management

In patch 7.3, there is virtually no downtime in the Feral druid's rotation, so much less attention is now paid to the process of accumulating energy. However, in some game situations, additional energy brings tangible benefits. Spend energy wisely so that the target always has bleeding effects, but at the same time you can deal as much damage as possible during the duration of Tiger's Fury.

Use the effects of Omen of Clarity immediately so that they do not overlap each other.

11.3.4. How to update bleeding

Bleeding no longer depends on the character's static stats. Instead, they receive a bonus from some short-term buffs. This means that applied effects deal fixed damage regardless of changes to the character's stats after those effects occur. In addition, the damage does not change when the intensity of the effect changes. As a result, effects applied under buffs deal more damage than effects applied without buffs.

This rule applies to:

  • Bloody Claws (Tier 7 talent).

Thus, you will benefit more if you refresh your bleed effects at the right time (under the effects of the above buffs).

In terms of duration, Rake and Thrash can be refreshed in 4.5 seconds or less. until the end of the effect, and Break - in 7.2 seconds or less. until the effect ends. In the case of Rip, if the target's health drops below 25% while the effect is active, it is a good idea to recast it and extend it until the end of the fight with Ferocious Bite. If you have the Lunar Inspiration talent, Moonfire must be refreshed in 4.2 seconds or less. until the effect ends.

Remember that if you have the Lacerations talent, the refresh timer increases to 5.8 seconds. for Tear and 3.6 sec. for Rake and Thrash.

Both bonuses pair well with Loofah Wraps. In this case, it is recommended to constantly use Thrash (even if there is only one target).


Bonuses from 2T20 and 4T20 enhance the main finishing move, Rip. We recommend getting them as soon as possible.

  • 2 items: gives 1 unit. energy each time Rip deals damage to the target.
  • 4 items: Tear lasts for 4 seconds. longer and deals 10% more damage.

For the sake of these bonuses, you can get rid of any items from the T19 set. The bonus from 2T20 synergizes well with 4T19, and we recommend using this combination before obtaining 4 items from the T20 set.

Having 2T20 forces you to use Rip on multiple targets (to gain additional energy). The bonus from 4T20 allows you to use Rip less often, freeing up time and energy for Ferocious Bite.


  • 2 items: When Rip deals damage, the target has a 10% chance to be damaged twice.
  • 4 items: When Rip deals damage, the next Ferocious Bite has a 4% chance to be applied without costing any combo points and dealing maximum damage.

The bonus from 2T21 has a 10% chance of doubling the damage from Rip (without critical hits), which further enhances the main effect of the periodic damage of the "Power of the Beast" specialization.

The bonus from 4T21 each time Rip is triggered (including the bonus from 2T21 and Cinderpelt Rending Strike) has a 4% chance of allowing you to cast Ferocious Bite for free. This effect must be spent as quickly as possible so as not to miss subsequent triggers.

Exchange existing items for items from T21 only if the replacement promises you an increase in the total level of items. Remember that in terms of damage, the bonuses from T21 are approximately equal in strength to the bonuses from T20.

13. Priority of characteristics

Builds with Incarnation / Moment of Clarity:

  1. Versatility
  2. Critical hit
  3. Speed
  4. Dexterity
  5. Mastery

If you have Incarnation, the main damage comes from the effects of Bleeding, so in such builds it is recommended to focus on characteristics that enhance Shred. Also, in this case, you should not exceed the maximum value for the critical strike rating (50%), since it depreciates during the duration of the Incarnation.

The same applies to owners of a very high total level of items. If in doubt, run a simulation for your character.

Builds with bleeding

If you are using a build that focuses on bleed effects (with Lapses and/or Bloody Claws), Mastery becomes the priority stat. However, mastery should only be gained for fights with 2-3 targets.

The priority was based on common sense, in-game tests and calculations made using Simulation Craft.

Dexterity- primary characteristic. When changing pieces of equipment, pay attention first of all to agility indicators. Agility grants attack power, which increases damage dealt.

14. Stones

Builds with Incarnation

If you're using one of the Evocation builds, you'll need Versatility Labradorites.

Builds with Lacerations

If you're using one of the Laceration builds, you'll need.

Additionally, you'll benefit from buff runes that work in both raids and Mythic dungeons. Corrupted Augment Rune is a one-time (cheap) option. Lightforged Enhancement Rune - reusable option, costs 50,000 gold, requires Exalted with Army of Light.

