Xiaomi readme note 3 connection to computer. Several ways to connect Xiaomi to a computer

If you look through the forums dedicated to Xiaomi devices, you can
There are a number of complaints that the computer does not see the phone. Working with information, transferring it from one device to another is an important part of life. modern man. If such a collapse has occurred with your smartphone, we will tell you what to do next. So, pay attention!

Why doesn't the PC want to see the smartphone?

There can be many reasons, and the point is not that these devices do not match in character! There may be problems with the drivers on one of the gadgets. It is worth reinstalling them and perhaps the connection problem will disappear.

The problem may be with the data cable you are using. To avoid problems with synchronization, you should use only the original USB cable. Even if you ordered a high-quality cable from another company and not the one that came with the device, malfunctions may occur frequently or periodically.

With absence necessary drivers on a laptop or PC, the phone can be charged from the PC, but cannot be identified as a storage medium. Downloading and installing these most unfortunate drivers can solve this problem.

If you have done all the mentioned manipulations, but the device does not connect to the computer automatically, you will have to do it yourself and manually. The item “USB connection to a computer”, located in the menu, has a subsection media device (MTP) - a check mark is placed on it. Next, click “attach USB as a drive,” if necessary. In the window that appears, the user clicks OK.

To plug Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 to computer You can follow the chain: “settings → advanced → for developers → USB debugging → enable.” Sometimes, due to the operation of the antivirus, the “for developers” column disappears; here you will have to work hard to solve the problem.

Restoring the smartphone to its original factory settings is the simplest and most obvious way to eliminate this defect. Information installed on the smartphone may be erased. Before restoring, you should copy to another medium, for example, microSD card all important information. This way you will save all important files, programs, and the device will work smoothly again.

You should also be careful when downloading programs for your device, only from the official market. If the question is how to connect Xiaomi Redmi 3 to computer still torments you, download the Android Terminal Emulator application. On the Internet you can find a chain of simple actions, after which the smartphone and PC work together again, like good old friends. The main thing to remember is that no matter what problem you have, you can find tips and tricks; other users and experts will tell you what and how to do to solve any difficulties. If we talk about smartphone security, then its guarantor will be the use of high-quality protective accessories. The Redmi Note 3 case and film, original in compatibility with the device, will protect it from cracks, abrasions, chips, dents, and scratches.

The expansion of the functionality of mobile gadgets is moving at an unimaginable pace, and today with the help of an ordinary smartphone you can perform a huge range of tasks. Therefore, there was a need to ensure communication between the phone and the computer in order to organize file exchange or collaboration within a particular program.

The easiest way to connect a phone with the MIUI operating shell is using PS Suite - special program, which helps you quickly and efficiently connect to your computer. Usually it is characterized by a reliable connection, but sometimes there are bugs, as a result of which the program crashes when the phone is connected.

Today we will talk about what to do if the phone does not see your PC, using MIUI gadgets from Xiaomi Mi as a basis.

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Why PC Suite may not see the phone

To understand how to fix the problem, you need to find out what caused it. Surely this can only be understood by understanding the device in detail, which is difficult for a person without special training at home. Therefore, we will present only the most common reasons why Xiaomi Mi does not connect to the computer:

  • Using a non-original USB cable;
  • Lack of necessary drivers on the computer;
  • Choosing the wrong connection method;
  • There are system problems with the device.

Also, the phone can only be recognized by the computer in camera mode. You can solve this problem without much effort by simply dragging the files you need into the photo folder, and then sorting them into the right places from your phone.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg possible problems, due to which the Mi PC Suite program may crash. You can determine what exactly is wrong experimentally. It may well help in solving the problem, and therefore next we will talk about the methods that are recommended to be used in order to create a connection between the gadget and the computer.

Simple solutions

The most simple solutions that may help in this case would be:

  1. Downloading drivers. If your computer does not recognize your phone being connected via cable, it is quite possible that you are using outdated version drivers, or for some reason they are not installed at all. Majority operating systems On PCs, the process of pulling up drivers has already been automated, but no one is immune from failure. Therefore, try installing these current drivers: and .
  2. Replacing the cable or USB port. If you connect via a non-native USB cable, you may also encounter problems. Therefore, try using a different cable, if you have one at hand. It would also be a good idea to check the suitability of the USB port on your computer. Typically, there are such ports on both the front and rear panels. It wouldn't hurt to try each of them.
  3. Manual debugging. If the methods described above did not help, and you still don’t know how to connect your Mi 4C or other MIUI gadget to your computer, then try going to the settings on your phone by following the following path: “Advanced” – “For Developers” – “USB Debugging” – “Enable”. This may help if the settings on the mobile device itself have been lost.

Complex solutions

If you have read this far, then most likely simple ways didn't help you, and you still can't use your phone files from your computer. Therefore, you will need third-party resources and programs.

