Yandex disk download ban. The download limit has been exceeded, you can save the file to Yandex disk. Do you need your own Disk?

So, we will talk about some impudence, some form of coercion and inducement on the part of Yandex.

A few months ago, Yandex made everyone happy with the so-called “Yandex Disk” service for storing your own files. Almost everyone rejoiced and rushed there to pour files.

Many thousands of webmasters from the “near the poverty line” category with great joy uploaded their files there for uploading by users instead of ugly file hosting services.

I rejoiced too. But not for long! Some time ago, again unknown to me, I was amazed to learn that it turns out... as usual... “on the sly” Yandex introduced certain... restrictions on the use of Yandex disk that were not explicitly declared anywhere, namely: on my favorite resource about Diablo ,

people, it turns out, couldn’t, at some point they stopped downloading the files that I uploaded to the notorious Yandex disk, while they saw an impudent and cheerful message like:

“File download limit exceeded”

I hurried for clarification on, and discovered a not surprising, but depressing explanation:

Why can't a published file be downloaded?

If a public file has been downloaded many times during the day, the ability to download it may be limited.

Wow! Have you seen it? As simple as a broom in the kitchen... What's the limit? How much is it? Where is it marked? When was it introduced? Of course, keep quiet. As always... Yandex has always been famous for its Soviet service...

Of course, there were articles on the Internet on the topic “how to get around this”, and “bypass”, and not bypass:

“In this situation, we need to correct the address in the browser line in order to later copy the file to our Yadisk.

What we see in the browser address bar:

What should happen:

After you correct the link address, follow it and the file will be copied to your YandexDisk. A prerequisite for copying files must be the presence of a registered Yandex disk."

Let me just quote the last line again: After you correct the link address, follow it and the file will be copied to your YandexDisk. A prerequisite for copying files must be presence of a registered Yandex disk.

Stop, stop, stop...! What does this mean? Forced by Yandex to use its services???

So, at first they “fed” you for a while, and now they encourage you? Cheap trick, you know...

This is most likely a planned line... they knew from the beginning that this would happen, and that a great many sites would not be able to refuse this swamp! This means that an influx of users, even if through indirect coercion, will be ensured for Yandex services.

Here it is, Yandex!

Don’t forget that 90% of users on the RuNet don’t know where the “browser address bar” is, what a browser is, http, and often don’t even understand what was discussed above... And it’s not reputable... Substitutions, registrations... This is interesting for schoolchildren and “normal”, but for some deputy or deputy head of the region to even read this “dregs” is bad manners! How do you imagine that, for example, the head of urban settlement N in the address bar... will change “public” to “copy” ??????????????

Who is this childishness intended for? What about schoolchildren?

P.S. Well, as for us, “wealthy moles”, respectable people, I personally went to hell with my own Nas server, I didn’t skimp, and my reputation will definitely not now depend on Yandex disk and the whim of some people who they do business in these ways! But people, users, will be sure that they can now download something from the pages of my sites without registering on Yandex, just using a direct link, which I advise everyone to do!

IN Lately Yandex has introduced restrictions on downloading files from its disk. If you are reading this article, then you have already encountered this problem and when you clicked on the link you saw a similar message: “The limit for downloading the file has been exceeded. Downloading the file is prohibited.” The question arises: how to download and what to do? First of all, you need to register on Yandex and create your own Yandex Disk to which you will subsequently copy files and download them at high speed.

This is approximately what the message looks like, saying that it is not possible to download the required file.

In this situation, we need to correct the address in the browser line in order to later copy the file to our Yadisk.

What we see in the browser address bar:

What should happen:

After you correct the link address, follow it and the file will be copied to your YandexDisk. A prerequisite for copying files must be the presence of a registered Yandex disk. We hope that this article helped you cope with the problem" The file download limit has been exceeded. Downloading the file is prohibited."And since the problem is widespread, share the solution to the problem with your friends.

Limit for downloading a file in Yandex.Disk

You have decided to download a rather large file. It could be a game, or it could be a movie, or it could be other material that is important to you. You start downloading and suddenly receive a notification: “The file download limit has been exceeded...”. If you have an account on Yandex.Disk, then the next steps are simple. Otherwise, you will inevitably have to acquire account. You will receive free virtual space, to which you will later be able to copy files and download them at considerable speed.

What should I do to download the file?

In a similar option shown in the previous figure, you need:

I hope you know the next steps to unzip the file quite well.

Another way to download large files

In this option, in order to copy the file to personal computer It will be useful to correct the address in the browser line. So, for example, the address bar in your browser has an entry like the one in the picture below.

Let's correct it using the following method.