17. Macros for Feral in the Legion

17.1. Common Macros for Druids

17.1.1. Renaissance

  • #showtooltipRebirth
  • /cast [@mouseover,help]Rebirth;Rebirth
  • #showtooltipRegrowth
  • /console autounshift 0
  • /cast [@mouseover] Regrowth
  • /console autounshift 1
  • /use 3

18. Addons for Druid Power of the Beast

18.2.5. General addons for druids ElvUI

We often use ElvUI for characters of all classes. It changes the interface, adding everything you need for a comfortable game: additional panels, cooldown timers, icons for triggered effects, etc. Addons for boss fights Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs

They warn you about bosses' abilities and give useful advice on mechanics. We strongly recommend downloading and installing them. Remember that it is more popular than . GTFO Weak Auras

WeakAuras is a very useful addon that allows you to visualize buff/debuff effects and cooldowns. The addon has flexible settings and allows you to more effectively use the features of a particular class. You can also use it for other purposes. Recount / Skada Grid and GridClickSets (optional)

ElvUI includes some good raid frames. Grid and GridClickSets are only used if you want to remove debuffs from raid or group members by right-clicking on a player's portrait in raid frames. If you install Grid, don't forget about GridStatusRaidDebuff. TellMeWhen

19. BiS sheet

Since the game contains battle-forged and titan-forged items, the list is not the only correct one. If you frequent Mythic dungeons and have the opportunity to collect rare items, your priorities may change.

Slot Item Source

Remember that one of the slots is reserved for the Pantheon accessory. The second one must be chosen from what you have. Options marked (10) are also Pantheon accessories, and their value depends on whether there are other players in your raid with such accessories. The overall value is determined relative to the Cradle of Suffering.

The cat-shaped druid was always in charge. But, from my own experience, the Munks “ruled” the panda (there were more of them), but in Draenor the developers revived the melee DD class for a druid, that is, Feral or in the Power of the Beast, and players are increasingly rushing into this spec again.

Feral talent tree

A universal build in Draenor would be like this:

But later, when raid instances are launched, you may have to change some spells. To do this, it is enough to purchase the Tome of a Clear Mind.


The key to a successful DD, in addition to directness of hands, is the full features of your character and symbols are not in last place. Now we will figure out what Feral needs in Draenor 6.0.3.

Large characters:

  • Symbol of the appearance of a cat OR Symbol of the ninth life - here you need to decide which one is a priority. A lot depends on your tactics for bosses. Both symbols are good in their own way, but it is impossible to use them in place.
  • Wild Roar symbol is preferred.
  • The alarm roar symbol is not a high priority, but in some boss fights it is simply necessary. Better buy it and keep it in the book.
  • A symbol of rebirth - I think no description or significance is required, but still.
  • Glyph of Gust – increases Feral’s mobility, but is a priority.
  • Glyph of Ferocious Bite is a good glyph for mass AoE bosses.
  • Symbol of survival instincts - similar to the previous one.

Small characters:

Small symbols do not provide any particular advantage in battle, but there is still an important one - this is the Symbol of Grace. An indispensable symbol so as not to spend a long time looking for a height from which you can fall without breaking.


Rotation for one target in Feral 6.0.3

The main priority for any Druid in a cat is the maximum number of combos. We recommend this rotation to recruit as many of them as possible:

  • It's a deep wound - we definitely support it.
  • We definitely support Moonfire.
  • Strip – maximum damage.

Finishing blows:

Preparation and start of DPS:

In front of a boss or an elite mob, we recommend that you do not stand idle, but prepare. To do this, a few seconds before the battle, cast Healing Touch, which will give Bloody Claws (if the talent was chosen). Buy an agility potion in advance from the ulchemists or at the auction and drink it. Go stealth and enter the fight on Deep Wound. Then we immediately use Berserk. If everything is done correctly, the DPS will be excellent.

Rotation for mass

It's a bit difficult to damage multiple targets in Feral, but it's possible. First you need to remember that when two or more mobs appear, you need to maintain Wild Roar, and Thrash on the enemies. A good addition would be Swipe.

Cooldown spells for DPS

To temporarily increase your physical damage and attack, there are two spells: Tiger's Fury and Berserk. They need to be used wisely. On raid bosses it is better to use it immediately at the beginning of the battle. Thus, you can use one boss approximately twice.

What characteristics should I upgrade?