  1. Terminal. Download from Play Market program called Android terminal emulator and install it on your smartphone. Next you will need to write several commands in this program. First, enter the combination SU (super user), gaining access to the root folder. The next thing you need to enter looks like this: setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage, adb. Be careful to check each letter. Next, confirm the action and restart the device using the Reboot command.
  2. Another program that can help is . You cannot download it in the market, so download it from the link to the left. With its help, you get access to connection settings by entering in the field Package paragraph com.android.settings, and in the section Class - com.android.settings.UsbSettings. All you have to do is click on the button Create Shortcut, and the computer should start seeing the MIUI device.
  3. Add-on installed on mobile device and helping to avoid the problem of lack of drivers necessary for connection. If you connect your phone after downloading the program, then it won’t be difficult to “explain” to the computer which driver needs to be used to recognize the gadget. Just go to the “Task Manager”, specifying the path to the desired folder.

As practice shows, if you try each method, you will be satisfied by connecting from your gadget to your computer and calmly organizing the exchange of files between them. If the problem was ultimately not resolved, then most likely the problem is deeper than you could imagine, and it is likely that you are using pirated firmware, facing quite logical consequences. This can be solved by installing new firmware by Fastboot, but this is rather a radical method, similar to reinstalling Windows on the computer. And as we know, sometimes this is not a mandatory measure at all, although it is often resorted to by those who are too lazy to delve into the details.

We hope that you will not have to go to this length, and one of the methods we described in the article will be effective, allowing you to identify the gadget from a laptop or computer.

How to connect Xiaomi to a computer? It would seem that it could be simpler - I took USB cable and connected the PC to the smartphone. Usually in such cases Android devices are detected and connected automatically, but what if this does not happen? There are several ways:

Method #1

When you connect your computer to your smartphone, the latter will display a connection notification, which will disappear after a few seconds. If you don’t have time, open the curtain and click.

A new “Using USB” window will open and here you need to select the file transfer mode.

Method #2

You need to go to your phone settings, then additional > for developers > USB debugging – enable. This may help, but there are times when the “for developers” option is missing. This often happens due to the operation of an antivirus program.

In this case, resetting to factory settings will help you. Be sure to save your data to storage media first, as it will be deleted.

Method No. 3

Another option is to go to the menu on PC Start > Devices and Printers and select the model of your smartphone there (if it appears), for example, Xiaomi Redmi 3. Point the cursor at it and click right click (RMB) > troubleshoot > update driver.

Method No. 4

For this method we need Android program terminal emulator. It can be downloaded from the play market. After this, we connect the smartphone to the PC and there are 2 options:

If you want to connect your phone as a media device (MTP):

  1. Open a terminal and write su, then click confirm.
  2. We write setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb and press enter.
  3. Now we write reboot, press enter and the reboot will begin,

To connect in USB mode:

At the second point we enter setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb

This method has helped many owners Xiaomi phones Redmi Note 3, Redmi 2, Redmi 3 pro, Mi Max, Redmi 3s, so try it, maybe it will solve your problem too.

On forums dedicated to the famous gadgets Chinese brand Xiaomi you can find a lot of user complaints that the computer does not see the smartphone. In this article we will tell you why this happens and how to connect Redmi Note 4 to computer so that synchronization is successful.

The “invisible” syndrome can be cured

There may be several reasons why the PC does not see the device, and “difference in character” has nothing to do with it. Most likely, one of the devices has driver problems. In this case, it is enough to reinstall the “firewood”.

Due to lack of computer necessary drivers The phone can only be charged from a PC, but the computer will not identify it as a storage medium. By downloading and installing the original “firewood”, you can easily solve this problem.

The problem may be related to the data cable that is used for synchronization. To avoid problems, please use only the original USB cable. If you are going to use not the standard cable from the smartphone box, but a cord made by another manufacturer, then you cannot avoid periodic malfunctions.

Manual connection

If you have completed all of the above, but the device still cannot connect to the PC, then you will have to carry out some procedures manually. Located in the menu item called “ USB connection to PC" contains a subsection "Media device" - check the box there. Then click “attach as a drive” if necessary. In the window that appears, click on “OK”.

To Connect Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 to computer follow the following chain: “Settings → Advanced → For developers → USB debugging → activate.” In some cases, due to the antivirus, the “For Developers” option may disappear, then to solve the problem you will need to work a little.

The simplest way to solve this problem is to restore the gadget to its original factory settings. During this procedure, all data contained on the phone will be erased. Therefore, before restoring factory settings, be sure to copy all important information to your PC or memory card.

Connection using Android Terminal Emulator

You can also connect your smartphone to your PC using the special Android Terminal Emulator application. With this program you can easily synchronize devices. Just don’t forget about security - download the application only on the developer’s official resource, and not on third-party sites where you can easily catch some dangerous virus. And the case will protect your Redmi Note 4 from all kinds of external damage..