As you can see, the term “public” has been replaced with the word “copy”.

After the source address in the browser is corrected, you will go to it and you will be advised to save the document on your disk or get your own disk on Yandex. Subsequent operations have already been fully described above.

You can view in detail the sequence of operations when you exceed the limit for downloading a Yandex.Disk file in the video below.

I hope that this note helped you deal with the problem “The file download limit has been exceeded...”, and since this complication occurs quite often, share the proposed possible variations of the solution with your friends. Wishing you all great achievements and a day full of pleasant events!

blog about modern technologies

The limit for downloading a file in Yandex.Disk has been exceeded - what to do

Through the Yandex.Disk service, many users store personal files or download games and other software via open links. However, the service often refuses to download, and the error is caused by the following notification “The file download limit has been exceeded. You can only save it to Yandex.Disk". Let's consider two solutions: when the user is registered in the system and when there is no registration.

Saving via your own drive

  1. The user needs to find the file he needs, which is indicated in the received link. Next is executed login to your own account Yandex service. Since regular downloading does not work, you need to click on the item that says about saving to Disk.
  2. Now open your storage directly - the “Downloads” folder. This insert will contain your file. Click on the down arrow with a dash - wait for the download.

Save the file to your own Disk, and then download it to your PC

If you do not want to register, you can bypass this step. The main point is address bar in browser. It contains paths that, with the necessary adjustments to tasks, will simply redirect the data flow to the computer.

The user needs to make changes personally. Removes the word “PUBLIC” and replaces it with the command “COPY”. After clicking ENTER, the file will begin downloading. Here is a screenshot for clarity.

Loading via changing commands in the link

For users without an account in the Yandex.Disk service, I recommend creating one and thereby simplifying your life. After all, your own cloud storage will allow you to save large amounts of data, and exchange through it is very common in RuNet. Let's describe the whole process sequentially:

  1. Visit official page Yandex. There will be different menus above the search. We move in their tail to the point "More". It will mention Disk;
  2. Then, without leaving your goal, start it by clicking on the item required for this “Start your own Disk”;
  3. Now go through standard registration with all the ensuing events (full name, create a password, etc.);
  4. After confirming your registration, a greeting card will appear, but it’s too early to rejoice. At the bottom there is a yellow window “Download disk for Windows” - click;
  5. After receiving the installer on your hard drive, we activate it - that’s all. It should be noted that the program installed on Windows will eat up your HDD space.

The system will automatically prompt you to download the installer

In general, if you have already connected to this cloud, then you should know how to create links and open for them general access for download. Be sure to try this option for sending a file to friends.

  1. Go to your cloud storage and first upload a file there, which will subsequently be sent to your friend.
  2. After completing the action, close this menu window.
  3. Now find your software in the repository. Click on it, and on the right side move the slider to “ON” (where you need to share the link).

Creating a link

Through the Yandex.Disk service, many users store personal files or download games and other software via open links. However, the service often refuses to download, and the error is caused by the following notification . Let's consider two solutions: when the user is registered in the system and when there is no registration.

Saving via your own drive

  1. The user needs to find the file he needs, which is indicated in the received link. Next is executed login to your own account Yandex service. Since regular downloading does not work, you need to click on the item that says about saving to Disk.
  2. Now open your storage directly – the “Downloads” folder. This insert will contain your file. Click on the down arrow with a dash - wait for the download.

If you don't have an account

If you do not want to register, you can bypass this step. The main point is address bar in browser. It contains paths that, with the necessary adjustments to tasks, will simply redirect the data flow to the computer.

The user needs to make changes personally. Removes the word “PUBLIC” and replaces it with the command “COPY”. After clicking ENTER, the file will begin downloading. Here is a screenshot for clarity.

Do you need your own Disk?

For users without an account in the Yandex.Disk service, I recommend creating one and thereby simplifying your life. After all, your own cloud storage will allow you to save large amounts of data, and exchange through it is very common in RuNet. Let's describe the whole process sequentially:

How to share a link

In general, if you have already connected to this cloud, then you should know how to create links and share them with downloading access. Be sure to try this option for sending a file to friends.

On the iPhone, I immediately ran into a problem - the fact is that when using the Internet (or) there are certain restrictions on downloading files. Accordingly, when trying to download a game from App Store(or podcast) exceeding 100 megabytes using cellular data, the iPad or iPhone asks to connect to a Wi-Fi network and displays a notification:

This object is larger than 100 MB. Sky Force 2014 requires a Wi-Fi connection to download (unless incremental downloading is available for the content).