Feral has several key characteristics. Plus, Versatility and Multi-Attack have been added to Draenor. In addition, which stat to upgrade depends on what talent you chose at level 100 - Lunar Inspiration or Bloody Claws.

Feral's main stat in Draenor is agility. Therefore, when we receive an item of clothing, in order to find out which one is better (if you don’t look at the additional characteristics), you need to look at how much this indicator changes. The secondary is a critical hit, then mastery, which increases DPS from spells that cause bleeding. The new characteristic “multiple attack” makes it possible to strike several times, it is clear that if it is higher, then the probability of striking several times is also the same.

Stones in sockets

You need to remember - the main stone in all sockets should be Powerful Taladite of Mastery. An alternative is the cheaper Taladite of Mastery.

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Feral is a druid who specializes in the Power of the Beast talent tree. The “Power of the Beast” talent tree is intended for two roles at once: tank (bear) and melee fighter (cat) - which differ only in a few talents. I’ll say right away that I don’t touch on the PvP part in my guide.

2. Detailed description of the talents of the “Power of the Beast” branch

First tier:

Ferocity- Feral's main talent. Reduces the energy or rage cost of the druid's basic abilities by 1/2/3/4/5 units. Takes 5/5 in any build.

Bestial aggression- Feral's secondary talent. Increases the damage dealt by Ferocious Bite by 3/6/9/12/15% and increases the attack damage reduction from Demoralizing Roar by 8/16/24/32/40%. Taken in a DD build and with a good equipment level of 5/5 or 0/5. Taking Mishka is of little use, since it spends 5 talents and reduces damage by only 4.6% (for comparison, an unimproved demoralizing roar reduces damage by 10.4%).

Tier two:

Animal instinct- a talent that increases the damage from the Swipe ability by 10/20/30%, and also increases the level of stealth when using the Prowl ability. For beginner DD druids, take 3/3 (experienced druids themselves will understand whether they need this talent), and feral tanks should definitely take it, as it increases aggro generation.

Rabid Fury— a talent that increases the damage from the druid’s basic abilities by 10/20%. Take 2/2 in any build.

Thick hide— a talent that increases the armor of leather and fabric armor by 4/7/10%. For cats the talent is useless, but for bears it is necessary to take 3/3.

Third tier:

Brutal Speed- a talent that increases movement speed in cat form by 15/30%, and also increases the chance of evasion in cat and bear form by 2/4%. For bears, the talent is required, for cats it is desirable, but optional, since it does not directly increase the DPS, but it does increase mobility and survivability in the raid.

Survival Instincts- a talent from the “Panic Button” series, an analogue of the warrior’s “Not a Step Back”. Increases health by 30% (45% with symbol). For a cat it’s useless, for a bear it’s a must.

Sharp talons— a talent that increases the chance of a critical hit in forms by 2/4/6%. Take everyone 3/3. Unlocks Primal Fury and Innate Accuracy.

Tier four:

Tear the enemy to pieces— a talent that reduces the energy cost of the Shred ability by 9/18 units, and also reduces the rage cost of the Tear ability by 1/2 units. A cat's talent is useless for bears.

Predator Strikes— increases attack power in forms by 50/100/150% of the druid’s level, as well as by 7/14/20% of the weapon’s attack power bonus. Also, the finishing move has a 6/14/20% chance per combo point that the next Nature spell with a cast time of less than 10 seconds will become instant. A pass-through talent that grants access to Heart of the Wild. Take everyone 3/3.

Primal Fury- a talent that gives a 50/100% chance to generate 5 units. rage when landing a critical strike in Bear Form, and a 50/100% chance to grant an additional combo point on a critical strike with an ability that can increase combo length. Take all ferals 2/2.

Innate Accuracy— a talent that increases skill by 5/10 units, and also reduces the energy consumption of finishing blows that do not reach the target by 40/80%. Talent is extremely important for bears and desirable for cats. Take 2/2 for all bears and 0/1/2 for cats (depending on skill on equipment).

Fifth tier:

Brutal blow— a talent that increases the stun duration of the Stun and Pounce abilities by 0.5/1 sec., and also reduces the cooldown of the Stun ability by 15/30 sec. Pure PvP talent. Almost useless in PvE.

Beast Attack- a talent that gives 2 new abilities and significantly increases the druid’s mobility. Can be taken in any build.
Beast Attack - Cat: The druid jumps behind the target, causing dizziness for 3 seconds. Can be used in stealth mode.
Animal Attack - Bear: The druid quickly approaches the enemy, immobilizing him for 4 seconds and interrupting the casting of spells for the same 4 seconds.

Maternal instinct- a talent that increases spell power by 35/70% of agility, and also increases incoming healing in cat form by 10/20%. Talent for PvP.

Tier six:

Unconditioned reflex— increases the chance of evasion in bear form by 2/4/6% and accumulates 1/2/3 units. rage when dodging. Talent for bears 3/3.

Heart of the Wild— a talent that increases intelligence by 4/8/12/16/20%, endurance by 2/4/6/8/10%, attack power in cat form by 4/8/12/16/20%. Give everyone 5/5.

Natural selection- a talent that increases all characteristics by 2/4/6%, reduces the chance of receiving a critical hit by 2/4/6% and enhances the armor of leather and fabric armor in the form of a bear by 11/22/33%. Definitely take 3/3 for everyone.

Tier seven:

Leader of the pack- a talent that increases the chance of a critical strike by 5% in melee and ranged combat within a 45-yard radius for all raid or group members. Passing talent for Maim, Improved Packmaster, and Pack Defender.

Improved Packmaster- a talent that, upon a critical hit, gives the ability to heal everyone under the influence of the leader’s aura by 2/4% of the total health no more than once every 6 seconds. Also, on a critical hit, the druid regenerates 4/8% of the total mana with the same cooldown. For bears, be sure to take 2/2, as it periodically heals. Optional for cats.

Primal Fortitude— a talent that reduces the duration of fear effects by 10/20/30% and reduces damage under the effect of stuns by 10/20/30%. PvP talent.

Eighth tier:

Protector of the Pack- a talent that reduces damage taken by 4/8/12% and increases attack power by 2/4/6% in bear form. It’s a must for bears, but it’s useless for cats.

Predator instincts— a talent that increases critical damage in cat form by 3/7/10% and reduces damage from area effects by 10/20/30%. A cat talent that allows you to ignore some boss abilities that are fatal to others. Also slightly increases the cat's DPS. Taking 3/3 for cats and bears is useless.

Infected wounds- a talent that infects a target with a disease that reduces movement speed by 16/34/50% and reduces attack speed by 6/14/20%. An important talent for bears, as it reduces the “white” damage of bosses by 20%. Useful for cats only in PvP.

Tier nine:

King of the Jungle— a talent that reduces the mana cost of changing forms by 20/40/60%, increases damage in bear form by 5/10/15% when using the Enrage ability, and regenerates 20/40/60 units. energy when using the Tiger's Fury ability in cat form. For cats take 3/3, for bears - optional.

Mutilation- a talent that grants the abilities “Maim - Bear” and “Maim - Cat”. Maim is a strike that severely cripples an enemy and increases bleed damage by 30%. The Slash and Maul abilities are also enhanced by Maim. Taken by all Ferals. Unlocks Improved Mutilation.

Improved Maim— a talent that reduces the energy consumption of the “Maim - Cat” ability by 2/4/6 units. and reducing the cooldown on the Mangle - Bear ability by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds. An optional and weakly useful talent for both bears and cats, since Mangle is currently only used to cause a harmful effect.

Tier ten:

Rip and tear- a talent that increases the damage from the Maul and Slash abilities by 4/8/12/16/20%, as well as the critical strike chance of the Ferocious Bite ability by 5/10/15/20/25%, subject to , that the enemy is bleeding from one of the abilities: “Deep Wound”, “Tear” or “Tear”. Provides access to the First Blood talent. Give everyone 5/5.

First blood— a talent that gives a chance of inflicting a critical hit from the periodic effects “Tear” and “Tear.” Take it for everyone, as it increases the aggro generation of bears and the DPS of cats.

Tier eleven:

Berserk- a talent that gives the Berserk ability. Under the Berserk effect, the druid is invulnerable to the effects of fear, instantly freed from them, energy consumption in cat form is reduced by 50% and the cooldown time of the Mangle ability in bear form is removed and allows him to hit three targets at the same time. A useful talent for everyone to take.

3. A detailed description of the talents of the “Healing” branch, useful for the feral.

First tier:

Improved Wildlife Badge— increases all basic characteristics of the druid by 1/2% and the effectiveness of the “paw” by 20/40%. Take 2/2 for everyone.