Moreover, this limit (or restriction, whichever is more convenient for you) applies only to standard iOS apps. For example, installed in iPhone file manager does not betray such whims.

iPhone: download applications exceeding 100 MB

This method of bypassing the limit was successfully tested on iPhone 7 with iOS 10.3.2

  1. Turning on Cellular Data in Settings Cellular connection, launch the App Store and look for an application or game over 100 MB, try to Download or Buy
  2. iPhone displays a message about the limitation due to the exceeded file size, click OK
  3. In Settings or turn on - Airplane mode
  4. Go to settings and set the date – April 1, 2017
  5. Continuing to be in airplane mode, we turn it on again.
  6. We turn off Airplane mode and, lo and behold, the application begins to download, we observe the download process on one of the desktops.
  7. We return the date to the present time, otherwise the App Store will stop working and use the application.

For owners of newer firmware, the method described above may not work, so we downloaded new iPhone 150 megabytes using – .

Bypass download limits in Podcasts

When I try to download a new one music selection(or others) from the application (using the Internet of the cellular operator) iPhone user I also face the question - How to download a podcast weighing more than 100 MB? After all, here we are notified:

The object is larger than 100 MB. To download “Artem Dmitriev aka CHILL – Best of CHILL Winter 2016 Special Mix”, connect to a Wi-Fi network or use iTunes on your computer.

No, well, of course you can go home, turn on your computer and download gigabytes of podcasts, or use the point Wi-Fi access, but in the century mobile technologies(especially with unlimited mobile internet), turning on the computer is already broken, and there is no access point nearby. That's why we're digging in a little and sharing workarounds. You can still download a file of more than 100 megabytes in iPhone Podcasts:

  • We launch podcasts, go to the Search tab (1) and in the search write the name of the podcast channel (2), we write – Chill and press the Search button
  • We go to our Chill channel (3) and watch the podcast, as soon as you decide, pull out the Control Center, turn on Airplane mode (4), remove the Control Center and press the cloud icon with an arrow (5)
  • Now run Settings - General - Date and time - set the date: March 8, 2017.
  • Turn off and on iPhone
  • Turn off Airplane mode, go to Podcasts, click on the Unplayable section. and at the very top we see how your podcast is downloaded if it exceeds 100 MB.
  • After downloading, set the correct date and time, otherwise you will get acquainted with this one -

Today we were able to download two files exceeding 100 Mb to an iPhone, without the help of a computer or Wi-Fi. We downloaded the game from App store Store, audio materials from the Podcasts application. Happy downloading everyone!

Mobile Internet is becoming faster and cheaper (relatively) every year, so the need for wireless networks Wi-Fi is gradually disappearing. If smartphone owners Android based can use the Internet from a cellular operator without any restrictions, then owners of all Apple iPhones and iPads are forced to experience serious inconvenience. If when loading via Mobile Internet download size from App Store applications exceeds 150 MB on iOS 11, an error message will appear.

Apple has added a limitation to the iOS 11 operating system that prevents iPhone and iPad owners from downloading programs and games weighing more than 150 MB from the App Store via the mobile Internet. In iOS 10, this limit was at 100 MB, and in earlier builds it was even worse. The error message from Apple states that you need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network to download the app.

Most likely, the American corporation deliberately added such a restriction to iOS so that iPhone and iPad owners would be forced to Wi-Fi networks. There is simply no other explanation for this, since all subscribers pay for mobile Internet from their own pockets and, probably, the user has the right to independently decide what to download. Previously, there was a way to bypass this limitation by simply turning on Airplane Mode and rebooting the phone, but in iOS 10.3.3 it was closed, so for a long time users of Apple devices experienced great inconvenience.

However, there is a fairly simple way to bypass the 150 MB limit when downloading from the App Store via the mobile Internet. It works extremely simply, and to load it you don’t even need to reboot, that is, from the point of view of execution, it is even simpler than those that came before. To begin with, you should set one or more applications to download, and then wait for the error message to appear.

When it appears, you need to go to “Settings” and open the “General” – “Date and Time” sections. Here you should deactivate the switch opposite “Automatic”, after which you need to manually change the date to a later one. For example, if it is November 26th, then you can choose November 27th or December 10th - any day in the future. When this manipulation is done, you should return to the desktop and click on all the icons of applications that you did not want to load without Wi-Fi. If everything was done correctly, they will download to the device without any problems, even if their weight exceeds 1 GB.

It is important to note that during their download and installation, you must not change the date back under any circumstances, since in this case the error message will appear again, and the entire download procedure will have to start all over again, which promises loss mobile internet traffic wasted. This method works on all versions operating system, so even owners of iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, which run this OS right out of the box, can use it.

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