Ferocity— with a probability of 20/40/60/80/100% generates 10 units. rage when taking the form of a bear, saves up to 20/40/60/80/100 units. energy when taking the form of a cat and increases intelligence in the form of a moonkin by 2/4/6/8/10%. Take it as a passing talent 3/5 for all PvE animals. In PvP - 5/5.

Tier two:

Naturalist— a talent that increases damage by 2/4/6/8/10% and reduces the casting time of the “Healing Touch” spell by 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds. Give all animals 5/5.

Born werewolf— a passing talent that reduces the cost of taking on any form by 10/20/30%. Unlocks Artificial Werewolf. A must take for cats. For bears - optional.

Third tier:

Sign of clarity— A talent that gives any action of the druid a chance to put him (the druid) into the “Clarity of Thought” state. Under this state, any ability will not require resources. Take 1/1 for everyone.

Artificial Werewolf- a talent that increases critical strike chance by 2/4% while in cat form, increases damage by 2/4% while in bear form, increases spell damage by 2/4% while in owl form, and increases healing effects by 2/4% while in form tree. Cats take 2/2, bears take to increase TPS.

Voltage— When casting spells, mana accumulates at a rate of 17/33/50% of normal. The Enrage ability instantly generates 4/7/10 units. rage.

4. Feral bear: build and equipment.

Bear- This is a tank version of feral development.

Features of the bear:
-No need to collect protection
-Ability to switch from tanking to dealing damage in situations where a tank is not needed (HT-002 heart phase, for example)
-Large amount of health
-One type of damage avoidance is evasion

Build for beginner bears:

2 talent points are scattered according to taste.

Build for well dressed bears:


There is no special equipment for a bear as such: almost any skin will do. Preference should be given to leather with blue sockets, a lot of stamina and agility, accuracy and skill. Don't look for leather with evasion ratings and protection - it doesn't exist. For accessories, you should choose accessories with accuracy, mastery, evasion, and defense.

The required limit for accuracy (cap) is 8% (7% for the Alliance)
Mastery cap - 56 (10 is taken from talents, the rest from equipment)
Dodge 40%+

Soft HP cap for various dungeons (the numbers are given taking into account raid buffs):
Naxxramas 10 players ~ 30k
Naxxramas 25 players ~ 35k
Ulduar 10 players ~ 35k
Ulduar 10 players hard mode ~ 40k
Ulduar 25 players ~ 40k
Ulduar 25 players hard mode ~ 45k
Trial of the Crusader 10 players ~35k
Trial of the Great Crusader 10 players ~ 45k
Trial of the Crusader 25 players ~50k
Trial of the Great Crusader 25 players ~55k

Stamina Equivalent (stam-EQ) values

Attack power 5.5
Attack power (beast) 6.6
Agility 108.9 *
Strength 13.1
Crit rating shock 4.9
Speed ​​rating -4.2**
Accuracy rating 3.2
Skill rating 66.7
Armor penetration rating 0.0
Defense rating 92.3 ***
Evasion rating 83.3 ****
Armor 52.3
Additional armor 7.4
Stamina 100.0
Health 6.1

* — agility value has been approximately recalculated to 3.2 (old value 124.4)
** - speed rating has negative values ​​only for lack of skill
*** - 5 defense rating = 1 defense. 1 defense = 0.04% of your chance to dodge, parry and miss (0.08% avoidance), which makes it a pretty good stat
**** - the value of the evasion rating is approximately recalculated for 3.2 (old value 98)

The stam-EQ values ​​are intended to compare equipment, gem selection, and chants.

Selection of stones

The priority characteristic, as can be seen from the table, is endurance. Further, the choice of stone will be influenced by the color and the bonus for maintaining the color of the nest. If the bonus is worthwhile (4-8 agility, 6-12 stamina), then it makes sense to keep it. If the bonus is garbage (+ to the critical strike rating or + to attack power), then feel free to ignore it and insert “pure” endurance.

Stones for different nests:
Stamina in blue sockets
Agility + Stamina in red sockets
Defense Rating + Stamina in yellow sockets
To set caps, you can insert Accuracy Rating + Endurance into the yellow sockets
Special Stone - +32 stamina and 2% armor

Selection of enchantments

Head - enchant 37 stamina and 20 defense rating from the Argent Vanguard
Shoulders - enchants 30 stamina and 15 resilience rating for honor points
Bracers - 40 stamina enchantment or leatherworker equivalent
Hands - enchant 20 agility or strengthen engineer
Legs - enchant 55 Stamina and 22 Agility from Leatherworker
Boots - enchant 22 stamina, but preferably 15 stamina + running speed (Tuskarr Vitality)
Cloak - enchant 22 agility / 225 armor
Body - 10 to all stats or 18 stamina from a leatherworker
Weapon - Mongoose

Rotation of tanking abilities

There is no rotation for tanking as such, there is a system of priorities:
-always keep the “Bashing” ability in queue
-always keep 5 “Tear to pieces” effects on the target
-use “Maim” and “Magic Fire (beast)” to restore
-use “Swipe (Bear)” if all the above conditions are met and the above abilities are restored.

Food and chemistry

Dire Snakesteak (+40 skill and stamina)
Smoked Angelfish (+40 Agility and Stamina) with Mastery Cap
Flask of Stone Blood (1300 hit points)
Powerful Elixir of Defense / Guardian Elixir + Elixir of Agility (45 defense rating/800 armor + 45 agility)
Potion of Indestructibility


Standard Character Set: Survival Instincts, Maul, and Furious Recovery
Beginner Bear Pack without Accuracy cap: Roar, Maul, Furious Recovery


1) Jewelry making
2) any of the following: Mining, Leatherworking, Enchanting, Blacksmithing


#showtooltip Swipe (Bear)(Level 8)
/cast Swipe (Bear)(Level 8)
/cast !Bashing (Level 10)

#showtooltip Tear to pieces (Level 3)
/cast Tear to pieces (Level 3)
/cast !Bashing (Level 10)

#showtooltip Mutilation (Bear) (Level 5)
/cast Maim (Bear) (Level 5)
/cast !Bashing (bear) (Level 10)

#showtooltip Magic fire (beast)
/script SetRaidTarget("target",8)
/y >>>my goal: %t<<<
/cast Magic Fire (beast)

5. Feral cat: equipment and builds

Feral cat- This is a melee fighter.
-The most mobile class
-High values ​​of UVS
-The most powerful AoE in the game (with the right buildup)
-High survivability: in extreme cases can catch the boss


A universal build that fully reveals the power of a cat:

There are also other builds, but it is better to experiment with a build after gaining some experience and analyzing the composition of the raid. To begin with, it is better to use a universal one.


The main characteristic of a cat is its armor penetration rating (ArP). Preference should be given to leather and accessories with high armor penetration, agility and red sockets. Below are tables of the influence of each characteristic on the damage control.

Item level 213+:
Armor penetration rating 1.32
Agility 1.42
Accuracy rating 1.17
Skill rating 1.17
Attack power (beast) 0.66
Strength 1.31
Speed ​​rating 1.06
Critical hit rating 1.18
Attack power 0.55

Item level 245+:
Armor penetration rating 2.41
Agility 1.84
Accuracy rating 1.74
Skill rating 1.74
Attack power (beast) 0.86
Strength 1.70
Speed ​​rating 1.60
Critical strike rating 1.51
Attack power 0.72

Accuracy cap - 8% (7% for Alliance)
Mastery cap - 26
Cap ArP - 1400

Build by item

The “duffel” build is divided into 3 types:

Dodger cat
For beginner cats. Collected if there is no accessory for the armor penetration proc and/or a fairly low level item. In this build, the emphasis is on agility; gaining CP is quite easy due to the high amount of agility, which allows you to work out the priority system. But don’t expect high DPS from it. Compliance with the accuracy and skill caps is highly desirable. The combat speed rating in this build is a garbage stat.

Soft-cap ArP cat
Using items, stones and food, you can gain 695 ArP for Mjollnir, 682 for PIS or 748 ArP for Gloomy Chime. The remaining stones are used for dexterity. The build is currently the most popular due to the inability to collect hard cap arp. Compliance with the accuracy cap is mandatory, while the skill cap is desirable. You should not disdain the speed rating; in this build and item level 232~245 it is equal to the crit rating. blow. The build requires the presence of a trinket to proc armor penetration.

Hard-cap ArP cat
Build for professionals who have access to the best things. We strive to achieve the cherished figure of 1400 ArP using all possible methods. Due to the high level of items, crit is almost not needed and therefore, in this build, the critical hit rating is less preferable than the speed rating. Accuracy cap and skill cap are desirable, but focusing on them is not necessary.

Selection of stones

Everything here is the same as with the bear: if the bonus is worth it, we comply. If not, ignore it. But the useful bonuses here are different, or rather, one - + to agility.

Stones for different nests

Armor Penetration Rating or Agility in Red Sockets
Critical/Hit Rating (if in short supply) + Yellow Socket Agility
Armor Penetration Rating/Agility + Stamina or Tear of Nightmare into blue sockets.
Special Stone - +21 Agility and 3% Critical Damage
The selection of stones is also affected by the armor penetration rating from equipment: if without stones and with an accessory for the +ArP effect, more than 400 penetration rating is gained upon impact, then sockets can be filled in for the armor penetration rating. Otherwise, agility will be more profitable.

Selection of enchantments

Head - enchantment 50 attack power and 20 crit rating. blow from the Knights of the Ebon Blade
Shoulders - enchant 40 attack power and 15 crit rating. blow from the Sons of Hodir or an analogue of the Inscriber
Bracers - enchantment 50 attack power or equivalent of Leatherworker
Hands - enchant 20 agility
Legs - enchant 75 attack power and 22 crit rating. hit by a tanner
Boots - enchant 16 agility
Cloak - 22 Dexterity enchantment or engineer's parachute
Body – 10 to all stats
Weapon - Berserker

Damage Ability Rotation

Again, there is no rotation as such - there is a system of priorities.
-To collect series points, use “Shred”
-Always keep “Break” on the target for 5 streak points
-Always keep "Maim" on the target
-Always keep “Deep Wound” on the target
-Always keep “Wild Roar” on you (from 1 to 5 streak points)

To begin with, it is best to torture the training dummy, observing this system of priorities and honing it to perfection. Only after this can you try to introduce “Ferocious Bite” into the rotation. If your rotation starts to break down a lot when you introduce Ferocious Bite, then feel free to remove it from the rotation, as this means that your equipment level is quite low.

Food and chemistry

Symbols for a cat

The only valid set of symbols are the Wild Roar Symbol, the Slashing Symbol, and the Rending Symbol.


1) Jewelry making
2) Blacksmithing


There are no macros for cats.

6. Feral: FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to them.

IN: Why is there no defense/evasion rating on tank skins? How to achieve immunity to critical hits?
ABOUT: Highly specialized armor does not exist only because there would be no competition for it. This allows both a rogue and a druid to claim the same item. At the same time, this greatly reduces the loot table from bosses. Kritimmut is taken in talents.

IN: I'm advised to use Shred to deal damage. But “Rip” hits weaker than “Maim”, and costs much more. What's the secret?
ABOUT: And they advise correctly. Firstly, “Shred” with a competent layout of talents costs only 42 energy (Maim – 36). Secondly, the damage from Shred is influenced by other abilities and talents, which increases the damage of the ability significantly.

IN: The guide says that improving the demoralizing roar is of little use, but it means reducing physical damage to the tank by 15%. Can anyone else provide a similar debuff?
ABOUT: Yes, maybe, and at a lower price. For example, a warlock's Curse of Weakness or the paladin's Vindication talent.

IN: I have low DPS, what should I do?
ABOUT: 1) Pay attention to your equipment. It should not contain stones for endurance and other characteristics that are useless for damage control. She should also be enchanted as much as possible.
2) Check your build and symbols.
3) Practice your priority system on a mannequin.

IN: Why can't you collect more than 76% crit?
ABOUT: Because there will always be glancing blows against the enemy target. The chance of a glancing blow is ~25%. With a glancing blow, the attack cannot be a critical hit and deals 10%*level difference less damage. "Yellow" attacks cannot be sliding attacks.

7. Dictionary

Main characteristics:
stamina, stama - endurance
agila, agi - dexterity
strand, str - strength
inta, int - intelligence
spirit - spirit

Secondary characteristics:
AP - attack power
fAP - attack power (beast)
crit - critical strike chance or critical strike rating
hasta, hast - speed rating or % acceleration
ArP, Armenian Pen. — armor penetration rating or % armor ignoring
hit - accuracy
expertise - mastery
HP - amount of health

Colloquial names for abilities:

All the slang comes from the American version of WoW, since in most cases the English name sounds shorter and is much more familiar to experienced players (who started their journey with American WoW).

FF - magic fire
FFF - magic fire (beast)
demo roar - demoralizing cry
taunt, growl, growl - roar
mass taunt - causing a roar
maul - beating
mangle - mutilation
swipe - swipe
last stand - survival instincts
charge - bestial attack
Barskin - oak leather
rake - deep wound
rip - tear apart
shred - to slash
Savage Roar, SR - wild roar